(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

wow, tis thread's reali active today!

re bringing baby out:
have been bringing bb out since her full mth.. and tis little girl must go to the market with her grandma everyday, shopping & dimsum every weekend.. and she's been to harry's bar twice.. hahaha! good thing is she has been trained to sleep thru noise. e only thing we must watch out for is her feeding time. delay it and be prepared to hear her scream! keke =D

bbunny, i use her small little bolster and tuck it by her side so she doesnt turn when i m not around.. and anyway, my mum faces her more than i do.. ha!

hi all

velvet..'nua-ing'??? waahhhaa.. wat a word to use, i like it! u so good still can nua..i find i everyday like 'siao cha bo' & like octopus, so many tings need to attend, my gal, bb, mum, office, go inlaw plc 'reporting' weekly,tons of house chores everyday, once my eyes opened can nvr close to rest till bed time, feel like mentally exhausted..

cin..thks 4 the long list..

wow.. so many bb starting to turn, mine not yet..can oni wiggle fm position oni..like to suck his fist, caught him many times sucking fist + pacifier together (half half), aftertat hand/face soooo smelly... unless necessary, we wont go shopping w bb, cos difficult to handle bb & my gal sametime, she'll run all over the plc & if go to toy section, we'll faint, she wants everything, tk alr dun put back, we cant b buying all the time!!

those w chubby bb, do u all hv prblm wearing bootie/sock/elastic pants for bb? i always hv to 'cut' or 'stretch' the rubber if nt will hv deep marks on bb, hiaz... lucki now no need wear mittens, if not also same prblm. my bb now wearing L huggis ultra slim.
junnie - ok lah, nua-ing as in no need to work lor. you diff mah, got additional kiddo. i quite lucky lah, cos i go over to my mum's place when my hubby goes to work. have been doing this for the past month, to prep for going back to work, as in wake up, prepare bb then go over mum's place. cos my mum will be the main care giver. so i dun really need to do housework and my sisters around to help me with the diaper changes. actually, my mum help to bathe bb too...so that's why got time to surf net. i'm only needed during feeding, putting bb to bed and sometimes also do the changing. hee. lazy bum hor. i only feel exhausted cos of the lack of sleep. dun take naps in the afternoon.

like ur bb, mine also wiggle from position.

actually, havent' been going to inlaws pl regularly also. last time was 2 weeks ago liao.

talking abt diapers, i find that the huggies m size like very narrow for my bb's bum leh. dunno abt the rest of u guys.i'm using the nepia s size and it fits well.
wow... so much postings today alone! alamak, read so many mummies bring their bb out, i feel like i'm depriving my bb of experiences beyond his home! i didn't wanna bring him out coz thought of all the bb barang to bring, troublesome n worried that he may catch virus or can't rest properly,etc. so the only place he goes is to PD or MIL's place.

but seeing so many of you confident mummies having no problem bringing bb out, with CIN's helpful list of bb-friendly places, i guess i better buck up my baby sling practice sessions n get me n my bb's butts out of the house n do some serious shopping!!! :D

re: training bb in carseat
if i do not have a car now but may get one in future, should i train bb to sit in carseat while at home now or wait till i've a car then train bb to sit in carseat?

re: sucking of fist
sigh... my bb also sucking his fist very often, even after milk, he will automatically find his right fist n lick happily. for some reason, he prefers to lick only his right fist. tried bringing his left fist up to see if he sucks it, but he doesn't wan leh... any mummies also experience this?
u and i the same. so far, my bb hasnt gone to many places yet too other than grandparents' houses. went once to an auntie's place. once to parkway. 2-3 times to restaurants to makan. that is it. no more. aso have to see how to use the sling liao. better go down to mim and learn =D.

thansk cin for the info. =D
re: sucking of fingers
my boy also love to suck his hands! ah yo, like so delicous like that! And with the chok chok chok sound... hahaha... sometimes find it amusing.

re: going out
my baby went shopping with me right after my confinment ends! and straight 2 days of shopping! I think plaza sing and causeway pt are nursing friendly especially causeway. last time not used to bf in public also, now i just use the sling to cover myself and bf him. i dun sling the sling lah, just use it to cover. now abit bo chap liao.. haahah.. my mum sew a nursing shawel for me recently.. =)
jovial..cute lah...kfc advertisment...but really leh..i think it will be very cute...haha....but ya...i notice she will suck both hands..but aim for one 1 thumb finally...but also like gingerleaf's baby...got sound one...from upstairs can hear...haha...

then again...my gal drink milk from breast very loud sound one...dunno how to describe..like very qi chuan....but she seem to enjoy it and get all her milk...

velvet...dunno leh...tat's wat i was told...not good for them yet..coz think bone still soft...esp neck..and also the lung not strong enuf for her to be on her tummy....so not sure lor..but only thing i know is that she vomits if on her tummy...

but the dangerous thing about turning is that we noticed she is trying to turn from her day bed and rocker..and her leg was on the plastic frame already...if any harder, she would fall out and onto the floor...so we went to get her a mattress to let her sleep in the living room floor and turn ard instead...there goes her fav day bed...cannot use for sleeping already..

but so cute...seems all our babies suddenly find that their hands are nicer after all....but wat i worry is that when go out...people like to hold their hand and let them clench their fingers.... that time saw my mil dig her nose then rub her face and hold her hand..aiyo...i cannot imagine my gal sucking her delicious finger and hand after that!!!

hippo...i put the bolseter there..when she cant turn, she scream her little lungs out....come to htink of it...the power of her scream should indicate lung strength rite?? that means should be quite strong liaoz....she can really scream the house down!!!

im now waiting to hear her talk...will be so cute....anyone knows when they will start talking or babbling??
haha so cute all your babies, know how to suck fist/thumb liao. mine used to do that, in fact from day 1 he knew how oredi...even my CL was very surprised. but he dropped the habit dunno why leh. now, needs his pacifier to fall asleep. kinda wish he'd revert to his fist leh. then no need to keep popping the binky back in hahaha.

matty doesn't know how to turn yet too...in fact he's starting to dislike tummy time as well. sighs. but sometimes he can lift his head and upper body off his bouncy chair. that's when he wants to be picked up.

regarding nursing in public, i bought nursing shawl from mums and babes they got pretty nice designs. i also have some nursing tops but prefer the shawl coz prevents bb from being distracted. did i mention that Great World City has the NICEST baby room ever? Tangs one also nice. it's at the baby section where the island cafe is.

garden, yah i suggest u train bb to sit in the car seat...it helps to practise strapping bb in too...now we do it really fast. in the past used to take ages with all the squirming and fussing hee. my matty very weird. sometimes he finds it hot in the car and starts crying but once daddy starts the engine he keep quiet. even can smile. as if he knows going kaikai hahahaha. and he hates stopping at traffic lights. once the light turns green, he's a happy baby again.
bbunny : Same here, Caelen drink milk also got the 'choot choot' sound. Sometime a bit paiseh when breastfeed in restaurant under the 'homemade BF shawl - Baby blanket with Baby safety Pin'.

Baby Bag,
One thing I like about breastfeed is not need to bring all the equipments - bottles etc. So when I go out for short trip, I have a thick plastic bag (those that was used to package the baby blanket etc) just nice to put about 6 piece of diaper, mall changing mat, 2-3 plastic bag for soiled diaper, 1 spare pant and diaper cream.

If you'd bought those pigeon baby wipe during the promotion where it come with the multi purpose storage bag. I find the storage bag as very good size to keep the diapers. Can zip up and keep the dust away.
Ben mum,
ya... gd luck n jia you for the 2 of us! :D got mine from mums r us, so mayb will go back there n ask the staff if i still dun quite get it right. n this time, bring my bb there as a life demo, should be easier to learn than to stare n stare at their instructions leaflet n try to do it myself!!!

u can try putting bb on her tummy when she just wakes up, dun do it immediately after feed, or else may upset her tummy n cause the vomitting. i also think i may put my boy on the mattress coz he turns quite a fair bit in the cot. but if put him on mattress, he cannot stare at his favourite mobile alr.

thanks for the advice. ok, will go invest in a car seat. my hubby better get a car in the near future or else, wait i train n train until so xing1 ku3 n my bb finally can sit in car seat, in the end, no car to sit in!!! :D any recommendations for a gd car seat? a friend passed me an old car seat but i look at it like not much cushioning, just a bare car seat, i dun dare to put my bb inside, coz like not enough support, feel heart pain if put bb inside it, totally not comfy nor safe at all...

agree... gd thing abt breastfeeding is no need to bring so many barang. pity my breasts not up to it! squeeze n squeeze like siao to churn out only a puny amount. if i put bb to it, he will 'scold' me for bullying him n prolonging his hunger. :D
aralyn same! She will whine when the car stops at the red light and once daddy starts engine n move off, she will keep quiet. Hehe. I think they like the movement.
hi all

so sian arrr.. need to work 2day

time like so slow b4 knock off @1pm

velvet..your bb still can wear 's'?
velvet,gingerleaf.. mine 'm' nepia & mammy poko alr quite tight. so start buying 'l' alr, i also use huggis ultra slim - comparable to nepia/mammy poko. but @nanny hse, he's still wearing petpet 'm', going to outgrown soon.

anyone using pampers active? when it newly launched, i bot for my gal to try, still prefer the older version (pampers premium) cos the new one will leak. i'm not sure of current batch, izzit good?
junnie - yeah, bb still can wear s leh. waist still ok. but need to monitor the thighs area. wah, u guys so fast upgrade size liao!

ben mum and gardendreamz - i also never really bring bb out that often also. mainly to parents place and meal time. think only 1 or 2 times to shopping centre and even then also need to like rush home. cos i also scared kena some virus or what... hee
hi mummies,

have your babies start drinking water? coz PD advise not to give bb water before 3mths.. my boy had just turned 3mths, guess it's time to "introduce" water to him :p anyone knows what's the amount to take each day? is 1 oz throughout the day ok?
any mummies here getting fisher-price rainforest jumperoo for bb? i find it very interesting! must let my boy try that out one day.. hee..

my not TBF.. bb usually have 1 FM feed at night before sleep... other feeds are EBM... ya true, it's mafan... but prefer to give him EBM rather than FM, so dun mind bring my EBM out loh..
any mummies bought bumper mat? is it good? im confuse over the varieties... saw on BP thread, the price can range from $100+ to $200+... hmm..
I'm also paranoid like you. I always wipe my BB's hand with wet tissue or wet towel after I see ppl touching his hands. I don't even want to think abt the virus & bacteria that will be pass to him thru contact! As for my MIL, usually I'll ask my hubby to bring BB over himself while I stay at home to do housework. I can't tolerate the way they handle him so better not see. My FIL use toilet paper from the toilet to wipe my BB's face!!! Almost fainted!! Think I too over-protective liao... Sigh. but juz can't help it leh.... I get very agitated whenever my in-laws handle my BB.
Initally I wanted to buy bumper mat but the price is putting me off cos so ex! Mini Toons is selling something similar but also $100+. Think have to buy those ABC mat liao... My fren bought a bumper mat she says not bad but BB kept crawling off the mat & it's difficult to confine BB once they learn to crawl/walk cos they all seems to prefer 'dangerous' places. Haha
Dodo, I'd got the bumper mat. As a matter of fact, I'd got 3 (1 for my home, 1 @ my mum's, 1 I share with sis to give to church's nursery.

I'd got the $266 ones from alien77. Good protection. I'd stupidly tried by punching the floor and glad to say I didn't hurt myself. So I would think it's very good to minimise injury. The one I got is bigger than a super single bed. Now put it in a corner of the room and let Caelen have his playtime there with his activity gym and toys. I heard some mummies put it besides baby / toddler's bed in case they fall off the bed.

CiN: This is much better quality than those sold at mini toons. My niece used to use the ABC mats, but end up she enjoy tearing them apart

Re : Feeding Water
I was told by my GP (who sees a lot of babies and a mum herself) that as long as you feed Formula milk (even only 1 feed) you need to give water. Just that the more FM you feed, the more water you give. In your case, give bit whenever your baby wants to suckle but not time for milk yet. You might have some difficulties initially and baby will reject but still have to try.
lyn on partial bf, been drinking water since born. She seems to like water, so, no much prob with that. normally 1 day 1-3 oz, sometimes more
dodo, think u have to start giving water now
cos babies very smart one, dun really like it as its tasteless. thats wat happened to my cousin's bb, up till 6 months old still dun like plain water cos since young never introduce plain water...

sean also drinks more than 1 ounce a day even though he is on TBF..its just to make sure he gets used to plain water

regarding diapers: sean wearing size M pampers dry...i feel tt pampers dry is not so good but have 4 packets at home lei (passed down from my cousin)..anyone can recommend a good brand? nepia good? never try b4 lei..
hmmm... I used the NTUC one for xavier at night. Can last the whole night without leaking! Amazing, cos I tried pampers (yellow packing one), will leak leh. Carrefour in house brand diaper also not bad.

But i still feel NTUC diaper good. =)
garden_dreamz, right now we're using a graco car seat which is supposed to last till he's 4 yrs old. but it's so big that my mil n i really have to squeeze when we sit behind. i heard maxicosi is good, smaller too...mebbe u can try that

Re: diapers, matty uses nepia for night n day. i tink quality comparable to mamypoko but much cheaper...doesn't leak even after 7-8 hrs. i order direct from their hotline...
i use Nepia diapers also. pretty gd n cheaper than other brands. also didn't cause any rash for my boy. can give it a try.

thanks for the recommendation. where can buy maxicosi car seat?
<font color="0000ff">unice, I use petpet for day and pampers yellow packaging for nite. I like petpet than drypers cos bb's bum can stay drier...

hi all mummies, my bb is 4 mths already. Dun hv to wear mittens oredi rite? I find his palms are often sweaty. Is this normal? Or all babies are like that?? and he tends to scratch his face, leaving marks, although i cut his nails regularly.</font>
Hi Celcel,
My ger dun wear mittens since 3 months. She like to suck her fingers like all other mummies haf mentioned above with the "Choot choot" sound. Ya if u keep his fingers inside the mittens, abit sweaty.. Need to air sometimes.

FOr mummies who give baby EBM &amp; FM, will bb actually prefer FM over EBM? My ger dun like to drink milk leh.. And i wonder is it cos she dun like the taste of my BM
oh wow, seems lot of u use nepia..
karrie ah, order from hotline is cheaper ah?

celcel89, I used drypers S size last time n I find that there will be leakages sometimes....so never buy after using a packet.. but never use petpet b4 though..

i never give sean wear mittens after 1 month when i start to cut his fingernails..cos wanted him to touch things ard him n explore his own fingers....but he also will scratch his head n face, rub his eyes when sleepy..i so worried he will poke his eyes.

garden_dreamz, i got Britax premier for Sean..the seat is so comfortable...my own car seat is nothing compared to his
btw, what's the no. for the NEPIA hotline?

there can you get Britax or maxicosi car seats? my goodness, you mummies really know where to shop, i feel like a country pumpkin on car seats!!! :D
haha garden_dreamz,

I got mine from Baby's Kingdom
See Seng Enterprises Pte Ltd.
83, Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, #01-00, Shun Li Industrial Park, Singapore 417954
Ph : 6547 1677 ; Fax : 6547 1805
$399 before discount....

there are many many brands of carseats n other baby products there... u can choose the one which u prefer..
hi all,

My girl has been using Nepia as well. Now upgraded to M size liao. My HB out of curiosity go and buy Huggies M and we think it's a bit small at the waist area so must quickly finished it before she outgrown it.
I ordered from Nepia hotline as well but now NTUC having sales .. 2 pack for $$23.80 if I remember correctly. Not sure whether is it still on or not. I purchased it a few days back.

She din wear it since ard 3 mths as well as she keeps sucking her hand until the whole thing wet wet!! Same here, has been cutting her nails and yet she scratch her face when she throws her temper!! Don't know what to do also.

Anyone introducing solids to bb soon ... I understand some babies can start as early as 4mths onwards right .....
My bb starts to look at the food that we are eating now ...for some reason, she seems to fuss alot when drinking milk.... turn her turn there ...until something I almost give up and stop feeding .. that she will cry and then guai guai drink a bit more before she gets funny again ... hiaz don't know want to laugh or cry sometimes
Regarding car seats
garden_dreamz, you might want to try departmental store like robinson or JL, Taka etc. When they are having sales, the price is actually better that the kaki bukit ones. As the kaki bukit are the main supplier, I think they uses departmental store sales to clear their stocks (kill 2 bird in 1 stone)
I'm also thinking of starting my BB on solids after CNY. I read a book on weaning and the US health board advise to starting introducing soilds after 17 mths. I'm considering buying rice cereal to try out but can only give 1 teaspoon for the first week before slowly progressing to 2-3 teaspoon. My BB also fuss alot when drinking nowadays so sometimes make me really pek-chek so I juz try what Jovial recommended to leave him alone untill he wants some more loh but sometimes I get worried cos he can go on 5-6 hours without milk but I kept telling myself that as long as he has sufficient wet diapers &amp; poo poo I'm not gg to worry too much.
I am from the nov thread but i gave birth on 17oct so i do pop in here once in awhile.

Dodo, gingerleaf,
can i find out which sleep positioner u are using? my boy likes to sleep on his right and i think i need to do some damage control now, its getting really flat! how does yr sleeping positioner work? where can i find it?
he also has his white coating on his tongue,despite my efforts to clean it,i cant get it off his tongue. PD said that its milk residue not thrush. any ideas how i can get rid of it?
morning mummies!

dodo, i bought e playmat too from SmallSmallWorld. Personally, i prefer tis to ABC mat as itz way much easier to clean (imagine e grooves on ABC mat &amp; baby's drool? eeks) keke..

drinking water
has fed baby water since birth.. cos didnt wana risk constipation.. now adri drinks abt 1-2 oz a day.. =D

adri now wears M size nepia.. simply love nepia cos itz so soft &amp; breathable and dun cut into her thighs.

my mum's getting ready by 'sunning' those brown rice mixed with chinese herbs.. shd be starting her soon after CNY.. tis little greedy girl of mine will swallow her own saliva when she sees us eat.. ha!

adri hasnt been wearing any since her 1st month.. wanted to air her hands and moreover, she had rashes on them so just nice..

car seat
tink i must start her in her car seat already. so far my hubby &amp; my mum has been carrying her..
unice, totoro
thanks lots for the car seat tips. will bugger my hubby to go n check out soon.

my bb drink milk v.fussy too! he will keep turning his head n its difficult to feed him but when i pull out the teat, he starts to cry. also, he doesn't seem to get as hungry as fast as before. tried to feed him every 3 hrs, but intake so little, until i try to stretch to 4 hrs then he'll take 120ml, if i'm lucky. but he's not interested in the food we take as yet leh. wondering is it coz once hit 3 mths, their growth slows down n intake of milk also dwindles?

my bb nowadays sleep v.little leh. any mummies also experiencing this? previously he could log in 2-3 hrs of nap n wake up screaming for milk. but nowadays, he nap for 1/2 or 45 min then wake up, screaming for pacifier. but once pacifier pops in, he doesn't go back to sleep but eyes big big, so got to try my best to entertain him. after a while, quite tiring (run out of ideas to entertain him without trying to carry him too much coz v.tough to always carry on my arms) n not much housework can b done leh.

wonder if its nomal for bb to nap so so little in the day? but ironically, though he sleep so little but at night he still wakes up for milk. sigh... tot he would b so tired out that can sleep thru, but not! :D
U can get the sleep positioner from kiddy palace too. There are many types of brands, depending on ur budget. The one I got is Babysafe, which is made of latex. Hths.
jovial..haha..i know wat u mean..once in a room..was feeding her...her loud choot choot..everyone turn ard trying to see wat the nosie was..and here i was sitting at the back feeding her...haha...

garden dreamz...me no chance to put her on tummy..she does it herself quietly...only her cough cough...then i know she already done it...but now..i try to catch her and stop her....but still got vomit abit..even after 1 hr of feeding...

i got my britax first class car seat from mothercare..that time got sale...coz we went bb hypermart...but the price was about 300 plus and also not able to take from birth to 4yrs..so happen to go tampines mall..and mothercare was having the GSS..the seat on offer.. lately i saw newspaper...robinsons or is it JL got baby sale..the graco car seat..dunno if still on or not...can check the papers...
Ueno, I posted a pic of my gal using the sleep positioner in this thread.. some weeks ago, Im not sure where too, you might wanna go find it. Basically, you juz position baby on the side you want him to sleep. The positioner works like a 'stopper', to stop the baby from rolling forward or backward with the 2 pillows.
welcome. The positioner pretty useful. Sometimes when I think baby seems to find it difficult to go to sleep, I will use it to let her sleep on her side.

regarding milk stain on BB's tongue, my collegue told me that feed water everyday will slowly rinse of the milk residue away. My BB initially taking more FM cos my supply built up quite slow. Now, she's on 80-90% BM, her tongue quite clean already.

regarding sleeping position, my girl like to sleep on her right. So, whenever we see her in that position, we will shift her. Also, we will put a bolster park her body on her side making her tilt the other way and a muslin to raise her head to the other side too.

wah pei fu that you bring your EBM out. but yeah, EBM is definately better than FM.

i'm using Nepia too!!
