(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

i am..if you full your breast is full and pain, that means you still hv milk inside. when your breast is totally empty, it feels really soft! so, keep massaging the area irregardless if the milk flow out or not. it will be painful when you massage the area but bear with it for a while. do this a couple of times, the milk will flow. i think you hv more milk than you think

you know sometimes when i feel my breast is soft, i can suprisingly squeeze out 20ml of milk! my lac consultant told me, dun be suprise that while you're expressing the right breast after expresing the left, your left breast will continue to produce milk ! now, i knew it's true!! so, sometimes afteri express the left, i express the right and then go back to left. so on and so forth until really empty..

my record is 170ml milk after 8 hour interval. but then it's not healthy lah. i tried to stick to 5 hourly and try my best to hit at least 80ml each time now.
CiN n GGG, i also experiennce the same scenario as both of u...
at night, he gets so sleepy tt only drinks from 1 breast...then he will wake up in 1hr time..tried my best to wake him up to drink next breast but no use...he closes his eyes n cant be bothered...

have any mummies encountered ur babies sleeping nicely in your arms,.then when put him down onto his cot, he wakes up again?..he is not hungry but just wans to be in our arms...
any mummies can share which brand of diapers is most economical n good? for day use only....
currently i m using dryers for day use...so far i think its the cheapest, any advice?
unice....think if he want to drink from one breast...let him drink until he unlatch himself....hopefully can sustain till 2 hrs... me find it easeir than to switch breast...for me..that one dun work....

re second one...mostly in afternoon...me suspect they are not 100% asleep....
sighz...i wanna make long long complaint here today....buay tahan liaoz....today my CL take the cake lah....

today i noticed she got menses..coz wondering why she bring newspaper into toilet...then she came out with a small parcel.... then throw the parcel into my little dustbin on my kitchen sink counter top!! can believe it or not!!! then without washing hand, start to keep my pots and pans, and start to keep the leftover food on the table...open my dish dryer and take out plates....WAH LIAOZ!!! i almost pengsan lor.....

others things that she's been doing:
1. she scratch her toe and feet and never wash hand, come rub my baby's face

2. handle raw food, dunno got wash hand or not, want to come and play with baby..

3. clothes dirty and smelly...LITERALLY!!! collect baby's clothes and hug them on her chest...even the nicely washed ones that my mom washed also she hug to her chest then hang out...why i dunno!

4. Wash clothes so so dirty!! wear already..my whole body itch..one side smell soap, the other got smelly smell...so in the end...my mom come home from work then wash all baby's clothes...

5. then if all that not enough, she super waste my water and gas and electricity....she wash dishes, on full blast....soap one at a time and wash one at a time..then with the water still running at full blast...she start arranging the dishes and stuff coz not eunough space to put all...tell her so many time already...still like that

then wash clothes...dun use washing machine...wash in the pail...with the water running...i ask her to turn off, she say she allowing the soap to wash away...wah liaoz...you tell me how!!

cooking also use full blast gas...in the 2 weeks she was here...use up 2 new canisters of gas..the blue color kind.... small pot also on big big fire....fire not even under the pot...fire burning the handles of the pot instead...and she just leave it like that..say need to make soup boil!! wat else to say i ask you??

then go thru all my things....our hampers and pressies..she all go thru...my dvd collection also go thru..then after that come ask me..oh do i have this one and that one...i just told her no! she knows what gifts i have better than i do manz! my mom say she bored lah..nothing to do so look lor....but to me..bored then bring something to read lah...

then keep calling my gal a small lazy pig and naughty girl..keep waking her up also..irritating!!!
wah... really can sympathize wif you over the CL. how many more days do you have with her? so unhygenic and rude to go through people's stuff like that - intrusion of privacy. speaking of labelling bb names, my MIL also label my bb - naughty boy, always call him that in front of him coz he v.cranky. really dun like him to be labelled as that lor but i can't tell her not to say that to him also. sigh... so everytime she use that label on him, i grit my teeth n bite my tongue hard. hopefully when my bb grows up, he will be otherwise n prove the label is wrong! :D

my bb is like that, like to be carried but once put down only cry alr. so v.tiring lor. tat's y i use sarong so the rocking n swinging momentum is maintained n he won't be upset by the sudden change and lack of movement.

the chinese tea leaves i get is not those packed in sachets kind, so its loose leaves n i sieve the tea leaves out before using the water to wipe bb's face.
hi irene, i got the caps from MAH pharmacy. Selling at 50cents for 1.

re: fenugreek
didn't realise can take more than 1! i've been taking 1 all this while and wondering why no effect. looks like i've got to up my dosage!

for those taking more than 3 a day, so you drink extra water? heard from salesperson that fenugreek can give u constipation if u don't take enough water. that's why i scared to take more than the prescribed amt.
Wow.. bbunny, I tot my CL already worse liao... yours more worse than mine! I sent her back after two weeks, can't tolerate her laziness!
bbunny, sympathise with u....not all CL are nice i guesss....quite up to luck to see what type of CL we get isnt it? was ur CL recommended by someone?
bbunny, can empathise with you. Can't imagine having an unhygienic CL.

Joyce, my CL is also very lazy! Imagine she can still continue cooking / mopping floor when the bb is crying. And I have to go attend to bb instead! But I just bear with it cause if CL leaves, nobody to help me also. Speaking of which, the CL is going home this Sun.

Any mommies handling on their own with nobody with you and bb? I really dunno if I can manage bb's crankiness...
joyce...wish i could send mine away...but can't coz no backup plan...and cannot cope alone...also not agency one..so cannot change....somemore i pay 1600 to just cook only leh!! not even stay in!!! and i still gotta pay grocery...wah..bo hua lor!! will never recommend to anyone unless its my enemy manz....

ya..nans....really po heng suay one...not really recommended...but my mom's fren say her cooking quite good, never say anything bad..so we thot ok lah...anyway...we got her 2 days before i delivered somemore...

bbwow...me in same boat as u..have to tong lor..wat to do...but at least urs not unhygenic...me so paranoid i tell u..coz we saw her drinking from the cup..never wash then put back on the rack...so me every now and then go wash all the cups..coz cannot figure out which one she use... then plates and stuff also now i wash after i eat...save water...haha

yest me quite irritated..my hubby and i were having our own conversations...then she just interuppted and add herself in...im like...eh...we talk softly between the two of us..u on the other end of the hall still join in the conversation...funny rite...

then when my parents in the hall...she will read her newspaper..then they not ard..she macham like house owner....on tv herself, sit on my couch and hug my pillows go to sleep...

sorry lah..me today very cranky..tong almost 1 mth liaoz...one more week to go!!!!
bbowow, ever since back from hospital, i have been alone wif baby liao..hubby takes half day from work in some days to help..
so i m the pia mia one...no CL,... MIL too old to help..mum working..

quite tiring lo...but make me lose alot of weight liao heehee...
hi bbunny, can understand your situation. My CL also use water and gas machiam free 1.. Always on full blast. Dun dare to see the electricity bill when it is here.

If we were to correct her, she will rebutt with her experience. There is once she threaten to leave after first week becos we disagreed with her mtd. But no choice, she is recommended by my mum's friend.. So have to endure.. Now counting down to the end of confinement... 2 more weeks to go

Hi mummies, heard it is no good to celebrate full mth late. So if my baby is born on 31st Oct, celebrate full month on 1st dec okie? Any suggestions on where to hold the party?
hi all

wah...didnt knw got so many 'pattern' to keep the pacifier on!! use masking tape, face mask...hahaha... sometime i so fed up of holding it, instead dun let bb eat, most of time he'll cry of cos, if lucky, he'll open his eye big big & look around wondering wat happen but nt crying!! hahaha.. i v bad hor...

tink our bb jus wanna 'bully' us, carry only quiet, put on bed will cry...daytime still ok, but @nite if we v sleeping really - ALAMAK!! but bobian still hv to sayang them...

bbunny...if i were u, i'll rectify her mistakes right away everytime , jus to let her knw is 'my house', she has to fllw my pattern...may b u shd gv her separate cup/plates to use. for my CL i gv her a cup & she use tat one all the time..mine also on tap/gas full blast, it was my mum tat 'make noise' & i hv to gradually transmit the message to her, if she still doing it, i'll turn it lower myself and after a few times, tis finally get into her 'head'. since yours left 1 more wk, bobian, tolerate lor... may b no need to gv her 'big ang bao' liao...
hi bbwow, im looking after bb on my own. very very tiring. I noticed my bm supply went down tremendously after CL left. Guess not enuff sleep ba. Ppl always tell me, baby sleep, you sleep. My baby seldom takes afternn nap now. Have oso less than 1 hr will wake up, and needs to be carried. Then sleep 15-30mins wake up again, all very short periods. How am I gg to get my sleep? So sleepy.

Looks like we all have fair share of dirty CLs. My CL oso very unhygienic.
Once, when I was changing bb's diaper coz its wet, I noticed that she didnt clean lyn's groin area properly, so I wiped it down with wet wipes and it came up yellow! POO STAINS! I went on to wipe her vagina and it came up dirty too! To add on to my frustrations, there were abit of poo poo on the cap of the diaper barrier cream! She is so dirty!

She tried feeding lyn immediately after a diaper change, without washing her hands 1st.

She likes to overfeed my baby too. There have been a few times I caught her trying to feed baby with more milk than she shld be drinking, to which she will insist that its only normal for the little one to be drinking so much. Everytime the baby cry, she will insist that baby is hungry. Once, baby continued crying after she was fed. She said I gave too little milk, so she insisted I give her more, end up lyn drank like 100ml in total. Shortly, she threw up most of the milk, and continued crying. Turns out she wanted to be cuddled after the feed and it wasnt becoz she is hungry. She was only a week+ old.

She mops the oily kitchen, RINSE the mop, then mop the WHOLE hse with that mop.

She turned my kitchen into grease heaven

She dropped a clean storage cup onto the oily floor and rinse it before putting it back. Turned back to see if anyone is looking, saw me looking at her, then rewash the said storage cup with soap this time.

She walked into my bedroom once, when I was on the phone and patting lyn in the living room. When she came out and saw me looking at her( I had my back to her earlier on), she said something like " Oh oh, never see ur room before! Just see see"

She is nosey and likes to ask how much did we pay for the dog, how much is the cats, how much is the plasma tv, how much is this, how much is that.

Likes to comment that I didnt pour 100ml of milk into the storage cup, coz when she pours it out into the milk bottle, its only 95ml or slightly more.

Always insist I pour more milk into a storage cup, but when baby can't finish, she throws the excess away! HALLO! My nipples is so sore from all the pumping, even wearing a bra hurts! Treasure my milk lah! She can always pour more out from other cups, if a feed is not enough. Why insist I pump more into each cup and then throw away the excess when baby couldnt finish?

Was wiping lyn's neck one day, and it was smelly and dirty, with a thick glob of sticky stuff btwn the folds of her neck, and she ALREADY had her bath! The sticky stuff(milk n dead skin cells, I think) eventually gave her a fungal infection, which had to be seen to by a PD which costs us $112.

Use her fingers to brush the french bean(dinner) that was stuck to the covering lid of the plate, back to the plate. Yucks. Also duno those fingers clean or not. Made a remark when I saw her did that, and she replied that she had oreadi washed her hands. "Auntie not so dirty one you know, I washed my hands just now liao. How can handle food with dirty hands?" Yeah rite.

I was so happy the day she left.

can cater and hold at home or if stay condo can hold at function room.
I had mine done buffet style at a cafe in a hotel.
aiyo, seems like alot of funny CL around.. I got CL for my first preggie and lucky she is ok, i got from agency.. :p

Garden_dreamz: hmm, i dun use tea leaves wor.. nvm, monday bring boi to PD see if they hv cream
ponponta, i had mine done at hotel buffet too...

gingerleaf, sympathise with u sia. so many mean CL around. Must blacklist them so that others wont suffer in future. sighs
Irene, I'm not an Oct mummy but happen to see your query... u can get the sealing caps at the pharmacy at Thomson Medical. They are sold in packets of 3 (blue or pink). I express out my breast milk into glass bottles and use it to seal up for storage in the fridge.
Hi mummies, can i jus check r u all using the the glas btl which u take from sample FM at hospitals? Cos according to the nurses at TMC, they dun encourage to use the btl for storing BM cos they say no guarantee tt the glass might chip. I have some btls with plastic caps given by a fren. jus wondering how safe is it to use. and the glass btl are for chilled EBM, nt for freezing right? cna we sterilise the btl or jus pour hot water over?

Your CL is TERRIBLE! How did you manage to 'ren' her for 1 month! I come to realize that CL are just like typical 38 por. They like to ask EVERYTHING. She can ask me from my families to my hubbies families. She comes in/out of my room like no need permission one... even use the weighing machine in front of me and say "Oh gosh, I lost weight!" faint...

my CL can just sit on the sofa and watch me carry,feed and burp bb until she fall asleep! I thought that was her job leh!

The worst is we pay her $1800 plus $100 ang bao and she still tell me actually $1800 is not earning alot. Wah lau...food and lodging all paid for plus $1900 to take home to JB not alot meh...and she keep pestering me to intro my pregnant friends to her for business. NO WAY!
Hi bbunny and bbwow,

Mine that bitxx din even do hsework for me, ok!! The first week I already vacumm the flr myself and hb mopped the flr. Somemore I c-section one hor. And the best thing was, she was sitting on the sofa looking at me vacuuming!!!! And since she's so lazy.. I told her that she just need to vacumm twice a week liao... she nv do also. Then when my maid arrived, she more relax sia. All the hsework push to my maid to do!! Even my clothes and bb clothes.

They really think we singaporean so ez to bully leh.. she see me diam diam, no complaint.. who knows when I opened my mouth.. it's her daxx last day liao.

bbwow, that bitxx CL wages also 1.8k. I will nv let her take such ez $$ one.. give her money to kiao kah huh.. wait long long man.
no choice have to ren her, coz she was intro by my SIL, and apparently, they are pretty close. I wonder why my SIL like her so much. B4 I delivered, my SIL kept singing her praises and I was so looking forward for the CL.

yeah, remember u complained abt the horrible woman to me. Mine oso very kns, she knows how to use the sterilizer but kept quiet, and I tot she didnt know how to use it and kept sterilizing botts myself. I even wash botts n such. I was over exerted and ended up with an incision imflamation(c-sect). From then all, I took things easy and didnt do so much things. She came and asked what did the doc say, which I replied in a sarcastic manner, " Do too much things loh, carry too heavy stuffs loh, move too much loh", then she still dare to "hehehe" at me.
Once I lamented that she can pacify bb easier than I can, and she replied "coz u never carry bb enuff ma" I wanna kill her manz!
oh to add on, she joined an agency not long b4 we hired her, so to go thru the proper channel, we have to hire her thru the agency.
Then agency charged us $1700, which $1200 goes to her. She can go and complain to my SIL why are we paying her only $1200 when in the past(when she was 'freelance') my SIL paid her more.
Hubby even gave her a total of $160 angbao for her crappy job.
oh, she oso like to criticize my gal to us.
"notti gal" "impatient gal, cannot wait for milk one", "cry so loud", "always dun like to sleep, so notti"
Heehee, looks like we have a fair share of horrible CL. For my confinement, i eat only meat. No veg, no fruits saying will cause baby to have diarrhoea.. Feel so constipated. She also tend to overfeed baby. Insisting that if the baby is awake means he no full. So she prefer FM to BM, saying BM is not filling at all..

hi nans and gingerleaf,

which hotel did you hold your full month party? I dun intend to hold it in at home cause too small and cannot get a condo function room.
to make matters worse, my CL is forever coughing with lotsa of phelgm. Have been coughing since day 1 she is here.. claiming that the weather is very dry here causing her throat to be dry. Drink water will do...So scared baby will be infected by her..
eh..i dun intend to give her ang bao manz
just now she make me so mad....again her pad issue lah...told my parents..so today i watch like hawk to see...the mintue she came out of toilet and again...go to the kitchen sink and throw on the kitchen counter top....eh..my kitchen floor also got bin one hor..the small one on the sink is for small items to throw kind...

so tell her aunty...your menses pad cannot throw on kitchen sink top...we put food there....you know what she reply, say...when bin full she will throw out...wah lioaz!!!! the plastic bag just changed before afternoon...dun tell me u wait till evening when full then throw out meh!! wah liaoz...by then already 4 to 5 hours time leh...ur pad will begin to smell...

worse..you will start to prepare dinner next to your soiled pad!! and expect me to eat your food!!! wah liaoz...

tell her she not happy with me..give me black face and then go throw it out...

but honestly....where she throw her pad is where we put the frozen meat to defrost one...wah liaoz!!!! now everytime i want to defrost there...i will think of her pad..

btw...the location of the small bin is next to my fridge and microwave oven as well.....
ponponta, mine was held at amara for high tea. mil says not fantastic. lol. i find it ok tho...common high tea buffet lo...

bbunny, dun give ang bao! agreed! or worse! give 8 dollars! sighs
nans...8 bucks also i dun want give leh...

imagine...we pick her up from home, send her home...provide lunch, provide tv and fan, then waste my water and gas....grocery still i pay.... btw...she dun do any housework one leh...only cook..coz her washing skills superbly bad also...so really...she only cooks....if i know i order tingkat....haha..cheaper somemore

eh hope she dun black face and poison my food tonight hor...
I must really applaude u for being able to take care of BB yourself. I don't think i can do that without starving to death myself cos definately won't have time to prepare meals or even to go toilet or bathe. My BB also like yours... always sleeps very soundly when I'm carrying him or when he's suckling halfway. The moment i put him down the alarm goes off so I'm like lifting weights all the time.
Re: Diapers. I found out that Fitti (the cheaper version) is cheaper than Drypers but think it's only avaliable at Shop n save. Din find it elsewhere. Have not tried yet cos still finishing Drypers but i find that Drypers leaves red marks at BB's if fasten properly but if fasten too loose will leak. I oso found Giant brand diapers at Giant supermart. $6.55 for 42 pieces (S size) so far the cheapest i think but again I bought it but haven use will try n update if good or not.
oh CiN,haha, i didnt starve to death cos i ordered confinement food from Natal essentials for lunch....
dinner,i eat the unfinished lunch food plus i steam cod fish daily lo...

i didnt do housework for the past month..only wash bb clothes, look after bb, everything tt related to bb then i do only lo..

just held Sean's full month party today.....dead tired now...held at my own house with 80 guests.....talk so much the whole day tt now i cant stop drinking water liao....but its a relief tt its over..just hope Sean can sleep well tonight so mummy n daddy can have a good sleep too....
bbwow, i'm sure you will be able to handle your baby if you're on your own. i was also worried at first, but it's been ok so far.

for those of you on your own, can try cooking more at night or over the weekend when husband is around. then fridge/freeze the food so that during the week, all you need to do is heat it up in the microwave.
<font color="0000ff">hi mummies</font>
i'm due in abt a month. Wondering if anyone who delivered in TMC can tell me how much they charge for a pack of Pampers Newborn? It shld be listed in your bill. Issit the yellow packaging, 36pcs per pack? And what wipes are they using - Pigeon or J&J? Thanks much.
I jus delivered at TMC, but i dun think they breakdown the price for the diapers. Its stated as Baby supplies in the bill. I think abt $90. So tt incld all the diapers, wipes etc. Its the NB size for ~5kg.

They are using J&J (fragrance free) wipes.
Hope it helps!
hi mummies, wow after reading your horror stories, seems like i'm super lucky to get a good CL. She's very concerned about cleanliness and hygiene. She cleaned and mopped the kitchen everyday. She also sweeps the rest of the house and mops it before baby wakes up. Also cooked for my hubby and in-laws (altho it wasn't stipulated in the contract). Didn't complain about having to wash and sterilize my pump accessories and bottles so many times, or bringing it upstairs for me when i needed to pump milk. And even though bb was not sleeping with her, she wakes up at night to take care of his night feeds. She also taught me how to bathe and dress baby. Even said must apply lotion on baby's arms and legs BEFORE applying ru yi oil on his tummy, otherwise it will be too 'hiam'! Can tell she really loves babies...she likes to call him "xiao ke ai"...hahaha...asked us whether can send her one of his photos when she was about to leave. Think my bb missed her coz he was super cranky that night after she left...sobzz...

Sorry about gushing...but she was fantastic. I'm really gonna recommend her to my preggy frens loh.

Regarding diapers, I find drypers cheap but very lousy coz always leaks, lasts only 2 hours and yah the side gathers leaves red marks on my bb's thighs. Fitti and Mamy Poko are much better...I just bought a pack of Nepia, gonna try it when my pack of drypers finish.
thanks nans and gingerleaf,

i was trying to find a good and cheap hotel to hold the party. Carlton is very ex, out of budget.

Hi gingerleaf, can to share the cost for amara hotel?

My baby is forever having rashes, from milk rash to diaper rash and now heat rash. Hoping that the aloe vera gel will do the trick and cure the heat rash. Worse, now he got infected by the CL, started coughing with phlegm stuck in his nose and throat. See him breathe until so hard and cannot sleep properly, heart also pain...
It was me who held it at carlton.
I think Amara abt the same price.
That time I check with Tiffany at Furama Hotel, its ard $23/pax, their special rate, which u need to ask.
ask u all, do your bbs have like stuffy nose or phlegm like symptoms? Cos my bb seems to have it all the time, and we forever sucking out the mucus also still there one. dunno is it normal or not leh.

how can you be doing housework! We shouldn't be doing housework during confinement period. Rest is very important esp if you're BF. Your CL really jialat man.


Mine was also recommended so no choice. Anyway, she has left today liao. So tonight we're on our own...pray I can survive the night!


Your CL is just plain er xin la. So unhygenic! We even bought dettol handwash and make sure the CL washes her hands every time. Btw, my electricity bill came up to $230+ this month!


Taking care of bb is fine but it's the crying part that I cannot handle.
Always at a loss when he cries.
