(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Dear mummies,

I have the following for sale. not sure if any of you are interested or any of your friends. Help me ask around ya. Thanks!


Things for sale:
1) GRaco Stroller
2) Bum wear
3) 'The First Years' milk bags (4 packs)
4) Sofa set
5) 2 bags of milk caps for those glass milk bottles obtained from hospitals.
6) "Lindam" safety gate
7) Nuk Nuk and Pigeon milk bottles

Please PM me or sms me at 9489 9008 for fast deal if interested.


Yup my bb can hold things liao. Started when he was going to 3 mths old. He likes to grab his hanky & i always play 'tug-of-war' with him since abt 2 mths cos his grip reflexes still there so after much 'practising' he can hold things quite well now and likes to hold his toys to explore so quite cute. Had been shopping for new toys for him heehee
But sometimes he'll be naughty n grab my glasses loh.

Re: Flipping
I can't wait to c my bb flip too. He is always turning to his side now and arching his head really back but i think his hand is preventing him for a total flip.

Re: Jabs
Now I'm very confuse leh. I went to polyclinic for the 6 in 1 jabs and since they dun offer rota & pneumo have to go GP but the polyclinic nurse told me that if BB were to take the 6 in 1 jab, he is not to take any other jabs within the next 1 month cos he'll have to take another dose of the 6 in 1 when he's 4 mth old then in this case when to take the rota & pneumo? Any mummies here go polyclinic for jabs?
miraclecraz, y dun u post in "Want to Sell" thread? cos itz very distracting to see ur few posts here. i'm sure if any of us are interested, we will contact u directly.. thanks!

cin, polyclinic got 6in1 meh? i tink 5in1 only dear...
hippo...oic, so u shortcut lah..haha.. yalor, oral vaccine after pass-out no more liao, may b the vaccine super strong will b absorb by the body once taken ba????

cin..tat's good, guanwen can grab @ such early stage, mine still eating his 'kueh bong' (fist) oni, cant grab toys except my hair everytime i carry him uprite!! hahaha.. which polyC u go? got 6 in 1 meh? i brought my bb go bukit merah for jab, oni got 5 in 1 leh. the nurse didnt say cant take rota or pneumo within when leh... may b can chk w GP/PD if u intend to gv bb the optional jab ba.. i'll b bringing bb after he recovered fm stomache flu for rota, but not pneumo till he abv 1yr.

gingerleaf..facebook? oh ya, i barely knw how to work on it leh, cos my IT knwleged v ltd lah, saw many ppl invite me to certain link, but i duno how to see leh... can u all enlighten me via eml/pm? btw, seb is my nephew, jason is his friend, i duno jason in person but he add me so i accept loh, hehehe.. so r we some how related then?
Hi Velet and gingerleaf,

Hi, is more of bonding session bet bb and parents. activities to teach them self awareness etc. Agreed that these can be done at home. why we bring bb there is for interaction bet the babies, he enjoyed observing the rest of the bb v much.. everytime straight aft his lesson, he will zzzz for along time.

we dun itend to continue as these can be done at home.. but intend to go for the trial lesson every different level to learn ... haha

plan to start on the music lesson when he reaches 6 mths.

Hippo & Junnie,
I went to AMK polyC. Yup I paid for the 6 in 1 package. They also have the 5 in 1. Actually the 6 in 1 is juz referring to the Hep Jab taken togther with a 5 in 1 jab at the 5th month so can save BB an extra jab.

I'm keen to know where you go for the lessons. Can let me know the place? Thanks!
cin, so how many jabs in total do u hv to take? cos for 6-in-1 only 3 jabs.. (1.5/ 3 / 5 mths excluding the hepB jab at birth). can i know hw much u paying per jab?
cin..your AMK polyC soooo good..

gingerleaf..waaaah..wat a small world!! perhaps we cud hv met & didnt knw each other?? were u invited to his son 1st mth celebration last nov?
Caelen took his rotavirus together with his 2nd 6 in 1 jab leh. Doc even show me that leftlet from the rotavirus that 1st dose should be given at or before 3 months old

Hippo, I'd paid $107 for the 6in1 jab
jovial, thks. mine was $110 for 6-in-1 & $98 for rota.. =)

cin, tink u shd chk with ur GP soon.. cos my bb also took both vaccine 2gether..
Have u all heard of 7 in 1 jab? The additional medicine added is to prevent prevnar.

The pneumococcus is a bacteria that causes serious infections in adults and children, including pneumonia, blood infections, and meningitis. This bacteria is also the number one cause of sinusitis and ear infections.
(extracted from http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/prevnar.html)

I wonder this additional jab found in 7 in 1 is the same as the pneumococcal included in the 6 in 1 jab. Any mummy can advise?

hmmm next time mebbe they have 10-in-1 heehee

my PD from SBCC AMK advised the pneunococcal jab after bb is 6 mths. he said if take now wit h his 6-i-1, hafta jab left n right buttocks...very painful for bb heehee
hi mummies,

re jabs, the 6-in-1 does not incl pneumoccocal. my gal is on the 6 in 1, pneumoccocal and rota. the jabs are spaced a mth apart.

btw, what's SBCC?

Heh, Chris, so smart! Go for the trial lessons!! I also wld like to try out... heh
wen wen, u there? How's things now?

My gf's division need an exec. assistant. The work scope will be handling boss diary, schedule meeting and handle project admin work. If u interested, give me a buzz asap, Ok?

Email: [email protected]
regarding jabs, Sean is also on 6-in-1, pneumoccocal and rota..all spaced a month apart too..
and wow, now also got 7-in-1 liao ah..

wenwen, hope u will have more time to think through.. i have a relative also aborted her foetus and for 10yrs now, she still felt so guilty and sad..and cries each time she sees a baby and she kept saying that if she thought over clearly last time, she will by all means keep the baby and work out her finances last time...

oh, mummies, have any of u bring ur babies to the cinema? Me n hubby brought Sean to watch Alvin and the chipmunks today..haha, and he seems to enjoy the loud sound and music throughout the movie..
Hi mummies..
Me MIA again… since Xmas eve bah..keek
been busy at home and when home no time to log in as well…..


yr gal look cute in every pic … she have lot of hair…
Ya, I went to buy the slp positioner but I oni let Jyaden slp straight only…I dun really dare to turn him to his side leh..haiz..me lousy mummy..kekek


yr gal's hv big n nice eye and she chubby tooo.. So envy… pretty BB =)
gal, till nw I hvnt gv my boy the rota jab.. Mayb will brin him to GP this wkend

Re: Poopoo
My boy seem to b funny.. He can up to 7-10 days than poo but the bowel is soft…PD oso din said anytin so shld be ok..
n he even poo up to 9x a ady… make me so worry…when he poo a lot wish he don’t poo… when he don’t poo than wish he will poo..haaaa

wooowww all the cutie bb

Re: slpin thou out the nite

My boy slp through out since he is 2mths old.. Normally his last feed is ard 9.30-11pm , he can slp till 7am++ or even later..but sometime wake up at 5am..


Saw Anderson grow.. U noe my boy after shave .. The hair grow out seem funni..some long and some short..hahhahaaa
ReL: jab
For the jab, I only took jayden for the 6-in1 jab and will bring him for rota jab this wkend…


I tink yr BB not v small.. I tink PD din said anytin rite?…cos my boy oso not v big…he nw drinkin 130ml too.he already 3mths +

Zhen zhen,

if my boy din finished the milk…like exp. The milk left abt 30-50ml…mean he is slpy n wanted to slp liao..


No stress n worry… just try yr best .. There way out.. Mayb u can look out for a bb sitter nearby yr hse…
I oso decided to let my mum takein care of my bb..cos I tink they jus understand us mre than mil do… some tm I oso get some funni words out from my mil mouth which I feel sian..

Re: BM

Im goin switch my boy to FM liao… nw I din latch on..oni express out twice a day… so I tink will slowly subside too…


Good nite.. Will catch up again tml
mine have her 2nd 6in1 injection and rota on her 3rd mth as well.
Was adv to take the pneumoccocal at 6mths as well. Actually, as I was reading the information on pneumoccocal, I realized that my girl already kana the bateria .. the time when she was hospitalized. Lucky for her, there is no fever or maybe due to early detection as she was given the antibiotics the moment she was admitted.
As for rota, I asked the PD and was told that it can last till ard 5years old but not 100% lah.

My girl also start to twist her body a lot esp. before she sleep... not sure whether is this a sign for her to turn..hmm ...
Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I have some complimentary Rustic Nirvana's Adventurine Green Kuasa Tummy Slimming voucher, meant for post-natal, to be given away.

It says: Adventurine green kuasa is concentrated at the tummy area, followed by a stress relief tummy massage plus tummy wrap. This wrap may be kept on for the next few hours. Also helps banish toxins and water retention, improves circulation, retaining heat and keeping inches at bay. (U.P. $120)

Should you be keen, pls pm me. Thanks
I paid $326.10 for the 6 in 1 package at AMK polyC to be taken at 3rd, 4th & 5th mth. Think I better go n find out abt the rota vaccine soon. Hope I had not missed the timing.

need to pay cinema tix for BB? I din know we are allowed to bring BB into cinemas. Did Sean 'watch' the whole movie or fall asleep? Hmmm... now u make me want to go watch movie oso. haha
hi pinky, hw hv u been! long time no hear lo.. =D
my gal botak and hair growth is very weird too.. 3 patches of hair, all ready for CNY.. hahaha!

Cin, do check it out soon! AMK polyclinic so good.. haiz, e last i chk at e polyclinic near my mum's plc dun have.. =P

unice, i dun dare to bring Adrienne to e movies.. scared she'll suddenly feel uncomfortable n start screaming her lungs out.. haha!
Raphael also started to watch tv...if we turn him away from TV, he will tilt his head until can see or if cannot, will make noise. I guess MIL always let him watch TV....Fine then, let her son told her off as my husband anti baby to watch TV.

Last night have a little tiff again, Cause the night before, raphael wakes up every 2 hours...and don't want this and that. Think he sleep too much in the day. So I ask MIL to let him sleep lesser....like those power nap for 30min or 1h...Then she said she dunno how to take care if don't want to let baby sleep as much as they like. And nagging continues. My boy can sleep very long if the sarong is shaking and shaking....But i didn't want him to sleep in sarong at night time.

I am down with gum inflammation and sore throat. Now cannot even eat....New boss,need to show performance.Husband in shanghai, come back already will go reservice. Cannot sleep at night cause too stress....Really wanted to cry out my heart....I just wish I can stay in my mum's place so that we can be well taken care of.

Just wish to shu4 ku1 here.

Raphael's hair also a patch here and there...there is one behind the head that is longer...So i suggested not to cut it and let him have the genie hairstyle....haha
Cin, seldom hear 6 in 1 taken at 1 month apart leh. most are 2 months interval. Maybe you might want to check with other polyclinics.

Re: Movies,
1st worried he don't like and waste the ticket $ (nowadays very expensive),
2nd don't think it good due to the loud sound system and bright screen (with dark surrounding)

Check out this website for a good collection of free MP3 Nursery Rhymes. http://www.1stnurseryrhymes.com/
Hi mummies, I have visited the gynae n asked for his advice. He agrees with me that my body is rather weak this time round, especially with my chronic asmatic cough which lasted for more than 1/2 year. If I want to keep this baby, I really got to take extra care.

I know abortion is cruel, really I know. I have discussed with my hubby n we both agreed that this is not the right time to have our second one now. I was on 3 days MC this week n everyone commented that I was looking very pale. My body is still recovering from the birth as well as the chronic cough. There are many times that I almost fainted and there's no one at home. Hubby n I have worked out our finance n true enough, we should be able to tide through this period if I get a contract job. Now is not about $$ anymore, it's about my health. My mum actually also advised me to give up this baby first with these reasons - I was not well & healty, and this is definitely going to affect the baby in me; I won't be able to work for contractual jobs since I am so weak now; finance & time management - to take care of 2 young toddlers at the same time.

Actually I am afraid to come the forum to read on the advises all mummies gave me. The more I read, the more I feel upset that I am giving up the baby. I am such a useless, selfish mum .. But whatever it is, I really thank everyone who comfort n give me support when I need them most. Thank you ...
Dear wen wen, although it's sad to hear that you're giving up the baby but nevertheless your health is utmost important. Rest well and take care.
Velvet, SBCC is Singapore Baby and Child Clinic.

Wen-wen since this is your decision, im sure all the mummies here will be behind you regardless of what we think. it's your baby and only you have the right to do what u feel is needed. take good care of yourself now, try not to think so much about things and just enjoy your little darling, before you get a job
take it as you're taking no-pay leave to spend time with ur bb, yah?
morning all

wen wen..i was enjoying myself reading down fm my last posts, as i came to yours, i cant help but feel v sad. not oni bcos of the decison u hv made, but bcos seeing u @ tis young age hv to go thru such dilemma.. fm your post, can really feel your agony, of cos your health is also of top priority if not how u going to accompany your #1 thru'out his childhood + future planning. i refrain fm tinking wat's happening soon, oni hope u do a good confinement thereafter and recuperate fast. always remember 'jia jia you ben nan nian de jing', u see me good, i see u good, not until one's in one's shoes then knw wat's wrong(sorry my 'ang mo' not v good, hope u get wat i mean), there r others in worst condition than us, so everyday is a blessing day....take care gal..
BTW, anyone's bb is a 'bad sleeper'? I realised that my baby slp from one position to another position. From got pillow to no pillow and from vertical to horizontal position. As I see him slp until like that, quite funny lor. LOL.
wenwen, i agree with karrie, ultimately, this is still your decision. only you have the right to choose what's good for you.

I believe all mummies here can understand how you feel when you have to make the decision to give up the baby. We will support whatever decision you make. Take good care of urself. *hugz*
Hi Wen wen,

Y yr boss so bad… Maternity is entitle for us leh.,.. Than ask him better don’t employ women… funny.. Erm MOM ingnore this ??
abt yr preg, don’t b depress tins and be work out n do discuss with yr hubby... Dun think so much as no good for u nw..
gal, meanwhile u hv to take care yr body and rest well…


dun b sad..sometime bb oso bully mummy..like me I put him in the sarong n yao but he dun slp but my mum yao he slp leh… u c bully me..

take good care of yrself- drink lot lot of water…

Re: Menses
I also dun noe that BF even M din come oso will get prteg…erm a bit worry.. Cos till nw my M hvnt cm yet…but nw I still partially bf


yr gal already learnin flippin..my boy is tryin but failed.keke

7 in 1 jab? Next time sure cm out 8 in 1 , 9 in 1 jab..kekek
wen wen, agree with junnie. even after the abortion need to do good confinement. cos it's still a major procedure. you'll recover better. remember to not over exert yourself when u get back home and rest more and eat well. it's also "da shang yuan qi", ie big blow to your overall energy as well.

after you recover, don't let your bad employer get away with what he did to you.
joyce, my bb is a very 'bad' sleeper too.. aiyo, can rotate 90 degrees one lo.. now u see her head on e pillow, e next will be on e mattress..

pinky, soon soon.. ha! my girl always get stuck too.. keke..
yeah wen-wen, agree with junnie and velvet about doing a good confinement. mebbe tcm will be better than western meds for your cough also. my boy's phlegm was really problematic despite seeing the PD and taking cough medicine, until i brot him to see the tcm doctor. now much better.

gingerleaf, where did you get your binky buddy? the babylegs look good too :p
Wen Wen, i cant understand why u & your husband wanna have sex in the first place... despite u r still recovering from giving birth, taking care of new born, bad health & etc???...now have baby liao then wanna abort? i'm sorry, i know i got no right to comment over your desicion, but just couldn't help...your husband is selfish!!!! brainless!!!! Doing thing w/o thinking of consequences!!!!
Regarding bringing babies to movies: no need to pay for babies

sean stared blankly at the screen for a while then doze off to zzz...afterthat, when he got up and i felt he was going to make some noise, i shut him up wif my power breast haha...

i didnt dare to watch when this movie first screened last month..so waited till now lo..whole cinema only less than 20 pp..

and i sat at the last row, haha, like what totoro said, nearest to the exit..haha..

wenwen, take care of urself k..since u have made the decision ...hope u will recover fast..
For general knowledge, I'd checked with Gynae.

BF mummies could fall into any of the 3 categories:
1) Regular Menses
2) Irregular Menses
3) No Menses

in ANY case above, still can get pregnant. Do excercise cautious especially those who had C-Sect. Not advisable to get pregnant within 6 mths from birth.

Regarding Baby's Weight:
Read in newspaper recently, a lot of our baby are overweight. Ideal should be about 8kg at 6 mths old and 9 or 10kg (Forgot which one :p )@ 1 yr old.

4017, i tink e last thing that WenWen needs now is a scolding. Yes, you have your points but I am sure they are adults and know how to handle this issue on their own. And as an outsider, we can only give them our best wishes and not 落井下石。

i m sure this issue bothers them much more than it is bothering you. So i hope you can also take it easy. Itz very easy for us to comfort them but they need to muster all the courage they have in order to move on. We are not saying that we agree with what they are doing by comforting them. We are just lending our listening ears without being judgemental.
