(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

what FM are u feeding? The tin of the FM Im feeding reccomended 90ml for 0-2weeks old baby. Im feeding 120ml for the night feeds. My bb oso abit on the heavy side. 5+kg at 6 weeks. Now shld be heavier liao.

Im thinking of changing FM. Now feeding Enfalac. Heard its pretty heaty for bb. Anyone on enfalac too? Can mummies tell me what FM are they feeding now?

Hippo, what FM were u feeding b4 and what are u feeding now?



Massaging ur breast REALLY hard in a HOT shower really helps to get the milk flowing. Alternatively, you can apply hot towels on ur breast while pumping. Make sure to knead with the towels.

When I have block ducts, thats what I do in the hot shower. Always massage till wanna cry. Hate it.
gingerleqaf, bbwow, i feeding similac too. 1-2 months can depend la. i think my bb now 7 weeks+ is asking for more liao. in the night cannot tahan 3 hours even. think may have to give 120ml soon. maybe later today? shrug...see how things go...already yesterday he not happy after drinking his milk...
gingerleaf: my boi on enfa oso leh.. heaty meh? i duno wor cos not many ppl on tis so cannot get any feedback... btw u have any lobang for cheap enfa?? :p what brand are you switching to??

my boi is 5weeks and drinking 140ml like tat wor...

nans: if they still crying maybe still not full, u can try to feed more...

mummies, how is your night feed pattern?? mine hor will wake up every 3hrs for feed leh.. HOW?? if go back to work and like tat.. faint... deprive of sleep sia.. sobx
velvet, my bb is 6 weeks old now.. sometimes i try to extract out e 'bi sai' for her but most of e times itz stuck quite far back.. in these cases, i will spray e mineral salt spray to loosen it and she either sneeze it out or she will erm.. 'swallow' it back it..

gingerleaf, my bb was taking s26 but tink itz too heaty and e milk looks sticky to me too.. she had lotsa phlegm and breathing sounds very heavy.. when i changed FM, i tried Dumex Mamex Gold.. and itz okie le.. she couldnt take much in e beginning and might even throw some out (tink not used to it) and i contemplated changing brands again but now she's okie liao.. another brand my friend recommended was NAN.. might wana try it?

aiyo, my baby likes to waste milk one la.. as if we are damn rich leh! she will take 40 ml sometimes and less than an hour later, cry for more milk and then drink 60 - 80ml??? wakaoz.. and i can't prepare less cos at times she can finish 100- 120 ml! grrrr...

nans, tink our babies might be going thru their growth spurts! i read in mrs wong's book that they grow thru growth spurts during 3 weeks, 5 weeks and 3 months (if i dun remember wrongly).. =D
ling, no lobang leh. Thinking of switching to friso...but still dunno..

nans, Ling,
My baby at 7 weeks drinks ard 120-140ml of FM at nite. Normally will feed her ard 12+-1+am, then she can sleep till ard 5-6+am then wake up.
She hardly sleeps in the day, maybe thats why at nite csn slp so long.

I was feeding my bb with similac but since like he's not taking it well so I switched to Friso. So far so good tho sometimes he'll cry for milk before 3 hours. He used to be able to finish 100ml but now he only drink 80ml!

If you wanna switch to Friso, can consider calling their hotline. They're having promo now. Buy 5 get 1 free. Free delivery some more.

I know what you mean, sometimes I make 120ml and he can finish but nowadays I make 100ml and he can't finish! Really heart pain hor...but no choice lor since we opt to give fm. Your bb hardly sleeps in the day but does she cry when she's awake? I find it so hard to decode what my bb wants.
bbwow, heartpain rite? grrr... she doesnt exactly cry when awake but needs some attention... too bad we dun understand bb language! =P

at least yours not crying when awake lor. Mine goes cranky man... sometimes making me go cranky too! kekek...

Btw, any mommies know is it ok if the bcg mark is not swelling? My baby bcg is only a slight red bump but not swollen nor pus is coming out. Is it normal?
Talking about FM, i am currently feeding Similac too...and my girl's poo is quite dry sometimes...and she doesnt poo everyday..sometimes alternate days..

I am also thinking of changing FM but dunno which brand to try. My friend say that her bb drink NAN, the poo is green in color..so i a bit hesitant.

My girl also waste a lot of milk...i usually make 70 ml..sometimes not enough, sometimes she only drink 20 - 30 ml...and she drinks quite frequently..about 1.5 hrs to 2.5 hrs. At nite, she will feed at 2 am, 4 am 6 am then 7 am plus...if i dun feed her, she will keep stretching and making funny sounds..until i cannot sleep at all. My mum has asked me to try to stretched the interval for nite feeds..but difficult...

Any recommendations for FM? I find Friso a bit sweet...enfa heaty...(based on my boy's past encounter).
I'm also facing the same problem for my bb in changing formula milk for her now.

I'm giving her similac since birth and have no problem, but find tat it has more bubbles. So tried changing to NAN and ended up, bb having constipation and her butt hole bleeds abit and makes her cry when trying to force her poo out. I see liao i oso feel like crying. She dun like drinking water and it could be the cause and so i've stopped giving her NAN.

I went to get Enfalac for her to try and told my friend abt the incident. She told mi to look at the iron content in the formula milk. I went to supermarket to compare and find tat similac has the lowest iron content. Hence, i guess i have to stick to similac in the meantime until she's older and drinks more water.
my bb drinking similac and constipated leh. dunno why aso. sighs. brought him to see GP downstairs and he gave suppository to help him poo poo. now everyday aso praying he poos. sighs....

can understand how u feel lor....i oso praying hard she poos everyday and i mix gripe water into her water so she can drink more. I think every bb is diff lor, so have to keep finding which formula is suitable for them. But in the meantime, must let them drink more water.

Now mixing i scoop of enfa with 1 half scoop of similac...hopefully she won't get constipation again....if not, my in-laws will nag and nag again...sigh
Useful info. :

<u>Water Intoxication in Infants</u>

For healthy adults, nothing seems to quench a thirst better than plain, pure water. We're encouraged to drink several glasses a day to keep our systems in balance. But for children under 1 year old and especially during the first nine months of life drinking too much water can be dangerous.

In fact, according to pediatricians like James P. Keating, MD, medical director of the St. Louis Children's Hospital Diagnostic Center, too much water dilutes a baby's normal sodium levels and can lead to seizures, coma, brain damage and death.

Breast milk or formula provides all the fluid healthy babies need. If a mother feels her baby needs to take additional water, it should be limited to two to three ounces at a time and should be offered only after the baby has satisfied his hunger with breast feeding or formula.

Dr. Keating also recommends that parents avoid participating in infant swimming lessons. "Repeated dunking of infants can cause them to gulp water and has caused seizures in the infants at the poolside," he says.

Since the brain is the organ most susceptible to water intoxication, a change of behavior is usually the first symptom in older children. They may become confused, drowsy or inattentive. They also may suffer from blurred vision, muscle cramps and twitching, poor coordination, nausea and vomiting, irregular breathing and weakness. If you notice any of these symptoms, call your pediatrician.
Hi gingerleaf,

In hospital, my bb used to drink S26 and so we bought 1 big tin home. But the CL say it is too heaty resulting in alot of eye mucus and rashes on the face so we swop to Similac. Later got scolding from PD, saying no FM is heaty and that the eye mucus is due to blocked tear ducts and rashes is actually milk rash due to dirty mittens. PD dun recommend changing of FM and say we shd not listen to CL. Haiz... Now got 3/4 full of S26 that will go wasted already...But i find similac got lotsa of bubbles when he is abt to finish his milk
looks like we are all in the same situation....constipated babies..my girl also have such hard poo that her butt hole bleeds...so now we dilute the similac....and her poo sometimes still dry..

My PD did recommend Friso Comfort for constipated babies...
speaking of feeding, my bb at 2 wks already started to drink 3oz of milk. So scared he will be overfed by the CL and hard to control his diet when she leave..

hi joyce, thanks for the useful info. My CL tends to give bb drink lotsa of water saying he is forever thirsty and it will make him full so that he can sleep. To her, baby only sleep and eat so that they can grow.. machiam cannot have any active moments... My bb used to be very active in the noon but now he has become a sleeping pig...
yah..bb cannot drink too much water. my PD aso tell me that. so i din give him any water...only to have him constipating....sighs. till now, PD still dont recommend drinking too much water. but i never know how much is too much. now i will try to give bb some water to drink in between his feeds. just 3-4 mouthfuls can le...hopefully it helps...sighs...

patrina, my in-laws aso same...lol..they more kan jiong than me when my bb never poo for a day. i din know the consequences earlier until i see him poo till cry....i so heart pain....=<
bbwow, yeah agreed.. motherhood is tiring! hahaha... now i can understand why some ppl just give birth to one child and stop! i cannot imagine after my boy grow up and when i have another baby and have to go thru all these all over again... hahaz...

I heard that we should never mix FM brands as they have different nutrition levels. Even switching of brands have to be careful. Not just switch here and there to try. Dunno how true la..

My bb has been drinking Friso ever since Day 4 as he's not digesting well with Similac. And he still poos everyday. His poo is yellowish.


I used to dilate the fm but I read it's not good as it will affect the nutrition for the baby. So it's better to follow what the tin says ba...

My PD also told me baby don't need water as bm and fm already has water content. But our old mothers always say must get baby used to water. Aiyo! So I give my baby a few mouthfuls during the day only.

Now my bb very smart liao. Can't tell from water or milk. If he finds out it's water, he'll spit it out. No way to bluff him!
jeddie, my baby is taking NAN, so far so good. her poo is yellowish (not green), and she poos everyday.

re: switching FM
heard it's better not to change, as it might cause tummy upset/constipation etc. so if you're baby is ok, just stick to your FM. or if your baby a bit sensitive, can consider switching to the HA (hypoallergenic) version of your FM. know they have it for NAN. not sure abt other brands

my PD also say once the poo is normal, then five full strength and dun dilute so she can get the correct nutrition..but i so scared...my whole day revolvea round her pooing..
jeddie, i always ask my bb whether he wans to poo or not. then i will push his legs into a squatting position. if he wans to poo, he will give me a 'poo' face. then i know he will wanna poo. sometimes it works. if he doesnt wanna poo, then he just ignore me or cry lo...hahahaha
hi all

joyce..thks 4 the useful info...

velvet..ya, i rubbed my palm w ru yi oil then applied on bb after bath as well as everychange of diaper, my mum also help to rub w juice fm the bittleleaf + ru yi oil (can buy fm indian stall), bb keep farting.. now i v scare to burb bb, everytime when hold him over shoulder or upright, he'll sure wiggle like a 'worm' or stretching..... then i kiasu 'standby' nappy as he'll sometime 'er ni' if nt, burp + 'er ni' together, hiaz.. one day duno 'fashion show' how many times (keep changing when his shirt is wet)...

u all mention prepare bb's sleeping routine??? i dun hv any bb books leh, can share pls?

bbwow..my bb TFM, he's taking 3 - 3.5hr when awakes, occasionally 2.30-2.45hr will cry, but i dun feed him jus gv pacifier or carry him awhile cos he taking 5oz now. if sleeping can last 3 - 4 or 5hr.

nans,bbwow,gingerleaf,patrina,ling,jeddie... my bb 7wks+ now taking Mamex Gold Step1, the tin says for bb 1-2mths tk 150ml & 2-4mth 180ml, 90ml is for 1-2wks old & 120ml for 2-4wks old. good knw how to listen to u alr for pooing!

ponponta...i tink most PD dun believe FM is heaty, i wanna change mine initially cos find bb got many wind, she said not FM problm, all bb got colic?? so i didnt change. my advice for all mummies is : dun bcos of offer get too many tins to keep, if bb due to some reason cannot take the FM will b wasted, jus buy sufficient consumption will do (last time for my gal, i so greedy go order 1 dozen similac fm abbot, end up she got diahorrea & PD said must switch to soy milk, i asked for replacement thought Isomil is fm same company, then they said - NO replacement allow, end up got to sell away @ lower price & some gv to friends).

btw, may i ask how u all switch the FM fm brand to brand? izzit immediately switched or mix half/half? polyclinic nurses told me to reduce 1scoop each of existing milk to new FM, but PD and my nanny said switch immediately so can see if bb suitable or not???

jeddie..wah..u wake up soo many times to feed arr... v siong leh... mine is +/- btw 10pm-12am(1x) then fllw by 3.5 or 4hr (if lucky can wait 5hr).

frosty..then u try 'talk' to bb, daytime if possible dun let bb sleep too long, at night see got improvement or not, mine now sleep besides me, i'll off the light & pad him or on 'radio', ya understand, we cant be gv bb too much attention in the nite, really tiring man... u all 1st time mummy must learn to enjoy motherhood & esp now bb so young, once they rch naughty 2 & abv, running abt & knw hw to talk & 'argue' w u, lagi headache..hahaha...
my bb also used to drink 100ml but for the past wk she can't finished loh.. everytime left 20-30ml.. she start drinking 100ml when she 2wks plus old.. now 6wks still drinking 100ml.. dun understand why she can't finish the milk..

RE: constipation
so far my girl had been pooing once a day.. and each time she poo quite liquid and alot loh.. she drinking Friso.. I'm also giving her EBM but she only takes abt 3 to 4 feeds of EBM each day.. the rest are FM..

I switched the FM immediately since Day 4 and it worked well for him. Of course I tested for 2 weeks to see if he can adapt before buying in bulk. But if now you wanna switch, maybe have to be gradual.

re: sleeping routine
you can borrow the books from National Library. But I tell you hor, the routine is so hard to follow!!

I thought our bb is supposed to go thru growth spurts hor? I even tried to use a bigger hole teat but he's still drinking the same! Sigh...
bbwow...my gal's bcg mark is also just a red bump...no swelling no pus no nothing..in fact i didnt even know it was the bcg mark..till pd said that's the one...

still cant get her to sleep quietly on her own in the afternoon... sighz...think will let her cry and cry..except my dad keep picking her up and there goes all my effort...sighz..

today my cl ask if this can be her last day...i suspect coz she want to go on tour tom nite..coz the last few days furiously copying the details of tour agencies...copy till yesterday rain so heavy..window never close...my kitchen flooded!!! my open top toasted is flooded with water....and she never even move till i scream loud loud everywhere flooded! whole table top wet with big big puddle...sighz....

and best part..got the cheek to ask for angbao somremore hor!
I haven't try bigger hole teat cos whenever she drink milk, milk will sure flow out from her mouth at the sides.. she can also drink and spit milk out.. duno is it cos she sucking too fast or wat.. or I have to change to bigger teats?
hmm so far I haven't seen any BCG mark on my girl leh.. is it normal? she was jab at her buttock but can't remember is left or right buttock.. her health booklet with our insurance agent so cannot check..
Hi all, have been missing from quite sometime because my baby has constipation. He drank EBM most of the time n there was only one occasion where he drank Enfalac for 4 feeds during his full month. From then on, he can't poo regularly n he ended up using a lot of force to push out a lot of wind from his tummy. I realised a bulge in his groin area a few days ago n have verified with the doc that he has Hernias which is the medical term that says his intestine is being pushed out due to the force my baby exerted. He has to go for operation to sew back the opening but because he's less than 1 yrs old n 10 kg, we have to wait unless baby starts to vomit n we have to go for E-operation. Mummies, are there ways to reduce the 'heatiness' in my baby or methods to allow my baby to poo?

Today I went to KKH to see the ENT specialist for his failed hearing test. My baby might need to go for a GA to have an operation to see if there is water in his ears or the nerves are not responding. In the worse case, my baby might need hearing aids. I feel so depressed now. It's my fault that I inflicted pain onto him.. Can't help that my tears keeps flowing ..
My doc recommended FM - Nans H.A. as it is one of the least 'heaty' FM in the mkt. He told me that Similac n Enfalac are one of the most heaty ones. S26 is ok, but as compared to Nans H.A., it is a little heaty.
Hi Jeddie,

Mine is protuding. Have asked PD and he says no cause for concern. It's just bb muscle is still not strong enuff..
wen wen, dun blame urself pls. we need to be strong not for ourselves but for the bb. =D be positive. tough but still have to be. things may look better. will be praying for u...=D
Hi Irene

Am so glad to hear that..tot its weird that the belly button id poking out. Did ur PD say it will eventually turn in again? If not, next tim ewear tight fitting tops will not be nice..
hi mummies,

Just want to check with u all.
my baby now is 2mth & she drink milk abt 125ml abt 2 to 3 hrs time iszit too much or less?

Please advise.
Wen-wen, so sorry to hear that. It must be heartbreaking. Don't beat yourself up over it...it's not your fault okay? If you need to vent, can use the forum.

gingerleaf, i got my CL thru Bliss. The agent's name is Doreen and she was helpful...I must say I was lucky to have gotten that CL lah. Her name is Demei...

had a very rough evening. baby kept crying and crying. no time to pump milk...no more EBM in the fridge so gotta latch all the time. When I was taking a bath, baby was crying like crazy for milk. But my hubby didn't even know he was hungry!!!! Even after realising he was hungry, didn't even make some formula milk for him. End up bb cry until sore throat.

Now I really miss my CL. She would've known what to do loh.

Have u tried massaging your BB? if not mebbe can try? my BB also got a lot of wind in his stomach cos he doesn't burp so all the air always comes out as fart. Sometimes he strain untill face red red to force the wind out then when i bring him to TM Parentcraft, Mrs wong taught me to massage bb's tummy then push up his legs to let the wind out more easily. Now my BB poos alot to the extent that I thot he has got diarrhoe.

Re: FM
I also think that Enfalac cause bB more phelghm. Before I TBF, I also let BB drink Enfalac then he makes alot of the 'piggy' snorting sound cos of mucus n phelghm and he can't poo cos the stools very hard like clay so I switch to Friso cos got free sample find that after drinking Friso he can poo better and his poo more like BM poo which is easier to pass out.

My bb today he is exactly 2 mths n he is also drinking bout 125ml to 150ml. I think shld be alright cos my bb is 5.5kg now n i remember someone says 1kg bb can drink 1 oz. Hence 5 kg 5 oz. I thibk u can try this guide.

Wen Wen,

Pls take good care of youself cos now u r e most important to ur child... Everything will be fine in time to come...

Anyone has bb tat is coughing til having difficulty to drink milk? My poor bb drink less than 2 minute cough one time.... any suggestion?
hi all

bbwow..oic, can borrow the book fm library,thks.

hippo & bbwow..ntd re FM switching.

sabrina...i tink the amt u feeding shd b ok, u can try to add alittle more, if your bb can finish tat means u can increase...mine coming to 2mths now drinking 140ml. i tink boy drinks more than gal... my niece's gal coming to 3mths still drinking 4oz..

mui..is your teat hole too big? if nt, may b bb is trying to clear throat due phylem, see doc if need b...

wen-wen, so sorry to hear wat your bb been thru, u & hubby must b strong as bb needs both of u, is nt your fault dun blame yourself..if operation helps bb hv to go for it, listen to doctor's advice & get 2nd opinion is need b...take care..
My baby is coming to 8 weeks. She used to be able to drink 4 oz, but recently don't know why, she's taking only 2 oz during some feeds, and 4 oz at others. Even if she drink 2 oz, still can last her at least 3 -4 hrs before her next feed.
Is there anything wrong with her?
hi all!! have not post since delivery cos v v busi..heh.. hope all of you new mummies are well.
baby is finally 8 weeks old taking in abt 120 ml on most feeds (some feeds 90ml). Baby is awake most of the time in the day sleeping only 8-8.45am and 12-2pm. He sleeps 7pm onwards, waking up 1-2 times a night. =( I didn't have confinement lady as my MIL cooked for me and I look after baby using gina ford's method.

It seems like most mummies here have the same issues... mine were/are:-
1. reverse day-night (resolved)
2. gina ford's schedule (still sticking to this as much as possible. It was easier from day 1 - week 3-4)
3. now - the mucus and cough (problem...sigh!)

but each time baby smiles or laughs, I really feel like all the hardwork is worth it.

The sad part is i only have 4 more weeks left to take care of baby..have to return to work. Some part of me wish to be SAHM but the other part of me knows that its a waste to give up on my career.
anyways, since i am going back to work, i decided to have a new makeover.. just went to perm my shoulder length hair yesterday. Need to get some new clothes coz cannot wear any of my pre-maternity clothes.. bone all expand liao.. rings also tight. anyone in the same boat? Or have all of you slimmed down to pre-m size? =) lucky u if you have!
junnie, i am trying to keep him awake in the day and let him nap in between. But soemtimes see him so pitiful, really dozing off and I keep waking him up.. hmmm.... sometimes i heartpain then just let him nap for 30 mins...

jeddie, my boy's belly button is poking out when he is laying down .. nv pay much attention to it until my mum asked me how come poking out one? oppss... But PD nv say anything, even brought him to the consultant at kk hospital for body check up, nv say anything abt the belly button too..
thanks october mother. =D
gina ford is about having a schedule?
my bb keeps himself awake leh...i have trouble getting him to nap. lol...


everything will be fine! Remember our babies can sense how we feel. Stay positive ya!

My baby is still taking 100ml only. But he feeds like every 3 hours.


I tried to switch to a bigger teat also but there's milk flowing out so I stop. Guess too big for him still.

October mother,

I have the same problem! Today went for post-natal check up and tried on my pants and realized I can't fit! Even my tops also feel tight liao.
All the clothes go to waste.

How you manage to keep up with gina ford's method? I have problems settling him go to sleep! hahah...
