(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

gingerleaf: hahahah appearances can be deceiving lah. i very fierce one when it comes to arguing. and my temper smelly like dun know wat. every time argue, i stormed home hor, my mum will said "must be you shooting ur mouth off. make ur hb angry, quick call him and go home now"!!!! talk abt being on my side. bleh.

ur job sounds fun! Like playing games lidat. lol.
wow, u sure are lucky today!

hahahah. mother knows best ma. =p

chintz maybe not feeling well n restin at home?
just want to complain:
my SIL just sent out an email to hb and my BIL (hb's brother) saying she has booked a function rm at her condo and we are expected to go for dinner there tomorrow with my inlaws.
really getting fed up with this kind of last minute arrangements and "assuming" attitude from my hb's family side. *grr*
If you really got something on, then don't go (provide hubby agreeable lah), otherwise bo bian go and ask hubby to tell you sis in law to give advance warning.
jovialz: i told my hb long time ago such last min gatherings are really getting on my nerves. and they LOVE to organise outings on sat/sun despite i told hb that can we keep sat strictly to ourselves then sun i dun mind going for gatherings. very tiring to always "block" out saturdays by coming up with outings. but if no outings, then have to entertain these kind of last min gatherings. which is tomorrow in this case lor. super sian

i agree with jovial. If you wanna get your point across, dun go. Say you oreadi got arrangemnt last week to dine with YOUR own family today. =p
Then suggest she give advance notice next time, else u wun be able to 'join in their fun' if its so impromptu.
gingerleaf: sigh. i really tired of they like that. whenever such happen always create conflicts b/w me n hb. if we go, i sure unhappy cos sat i dun like to go for family gathering. then dun go, hb will sulk too. his from his family too, same pattern. totally at ease with last min and esp. gathering with his own family, he is always more than ready.
i hate last min arrangement too. So soemtimes I kick up a fuss n just dun go lo. Then hb end up oso dun go. But mood oreadi foul, coz surely would have small arguement over it.
gingerleaf: precisely. lose lose situation. i go also unhappy. dun go, face a moody hb also unhappy. wah really pek chek. and his family LOVE to organise gatherings on sat one leh! i think i will go but must really drive the point to stupid hb to tell his sis not to be so last min next time.
hm , then how about changing your arrangment ? Make it Sun a Own Family Day since they like to organise on Saturday ? In any case, sunday go anywhere (if drive) parking also cheaper. ?
oops, just realise i'd read wrong. They like to organise on both satuday and sunday. Maybe you talk with hubby, say sometime you just feel like resting at home after whole week of working. He can still go ahead to join his family. Not necessary every event must whole family attend.
jovialz: this prob has been bothering me n hb for quite sometime. cos his family is super knitted those type and doesnt help that MIL and SIL both not much friends so they are very keen on gatherings. SIL will ask hb's bro (BIL) to go MIL hse for lunch EVERY sun cos their sons very close in age so can play there too. we only join like once/twice a mth and think SIL not very happy with us.

and not to mention ad hoc basis, my MIL/FIL will call us and ask where we are on SATs and they very ready to join us if we ASK. and of cos hb will ask lor. then after i talk to him , he stop asking. but still have to deal with ad-hoc requests from SIL like tomorrow lor, wah like never ending.
so practically, my weekends like very susceptible to sudden ambushs lor. and im tired of deliberately organising activities to block them out. so i jsut play by ear most of the time. hb has been doing his part lah, he'll go MIL hse on some sundays noon alone and ask me to rest at home with yz.
Hi Mummies...

Violent mummies to birdies now?... Haha...

I used to be like you, and ended up arguments btwn me and hb. I dun entertain such now, coz I dun think it's worth the effort to argue or watever. I just tell hb that I am tired and want to have my own arrangements, moreover that's last min arrangements.
Out of curiousity, why din the SIL email you? Personally, I cun stand this.
Anyway, I dun allow promises to invites without my consent. If this happens, hb goes alone to entertain.
Haiz... I cun help it, though I may be unreasonable. But I need to stick on to my plans as I look forward to it for the whole week for the weekend to come.
Either you dun entertain this time round, so tat they aware that you have your pre-planned arrangements and no time to entertain last min stuff. I feel that if you agree to this everytime, it will happen again and again. It's not worth it to argue with hb since it's gonna be happening again and again.
What did you hb comment about this last min arrangment?
I think it's tough to handle this. U try compromise with your hb? Only one day entertaining their arrangements, say Sunday only. Saturday is for your own plans.
I think I need to do some soul searching. I have always been the commando cum tigress @ home. Otherwise, in no time, I will be defeated by the China 'li hai' woman.
Quite tough for me, ever since I become a mother. Behaving like an auntie most of the time.

Jovialz, wah so you're pushing tin. that's another high stress job man. lives at stake.

hahahaha gingerleaf, altho i haven't seen u in person, but the image of u talking meekly like a bird tickles me too!!!

dodo, ur hb is really sweet leh. i think ur mama is right, must accompany him to BJ, coz ur hb so nice and his looks are so 'si wen', those china ladies sure target one! they really very clever to "deh" one leh.

i think i need to be more "ti tie" to my hb too. he's the kind who needs TLC. sometimes i get too caught up in work and taking care of matty i really neglect him. he's more emo than me oso...if i dun receive TLC i can still take it, but not him. sekali he go outside and look...
Think this is tough on both you and hubby. He grew up in that environment thus I think he does enjoy the gathering. You personally don't like too frequent gathering with his family. Not to Mention last minute ones ? Would compromise help? Like you compromise by join the weekly gathering (once a week but every week) then your hubby compromise by strictly no meet up on the other weekend day unless major event ? Then both of you make known this plan to the rest. Citing that the other 'off' day is you own family bonding day.
So sweet of your HB. Envy** He make the trip just for you?? Agree with the rest the china ladies very superb one..just take a look at our hometown can liao.

I can't imagine when the day comes that i have to start packing to move. Though still dun know when lah. Cos i HATE to pack!!!

So you are a valuer? Same with Chris?? If our house is neat and tidy, does that give our house a higher rate?? kekeke! Hope its not. Cos I hate to tidy!!!!! very lazy mum.

Brig is recovering, although slowly.. sign...

He learning new words everyday. Just siad 'raining' cos is raining mah. Today he sang the whole sentence of 'twinkle twinkle little star".. but the rest of the song is blah blah blah... hha

Aiyo,,, cannot be helped... i alway tell my hb that marraige is a set meal not al carte(??), must accept his whole family loh..

My SIL also ' super' type. His son requested for donuts so i bought some for him. He just happen to cough abit out of a sudden when i bought the donuts to him. He insisted that he want to take the domuts (anyway is only a mini donuts), my SIL got so angry and took a cane wanting to cane him. the best " u r coughing still want to take bread?" for goodness sake, bread caused cough??

Not the first tme, what ever i bought for him, his mummy will find reason to reject.. 1st is the mini log cake for xmas, follow by a barney cupcake and now is a mini donut...

Cos BP got cheap huggies, ask her want to buy or not... I must find out how many pcs per pkt for her etc etc.... End up i told her everything out of stock.

I really cant stand her, She dun bother to shower her son when she is back for work, i have to do it for her...

And cos brig is sick and suddenly his son cough.. she said ' is like that the germs will spread to one other'.

So my hb told my MIL, how not to send brig to CC (my MIL stay with them).. If notif something happend to her kids, brig is going to get it...

The best part is that whenever i buy supplement for her son, she will just keep quiet.. ac like nothing happen...

Her is super long story.. sign

What to do? Mariage is a set meal mah
thanks mummies for your advices.
had a talk with hb to let him know my feelings on last min arrangements, esp on a sat!
he said he'll take note. we went for the steamboat and it was not as bad as i tot. lol. the food is nice and maybe the fact that i kept mainly to meself n yz. :p
Good morning mummies!

Aiyo, if I were u, I won't even bother to buy anything for your SIL's son. I can't stand such person and pardon me, though you said marriage is a set meal but that doesn't mean that I'd do all sort of things to please someone that I don't like. I'd make myself withdrawn and just be 客客气气. Well, just like my BIL and SIL, though we see each other every week at my FIL's house, they have not come forward to play or see my son ever since he's born, so after my SIL's son was given birth, I did the same thing. 以其人之道还治其人,fair and square.

Glad to hear that you've told your hubby about your feelings towards the last min arrangements by his family, I reckon things will be better from now onwards. Actually why don't you let his family know that Sat is your own family day and you'll be able to attend other events ONLY on Sunday? Would it be better?
Morning Mummies...

Time flies! We are into month of March!

Hehe... @ least the steamboat is nice and u enjoyed it. That's very nice to have a talk with your hb n he is taking note on that.

My weekend is super busy as I was very tired. Din sleep well since last week as I have some problems with the ILs. Have been sleeping on the problems since last week. No solution yet, and I will try not to think so much about it as it's kinda affect whole of my last week. Haiz...

Anyway, look forward to a great month ahead! March...
morning mummies!!

doobom: hb said he'll take note lah. but if next time same thing happen, then will be another "story" lor. can only play by ear.
hope you are feeling more ok today. can talk to your hb too so he can sit down and think of a solution to the problems...

sanbebe: i agreed with you, i think very hard for me to accept the "set meal" concept too. at most i try to be cordial, my way of accepting the package of marriage lor.
anyway, some mummies here should know that i dont really advocate tv to yz. and i think my MIL has been secretly letting yz watch tv despite we asked her not to. and its true lor, yesterday brought yz to the toy department and he suddenly pointed at the purple thingy and said "barney" loud and clear. we ve only introduced him mickey mouse n elmo thru books so no way he'll know barney. so we put him down and asked him look for barney and he walked and pulled out the purple toy correctly again and again!

so this morning when my MIL reached my hse, i gei gei said yz so smart, knows whats barney when we dont even have a single barney toy at home! then she flustered and said oh she ll let him watch abit during the day. then i said try not to let him watch too much, abit is ok but generally i dun like yz to watch so much tv at home. and she replied dont worry, its free one, not those paid cartoons. *faintz* so i told her its not abt money. and she said barney got teach 1, 2 ,3,4 which i agreed but still have to repeat to her abit of tv is ok. hah. ok im being irritating lah, just want to see what she got to say abt letting yz watch behind our backs. :p
morning mummies..

ecookie, glad to hear your steamboat goes well.. have u decided on the CC for YZ?

doobom, u will have a resolution soon.. ya, like wat ecookie, try to work it out with your hb.. 2 heads better than 1... wish you have a great month too...

hippo, was reading your blog over the weekend..very fortunate leh, got 5 generations!! how did adri address her greatgreat grand father? my mom also got blurred, dunno how anders address her greatx2 grand uncle, so make him address the same as me.. heehee...
ecookie, haha.. YZ is your little tell tale sign.. so your MIL better not mess around with you.. heehee...

btw, u from hall9? i used to be a squatter there for 1 sem.. heehee...
ponponta: location wise, should be more or less cfmed at surbana 1 which is near my hse. cc wise, there are 2 cc there - learning vision and modern montessori. will be bringing to go see which one he is more comfortable with. but that has to wait till early apri when im back from my trip and more free to take leave from company..
yohoo mummies!!! how's everyone? hope all is well

just finished reading up the archive!! phew~~ see until eyes got stars!

last thurs was bz, and fri was on leave (my boss gave me belated birthday off day!) so i went out to my embassy to do procedures and have me-time after that, without chloe! so shiok!!! come to think of it, it's my first time not working and not letting the inlaws know kekekeke

but i was really tired, i realized this pregnancy is more taxing on me.. i walked about 10mins i got faint spell liao.. lucky got nice auntie gave up seat for me in the train. but after that, i dare not take chance to walk liao. *want to save money also cannot* took cab all the way :p

gingerleaf, it's the hainanese term la, "gong gong" and "po po" to both sides of grandparents. i thought that's rather hmm.. confusing. luckily hb think likewise, so we taught chloe "ye ye" and "nai nai"

but there was a period where SIL kept on teaching chloe gonggong popo, when she knew we want to teach chloe yeye nainai, so irritating. that hb has to 'remind' her, "we're the parents, eventually it's what we want our kids to learn.. so u better 靠边站!" hehe

I see I see! No wonder my ILs also call gong gong po po. It doesnt really affect me, but ye ye sounds nicer hor. Heheheh.

U must be careful manz. Issit lack of iron or what hence the fainting spell? If still persist, must let ur gynae know. We were all wondering what happen to u coz u never come online to report.
morning mummies,

Bought brig for baby competition yeasterday. He whole the champoion for the Happies Grandparent and Baby contest. Earn a few pack of diaper for himself.. haha.

My MIL is so happy although she didnt say so. She so sad recently, thinking that brig is going to cc soon, everytime she will cry when she talk to us abt it.. make me so guilty. Just want her to have some happy memary...

Talking abt my SIL, She also go for the bb competition with her 3mth bb girl. Her older son came along... BUT.. during the whole period we are there..... She and her hb (my BIL) just dump his son to my HB, my HB have to bring him down for all activities etc etc... and teh paretns just sit in the hall enjoying aircon...

I told my hb stright, is also a bonding time for yr son and you... u r not spenidng time with ye SON.. but the parents still did nothing...

Eng up his son so sticky to us, refuse to let my HB to bring my son along.. till i step in and be the BAD PERSON... I really really cant stand them... luckily we didnt stay togehter.. if not i think i will faint...
gingerleaf, no la.. i'm only in my 1st trimester leh!! hehe.. difficulty in breathing was my first symptoms before i tested positive. maybe purely 'weak'. o_O
hey chintz! tho u are in 1st tri, sikali it is a little lance in the making! so now prob it is a subtantial size to press on u liao!


Last week asked about you and you still say everything is fine! aiyo. remember to 'pu' yourself cause a woman's body deteriorates for every pregnancy. Have to take care of yourself.

yesterday, hubby and I witness a very sad moment. J was playing by himself then guess he was bored, he walked over to the balcony corner and sat down back facing us, face the wall and mumble to himself! then we picture him having no one to play with and felt very guilty.
hopefully this will be my motivating factor to start giving him a sibling. hahaha

I already gave up on the 'no-tv' liao le. cause can't deprive my mil from watching tv also. I even have Barney on my ipod. hahaha
bbwow.. just tired if i walk too much.. other than that, i'm okay

and yes, think u should start planning liao
chintz: take good care of urself,. drink more chicken essence, it'll help! but must drink more water too incase its too heaty.

bbwow: yah plan another one! i think its good that the little ones have playmates!
sos! aria swallowed half a piece of sequin fallen out from a fabric abt an hour ago. so far she's ok. how ah? anyon babies swallow something not suppose to eat? aiyoh, she refuse to open he mouth to let me dig it out. i aw it for a second and then when i pry open her mouth, it's gone!! this morning she also almost swallow a small piece of sticker!! headache ah.. may be i should bring her see a GP and ask him if need to give aria laxative or something right?so worrying! any advise?
chintz, oh dear hope u are ok. i get dizzy spells frequently too, coz my blood pressure is on the low side. sometimes i feel myself almost blacking out in class. might help for u to carry some sweets around, suck on them to help regulate ur sugar level. my prev gynae taught me that. it helps me
