(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hi ladies, i'm from the feb 08 thread.. am in the process of confirming a confinement ladies.. thinking of going with mil's recommendation.. mil knew her bec her friend's daughter used her.. mil have not seen her before too.. a bit scared after hearing all your stories.. is it possible to share the names of your CL here, so that we know to avoid? Btw, my Mil's friend's recommendation is CL from Ipoh..

eileen goh, my CL from yong peng. very good. =D
Someone like karrie's CL too...but she does call my bb names liek naughty and such cos he is really naughty lo...lol
Hihi...im finally free to post again....

bbwow...plain er xin is too mild liaoz...

btw...mine is singaporean hor...which makes it even worse...wah pengz...

btw...after reading that all ur CL do housework..i realised im paying a hefty sum manz...mine help me to mess up the house hor...read newspaper on the table and leave it all ard....use paper to fan herself and throw on the chair...do wat housework!!! me and my mom cleaning up after her is more the word manz...

so today...my dad make her go wash toilets....hahahaha...im now observing her wash and typing at the same time...winner lor....if u all didnt mention they do housework...think i still blur blur...coz this one smart....we dunno she dun say..whole day watch tv and read newspaper and sleep

yesterday so funny..coz my family all not home..only me and hubby and baby upstairs...our dear fren sloch on couch watch tv...she prob think my parents coming home already when i went down to collect the clothes..coz raining...she jump up and switch off tv...start to close all the windows..

but before that....when i came down to the kitchen...our dear fren sloching on couch...the kettle was boiling its head off in the kitchen...think she forgot all about it..coz inside kettle only half the water left..then i told her...she reply she only boil half the water!!!
bbunny, ang bao must bao one but bao lil' amount can liao. Cos they doing confinement for us and it's consider 'dirty', you see. As I say, give her $20 can liao.

Ya.. their job suppose to be including hsework one hor. They really 'chow keng' one leh.. During the 1st week 1st day when she arrived, I asked her abt her job scope. She said she will wash mine/bb clothes, look after bb and cook for me. Then I asked her wat abt hsework. You know what she replied me? She said she took so many confinement jobs, all got maid one. So she seldom do. That time my maid haben arrive.. then I told her then my hsework how? She said she free then do. (Sorry hor, even she's free, she also nv do hor. She napped, read newspaper and made trunk call w/o my knowlegde when I'm Bf-ing or resting!!!) Pengz. Cos over the phone, we already said clearly liao that she need to do hsework one. She orr orr. Orr liao then? NV do also. *idiot*

How can they take 1.8k w/o doing hsework ah? Y they so thickskinned one!!!! If no maid, who's gng to do, ask us to do meh????!!! wah kaoz! Buay paisei! Even got maid, it's CL's job also. Pay stupid people $$ then we still hv to do 'work' for them. World changed! Wah now I say abt that bitxx, my blood boiling again man! BTW, my that bitxx CL from Kuantan.
joyce...must give arh..ok lor..i give 2 and im going to cut her pay by 500!! im so so pissed...

ask to wash my room toilet....look like no wash..now reading newspaper while everyone else doing the cleaning!! winner lor i tell u...she reading newspaper to find tour agency must be thinking going to get paid 1600 by me can go holiday....

my glass shower stall still murky, tap still not washed...floor so dirty...wooden toilet door is wet...wah liaoz!!!

now i think me as angry as you liaoz...
wah liaoz...really really lor...these CL!!! they think they who!!!!
hello ppl... been a long time since i last posted. I have a very big big problem.... baby xavier will wake up at 1am onwards and totally dun slp until morning about 7am leh! how ah? carry him he cry and struggle, give him milk he dun wan, carry him walk around also cry, put inside yao lan, he will keep quiet but stare at you with his eyes big big, once the yao lan stop, he will start "singing" again.. wah, i dunno how to survive when i going back to work leh...

anyone got this problem also?
Hi Velvet, my baby is also borned in Oct and he also has the same stuffy nose and phlegm-like symptoms that ur baby has. My GP gave Illadin (a decongestent), but dun seem to help him much. Sometimes, especially at nite, the stuffy nose seems to be keeping him awake. I am also trying to find out if this is common and how best to resolve the stuffy nose ...
hi bing, my PD also give my baby IIIadin. It does not really help much. The phelgm caused him have breathing difficulties and making him very cranky. If he get to sleep, he will open his mouth wide or breathe very loud, with those snouting sound like a pig. Heehee..

PD did mentioned if it did not get better, he will have to use machine to suck out the phlegm. But heard that this will cause the baby alot of pain...

Now, my CL use her mouth to suck out the phlegm/mucus from baby nose. I see already very grossed... Worse still, she is down with cough. Dunno if it make things worse..

Does your baby sleep alot during the day? If so, that could be the reason why he's not sleeping much in the night.

My baby HARDLY sleeps in the day, which is also a problem. He's like an alarm clock. 7am make noise liao then the cycle begins until evening. Carry also cry, put down also cry. Finally sleep but less than 10 mins wake up crying again. Then everything will end at 9pm. He'll only wake up at 2/3am and 6am for feeds.

Any mommies with this problem that your baby don't sleep and cry the entire day? Even when he's awake, we can't leave him to play. He'll just cry for attention but can't sleep!
joyce, bbunny, my CL not only does the housework, she also helps me to arrange all my barang barang in the cabinets properly. she actually found out things that i din even know i had! she also helped me to clear out all the expired old stock and threw away or use them. lols. the only grouse i have is that she always overcooks. hb grumbles that marketing money went up by quite a fair bit. i guess she just wants me to eat enough lo...

bbwow, my bb if 1 whole day dun sleep, the next day he actually is out cold most of the time. generally, he sleeps in the nite. but i do have occasions where his eyes are big big at 3am cos he slept the whole day earlier. lols
wow.. talking abt horrors of CL..

Joyce, bbunny

i think getting CL is really see heng or sway one..

I was quite heng in the sense the 1st CL that came to my place was down with cough on her 3rd day here!.. so i quickly change CL scared she will affect my baby.. Anyway decision was good cause this CL also not very clean and does work very S L O W.. The new CL came was very good almost like wat karrie had descibe.. very clean and hygenie.. mops kitchen every night after dinnner and bathroom.. attend to my bb all the time.. cooks good food for us also cook addition food for my boy if dinner not suitable for him to eat.. Oh she also irons all our clothes even home clothes.. before she leaves she still help me to change bedsheets.. On the day she suppose to leave, my bb has to go kk for further checks on juandice, she offer to go with us and comes back liao still make sure she has done all her chores before she leaves..
After she left i cry man.. felt helpless when she is not around! haha..

mine is from kulai..

mine also become like that this 2 days.. very shag man.. i think they are getting more awake and aware of surroundings.. just don't wanna lie down and only wans to be carried.. i put him on my lap he will give me a satisfied look.. but once i put him down e will start to whine which leads to big crys if i ignore him!
hi bing and ponponta....do ur babies sleep in aircon room at nite? i find if i leave baby to sleep in the aircon..even at 27, her nose tends to have a lot of phlegmy nosise...and she sound like she got stuffed nose..but once bring into the open...all cleared..so these last 2 days..i tried sleeping without the aircon after a certain time..and this morning she was fine....

nans...u so good..got someone who really help....think joyce and me really suay....sighz..wat to do..my CL now sleeping on my sofa downstairs... whole morning go thru my newspaper copying the travel agent telephone numbers......

jojer....urs good..still iron clothes and change bedsheets....mine go into my parents room to look see look see...dun even pack the newspaper on the table arh...she only take clothes from the laundry bag to wash..those hanging on the side of the laundry bag..dun even ask me whether need to wash or not...

but we stopped her from washing...aiyo..did i tell you how she wash one....put soap into a bucket..put clothes into a bucket..squueze squeeze and let the water run until the soap all clear.... my bedsheet got baby poo poo also never ask if want to wash or not....sighz....

think i will be oppostie manz...after she leave...i cry buckets of joy!!! haha
Hi Ponponta, mine is also like that when I use Illadin on him. I use the Pigeon baby nose cleaner to help suck out the phlegm. It does help a little bit ...

Ur PD dun have any other medicines that he can prescribe to help relieve the stuffy nose?
hi bbunny, my baby din sleep in aircon room. He got infected by CL. Now my mum also down with cough. Haiz...

Hi Bing, PD did not prescribe any other medications and we have stopped using IIIadin on him already. Think he will only get better when the CL leave and we will have clean fresh air... Feels terrible to hear the whole house coughing..
Hi all,

My bb also had reversed day/night rhythm. Can try the method suggested in this website?


btw, i did not hire CL and i am all alone with the bb at home from 3rd week. enjoyed the confinement food from newbaby

at least you know how to 'switch off' the crying. Heheh... My bb dunno what he wants. Carry cry, put down cry, feed cry, aiyo...pengsan..

Your CL really very good leh. A few times I need to bring bb go test for jaundice, she refuse to go out of the house with me, rather stay at home to nap!


My CL is from JB but she's pretty old, older than my mom! So my advise is never get an old CL.


Your CL really champion. Although we didn't like some of the things she do, she still do the chores. When I was doing my jamu, she actually came into my room to see! I told her I need my privacy lor cause I'm naked although covered and you know what she say "Aiyo...we all gals ma" I almost thought she's pervert!

speaking of stuffy nose, my bb also have although he never sleeps air-con. Maybe it's common or due to the change in weather lately too...
my CL also helps me to arrange my bb's closet.. and help me sort out which ones he can wear now and irons all of them.. she also helps me fold my plastic bags one by one neatly.. i just chuck all into a big plastic bags.. feel so pai seh when she did this for me.. My CL cooks alot of food also leh..she keeps saying eat more so that will have lotsa breast milk.. kekeke..the leftovers she will keep for next day to eat for herself...say very sayang to throw away food..

actually if u can manage hor just ask her to leave lor.. i dun see the point in keeping her if she is giving u only trouble..

bb's PD precibe him Beoptic(anti-inflammatory) after i told her that llladin doesn't seem to work.. if u see ur bb's nose and cannot see any wet muscus or any secretion den maybe bb has sensitive airways like mine.. like wat bbunny says.. aircon will more or less affect bb's breathing..
wah ponponta...your cl so unhygenic!! tell her she sick dun spread germs to baby lah...go suck mucus sure pass more germs!! wah liaoz...got no brain or wat....

bbwow....haha...maybe she is arh....ask her go china...down there all go toilet bathe or swimming pool changing centre..all naked one...they like to walk ard in their birthday suit....so gross!! i sat in a jacuzzi once..then a middle age lady was there too..totally naked..the pool so small i dunno where to look...gross...imagine can see seaweed floating!!!!! i got out fast manz...

jojer....i wanted to but parents say at least let her stay to cook since already paid...but i only found out she supposed to do housework only lately when i first posted my cl story..before that i didnt know that housework is part of her chores....wat to do??!! anyway got 3 days more with her..just tong lor....
jojer, yeah...mine aso take the leftovers...even tell me off if i dun do the right things for confinement (like not wearing slippers in the house, not blow drying hair after washing hair, etc). mine aso fold plastic bags neatly! lol...make ma so paiseh...even fold my bed blanket nice nice....i feel no need to make bed so nice cos everynite sleep mah....but she say cannot...must make nice nice....LOL
Hello everyone,

After seeing some posts..I feel that at least I am not the only one baby having the problems.

My baby also did not want to sleep in air-con and ended up that i have to sleep in the living room with him while in my mum's place. He too seems to breadth more harder at night and also got scared very easily.

One night he still cried continuously for 1 1/2 hour. give him everything also don't want, even carry also cannot...haiz...I was really on the verge to bring him to hospital.
wah, nans, karrie n jojer, ur CL from agency or where? My next pregnancy wanna use any one of them!
I told hb abt the good CL stories and he laff n told me that "ours onli know how to apply nail polish in free time instead of foldin plastic bags". hahahaa
bbwow, yah, my baby do slp quite abit in the day... but if dun let him slp, then do what? play with him, play what? alot of ppl also tell me to play and keep him awake in the day then at night can slp... but he will cry lor.. of cos i rather let him slp peacefully then staying awake crying mah...

then my baby boy will be very awake at 1am and start the cycle... eyes big big stare at me.. sighz... really shag man... until i got to stay awake for a few hours and wake my hubby up at 5 plus for him to take over... my poor hubby even more shag than me cos he still have to work...
hi all

jojer & nans, your CL sooo good.. got iron clothes & arrange closets..

mine fm lin-ming (1hr off kuantan).. do standard CL chores, if extra, must tell her if not she wont 'automatic', she cooks well, but cleaning/bbsitting - soso.oni ting i nt quite happi w her is she like to 'chak in' ppl's conversation no matter wat topic (trying to b friendly but at times turn out to b kpo).. v talkative, always boost how 'popular' she is got consignment arranged till apr/jun'08, esp CNY also but she rejected cos cant effor to leave home during festive seasons..her hp very 'hot' one...
like wat bbwow said, dun engaged old CL, i find they wont hv 'stamina' esp for 'nite shift'... lucky only need to get along w CL for one mth, if got good one than ok, if nt, really headache. sometime i pity them got to leave hometown & work 1mth duno if 'employer'/bb is easy to get along, on the otherhand, being the payer, i think if we get a lazy/unhygeinic one, is super headache too..

ponponta..yalor, your CL sick she shdnt get close to bb, somemore use her mouth to suck phylem?

mine bb also v cranky tis two days, like cannot sleep tight, will cry for no reason, everything chk liao also cry, only want swing & swing in the sarong
then i find his stomache like v hard all the time, scare to gv him more milk, but he'll cry v fierce if dun gv 5oz, then a few times gv 5oz cant finish, will 'er ni' when burb him (during burbing also cry, the whole body like so 'stiff', i think is colic lor)...
bbunny....wahhhhaaaaaa... wat u mean by "can see seaweed floating!!!!!"

frosty... if bb eye big big no cry & no make noise shd b ok rite? worst is cry & cry & cry..really duno wat to do...
Hello Everyone,

I am new to this Forum.

I have delivered a baby boy on 3 October and since then I have so much questions with no answers.

My baby boy also have sleeping problem. He refuse to sleep in the daytime. He would usually wakes up at about 10am for his bath and refuse to go back to sleep. If he do sleep he only sleep for 10-15mins.

And every hour he will want me to feed me. I am on total breastfeeding. So when my friend see his behavior she say it is because I do not have enough milk for him. Does anyone has the same problem as me? How do I know if he is drinking enough? I am worried that it is really true that I do not have enough BM for him. If so is it too late for me to try to increase my BM supply? How can I go about to increase that?

Aiyo there is so many questions I have ... Really wish to blast all the questions in one post! So sorry for such a long post.
Maybe you can try talking to your BB n sing to him. My BB tend to sleep better at night if he sleeps less in the day. My mum & I will take turn to 'entertain' him in the day but of cos will have to let him take short naps otherwise he'll get cranky from over stimulation.

I've juz started TBF for 3 weeks. Usually i let my BB suckle till he dun want by pushing the nipple out of his mouth or till he falls asleep. Can take 30-40min each feed so quite tiring. Sometimes BB juz want to suckle and not really hungry cos can see if u latch on he dun suck big mouthfuls in that case sometimes I'll give him the pacifier.
I think waking up at 10am is really very good liao which means u can also sleep late mah
To increase supply mebbe u can read the postings in the archive... we were discussing abt taking Fenugreek. Parentcraft also taught me to express for 10 min after each feed to stimulate the breasts to produce more milk.

I've went to the PD for my BB's mucus to be suck out once when he was only 2 weeks old. Really very heart pain cos I have to hold him down while the nurse do the suction. He was struggling n cryin like crazy and yet I have to hold him like torturing him like that. After it was done I cry myself while huggin him.
junnie....down there lah....she not wearing anything at all...sitting in the jacuzzi reading newspaper...she not paiseh at all....but honestly..the china woman all like that one...they all walk naked in the changing room one..if u cover up..they look at u like u alien...

cin..me also do the same...let her drink till she unlatch herself...but i dun change breast in between..coz i cannot tell when she finish the foremilk or not..so i let her drink all from one breast..then change at the next feed...so i have to rem which breast went first.... she drinks every 2 hrs...usually full feed is 30 mins then if she thirsty or cranky...usually only 10-15 minutes...quite predictable...somehow they got internal clock one...

newbie mum...how long does he drink per session...sometimes they do it just for comfort...the more u let him drink..more milk will be made...
velvet, bing & ponponta.. i had e same problems as u girls do so tot i could help with e situation. tried llladin as well but remember girls, u can only use tis for a maximum of 5 days! brought him to kkh but doc refuse to extract e phlegm cos it will cause her more discomfort so prescribed a mineral salt spray (with no medications so can be used for a longer period).. helped with e stuffy nose but not e phlegm.. upon another doc's & friend's recommendation, we changed milk formula and baby's phlegm condition improved greatly! so u might wana try ya?
junnie, yah, eyes big big stare at me is ok. but once i lay down to slp, he will start his "singing" lor... cannot be I sit down there and stare at each other right? sighz... yesterday i was so tired that i slpt first before baby wakes up at his usual 1am, then my poor hubby has to entertain the baby until 4am then he wake me up for me to take over.
velvet, hippo18, & ponponta, the thing is my boy is not sleeping in aircon room and he is not really on formula milk. I am TBF except for a couple of times when I left him with my parents but no time to pump BM out for him. Hence I am not sure how else to make him feel better ...

newbie mum, perhaps u can try pumping out BM so u know how much u have, and how much ur boy is drinking. alternatively is to feed him FM and see if he is more satisfied and not ask for milk for longer period of time. actually my boy will ask for milk every 1-2 hrs if he is awake. afterwhich he will drink then fall asleep for at least 2 hrs.
hi ladies, i went to PD yest and turned out she was quite stuffed up with mucus. I also dunno why she can produce so much mucus one leh. Cos I can only see some from her nose and try to extract as much as possible using the bulb syringe but also scared dun dare to push in too much. so bit by bit. then wen the PD help me to extract out, she sneezed out damn huge bi sai from both nostrils! and the rest of the day clear. then last evening can hear the mucus is back again.

hippo - not sure if formula is the culprit leh, so I'm going to try TBF this 2 days (starting yest) to see if can clear or not.

the rest - PD nvr prescribe any of the decongestant for me. she just taught me to do the clearing using super fine cotton bud to dislodge the mucus from the walls of the nostrils and then bb will sneeze it out later. but when doing the dislodgement, need 2 persons, one to hold on firmly to bb's arms on her abdomen so she doesn't flail about while the one doing the clearing with the cotton bud need to hold on to the head firmly with one hand while doing the clearing with the other. bb might/will cry during this procedure cos it's irritating. according to pd, it shdn't be painful cos the cotton bud is wet.

regarding the air-con, we do sleep with aircon, but she sleeps better with air con leh. the other day try to sleep without air-con, damn cranky. so i guess blocked nose better than cranky bb! :p.

Re bb with sleeping problems - have u guys started your bbs on a routine already? I'm reading baby whisperer by tracy hogg and the routine helps me to decode better her crying. cos it helps to eliminate the "is she hungry" question.

Junnie - sounds like ur bb seems to have gas leh. u got try rubbing the ru yi oil with ur hands to heat up and place on ur bb's stomach and back? Then try to burp bb after over ur shoulder. i find that quite effective than sitting bb up to burp. if bb dun burp, after like 10 pat, i'll lie her down and prop her up again cos sometimes that helps the gas to travel up. or help gas to travel down for bb to fart.
bing & velvet, dun worie too much.. PD has said that this is a very common problem in babies cos they have very small airways, thus e mucus and phlegm.. moreover, they dunno how to breathe thru their mouth yet (according to PD oso) thus itz abit irritating.. as long as bb is feeding ok and putting on weight, dun worie too much ya? my baby quite poor thing cos her phlegm finally cleared but she just kena flu so itz starting all over again.. cos of me la.. aiyo, passed e flu bug to her..

I also got problem making him sleep! He gets cranky when he can't sleep in the day. Want to play with him also cannot be every minute right. The only consolation I have is he sleeps longer at night and only wake up for feeds at 2am & 6am. So I figured that since daytime never sleep well, night time knock out...kekek


My CL also same pattern! Like to ask many questions and interfere in our conversations. Always tell me her past experiences. At first I hear already I thought she can train my bb well. But end up I'm taking care of bb myself!


I tried using the routine by Gina Ford but it's tough man...so I tell myself as long as he feeds every 3 hours and sleeps then it's fine!

Any mommies on TFM? Your baby feed every 3 / 4 hours? My bb like got internal alarm one, before 3 hours will start crying liao...
bbwow, my bb, now 7 weeks, is on tfm. yah...if he is awake, before 3 hours he cry liao. if he sleeps, maybe can stretch to 3.5 hours....but my case a little special. he was overfed. so had to reduce his feed a little. now he is only on 90ml per 2.5 hours or 3 hours (if he can tahan) =D
bbwow, i oso on TBF, Sean wakes up 2.5 - 3hrs after some feeds....
on some occasions, the feed never seem to end cos he kept wanting to drink non-stop..so i can continue feeding him like 2hrs straight, aftertt he can sleep for 3-4hrs....

so difficult to follow Gina Ford's routine lei... at the time suggested tt i need wake Sean up, he cant get up at all....n at times i need him to sleep, he will wan to drink .... so how to follow routine...scratch head...
nans, ur bb at 7weeks is recommended by PD to drink 90ml only?becos of overweight or?
cos Sean is 5weeks now n he drinks 120ml..n he is only 4.2kg now
bbwow, at least your baby is awake during the day... mine is at night.. ah yo... really feel like crying sometimes leh... i cant imagine when i go back to work, how am i going to cope with the slpless night cos i will be get angry easily if i dun slp well at night.
wah frostyfiona...quite shiong for u both leh..then how ur hubby go to work the next day?? try sleep more in the day can? at least can replace some lost sleep....

anyone baby must be carried whole day arh? mine was ok with sleeping by herself..kena spoilt by grandpa..so now must carry all the time...so im leaving her to cry by herself..forbid them to pick her up....but she cry until tears come out and sob and sob...see so sayang..but cannot lah...if this goes on arh...she will always want to be carried... anyone got remedy??
unice, yah...he is 90ml of fm. he gain weight too fast liao....anyway, the recommended on the milk tin aso sys 90ml to babies below 2 months =D
bbunny, he still go to work lor... no choice mah.. still have to earn a living.. he is the siong one since i still can slp till quite late since i am on maternity leave.. the worst is my hubby cannot slp in the day, slp in the day only then headache! poor thing...
now my bb want to be carried before sleeping. dunno is it spoilt or wat.i read on babycenter tat bb can't be spoilt now. but when i read baby whisperer, it seems tat they can. so confusing. not sure is it vecause past the 1 mth then they more aware and will want more attention?
hi !

i am also an oct mum. seeing ur posts abt CL also makes me wana post my frustrations also.
I got mine thru agency. She very smart... only cook and wash bb clothes cos she knows i have a maid. She leaves all the washing, mopping to my maid. She even can ask my maid to cut ginger slices or help cook the dishes if the bb is crying ! And u know what? First time when she washed bb clothes, she mixed her clothes with my boy's clothes ! I told her to wash separately.. the next time, i actually caught her washing her clothes together wif my clothes ! Wah lao eh... can u imagine, her bra and undies mixing together wif my clothes? She really dun have common sense man...

She also ge kiang... tried to sterilise my bottles and pump by using little water.. something like steaming. In the end, one of my avent bottle broke !

The best part is, she cook mee sua and put salt in it ! Wah piang... mee sua is oredi salty and she still put salt ! not to say that i am not supposed to eat salt during confinement...
And u know what? Her first day she actually cooked toufu and fishball soup for me. And she only cooks 3 dishes, to be eaten among 4 adults which is my hubby, me , her and my maid ! Com'on man... she is suppose to cook my dishes separately.. how can she eat my confinement food as well?? Really cow sense man.
hi all,

i'm fr e dec thread but i've given birth this mth on nov 16 instead.

need to get some advice from the moms here.

i believe my milk has come in already (today is e 4th day) n my breasts feel hard most of e time. i'm really afraid tt infectn may set in as my baby doesnt seem to b able to empty them fully (her intake is still quite little i believe). how do i stimulate my breasts so that i can hv e let down feelg during pumping? i've tried expressing but v little milk comes out. Squeezing them manually seems to hv more milk. it will b great if anyone can help me on this. =)

appreciate any personal experience/ input. many thanks.


your bb feeding on similac right? My bb is 4 weeks plus now. From the tin, 1 month is 90ml and 2 months is 120ml. Then 1 month plus leh? keke...


I only tried to apply her rountine once and his feeding time went haywire! I stop immediately since his night feeding quite constant.


Very xiong hor...motherhood is so tiring! How do you even manage to survive till today?


At least you know the reason for your bb's crying. I can't seem to tell what he wants. Everything checked and he's still crying. Sighh...


If that can help your baby go to sleep, why not? There's alot of dos and donts from many experts but there are those who also say just follow our instincts. Some say will spoil the bb, some say will establish a closer relationship with bb when you respond quicker to his crying rather than leave him crying.

How long do you leave your bb crying before you pick him up? For me, I cannot stand leaving him crying leh...Why can't they just feed and sleep.
