(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

its abt anticipating baby's needs so that hopefully baby cries less and is happier. =)

the schedule starts fr day 1 and progressively changes along the way at certain milestones.. at 8 weeks, its expected that baby stays awake most of the time in the day sleeping only 4-5hrs in the day. most of the sleeping should be at night.

Hi bbwow, i agree that its tough. sometimes want to give up, thinking why i so hard on myself tryin to follow this ang mo's schedule thingy.. hehe... but her words keep ringing in my head coz i read it so many times. so i persevere. sometimes difficult to get baby to sleep, sometimes difficult to get him to NOT sleep. we try lah. but isnt it true? if baby sleeps too much in day, he will be alert at night. if baby didnt drink enough in the day according to his weight's requirement, he will ask for the balance feeds in the middle of the night. so no matter what, i wake up at 7am to feed him to start the day right. sometimes the timing goes pear shape by 12noon but i try to follow the principals as closely as possible.
oct mother,

I think I'm more blessed that my baby already kinda time-tune himself to wake up at 2-3am and 6am for feeds. So far from day 1, I don't have problems with night. It's the day that's driving me crazy! When he doesn't sleep, he gets cranky and starts crying. But maybe cause he doesn't sleep, that's why night time he's sleeping so well? hehe...
Hi Mummies,

I have a nice babysitter here. However, coming Jan08 I'll be sending my gals to childcare.

Anyone looking for a babysitter to care for newborn or toddler? her charge is about $650 neg. she is 40+ chinese speaking, have 2 children in sec sch. She only do daycare for 5-day week.

mummies, if you know of anyone interested in looking for a babysitter in toa payoh pls pm me.

Thank you for your help.
hmm .. that seems to be an excellent idea ....but does ur bb split out the pacifier when he/she is asleep? Mine will and am afraid if i use that, then the pacifier wld be stuck on her mouth forever!!

my bb also 8 weeks and she is drinking 130ml (120ml water + Milk powder) every 3 hrs. She is like an alarm clock most of the time except from 9pm - 12am when she gets more cranky. This few days, she seems to want to drink more at night so sometimes she will drink at 9pm, 10plus or 11plus again then 1am ...... she will wake up at 4am then the next one will be 7am. If she misses the 1am feed, she wld wake at 3am and the next feed will be 6am.
oh .. my bb drinking Friso as well and I'll feed her EBM for 1 or 2 feed per day. Her poo poo is yellowish and I'll always monitor to ensure she poo at least once per day. If she don't, I'll feed her with more EBM and so far it helps ....for my case.
mine spits it out too. but when she is trying to fall asleep, the pacifier keeps popping out n it v frustrating 4 both of us, so getting that to hold it in till she sleep, then remove. heehe.
hi gingerleaf,
so it's the same case as mine ... so I'll just placed my finger to stop the pacifier sometimes ... hmmm ... maybe i shld try also
same, I oso stand by the cot n hold the pacifier. Then when I walk off.. 5 mins later she'll be screaming again coz pacifier drop again. zzz
seems like I'm not the only one having problems with the pacifier. Until now I still dare not take my bb out as he can get cranky any moment.


how many ml do you feed your bb when she's 5 weeks? My bb is also on Friso and sometimes I give him 90ml, sometimes 110ml. Dunno whether I'm giving too much or not.

Btw, any mommies who don't swaddle your baby? My baby doesn't like to be swaddled but he keep moving his arms when he's awake. So that cause him to hardly sleep, or even try to settle himself to sleep. That's why he gets cranky all the time. Any mommies got the same problem?
I enjoy bringing bb out, coz everytime bring her out, she'll cfm sleep. With the help of pacifier, everything is a breeze. Try bring bb out for a short trip, soon u'll be more confident to bring her out for a longer period.

I dun swaddle my bb since 3 week. She hates it. She oso flails her arms alot, but I normally cuddle her till she is abt to doze off or doze off then I put her dwn in her cot. Sometimes she'll keep crying, but I'll push the pacifier in n then stroke her hair till she calm down n doze off. Works pretty well for me so far.
Think I got a sticky baby liao, coz she likes to sleep in my arms.
hi bbwow, i stop swaddling baby since he is 1 wk old coz he is forever kicking and moving his hands around. Now at 3 wks, he is getting more cranky, only sleep for an hour and he started wailing.. So we either feed him with water, if not carry him to calm down. Haiz...
Hi WenWen..
just read your posting. be strong.. its really tough to hear these things.hope that all turns out well for you eventually.
Morning Mummies,

Mui, Junnie, Kris,

Today i will try to give her 150ml milk.
Thanks mummies for giving me the feedback.

Will monitor her & see whether will she vomit out the milk if i give her 150ml.

StAy HaPPy...
hi all

totoro..huh? so must add the FM qty to make up actual ml for feeding bb? i nvr leh, eg. my bb now drinking 5oz, ie, abt 140ml, is soley water b4 i add FM, tat means after add FM he drink more than 5oz? unlike your measuremtn, ie 120 water + FM made up 130ml. wonder how other mummy's advice?

gingerleaf...wah...really everything also hv huh? binky buddy - pacifier holder??hahaha..

bbwow..i didnt swaddle bb since the 1st day he came home cos he'll cry louder if cant move his hand.. ya, everytime he awakes & start to feel uneasy, his hand will start to wave in the air like 'dancing' hahaha... i'll carry & pad him, sometime i jus touch/rub his hand/finger & it helps to calm him down for my case.
haha, what a way to describe ur little one as dancing. I always like to describe mine as a little crab. coz when she starts flailing her arms in the air, look like a crab.
Mine oso hate to be swaddle leh. Why all babies lidat.
Hi Wen Wen,
Do take care of yourself. I know how u feel. My bb had an op when he's just 1 mth old due to reflux. It really heart ache when seeing all pipes, drawing of blood and his cries. His stomach muscle too strong to allow the milk to be out of his stomach. But now he's feeding well and gaining weight. You need to be strong and everything will be fine.
Any mummies intersted in Friso Gold Step 1 (900g), willing to release at $20. My BB taking Similac now.
BTW anyone have lobang to get Similac? The cheapest I know is at Sengkang @ $32.80. Thanks in adavance.
gingerleaf, poponta, junnie,

sighs...seems like I'm not the only one with the problem of 'dancing' baby. I always ask my baby you doing hip hop is it. And then I "yo-yo-yo" hip hop dance with him. hahaha...

He needs the pacifier to divert the attention but sometimes he doesn't even want to suck the pacifier and keep using his tongue to push it out.

sorry to hear about your baby but hope he's doing well now. Btw, how do you know he's having reflux? What are the symptoms like?
Can I check with mummies who is doing partial BF,
have ur menses come yet?

My lochia lightens off in the 2nd week or so, after which, it was very consistent, just light yellow stains on the liner everyday. Then out of the blue, I had bright red bleeding in the 4th week or so. I posted in the forum and some mummy said I could be having menses, so i put that out of my mind. It lightens off n went away. Then I had 2 more episodes of bright red bleeding which came suddenly for a day or 2 n cleared up to light yellow stains or spottings almost immediately. No pain was felt.
Yesterday, I started bleeding heavily again. I can literally feel the blood drip out. I dunno how much it was coz I never let it soak thru the pad, as I like to change often. I changed like 6 pads yesterday. Call gynae office today and the nurse told me I could be having my mense oreadi as Im partial BFing. Was advise to monitor and see if it lightens off and come back again. There is some cramping this time.

Any mummie experiencing such things? Im abit worried that there might be internal bleeding or wat, but since no pain was felt, I kept putting off seeing the gynae. Now wanna see, she out of town.

Any mummy can advise?
He vomits after every feed since wk 3. See doc twice but claims he's fine as long as he gain weight.
This blur first time mum allows it for 8 days before sending him to KK for detailed checkup. They did a scan to find out.
hi gingerleaf, i'm still having quite heavy flow of lochia in the 3rd week.. It seemed to be neverending.. Wondering how long it will take for it to go away and i'm doing partial BF too..

But my gynae did tell me to go back to her if
1) it turn light brown for a few days and suddenly there is heavy bleeding
2) having a fever
She was telling me it normally happen in the 2nd week onwards.. So i guess it is better to check with your gynae..
My lochia stopped in the second week and by 6th week I had my menses cos I went back to my gynae. Even though I was BFing.... my gynae says I'm more 'fertile' and could make babies again. haha... So mebbe it's your menses that you r experiencing. My gynae also told me that the menses cycle when breastfeeding will also be kinda haywired. So I guess nothing much to worry as long as no pain or discomforts

I guess it could be my menses Im having now.
Maybe Im as fertile as u! kakakakak.
Flow is astonishingly heavy!. Changed a pad at 1130 and now, half the pad is soak thru liao. Am wearing that Sofy Night time pad for heavy flow, the one that is 35cm long.
Really hope is menses. Cant be too sure till it ends and when gynae comes back from her holiday.
Someone told me 1st menses after birth is very heavy. I hope its the case.
wen wen..sorry to hear about your baby, but pls be strong and hang in there k..come in here and share if u need a listening ear..

re the lochia...does it come and go? i never had regular menses...my lochia ended prob day 2 or 3 after i delivered...after that...all i need is a panty liner...till today...most i need is still a panty liner...but some days have some days dun have...my mom thinks im wierd....but gyne never say anything wrong leh...so dunno...anyone like me??

also...do ur babies still vomit out milk? mine still does leh...but pd say if putting on weight its ok...but poor thing leh..vomit from the nose..then can hear her breathe heavily after that....
Hi ,
I am from the Nov thread Mummies. I have a brand new Ameda Lactaline bought from Mothercare to let go at $300.

Seal was opened to check items. Warranty left another 20 months from now.
This is longer than the usual 1-year warranty period if u get from other places.
I didn't manage to use it cos family is not supportive of BF-ing.

I also have a pair of Mumsfairy Supershield to go along with it, at $320 together.
Self collect from Jln Jurong Kecil.
Interested, please PM me.
Hi all,
So busy with school meetings that haven been online for a while.

Re: Reversed Sleeping
Any idea how to reverse back the cycle? Send my girl to MIL place for 4 nites... and when she came back she is asking for milk every 2 hours in the nite. I dun noe how to keep her awake in the morning. and especially so after fighting a war with her the nite before. I think i would need the sleep like she do too.

Re: Books
My friend recommended me the book "what to expect" series on the first year. find it very helpful. Help me to understand my baby better. then can also verify with my husband why i want certain things to be done in certain ways.. as compared to my MIL.. kekeke
Hi junnie,

I followed the instructions on the tin. I'm using Friso 1. It says 4 scoops - 120ml of water ...total feed 130ml. It mentioned that every scoops to add with 30ml of water. That's wat i always do lah .. not sure whether it's right or wrong.

my bb drinking between 90ml -120ml at 5 weeks. In fact, it did not change much from 6th - 8th week. Only recently, there seems to be more demand at night so I'll try to increase her feed to 5 scoop meaning 150ml water which will result in 170ml.
Hmm .. this will means that I no longer can use the small NUK bottles ..... OMG
Hi all,

Would like to find out what sizes are ur bb wearing .. as I'm really confused with all the sizes in the mkt and really don't know how to judge sometimes and end up buying something that she cannot fit in ....
Is there any guideline by height as my gal is now 57cm (height).
I found that most of the 0-3mths ones cannot fit in or too difficult to wear them ... I'm referring to rompers, sleepsuits and even t-shirt. Have a winny the pooh gift-set and end up most of the item she cannot fit liao. hiaz
Some that says 3-6mths also looks small to me leh .. hmm
hi totoro, my boy is wearing 3-6mth. We din buy 0-3mths clothes for him. For long pants, he can wear 6-12 mths.. He also cannot fit in all rompers already... His height is also 57cm.

thanks for the info. Hope your bb is feeling better now.


I'm also feeding my bb Friso 1 Gold. He's 5 weeks now but so far he can only drink 100ml leh (3 scoops). I've tried to increase to 4 scoops before but can't finish. How many feeds you give in a day? What is your bb's weight now?

My baby also can't fit into the 0-3 months rompers anymore! And I bought so many of them! What a waste lor... I heard that it's always better to up one size but wear loose. Means if your bb is 2 months now, then 3-6 months clothes.
gingerleaf, ponponta, cin.. i dun BF, my mensus after birth was horrible..sooooo long, almost heavy flow for 1st 3wks, then subsequently reduced, then who knw early nov come again lasted for abt 2 wks!! i thot someting wrong too.. cos my 1st one i dun BF also didnt come so long, at most 2wks... then today i finally got a chance to see gynae + do papsmear (supposed to b one month ago), she said is normal (not cos by ligation which i suspect)... she said every pregnancy is different cannot compare..so tis round mine is heavier may b due to too much 'movements', as initially bb got jaundice, hv to go up & down hospital & polyclinic + didnt hv good rest during confinement.. as long there's no pain or v discomfort, shd b ok ba, if nt, better c gynae if doubtful...

totoro..ntd your measuring method.. it jus didnt come across my mine to 'count' the ml after mixing the FM, may b tat shd b the way thou..

re bb clothings.. i always buy slight bigger cos can last longer & bb feel comfy too not so tight esp if they 'hang ni' (bcome chubby after 1mth)..
my girl also wearing the bigger size 6-9 mth. She seems to be bigger than my first one. Also, I think she's more comfortable wearing the bigger size clothing.... she'll go ek eke ek when wearing the small ones.
Re: BB clothes
Basically I dun really look at the age when I buy my girl clothes. I look at the dimensions. Some brands of 0-3 mths is actually other brands for 3-6 mths.
wen wen,
so sorry to hear abt your baby's condition. be strong! everything wil be all right, ok?

mummies whose baby drinking friso, does it cause gas in stomach? thinking of changig milk powder
hi mummies,

this morning brought my boy for the 6 in 1 and pneumooccal injections, lucky that he din cry loudly, just a soft whimper... pacifier works wonder here :p he will have his 2nd 6 in 1 & pneumococcal injections and rotavirus on his 3rd month, hope it is not too much for him!

re: formula milk
my baby having "combo" feeds, abt 50% on EBM and 50% on FM, currently he's taking enfalac, kind of agree wi you all that it seems heaty as he seems to "gek sai" more often these days and often has the "snoring" sounds... previously he was on friso, he passed motion easier wi that, think i will change back to that... anyone know id the buy 5 get 1 free promotion still on?

re: baby sleeping pattern
my boy seems to be active during daytime, dun wana sleep even after feedings... always open his eyes wide and look around... but he will have a good sleep during nights and usually wake up ard 2am & 6am for milks. any mummies know how to entertain or play wi babies when they awake, i try to talk and sing to him, but he like not interested le, only smiled at me once so far!

gingerleaf, still yet to have my 1st menses after delivery... but quite often i notice some discharge (light brown colour)after expressing my milk, i think it must have caused by the contractions of the uterus...

I'm also having problems with my baby during the day! He doesn't want to sleep but even if I play with him, he's not interested and then later get cranky.
you have such problems too?

You can try calling the Friso hotline to ask if the promo still on. Currently, my baby is on Friso and he poos everyday. Actually it depends on what type of FM your baby is suitable. Previously, my boy is on Similac but wasn't too well.

my boy still pass gas but he doesn't cramp his legs now like last time when he was on Similac. And Similac has more bubbles.

yup! our babies can be good frens already! my boy also like that, he will get annoyed and starts his kung fu fighting & shouting after i talk and sing to him, guess he dun enjoy my singing at all... hmm, what to do...

ok, shall call friso on mon
actually my boy also poos everyday when he's taking enfalac, just that i observe he seems to use lots of force to push his poo poo out...

re: exercising
when can c-section mummies start exercising such as jogging?

re: breastmilk
had any of u tasted ur own breastmilk? both my hubby and me drink some of my EBM, we find the taste is sweet but abit greasy/ oily leh.. is it normal? and do we have to take extra supplement for breastfeeding? actually im abit guilty of taking a cup of coffee daily, worry it will pass to my baby and irritates him... but it's really my source of power everyday! to take care of him myself...
long time no see. hope u are doing well.
Lyn doesnt sleeps much in the day too. Max 3hr add together. 6pm onwards to 11pm sure awake, the last feed ard 12am, she can sleep till 5-6am. Yesterday was the best, fed her at 130am, and she onli woke up at ard 8am this morning for milk!

she onli poo once every 2 days when on enfalac. Each time is so much!!! going to try friso soon, they just called me today, going to send me a tin to try out. Yipee.

Im still taking my fish oil, calcium n multivits, to 'boost' the BM. My BM oso sweet n oily. shld be normal lah. oily part is the hind milk if im not wrong.

yes! Our boys like doing kung-fu all the time. hahah...

Actually, if you wanna try Friso, can request for sample first. That's what I did too. If your baby is suitable, then consider getting the promo ba.

bbwow, dodo, sighs...bb play kung fu fighting not so bad..mine wans to be carried and walked all the time! peng! hands so tired...legs aso tired...sighs

re: bb clothes
my bb's rompers are very snug for him now. have to get bigger rompers already. =D he is currently wearing 0-3 months..=D
