(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

at least she "dun" for u when u preggy!
my MIL never "dun" for me when i preggie last time round.. but she gave me a very BIG angbao when i delivered zq.. actually duno why she gave me angbao also..

Baby fair is on today??? Makes me so wanna go!! Sigh! Im thinking of getting a triumph or quest. =p.
Anyway, i dun think they'd have any stroller sale there anyway.

thanks for the info! Ah zuo is great grand pa in what language?? For lyn case, she got a 'Ah Doh' which is hainanese for her great grand ma.

your hubby so sweet! Oh, I just had very yummy wanton mee! 5 nicely wrapped nugget of wantons, slivers of roast to perfection charsiew mixed with noodles tossed in chilli and black sauce! Satisfying!! Yum yum. =p hehehehehehehehehehehe.
Nope. I'm in Air Traffic Control. Currently I'm in charge of the ATC's system. I work with the Engineers as a end user. I tell what to change and when to change for our sake. Then come back to ensure everything goes smoothly during and after the software upgrade. Dodo's husband is one of the 1st few to fly back after I'd upgraded my software. hehehehe

MIL during Preg,
Ai yah .. no matter how much 'Xin Bin'. Mil will still consider the little one inside. :p
high chair, anders used to sitting in high chair.. if got nice food, he can sit there for hours.. but if he cranky, a while will want to jump down liao...

ecookie, haha.. i also only get to eat bird nest during preggy.. no special priviledge after and before...

wat's nice to get in bb fair? very crowded, scared to go...
ecookie & chersam,
haa.. those zq's stuffs are what i written down for him to bring back.. but he surprised me wi the tau sar pia & bak zhang loh.. :p
and u know what, he even bought my fav instant noodle, myojo mee goreng.. coz he said everytime i went supermarket here searched for that instant noodle but couldnt find and look so disappointed.. haa..
ur hb really v sweet!!!
ABISH!!!! u make me miss my wanton mee again...
i must learn how to cook... hee :p

hee.. thanks for making sure my hubby got smooth landing hor. wahaha
ya.. maybe it's for the little one inside hor.. but dun care la, just enjoy now! :p

I ALSO WANA GO BB FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u go to that BJ wholesale center can liao. That is the REAL babyfair to me. Hhehahaha.

Dun ahbish mee!! I lub lub you!

dodo's hubby is those extinct type.

im sure ur hubby will do likewise also!

i think i sounds like "hungry ghost" in this forum.. but really envy u all got so many selection of nice food over there loh..
gingerleaf, it is in hokkien.. ah zou,actually is the greatgrandma.. tai-gong is the greatgrandpa...i got confused sometimes...
gingerleaf, u always make me feel hungry.. luckily now munching on grape gummies.. yummy!! can;t wait for my kanyu drops to arrive...

haaa... only the clothings i think..
here cant find PP, Maclaren.. and foodwise, no Gerbers, no Healthy Times one.. very cham...
alamak, he's not that GOOD also loh.. dun overpraise him..

oh ya gal, why u wana get Triump or Quest? if im not wrong, u got 3 prams at home right?!
why u munching grape gummies!! Why huh? why huh??!?!!

aiya. why ur memory so good remember i got how many!! Grr! Im thinking if I wanna buy a maclaren that can recline for my trip. Its either that or the volo. My combi I intend to sell away, tho it can recline and its light, but I dun think the wheels sturdy enuff for europe road condition. =/
Your hubby so sweet lah ...

Dodo, ponponta,
I also dare not go. Same place with Natas fair some more, sure got parking problem.

OOps ... Our family had always call Great Grandpa as Ah Zou, and great grandma as Zou ma. Nevermind lah, it's the heart that counts :p

My MIL also never 'dun' cos she is always out of town. But whenever we go out for dinner / lunch. My hubby says that whenever I go toilet etc, my MIL will tell her 'You must love Esther a lot, she very nice girl, cannot bully her'.
were you a evaluator b4 u quit?
This period of time seems so rush for me. Next week evaluator coming to see the hse. Got so many packing up to do! Tons of toys to be packed, lotsa cleaning to be done. SIANZ! Everything seems so rushed. How I wish hb didnt buy the new place yet, so at least can enjoy the holiday in peace.

okie, next time I will love u alot too coz u r a nice gal. Hheheeheh.

Oh natas fair!! Go hkg is $198 3d2n! such good deals!! I feel like gg in May! But hb dowan! >=(
I can't take credit for the smooth landing since he is landing in BJ this morning. But a smooth flight. You'll be surprise althought Singapore very small, we control his flight for about 1 hour 20 mins. For flight to Japan is 2 hours plus.
jovialz, i really very confused leh.. coz the ah zou is my MIL's mother.. (actually, i tot shd be tai-ma?) den the tai gong is my PIL's father (i tot shd be zou gong).. den MIL and PIL should be nai nai and ye ye.. become popo and gonggong? omg... all opposite.. anyway, which ever they prefer to be call lor..

gingerleaf, i also wonder why.. got a huge appetite recently. hiak hiak.. but the grape gummies really delicious.. addictive.. cannot stop popping into my mouth...u got so many prams..aiyo...
coz i think i saw all ur prams b4?! wahahahaha
oic.. true also, combi one may not be that sturdy.. maybe dun buy la, rent from other mummies can or not? save abit.. so u can buy bao bao :p

hee.. i was a valuer (some country called evaluator)..

u so cute lah!!! they will not see how tidy or messy ur place is, they only wana see the finishes, fixtures, and any defects or not.. but of coz make ur place tidy and clean will have a better impression bah..
gingerleaf: sound so gd for the HKG package, made me xin yang yang wanna to go too. Hb heard fm FM tat Natas fair crowded wif pple!!! Later he's goin down to book the hokkaido trip! Yippy!!!!
jovialz: wah ur MIL so sweet ! hehe ur hb must have listen to her cos he dotes on u alot right!

kanyu drops: went guardian and the staff told me they stopped putting the product on the shelves liao. where else can i source for it?
wah! then ur job is more critical than pilot! i always think pilot got very senang job leh.. that's why i hope zq can be a pilot or PD.. wahaha

very GOOD deal!!!!
i know why ur hubby said dun wan liao, coz he know i will back to spore for delivery ard may, and u wana visit me at hosp mah.. so u better dun travel ard.. haa (thick-skin again :p)
ur MIL really very very sweeeeet!

for my case, it's my mama always tell me "ben is a very good man, be good to him, dun throw temper so often, u will regret if he leave u.." wah lao eh.. like im not good like that... :p
Do evaluator value base on house cleanness ? Thought only like fixed furnishing, location etc ?

Also love you lot lot ....kekeke..
tell u all something...
actually initially i dun wana follow ben here to BJ, then my mama keep saying join him there, coz china women very "li hai", they think my hubby will be a "target" for many girls here.. so i told them if he can get seduced so easily this type of hubby i also dun wan!
then when i came here, i really can sense how the women here treat the men.. totally different from the way they treat women loh.. they really talk to them very politely in an extremely sweet voice.. so comparing to the way i talk, i sound so hoarse and harsh, and no gentle tone at all.. hee
re: PS
I'd also created a new pet Puffy ([email protected]). I realize when Jovialz go and visit Puffy, puffy looks clean. But immediately I log in as puffy, puffy is very dirty. Seems like friends help to clean no use ?
oh, u deliver in may hor? Okie, i go buy all the yummie food visit u, n eat infront of u. U cannot eat coz u confinement. Hehehe =p Oh, I can go n dig out my chicken essences in my cupboard and re-bao it into a hamper give u. I got so many. HAHAHAHAH.

chersam, what is FM?

I oso dunno, i saw the offer on the newspaper but it didnt elaborate. I only know its from CTC stand.
My FIL oso called gonggong coz the eldest son/SIL started it, oso mixed up. But lately MIL kept asking lyn to call him Ye Ye, maybe coz lyn lately been "yeah! yeah!" alot. Cheating one.
PIL and MIL is ye ye and na na (in Chinese) and ah gong and ah ma (in hokkien)

Saw that you'd order Vitamin C. Do try a bit 1st then wait 1 - 2 days. Some toddler's stomach still cannot tahan Citrus, too acidic can get LS.
its okie. Never too late to start being nice to him!
i remember that time watch this 7pm show, abt a loving couple, but the hb in the end oso stray n fell in love with a sweet girl. Its a SG n msia collaboration drama. That show made me realise that no matter how nice n how good or how meek our hb may be, there might be that fleeting moment of temptation and if that moment comes at the wrong time, shit happens.
So, sigh. Must be nice to the hubby, talk to him meekly like a bird.*reminder to myself*
si gingerleaf!! nvm, i can still eat those junk food, i dun care one! last time my FIL bought tau sar pia & soya milk when he visited me at hospital.. then he kena scolding from my MIL.. :p

ya i agree wi u.. if it hits the wrong timing then everythg is too late... sigh, i also cant imagine i talk like a bird leh.. :p
jovialz: seem like only the pet owner can clean up the pet so as to maintain cleaniness for long.

gingerleaf: FM = radio

dodo: how long will ur hb be station in BJ?
we are like pilot's pair of eyes in the sky. we make sure that 1 aircraft is separated from another.So we give pilots instruction like what height to climb to, where and when to turn. However Pilot can refuse to follow instruction at his discretion but be prepared to answer for it.
Jovialz, seems fun. then like dodo said, pilot really senang lor. I wonder if u will guide my flight back?? Will u guide my flight out?
gingerleaf: i think its just abt timing lah. but of cos constant shit from the wife DOES make the hb strays. so sweet also must b consistent one.

dodo: i also very chor lor w hb and voice can be very rough too hahaha. in the mood, will sweet talk lah but most of the time just dish out orders one. even hb also said i like to control pple. :p
he always joke that next time yz will join him hide in one corner shivering , scared of me! :p
Most likely not me since now I'm office hours on project most of the time. Maybe my Husband as he's been roster back to shift duty to control due short of staff. I excused cos we 'hint hint' that if both of us in shift, we cannot bring baby home, then my mum cannot tahan 'night duty' every night, I might need to quit. So boss left me alone .. hehehe
jovialz, your job sound very fun leh...oops, okie, thanks for the advice.. will let him try for 1/2 days first..if not, like wat gingerleaf say.. the mummy gets to eat all...

Pilot senang, unless there is emergency. So you better hope that they are senang.

Today I very lucky. Got 2 Chrome Laptop, 1 Heart candle and 1 Grand Piano ... kekeke
