(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

annie same here my son also always move his mouth when he sees us eat haha .... i give mine son brown rice that can be given from 4mth old.

junnie i only feed from cup during meal time with water or milk like once a day if i have the time with him cos i give him the brown rice mah ...

Hi I am looking for A/cs Temp for 3-6 mths and also a perm for A/cs too mainly AR.

Hi mummies,
yesterday's AMK hub tour was very pleasant. Very relaxing, stop by for kopi and read book while bb zzzz inside stroller. keke. Really give me a mental break from always entertaining bb at home at such confined area.

Today tot of going taka walk walk. but mummy here wholebody aching and tired. Cos has not been walking so long hrs and didn't nap yesterday.

Yia, i also heard bb tends to walk tip toe if rely too much on walker. So, I press down the built-in stopper so that Isaac can't push with his legs. Simply stand to build up his strength.

oops! isaac 'singing' from his morning nap liao...Chao
Today so quiet!


Wenwen he look so sweet keke ... hi are you still looking for jobs??? my side is looking for one A/Cs can email me if u want or put down on the forum
Hi Sharon, I have found a job already. I had D&C on Monday, now resting at home. Will be starting my new job after Chinese New Year.

Thanks for helping me =)
rest well wen wen..=D

hippo, we so ming ku hor? sighs...my hubby say he will learn driving when we first got married. till now, 5 yrs liao...still no sound. think hor...he not interested leh....but at least he is nice enough to buy me a car to drive all over the place la...=D
cute baby girl, gingerleaf! muacks muacks her on her cheeks.. !

wen wen, take care & rest well! =D

ben mum, very ming ku lor.. haiz... i'd rather he didnt buy me tis car leh.. very sian to be e only one driving .. cannot even rest when i m tired lor! grrr... haha
unice - wah, u can still reach home to latch at 6pm! i'm still in the office then man. can only be picked up at abt 6.30pm if early, if not leave office around 645 to 7pm then reach mum's place already close to 8 liao. will only be able to latch bb at 9pm, hence my pumping at 11 and 4ish lor. hope the 5hrs gap won't affect supply leh. find it pretty disruptive to leave work to pump on a 3hrly schedule. any experience pumping mummies can share? i also latch bb at 6am and pump the other breast after.

re walkers - i dun intend to put bb in walker cos of the danger in terms of out of control "walking" and bumping into things and also the impact on walking development. read somewhere that walker gives a false sense of bb being able to walk when actually they aint' ready.

anyone heard of diapers.com.sg? They having some promo on their jap brand diapers called goo.n, $13.80 per pack regardless of size, cheaper than nepia, but need to have min. order for free delivery. anyone try before and got comments?

can feed bb solids so soon meh? thot must wait till like 6mths onwards?

my schedule now damn jialat. bb sleep at 10pm after 9ish feed. i pump at abt 1130ish to 12am. sleep at around 1230am. bb wakes up either 5ish or 6am. bf bb, catch a doze then gotta get up at 630am to pump and go liao, drop bb off at mum's pl in woodlands, then go down to office in suntec. by the time reach office 845am. gosh, and i've already been awake for like 2hrs plus. in the car for at least hr and a half! sheesh. surviving on 5hrs of sleep, sob sob. how to function for mtgs and projects! lucky still got some chicken essence stock, but starting to feel the tiredness. rant rant...

bring bb for her prevnar jab tomorrow, hope she doesn't get fever. have taken leave tomoro and fri to standby. sigh.
wen wen - take care and rest well. remember not to exert too much strength and try not be too ambitious in physical activities. D&C still a major procedure and u'll still need to do a good "confinement".
Hi mummies,

So long never log in, everybody must be very busy rite?

May i ask u a question, til now already 3.5mths , my menses is not here yet. I ve been pumping twice a day only n yield bout 50ml per pump but still my menses not here. Very worried. I ve laigation done too.. so dun think is pregnant.. anyone has e same problem..

just wondering - how long can frozen ebm last in the fridge? We took out frozen packs of ebm but even after 24hrs in the fridge, still frozen and only started thawing the 2nd day. ok or not huh. so like for mon's feed, my mum needs to take out from freezer compartment on sat evening. cos on sun will still be like frozen state. ok or not?

ben mum - thanks! looking forward to the break. can't believe how much i miss my gal in the office!
hi all

benmum, hippo... u all so clever, can b chauffeur & go anywhere u like, not like me, cant drive, sometime ask hubby to go here & there he'll gramble...

bbunny..oic..my bb like to wiggle be it on bed or water, so quite difficult to handle him.. imagine carrying 7.5kg walking around.. his neck still not v strong yet, at times will 'toin toin toin', tis 29th he going polyclinic chk-up, hopefully he'll 'pass' the doc's expectation, if not v mafan hv to kiv & chk frequently...

sharon..oic, u mean feeding brown rice arrrr.. i thot u feed bb's milk w cup leh.. then will tk v long to finish lor... cos mine using bottle alr takes 20min to suck... hmm.. nanny also ask me go buy brown rice fm EYS when bb turns 4mth, she'll start introducing bit x bit of thicker feed... i duno how to cook the brown rice, so most likely will buy those instant rice cereal feed bb ba..

gingerleaf & wen wen, your bb sooo pretty/handsome..

wen wen..glad to hear fm u & ntd u alr got a job...look fwd to better day, take care ya..

re walker..my nanny sure will let bb sit one, if not she cant do her work...so hv to close one eyes...

tml evening i going to extract my problematic molar (already 1mth), it cracked since preggie - dentist say cant treat, so dragged till now, do crowning & root canal spent few hundred dollars also cant help, still pain... finally hv to extract... v scare arrrr..
fitty... wow, u 'pass' your 1st outing w bb? can 'target' for more challenging plcs liao...keke...so far i dun hv chance to go out w bb alone...

mui...so i found another 'kaki', me too hv ligated.. but i hardly bf, so my mensus came right after confinement... may b yours due to bf so slower... u might want to call/chk w your gynae when nxt visit..

velvet... ya, if need to do nite/early morning feed, sure not enuff sleep 4 us
since u on leave, get more rest

duno leh... some cereal states 4mths onwards rite, if not wrong..

btw, duno if u mummies will be practicing any traditional tingy... my mum reminded me bb 4th mth hv to 'kui cho' (in hokkien) meaning rub bb's mouth w some food, eg. chicken drumpstick or meat. pong-biang (depending on individual dialect)...

re hair drops... my bb started liao, now 1patch 1patch.. me i duno leh, cos always so much hair on floor after i blow, hvnt see much difference yet...
Hi mummies,

my girl coming 4 mths already but seems like she's drinking lesser and lesser? Now she drinks formula about 90ml - 120ml each feed and will still cannot finish.

Anyone experiencing the same??

My girl also kena eczema on her ear and she keeps rubbing it. Dunno whether is this affecting her appetite
wenwen, have a good rest. happy that you found a job oredi
and your little prince is so cute!

gingerleaf, lyn looks so cute n chubby. if only matty can be like that during his bathtime...

Velvet, wow u can survive like that? why don't you ask your hubby to feed baby from the bottle at 9ish so that u can pump at that time, then go to bed by 11pm, so you're properly rested by 6am? that's what I get my hubby to do. breasts get quite engorged and might leak by morning, but i think having enough sleep is more important leh. If not i'll be cranky and lose my temper with bb and hubby very often.

junnie, don't be afraid of your extraction...i'm wearing braces now and had to extract 4 molars. they didn't hurt at all coz the dentish will shoot u up with novocain. only the injection stings a bit...even after the extraction, also not much pain just discomfort. jus stick to semi-solids like porridge for a while...


Matty is three months old today and he can hold his own bottle heehee.
karrie, ur matty so clever de!!! my ben just clasp his hands (as though saying grace for his milk) under the bottle. his father wans to teach him to hold bottle too! but he seldom have time to teach ben hold bottle.

junnie, i only went downstairs with bb to walk walk the market / ntuc / shops around my place nia. haven yet to conquer the shopping malls with him alone yet! lol....mil says better dun bring him out so often cos immunisation jabs not done yet. maybe after his jabs ba.
mui, most likely itz due to ur bfeeding datz y menses delayed.. i chked with my doc and he said for those not even b'feeding can drag up to 6 mths! so dun worie ba.. =)

junnie, poor girl. no choice gotta remove since pain ba? sayang.. nvm, we can go thru childbirth, we can go thru anything!
mui, me too. my boy is 3mth+ and my menses havent come. but that time after birth, i dunno is menses or what, the bleeding or spotting or dunno what lah, took 1 mth to clear up. until now also no menses. I have a ex colleague, 9 mths the menses nv come, she say cos she still bf. machiam pregnant like that. 9 mth no menses.

karrie, matty so smart! can hold bottle liao~
wen wen,
take care gal..

frozen ebm must be consume within 24 hours. really suprised to hear from you that your EBM not totally thawed even after 24 hours in the fridge compartment. Your fridge that cold? For me, usually it take about 12 -15 hours to become liquid.

regarding sleep, i also sleep abt 5 hours each day only nia.. my girl sleep around 11. After that i'll express at 11.30 or 12am. Then by the time, i settle down it's around 12 plus or 1am liao. My girl will usually wake up at 4 plus and i'll breastfeed till about 5 and we will go back to sleep. Then i will wake up at 7.30 to prepare things and will feed my girl at 8am again. See, i lagi sleep deprived. I'm also pumping twice in the office, once at 11plus and another at 4plus.

your BB so cute!!

wah, your boy so smart leh..mine only started to be able to hold things these 2 days.
Matty must be right handed huh. Isaac usually also opens his right hand to hold the bottle during feed and can push it away when he wants to burp. So interesting.

re: menses
I stop EBF 2wks after confinement liao due to low supply. Now no menses still leh.

re: bb hair loss
Isaac borned with super nice,neat crown but now starts to get patchy, so 'sim tiah'. Don't think will trim botak.
morning mummies,

aiyo.. all babies so cute!

saw on aug mummy thread that they organise a private baby music class wi kindermusik, maybe we can do that when our bbies ard 5-6mths!
hi mummies,

haha...he can only hold for a few seconds lah. after a while the bottle starts dancing left and right...

fitty_nut, haha Matty does exactly the same thing. pushes the bottle away when he's had enough. progress from using tongue to hand. funny lah...yah i do think he is right-handed. he does more things with his right.

i didn't know babies will drop hair around now? if so, such a pity! coz i love matty's hair!! if he wears his white onesie sleepsuit he looks like a small Elvis loh.

where did u buy your baby bjorn carrier?
i wana buy the active model (max bb's weight 12kg)... hope im not too late to start using a carrier :p

im fine… hard to log in recently….
saw u post yr gal again when bathin..she look mre chubby…hezzz


envy for sean can sleep when in the pram or sling etc… my boy dun like sling, he cry whenever I sling him …

Wen wen,

U must rest well/ take care and hv a good confinement to "bu"…


My menses oso hvnt cm yet.., recently pump twice a day….
I will stop express out soon as my boy reject my BM..so sad…
tink bcos FM is sweeter


my boy oso, he drink 130ml.. Sumtime cnt finish if BM worse

Recently bring my boy to PD for rotavirus, n the PD said my boy is small..cos nw 3.5mths oni 5.45kg…and said my boy's limb not active… but when I put him dwn he just wakeup from slp so not that active .. At home I feel he ok… everytime I feel kinda worry ..
I got at 1st few years that time, but you can get at all mothercare outlets.
Really buying the active? Got the waist n lumbre support, abit unslightly for gals u know. Clumsy to put on too, I think. BUT, it saves ur back la. hehehe.

thanks! i prefer active coz got the waist support, hubby said not so strenous on my back... my sis using the active model as well, but she bought in aus... let me check out wi her how much selling there, if plus postage it's cheaper over there then i will ask her to buy there... here selling $247...

PD just said jayden on smaller size but everythg is fine right... no worry k, he will get stronger... you just monitor his feeding, sleeping & playing habits, note down all the ques/ doubts and ask the PD during his next visit.. let him do some exercise like tummy time maybe, btw my boy also hates tummy time... everytime will shout and struggle... sigh~

He can slp thou out the nite... like to play n kick..but feeding depend..sumtm he cnt even finished 130ml of milk. erm wat is tummy time.. haaa
gd day, mummies!
wa, so many cutie shots to see today. everyone's bb so so adorable! Karrie, ur boy so brilliant, can hold bottle nice nice.

take care n rest well. think always of the positive as much as possible, get as much family support as you can during this period of rest n recovery yah? dun stress yourself out too much.

congrat! happy to hear tat u have ventured beyond the confines of ur home n had a successful outing with ur bb. i dunno abt u, but ever since i brought bb out for short walks ard my neighbourhood, i find tat he gets hungry n tired more easily. drinks more milk when i get back n goes to sleep faster. save me time trying to pat n pat him to sleep! :D

ben mum,
i also only bring him around the neighbourhood for a short while only but its rather fun coz he makes friends easily, see anyone will smile laugh. think bb at this stage r starting to get sociable n always wanna experience new things.

gd idea!!! we should do tat, v.fun to have our bb mixing with each other as well! my boy the opposite of yours, dun like to lie on his back. so whenver he starts to b fussy, i put him on his tummy, he will be quiet. but then, he salivates like siao, so got to wipe n wipe his mouth! :D

regarding sling, it could probably b the way u carry tat's y bb dun like. tat's wat i noticed with my boy. initially i used the MIM kind of sling but perhaps i dunno how to tie or something, he screams n shout whenever i wanna use the sling to carry him. he doesn't like the cradle/lie down position, he likes to sit up n look ard which i dunno how to adjust him when i use the sling.

tried to use another version which is just a cloth that you tie around, the traditional type n he's happier inside, so i think its more the method we use than the bb, mayb?

perhaps u can go back to the shop n ask the sales person to teach u how to tie?

dun worry abt bb being smaller size,etc, coz bb r not born all equal, they grow at their own pace. as long as he's happy, cheerful, feed n sleep well, he's ok.
can look at the overall amt he drinks in a day, not at each feed to determine if he's having enough. coz bb's appetite is not same at all times. they can b hungry n drink alot at one feed, then next feed not so hungry, so can't drink much. i usually write down the time n amt of each feed so tat at the end of each day can see if he's drinking enough,etc.

sorry to intrude.... tummy time means u put bb on his tummy, train his neck muscles. keeps him occupied too coz he can view the world from the proper way up, not on his back.

ic.. i seldom put him on his tummy..keke..can start tryin everyday.. Thks

my boy oni drink 5 x per day 130ml per feed... esp my BM he dun like...so sianz.. alway waste 80ml n drink 50ml... than ltr wan milk again cos still hungry..I will note down hw much he drink per day
Hi Pinky,

I have just got myself a littlepods baby sling. It's fuss free, with no tying. Very easy to use!

I am organising a bulk purchase on it. Let me know if you are keen. Retail at $42.90, selling at $35.90 (inclusive of normal postage)

Hi Mummies, remember previously some mummies advised me to write into ST Forums about my company? It got through and the writeup will be published in My Paper (the free newspaper we can collect from MRT stations) & its online version tomorrow. Hopefully MOM n govt will be more aware of the problems we mummies faced ..

my baby's great grand mother put a grain of rice in her month at her 1st month. Dunno if thats the same as ur 'kui chui' thingy.

wenwen, happy to hear dat! hopefully some goons out there will sit up and take note!!

pinky dear, dun worie too much.. did PD say wat u shd look out for? my girl oso drink very little compared to others lor.. she's only drinking 90ml per feed leh.. and at 3 hrs interval lo.. haiz.. luckily for me though, she's abit heavier.. but hey! dun forget jayden was abit smaller when born compared to my girl.. =)

junnie & gingerleaf, my grandma oso rub some chocolate on her mouth lo.. but i m sure itz not cos of e 'kui chui' thingy.. itz cos my girl is GREEDY! hahahahaha
