(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


waiting for you to start first leh...kekeke

think should be fine unless it's something toxic. my dog ate my diamond pendant and she also passed it out. sorry for the crude story la but just assuring you that it should be fine.

i'm hoping that will happen but because iut's very small and very thin, i worry it get stuck in her intestine or something.. and worry will cause infection..hiaz...i really very very blur and not careful!!!
aria_jo: oh no, yah u may want to just consult a GP and see wat he said? i think small sticker should be ok , at most will cause aria to lao sai? and the small sequinn most prob will be passed out in her stool as karrie said.
yeah, i think i really should. later, wait for hubby to come and bring us to see a GP. today, on leave to take care of aria while hubby bring MIL see specialis for the her tyroid problem.. haiyo..really so blur!
ecookie, karrie, thanks for the advices
go home must dig the chicken essence we received during confinement! come to think of it, i didn't drink or eat anything extra 'BU' after giving birth to chloe.. hmm..
I heard from others that if the age gap between the two kids are too close, we tend to get sick easily during our pregnancy. Cos haven fully recovered. That's explained why i frequently fall sick..almost every month. So take time to drink and eat more tonic. Make red date tea for yourself every alt days??

Dayan used to eat alot of "unwanted" stuff when he crawls..yes, stickers also eat before! Newspapers etc..u name it he taste or eat it! I let him drink lots of water to gush it down then see if he poops out.

brought zq to his 1st class this morning...
and im now all troubled, duno whether to continue send him there or not...

i was wi him, by his side to play the toys when we reached there for about 45mins, then i left his side and hid at a corner of the class to monitor him.. he was still okay and play himself initially, but after like 15mins he started to look ard and looked for me, then the teacher went and attended to him and diverted his attention.. he continued wi his own game but after a while he started to look for me again, though he didnt cry but his face looked so pitiful...

when came to the group game, singing and dancing, he was still okay but wi a super stone and blur look on his face.. all the while i hid and he couldnt see me at all... then when came to music class, they need to go out the class and moved on to the music class upstair, he started to get grouchy, i just followed secretly behind.. then when the music class over, they lined up to out of the classroom, he started to cry out very loud! and looked for me frantically.. i was so sad and cried too.. he wanted someone to carry so one of the teacher carried him but he kept struggled! shouted and cried so loud..

when he back to his classroom, they lined up to wash hands for snack, he was still crying in queue.. i couldnt bear any longer and rushed to him.. helped him to wash up and have his snack.. he was in better mood after which.. then the boy sat beside him spit out his grape, zq wanted to take it up and it! omg.. lucky i stopped him in time! i really think wi the teacher student ratio of 1:3.5, they can totally avoid such incidents..

then when come to the outdoor playground time, when every kids behave like monkeys, i think accidents bound to happen coz it's impossible for teachers to pay attention to everyone... and zq just couldnt stop to walk up the stairs and slide...

im very troubled now, i feel that zq not ready for the class yet.. he seems too young and the environment wi so many kids seems very easily get sick, and i think at home my one to one attention is much more better, i can teach what the teacher teach also.. what i cant provide him is the interaction wi other kids.. and also i duno if im able to handle both kids when small bb borned..

very headache!!!
im not sure whether i set too high standard for the school.. but frankly speaking, i think i can teach my son better.. and he's much safer under my care...
actually it is v poor thing lor when zq keep looking ard for u in the class. perhap u discuss with ur hb and see whether to let zq continue his class or postspone to later stage?
dodo: very heartpain to hear wat u said abt zq! im worried that yz will find it hard to adjust into the cc too. and somemore the ratio at ur side is really good! 1:3.5!! the cc im sending yz to is ard 1:5 or 1:6. really hope the teacher can give yz the adequate attention...

my suggestion is if you really cant cope with 2 kids, its better to put zq in cc now rather than after u popped. zq may associate the cc with didi and feel resentful. there is bound to be a transition period. so give zq sometimes and who knows, he ll grow to like cc soon! this is only the 1st day, of cos he ll feel abit hard to just adjust in.
tiffy & ecookie,

ya, it was just so sad... i also weeped lots when i was there... so sad to see him like this..

actually all expected he will behave like this, but when things really happened, it just felt so horrible..

that's what i thought too, so i dun wan to send zq to cc when bb is borned.. i dun wan him to relate didi's birth and his going to sch.. and i duno whether can i handle both kids, if i really cant handle by then, i also dun wan to send zq to cc then.. so maybe will engage a nanny to help out? i really lost now.. i thought im all prepared mentally, but seems not the case at all..
and also, his meal & milk time all mess up!
coz when he back home ard 1145am, it's supposed to be his lunchtime, but he was so tired and dun wana eat.. so i put him to bed for nap, he napped for 2.5 hours, so had lunch real late near 3pm.. so i couldnt feed him his noon milk...
dodo: yah i think meal and nap time will all go haywire initially. need to slowly "tio" back. many also tell me yz wont eat as much over there cos teacher wont feed him all the way and if he doesnt want to nap they wont feed him too. im prepared to see a slimmer him but think if that really happened will be v sad too.

hmm.. i think u go ahead and try for a week or 2 1st. if by end of the trial, zq still showing as much or more unhappiness, mayb seriously need to consider with ur hb.
ya true.. teacher not really bother to feed them if they dun wan to eat.. im not sure whether am i too protective over zq or not.. but the thought of him maybe eating some food that other kids spit out enough to make me crazy!
i duno leh.. my mama suggested to try him out 1 week also.. she also very heartpain...
dodo, oh dear after reading ur post im starting to have second thoughts about sending matty to childcare leh...was intending to send him there when he turns 21 months...coz dun think my maid can handle 2 babies at the same time. and my mil is still working so can't help. how ah...so poor thing to just dump him there!
dodo, so heartache to read that!!! I can picture his dudu mouth n face!

its a matter of time he'll start nursery. Of coz 1st day he'll get grouchy and such, coz not used to it. But, you cannot always feel this way ma. What if when its time to go P1, and you still cant let go?
How abt, next sch day, you dun go and see at all. This way, you wun feel so anxious, 2ndly. you give zq a chance to be on his own too.
I know you bu she de, but darius coming soon, you gotta start preparing urself too.

Mummies whose kids attending cc, can share some advises?
ya, let him try out 1 week, but you also cannot be ard.. else he'll sure keep wanting you.

Maybe you just sit outside the classroom n wait it out with no peeping.
hi all

dodo.. v sad to hear how zq's spent his 1st day @ cc. u r not being protective la, most parents r jus like u too. i duno zq's class is half or full day, but may b u can request cc to let u stay longer for 1st wk? there sure to be a transition period is jus a matter of how long nia. last time our cc requested parent to stay w the kid in class for half day during 1st few days (full time class, tink if half day class still can stay few hrs), gradually then MIA ourselves cos they said if suddently MIA the kids might hv phobia. sametime try talking to zq tat u sending him to schl, hope he can understands u... re hygiene wise... really hv to open/close one eye cos the teachers really not so attentive like ourselves/@ home. and their meal time sure haywire... i hv to cut down 1 afternoon milk feed for zann as the cc dun encourage, they prefers the kids to fllw their timetable for meal time (unless for those 18mths they'll accommodate upon parent's request).. but urs is international cc, the standard shdnt b too bad than those local ones ba... alternatively, if u tink zq is not ready for cc, then perhaps getting a nanny to help u when didi arrives is better idea. dun worry much ya...tings will be fine..
chris... congrats - ah brig won the bb contest!! he really v fast in talking leh.. i thot boy usually v slow... mine until now speaks mostly bb language...

ecookie, chris.. some ppl really 'buay zi dong' one... 4ever like to 'k-kiang' plan tings asumming everybody is v free or kwn how to say duno how to do.... i also tink cant oblige them too much if not they'll climb over our head, at time, we must learn to say no....

doobom.. hope u solve ur prblm soon, dun let it affect ur mood ya...

ariajo.. hope aria is fine, tink is shd b ok if she got no sign of choking, etc..... like i told u earlier... now lagi 'bo-eng' 4us looking after them.. haha...

ponponta.. thks 4 giving the jelly drops link, 1st ting i saw go order le.. cos tire of karihome goat milk, got something new to try for the kids.. re firstteeth, u wan to try?? hvnt rcvd ur address, sms me & i'll post to u.
chintz...u miss me arr?? keke... i got no time to read archives yet... managed to catch today post nia...

btw, we came back fm KL last thurs instead of wed cos hb got held up another day @work.. so damn boring leh... my cough get worst there & i caught a flu (tink i those 'pai miang' type, cannot relax one.. holiday oni sick, working wont get sick)... anyway... imagine staying in the hotel most of the time w two kids.. cos drizzling on/off cant go out. opp is time square, jus brought them over once myself during lunch time, but i buay tahan carry bb lance & handling zann same time.... jus loiter for less than 2hrs rushed back hotel le.. also due to the overhead bridge stroller unfriendly & the traffic quite heavy, didnt explore the plc myself w them. oni waited for hb to off work & go dinner & shop around hotel nia, go BB plaza & sungei wang.... did passby midvalley but no time popby, 1 day like rain few times, sian...... oni benefit got fm tis trip is get to spend time w both kids & bb lance busy'practising' walking in the hotel for 3days (lucky we brought playpen along, if not duno how to stop him).. come back he 'upgraded' to walking club le!! now lagi busy for us cos need to 'jagar' him here & there!
btw, tink u got little 'ping xue' tat's y feel giddy easily (i also like tat when preggie w bb lance)... u can start to 'bu' urself aft 1st trimester... red dates tea - v easy, jus buy fm medical shop/dry goods stall, also buy longyan rou.. grab a bundle remove the seeds add some longyan rou & brew together, no need add sugar.... u may smash the cooked red dates & sieve b4 serving... dun drink too thick scare heaty... or u can go medical shop, ask them to pack some 'ba zhen' (duno got add wat other herbs) tell them for 'an tai' one, u brew w 'sou rou' also can. also can drink black chicken soup... if one easy, go to those stall selling tonic soups, can get ready cooked one....
junniez, ya lor.. mmiss u la!!

thanks for the tips.. what is "ba zhen" ah?? ya i remember last time MIL always brew black chicken soup with red dates for me. once a week, eat until i so scared and heaty.. and bb growing very fast! haha

btw, congrats on bb lance walking!!

ya.. his dudu mouth and teary eyes make my heartbreak.. and i think he really called out "mama" to me.. 1st time heard him called me but at circumstances like this.. im teary again... i keep kissing him and sayang him after the class, duno why i feel like i owe him lots for not taking care of him myself and let him go thru these... maybe im the one who take care of him since he was borned, so the separation anxiety really hits both of us greatly..

ya, i think the teachers also dun allow me to be around all the time.. i hid at a small corner, very crampy also, now im suffering serious backache liao.. i also think why dun i go and see, just let it go but i really she bu de.. i think i will cry lots at home.. i think i will still go sch wi him tomorrow, but hide at that corner again and not letting him see me.. but when he cried i scared i cant control again and appear suddenly to carry him again.. sigh..

zq attending half day class.. cant imagine i put him there full day, think i will go crazy...
ya, i told zq that we going to school, do u like school? and he kept flashing a big smile when i asked him all these.. jusr now when he woke up from nap and when i played wi him, i asked him the same ques again and he ignored me.. so sad.. i feel like im a culprit for his unhappiness

actually now i think of this nanny option.. might be a better one coz im still ard and i can ensure he still get to nap, drink and eat at his usual timing.. but im afraid i cant spend more time on him to teach and play wi him... frankly speaking, i never so indecisive and so troubled before.. this time round im really in a lost...

ya red dates tea very easy to prepared and u can keep refill wi hot water.. just drink like normal water.. dun put too much sugar in it, coz scared of gestational diabetic..
actually i also seldom "bu" when i preggie leh, just make some soup and drink, but i eat quite alot of birdnest.. not for the purpose of "bu" actually, just feel like eating then can make us of this "chance" (pregnancy) to ask hubby to buy more loh.. :p
hey dodo, ur story makes me imagine myself putting sean in childcare too..i will cry if he starts to look around for me with that sad face looking lost

I also told myself its not ready for sean to go to a childcare/playgroup yet (or mb i am not ready for him to go)...feel that mb 2years onwards will be a better time. at least he can talk abit more and tell us if he kena bully...

u must take care of urself too, dun get too worried and tire yourself up, esp in a foreign place..

chintz, just manage to read and know that u r preggy!! Congrats!! Chloe will have a didi or meimei liao
take care ya
Initially I also don't want Caelen to watch tv. Then I find that if my mum don't let him watch a bit of tv, she don't have much time to do other things (like cooking his meal). So I choose to select what TV he watch by buying educational VCD / DVD for him. Actually I read somewhere that educational VCD / DVD can be beneficial.

Wow ! Congrats for winning !

Was wondering where are you. Missed you
Do check with gynae on iron level. Do watch that Red Date can be 'heaty' too, so everything in moderation ok !

What did GP say ? Did Aria managed to pass out ? I guess she would since sequine is quite small.

I tend to agree with Gingerleaf, if you don't perhaps you should really try not to stay and watch or at least like what Junnie says, stay for just a SHORT while. Let him try out for a while and maybe he can get used to it. Daily routine-wise, he will slowly adjust himself to the new routine.

Let say if you go the nanny way, he might also resent against Dairus since he might not be able to get as much of your attention even thou he is at home.

Don't be too tough on yourself and keep blaming yourself. You are a GREAT mum, just bit emotional now (which could be your nature + hormones).

Brig also going to cc soon... is full day.. i have a mil everyday crying cos brig going to cc, make me want to cry too..

But i learning to be POSITIVE!!!! Children r stronger then we think they are. Just assure if that he will see you at the end of the day.

Your feeling will effect him. Try sending him to school with a cheerful smile and a positive mindset tt it is the best for him... He can feel it....

When you fetch him, give him a big big hug for he good behaviour etc etc...

Try.. it will help....
Hey! You are a Great Mummy dear! I truly understand that feeling that you had. Esp frm 1st day till now, u brought him up in hand. I guess the separation anxiety is unavoidable. Agreed with the rest, give him and yourself more time. And trust the teachers at cc that ZQ is well taken care of. Remember why u send ZQ to cc? U mention he loves company and playing etc?

I am sure i will be like you when the time comes when i have to send Dayan to school. But its all for his own good. When lil' Darius comes out, wow! he definitely needs alot of your attention. Esp when u have to breastfeed. So let's all jia you!!

I have visited once a CC. The principal advised me not to even stay there the 1st Day. Just let it go. Thus creating a habit and routine. i hmmmm...agreed to an extent. Then i will hide one corner and sure cry vigorously. Haha!

Urgent! Mummies who bought kids crocs shoes,
I just ordered Croc shoes online for Dayan. Is C8/C9 too big or too small ah?? What size do you all ordered???

Hey Unice,
Long time no see. How are you? Missed you...

Oh god! What a "exciting" trip! Missed your post leh. Hope you are getting better now. Must take care! And CONGRATS to our Lance who upgraded to the walking gang. keke!
Sorry forgot to reply you. keke! Think quite a few sweet mummies replied you for the Red Date Drink. Actually got a few version. Dun make it too thick..if not too heaty.

Red Date Drink:
1) Red Dates (seedless preferred, so u can eat it later if you want) ~Grab a handful

2) "当参" Tang Sheng ~put 1 or 2 pcs

3) Wolfberries ~ Grab a small small handful

4) Dried Longan ~ If want sweeter, put more BUT it can be very heaty.

Throw all in and boiled it! Simple. Hope it helps..Take care dear!!
may i add in another plus point.
If he starts cc now, he can make more little frds too. And you'll also have time for darius and sometime to rest before zq comes home.
I agree with jovialz and chris. You must send him off with a happy face n receive him with one too. Then he will feel the positive energies and will start to look forward to sch! He gets to learn soemthing in sch n make frds, you get to nuture darius. Win win situation. Dun forget that you cannot neglect hb too, so this might be a good option after all.

For now, you need to grit your teeth n bear it thru. Every kids will not want their mummies to leave them alone in the care of others, but if they slowly get used to it, they'd enjoy the company of other little childrens too. Look at it in another way, you only have so much energy a day. You fully understand and experience how tough being a fulltime mother is. Imagine now its x2! You seriously need to have some time for yourself and hb. Home schooling zq would never be the same as what cc can offer. Darius needs you now more than zq. You only have 24hrs a day, you cant divide half half for each. You NEED to have time for urself n hubby. Remember, feeling all stressed up will affect urs n hb's relationship. Besides, it would be so fun to have zq come home from sch and ask him 'did u have fun in sch today? What did you learn?'

Our advises can only go so far, coz ultimately, if you really bu she de, also no use. Like I always tell you, you must be strong n put on a brave front for your darling boy. Dun let him be the one to worry for you ma.

I have explored the options for lyn to attend cc tho Im a SAHM. I feel it would be a great headstart for her to accept and get use to strange surroundings and learn in class n make new frds. Try to see far. Its only for his own good. You dun wan him to be a ku pi chong oso.

Seriously, my only concern to put lyn in cc is fear that she might contact hfmd. Hehehe.

So gal, do what you shld do! Whatever decision you make, we'll stand by you! *eh, dun cry hor. kakakka*

another simple n nourishing soup to make!

1 chickee drumstick (skin off less oil, skin on more fragant but oooooily!)
a few red dates(I prefer no seeds ones, coz less heaty than the ones with seeds)
a spoonful of wolfberries.
Salt to taste.

Dump chickee n dates in a slow cooker. Then leave it to cook over night Half hour before serving dump in the wolfberries.
Add salt to taste.

You can add salt together and cook too, but must get correct amt, else end product might be too salty.
Can dump in wolfberries in teh 1st step too, but wolfberries cook too long will make the soup taste abit sour. So your preference.
Hi Mummies,

I'm from the May'08 thread. Juz checking any bb here wearing XL Huggies Ultra Diapers?

I have 3 packs to sell off... my bb is oni 9mths old so can't wear them yet. Somemore, she is using M size so dun wish to keep the XL diapers for so long.

I got the 3 packs from the recent Mother&Baby Fair when subscribing to 12 mths magazine. My sis went down on my behalf but unfortunately grab the wrong "size"...

Willing to let go at oni $40/-
Anyone interested please email me at [email protected]

Have a nice day!
Good morning mummies!

Unice... long time no see! where have u been? miss u too!
thanks gal!

dodo, i believe by now got a lot of mummies have given their thoughts and advices to you. so only u know best what to do next, jiayou ya.. i like what jovialz said, flying kite!

To add on, i think putting our kids to cc is just one of the first few hard times we'll face while raising them up. There are more to come dear, so be strong and stay positive always okie?

Don't always cry cry ah,, not good for lil Darius!

gingerleaf, jas and everyone else who have given ur little recipes.. thank u so much!!!!
very hungry now thinking of the soup, the drink.. yum yum yum~~

btw, think last time we ever discussed on to eat or not to eat birdnest while preggie rite? some said will cause newborn to have phlegm or cough or something like that is it? mummies enlighten me!
i agree with all mummies here regarding sending zq to cc. Pls "ren" for a while. I'm sure zq will get use to the environment. It's a good time for him to learn to be independant also. And a good time for you to prepare for the arrival of darius.. use these time to really rest because when darius is born, you'll be so busy again.. Yes, crying is no good for your emotional health being and Darius, ok? Be strong girl... Everyone mummy has to go through this eventually, may be you'll just a bit early... sooner or later, i also have to send aria to cc.

re aria: she's her usual self, talkative and still playful. hubby ask MIL to keep the soil diaper for him so that he can checked if she pass it out. i really worry, it will melt and get absorb into his blood stream since the sequine is really very small.. didn't bring her see GP as one of my gf told me her collegue's daughter also chewed and ate a spoon. brought her to KKH but doc said nothing they can do, they just need to monitor the stool and makesure all passout and they can piece together the spoon!

welcome back!!

woahhh....congrats on brig winning the BB competition!! he must have charmed all the judges with his smile

congrats! and welcome lance into the walking club
next time lance and aria can hold hands and walk..keke..

I had birdnest when preggy. every week 1/2 bowls. I think as long as moderation should be ok.

re: pampers
I didn't know got expiry leh. I've bought 3 packs of XL pampers long long time ago thinking babies grow fast. but until now J haven't upgrade. Got expiry? anyone can enlighten this suaku?
morning mummies!

dodo: yah i think sending baby to cc has its pros and cons too. zq can know new little friends and we all know they learn alot thru interaction. zq can learn how to interact with pple and get used to new environments too. next time when he transits to nursery will be easier too. cos when they are younger now, they are very adaptable. sure they will cry but they will adapt much faster than those kids who got sent to cc/nursery only at an older age say 3 yo. they may have own temper and more stubborne and may be more resistant to new environments.
so try it out for 1 week or 2, im got confidence in zq to adapt well there!
of cos, as gingerleaf and chris said, you must send him off n fetch him with a happy face so he ll associate the cc as a happy place ..
bbwow: same same. i got 1 XL bought for fun that time, but yz has been size L for the longest time liao. dun know when can start using the XL...?

chintz: i think birdnest is quite good for the baby's complexion, i never heard of it creating phlegm though. think anything as long in moderation should be fine.
morning mummies!!

gingerleaf,so late still not sleeping..

dodo, how is ZQ today? it is also very heartache for me to put anders in infant care at such a young age..he dun even know how to speak and walk properly that time.. on the first day, i was told to leave him alone.. i cannot even stay behind to watch him even though i'm on leave and he is on full day.. he is crying so badly,i tink whole neighbourhood can hear his cries..he must be thinking his parents have abandoned him..me and my hb very hurt..we actuaally teared...

afternoon, when we picked him up.. we realise he din drink his milk, eat his porridge etc.. he cried till his voice become hoarse, whole cycle become distrupted.. but we have to persist on and cannot give up..sooner or later,he will have to face this too.. true enough, after 3 months.. he get used to it and he loves school...

it is part of growing up...so take it easy..it is hard in the beginning, but if you dun get started, u will never willl.. sooner or later, u will face to it... i believe ZQ is so smart and sociable.. he will be able to get used to it soon.. give him some time and a chance..be strong for him...

fyi, we did thought of giving up and looking for a nanny.. especially when he fall ill in school..but the tot of he having to go thru the next time.. we just have bite our teeth and let him go thru.. anyway, it is another way of building up his immunity...
chintz, u feeling better? brew some tonics and bu yourself..erm,i did take a bowl of birdnest every week from 4th mth onwards...

junniez, welcome back.. haha, i forgot to PM you my address.. will do so later..

unice,long time no see liao..

ariajo, oh gosh.. must be terrifying to see aria chewing on the sequins.. hope she passed them out and is nothing serious...
bbwow, yes u can see the expiry date on the fine prints.. somewhere.. usually it lasts a good 2-3 years..

mummies, thanks for the thoughts on birdnests.. hmm now im craving for one!
huh! pampers really got expiry one ah! aiyoh. I better go check the expiry now. dunno when will J ever get to use XL. keke

anders took 3 months to adapt ah? wow. must be tough on you. I'm trying to drag bringing J to cc. Will bring him for those playgroups like a few hours to interact with other kids instead of full day cc.
bbwow, ya lor, last week (oops, hope i dun speak too soon) he never cry and can say bye bye to us..at least he is sleeping longer hours and is enjoying his music class.. he even do artwork for us..

beginning 1st week is tough, 2nd week we are immuned to his cries.. terrible parents...

so touched and appreciate for all ur advices...

we had discussed to postpone putting zq into the school.. many factors we considered, actually im more prone to giving zq one more trial but hubby upon listening to how zq's reaction and how the school handle some situation, he thinks it's better to postpone till zq much older, at least 2 yr old...

some of the reasons we thought of:
- the tendency of him getting sick is very high, kids there sneeze, cough and runny nose and kids at this stage dun know how to take a tissue paper to wipe off their mucus.. teachers may not be able to do so for them all the time also.. so the chances of getting virus really high, and we think most important now is to let zq grows up in a cleaner and healthier environment, at least for the 1st few years of his childhood.. if he keep falling sick will be very tiring on me as well coz my tummy getting bigger and hubby may not be ard that often so very taxing on me to take care a sick him... his health is my top most priority...

- the behaviours of toddlers there. as much as i wish zq to interact and play wi other kids, i also worry he may catch some bad habits from them... yesterday when zq was there some elder kids snatched his toys, and some threw tanthrums like banging things and shout loudly.. i can tell zq we cannot do this, must share toys if im by his side, but when im not ard and teachers did not teach them all these in time, he may pick up some habits that i dislike...

- i think at this age his meal, milk & nap time still very important... i hope can let him have his own schedule and grow up well thru this...

- as for the kids interaction that we lacking him of, we now exploring alternatives like once or twice a week playgroup for him to play and interact wi other kids.. i will try to let him be his own and sit back and watch unless there are certain points that i think some attentions needed.. and as for the teaching part, i guess i have to be more hardworking to plan more creative programmes and acitivities for him..

sigh.. it's not an easy choice, we still think he's too young to expose to all these and i really wish to provide him a more loving and more attention growing up environment.. even if didi is borned, i will still try to spend more quality time wi him.. and hopefully get him involve in the taking care of didi process, so he get to learn more abt siblings love i hope so.. and i definately will get a nanny just to help out taking care of kids, rotate her duty among zq and didi so i can spend quality time wi both of them...

i really hope this is the "better" decision... thanks mummies for all ur supports and advices!

and gingerleaf, im so touched that u still think of my issue at that hour! hope u are still zzzing now.. must catch more rest for ur trip ya!
dodo: yah good that you ve come to a decision with ur hb. hopefully this will work out to be a better arrangement for u!

mummies who feed cod liver oil to ur babies:
according to the scott emulsion, it said 15ml per day to toddler 1-6 yo, seems like alot to me?
so did you guys actually feed 15ml as per suggested to the little ones on a daily basis?

ecookie & chintz,
i also hope this is a better arrangement for my family! come to think of it, the reason for me becoming a SAHM is to spend more time wi zq and to teach and grow up wi him.. though can forsee it will not be an easy time when small bb is borned, but i will press on and do whatever i can do best!

coz zq dun like the taste so i can only bluff him to eat 2 teaspoon alternate days.. :p
