(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hi frostyfiona,
my hubby and I also plan to getaway for a short break but cant bear to leave bb behind. now thinking if to go for hotel stay in singapore but not a good break.

hmmm.... i dun wan to dampen my hubby's mood also.. wait say i care abt bb, dun bother abt him liao! hahaha... sighz..

YL, singapore hotel ah? ya lor, i think not a good break leh... I think i will travel back home to see my baby! hahaha
Yes! i got the bjorn active red, same as chintz!

sanbebe, my hubby also leh.. keep "parade" the carrier wi baby ard the house... we have a full wall mirror on one of my dining room's wall, he keep "fashion show" in front of it, turn left and right.. cant stand him! somemore he's topless, so wi the carrier and baby on it's super funny loh.. :p but baby very excited when we put him in the carrier also.. keep screaming and laughing...
Hi Frostyfiona,

go ahead with yr holiday.. At 1st I also cnt bear.. but just treat yrself to enjoy/relax this few day if there is someone to take care yr BB.. I consider for awhile too.. n I decide go a short trip with hubby to Bangkok cmin fri =)
frostyfiona & YL,

me too! planning a holiday this june.. but definately will bring bb along, maybe can go some relaxing places like resorts? so bb can tag along?
hi dodo and frosty

which destination both of U planning to go?
me thot of KL,bintang or batam, some nearby places which allow us to hve a shortbreak for 3 days.

cant think of any destination which is bb friendly..
my bb still on milk feed, so got to bring bottles along.
frostyfiona: think u shld go and spend some time with hubby. im sure baby will be in good hands with ur parents/inlaws..
so dun worry too much and enjoy ur time with hubby!

im going for a trip with hubby in june too.. think we need some couple time after few mths of dedicating whatever time we ve to baby wormy! heh
baby carriers; yah i agree babies seem so much happier in it. mayb they love seeing the world from the upright view hee. my boy squeals when i put him in it and started kicking n waving furiously ha

most probably aus.. coz my sis over there, but it will be winter then.. hope bb will be fine...

my fren brought her bb for cruise to phuket, think not bad also..
Hi dodo,
my bb been to perth when he is my tummy.
hope all our shortgetaway will materialise.

wanted to go bangkok too but cant bear to leave my bb too long and also worried if my mum can cope with the baby.

hve a nice trip!

bjorn users
can i find out whats the bb's current weight? my bb is 8kg, am worried that the carrier wont be comfy for my bb.

haa! we heading perth also

just measured my boy's height using my measuring tape, so not very accurate.. he's ard 70cm, today exactly 5 months! also ard 8kg.. gal, try ur bb on the carrier b4 u buy.. walk ard and feel it yourself and see his reaction...think better this way..
hmm, i am thinking to go to bangkok/bali. hmm... kekek, with your encouragements, i think i should go ahead hor.. i will leave my maid and baby at my mum's place, hopefully she dun be funny with my baby when i am away... kekeke....
YL, my bb's weight is 7+ kg
It's okay to carry her in the bjorn..
Well, there might be some discomfort after a while, but it's easier to carry her in bjorn rather than nothing at all (whole body aches..)

With MIM sling, i get worried that the cloth will become loose etc etc, hence i must still support her with one hand..

Last note: U got more strangers' eyes on ur bb when u put bb on the carrier, front facing.. Then ppl will start smiling at u, and giving lovely comments! Haha
YL:my baby is ard 8kg now at ard 67cm tall but bjourn original seems to give me back ache.. :|
though the baby can still fit in quite nicely
think will try out other bjourn n see if should change carrier.

dodo: june gg on a long trip with hubby.. to east europe ard 2 weeks! got carried away at NATAS fair only upon signing then i suddenly look at him and say "baby how?" then i got sad abit..
touched base with my mum and she s willing to take care for the whole period we not ard.. so now feeling better cos let my mum take care i feel more secure. :p
going to get the bjorn carrier.
i tried it out at mothercare for a shortwhile on sat.
I carried my boy yest coz he refused to sit in his stroller. now, back aching.
Hi Ashley,yy girl is just average at 7kg @5th mth.. Thus, I feel its better to start her off on some solids.. She opens her mouth and yells for food when she sees us eating, and loves to snatch my cup and pretend to drink... Plus my pd supports weaning from 4th mth.... So she's getting rice cereal for lunches.
Regarding playing, i rely on the Fisher Price jumperoo and bumper mat... Got cloth books, building blocks, but she's not interested yet...

Gingerleaf, how is your girl's sleeping patterns? Mine is very difficult to put to sleep... Siaz....

chintz, I saw a lot of Fisher Price bouncer at Taka Fair.. My girl received a basic bouncer as a gift... But at 5th mth, it's not that useful as she keeps trying to flip over when she is seated on the bouncer... Quite dangerous, i feel... I much prefer the jumperoo...

Hippo... pai sey.. thought you from the same class as dodo and me... hehe...
YL: I just came back from a cruise trip with BB.. We requested for a baby cot and baby bath tub as well so it's quite convenient.

It's easy to BF him.. just go back to the cabin anytime. Even if you need to change him, can either use the public toilets or go back to cabin. Most of the time we push the pram or carry using the Bjorn carrier.

Din take the trip to KL though cos' the bus ride is almost 3 hrs there and back.. worried BB cannot take it. Overall experience is not too bad except I feel that he is a bit over-stimulated.. keep wanting us to carry and walk and look around. haha..
Hi Sugar nut,

How many days trip did you go? Which carrier?
Any extra charges for the baby cot and tub?

I think cruise is the easiest to bring baby along...

Mine was the 3D2N trip to Malacca / KL.. No extra charges for the baby cot and tub but infant rate for the cruise is 25% of adult price. I heard we can request for steriliser also. I was using the Baby Bjorn Air carrier..
I also wana bring BB Prinz to cruise!

BTW, passport how to apply, have to sumbit BB photo rite? How to take proper photo of them? Always cannot sit still!

Just go to the immigration website (ica.gov.sg) to apply. We took his passport photo ourselves using digital camera.. the specs are stated on the website.

We just put him against a white background and snap! His head was a bit tilted but they accepted anyway.. think they are not too strict with baby's passport photo.

The processing is quite fast, we collected his passport within a week I think. But BB has to go down personally as well..
Thanks Sugar_nut!

Infact had sumited last week, but haven heard anything form them. I also hope they can accept the funny photo i send... hahah
WOW! new carrier! Both got the active or the synergy? How is it?? Got any achy shoulders and back so far? Comment pls! You 2 very evil, make me so tempted.
That day dodo sms to said chintz oreadi got her carrier, then she so tempted. Next thing I know, she is gg to mothercare. I knew she is gg to get it for sure! Heehe. Now Im so tempted too!!! grrr!

so nice! Enjoy ur holiday!

Im not too sure which thin strap you are talking abt, so I cant really comment. Is baby too low? You can actually adjust the height of how bb is gonna sit at the crotch there.
Shoulder achy breaky rite?!! Same!! Now I dread using my carrier sometimes.
Going eastern europe? Where will that covers? So envy leh..
Hb gg greece in June again, but I cant go coz I cannot imagine bb left alone w/o me.
. Really envy you all. Im really dying for a holiday too.

my gal mad one, sometimes give her last feed, she will doze off at the bottle, which is easy for us to juz put her to bed later, sometimes after milk, her eyes will be bigger than any of us, then she will wanna play, which I will juz let her, till she gets really sleepy than will put her to bed. Somedays really bad, she juz want us to carry her. Put her down she will scream. We normally put her to bed after 10pm
gingerleaf: gg on package tour so its the usual countries for eastern europe: germany/poland/hungary/czech republic/austria

yah back ache alot.. so waiting for chintz n dodo to comment which is better. synergy is more ex than air right?

re: sleeping. i always try to settle my boy ard 9+ but recently he wants to play more n more. sometimes till 10+ then can settle him and in an hour time due for his dream feed again. *faintz*.
ecookie + gingerleaf: hey girls, i thought i've given my comments? wait ah... ->

It's so far so good to carry bb in my active bjorn..
Well, there might be some discomfort (at the shoulder) after a while, but it's easier to carry her in bjorn rather than nothing at all (whole body aches..)

With MIM sling, i get worried that the cloth will become loose etc etc, hence i must still support her with one hand..

Last note: U got more strangers' eyes on ur bb when u put bb on the carrier, front facing.. Then ppl will start smiling at u, and giving lovely comments! Haha

Synergy should be better, cos it's more ex. It combines the technology of Active (less backache) and Air (cooling). But the mothercare salesgirl kept on highlighting that Air's material is mesh type.. hence softer and flimsy and gets saggy easier..

Gingerleaf: I recommend dodo the Active then i got a free bag, so now it's dodo's turn to recommend u, so she'll get a bag too! LOL

Chintz: Yah.. we were away from Wed to Fri. Hehe.. hvn't been posting and updating his blog much recently. Din take a lot of pictures this time cos' most of the time we were either in restaurants eating or walking around indoors.

Strawberrymum: We were on Star Cruise Virgo. It was a UOB 30% off Balcony Class promotion. Costs about $500 per pax I think(not incl BB). Think there may be a few credit cards promotions going on.. sometimes 1-for-1, not sure if infant rates are applicable tho.

u going for package tour? why not go on free & easy, more adventurous and u get to decide on places u like to visit, but more "homework" to be done loh..
austria nice nice! esp salzburg & innsbruke!


i haven really "venture" out wi my carrier yet coz just got it last night and today raining, cant go out leh.. argh... when i dare to venture further, i will take train wi bb and go jurong point to meet u for kopi during one of the weekdays k.. hee..


yup! must psycho gingerleaf to buy so i got a free bag.. haa!
gingerleaf: u staying at jurong?

Ok, perhaps next time i also venture and use the carrier to la kopi with u and dodo at jurong point!!

dodo: i love F&E!! but my lazy hubby dont.

the last time we went central europe i did most of the planning but this june abit rushed to do the planning myself with baby and dun dare to dedicate the task to hubby. wait he comes up with crap! lol.
so opted for package tour lor..

haa!!! ur version very funny leh..

chloe smiles at my camera but my boy hor forever grumpy when he meets other bb leh.. :p


i went to mothercare @ causeway point.. yes u can request to try it on with ur bb.. they will teach u how to use.. i got the bjorn red active! all his pram, car seat and carrier red red colour.. hee..
Just a quick one!

What free bag?? Nobody tells me about the free bag !! Were you told by mothercare salesgirl?

I also want free bag! Hey mummies out there, please let me recommend you before you get baby bjorn, ok?

Oh, I'm staying at Jurong East. Can I join you all for the kopi session??

hmm, got free bag?
sanbebe-if I decide to get bjorn, let u know. plan to get from mothercare, centrepoint or causeway point. hee hee
the red bjorn so nice!
