(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

gingerlief and Cin,


BB attned his session at tanglin mall or shopping centre (cant remenber). There another branch at parkway centre. music class is for BB above 6 mth only.


4017, whoever you are, I think you are being very judgemental. U think they want this to happen meh? Seeing that you are such a new member here, I suggest you exercise better judgement before posting in this forum, esp when it's a place for fellow mummies to gain support from each other.

Do take care. Actually I've been thru what u r going thru now. Ppl say abortion very cruel but sometimes circumstances dun allow us to have the BB. I used to have nightmares abt it and cried over the loss but now that I have BB, I focus all on him & love him even more to make up for the loss. JUz focus now on your 3 mth old and dun think abt other things yah. Take care! If you need help can email me [email protected]
Wen wen,

What ever you do, it will be your choice and decision. We are not in your shoes at this moment and who's know what we might do if really happened. Set your priority right, when it is risky to keep a child due to ur health,I know it is cruel to abort. But you have to think for your newborn and your husband. I am sure they will always want u to be alright.

So, don't be too guilty as you are still young...
Wen Wen, to me without a healthy body, it's like the end of the world. So don't worry of how ppl look at you. Be of good cheer
and move on okie...your family needs you and rem that we will not be behind you but BESIDE you!
Thank you mummies ... It's ok that 4017 scolded me. I deserve scolding in many ways. It's not only my hubby's fault. I got my part to be blamed . Every time I think of the abortion, tears just can't stop flowing. It's really hard for me to let go esp. now that I have a 3 mths old baby. I love being Marcus' mummy. Motherhood has bring me to another stage of life n I never regret giving birth to Marcus.

Tomorrow night I'll be visiting the gynae to arrange the date. It just hurts me so much ..
hey mummies

anyone can advise on cradle cap? cos i suspect my boi (coming to 3mths) has cos he has those patchy dried skin on his scalp and its also causing he to drop hair leh..

anyone can help me here... thank :D
hi all,
been reading the forum but haven't had the time/energy to post messages up...

please take good care of your health, k? have faith in the decision that you have made, that what you are going to do is what's best, given your current circumstances. stay positive and be there for your little Marcus.

long time no hear from you. i currently still on leave. ur bb so gd, 2 mths can sleep thru alr, my bb still wake up twice at night for milk, sigh... my boy also trying to turn, but gets stuck halfway and starts to cry in frustration, poor boy! :D

hippo, joyce
my boy also can migrate to a different position, yes, almost 90 degrees by the time he wakes up. he's outgrowing the cot alr, with the way he moves to various angles. so worried that he will hit his head against the cot, thinking of putting him to sleep on the mattress instead. but if sleep on the mattress, cannot put the mobile there, which he likes to stare at...

re: childcare
my mum is working part-time and there's already a maid taking care of my niece there. i'm not comfy to have 2 maids there caring for 2 children, without any supervision from my parents, worried that they may do something risky. thus, tot of putting the maid home alone with my bb. but my hubby not in favour of webcam, coz if he feels that if anything happens, it would be too late by then.

but as one mummy commented, i wonder if i should 'take the good with the bad' n put the baby with my MIL, despite me not v.happy with my MIL's pinching pennies, paranoid, critical and not understanding ways, though in terms of safety for the bb, at least there's 1 adult around. sigh... big dilemma.

oh yes, btw, any mummies have idea when to start bb on playgroups,etc and is there one on a daily basis and how long is the general duration?

think my bb also overweight, haven't 3 mths but hit the 7kg mark alr. but if i dun feed him, he gets hungry n angry very fast. dunno how leh. when bring him to the PD, better check with PD if he's overweight n what i should do. dun wanna put bb on diet so soon leh, so poor thing...

u v.garang to bring bb out. till now, i still dun dare to bring bb out, in case he suddenly becomes cranky n makes a scene, i dunno how to react, i can't shove him my breast to shut him up!!! he now drinks only EBM.
recently invested in a baby sling but can't put him in properly, his butt kept slipping out of the sling, so got to hold him gingerly. guess i need more practice with the sling!!!
re: cradle cap
my boy also had it a few weeks back. i wet a cotton wool ball with baby oil and rub it into his scalp till the dry flaky skin comes off. did it once a day, by day 2 or 3, it all went off. can also try olive oil, i think...

can try bringing bb out oreadi! I started bringing bb out often when CL left. Coz no one to look after her. Its so fun to bring her out!
the pinkybuddy is so interesting! v.useful hor... at least no need to hold n hold the pacifier for bb, so that bb won't pop out the pacifier n wake up. didn't know such a gadget existed! thanks for the link.
my bb put in the pram will cry, then carry him also also can't carry long coz he's getting heavier. thus, tot of practicing with the sling at home until i'm ok with it then venture out with him! what did u use to bring ur gal out? sling/pram,etc?
garden_dreamz...the sling very useful leh...must try..in the beginning also i dunno how to use..then alot of funny positions..then finally managed to use...very useful for breastfeeding...haha

i buay paiseh one...go everywhere..just flip up my blouse and feed...usually no one will notice if do discreetly...but one time i went to crystal jade...then the waitress saw..then call all her frens...stand behind me and watch..so irritating...

we also brough baby out when she turned 1 mth...ever since then..every weekend or almost every other day..she goes out...haha..in the beginning she very cranky..dun want sit in the pram..but now..she likes to sit and stare at everything passing by....
wah, i'm so envious. flip the blouse and can BF liao. i still have to use nipple shield and got to find a nursing room to do so..haiz..but i guess at least she can latch on using nipple shield. i also bought the sling, but find it diff to use leh..see the CDROM demostration like so easy but it's not easy at all. my first attempt was awkward with my girl's head swinging left and right. so, give up trying. probably will try again this weekend. and i want to learn how to BF using the sling!
thanks gingerleaf for the links. i was thinking of ordering the dittany skidpants but i'll go for the babylegs instead coz it's cheaper and the designs are cuter. my hubby said no need binkybuddy
shall make him the official binky collector when it drops all over the place then.

yupp agree with bbunny....i myself have been out and about with baby with sling and pram. sling makes it easy to carry him when he wants to look around and refuses to lie in pram. pram for when he's asleep... initially i also tot that the money invested in my sling was wasted coz i wasn't confident in using it. but by and by i learnt how. must study the manual for all the positions and practise a few times lah...also the more u use it the softer the cloth gets, so it's even easier to adjust and put on. On Sunday I went to church and my mum's place, just bb and me, using the sling! but no movies for bb coz the other time we were watching the simpsons movie in the theatre and this woman had her infant with her. the bb was wailing away and it took another movie-goer to tell her off before she brot her bb out. i dun wan to be such a dumb mummy loh...

but i have yet to master breastfeeding in it. coz my bb dun like the position...he likes to be free when feeding, that silly piggy.

actually now he's so used to going out, he knows it's kaikai time when we strap him in his carseat. so much so that when my mil put him in it at home, he tot that we were going out. but we weren't and he started fussing hahahahahaha...
bbunny - how to bf using the sling? I find that she gets very hot in the sling, her head starts to get clammy and i also start to get hot. althouh have to say bb fall asleep v quickly in the sling. initially struggle but after a while ok liao. but i think both of us need to get used to it leh. not easy to put bb in it leh, i find.

If gg to shopping centers which includes gg to makan, I'll use pram. But if gg to places which doesnt includes sitting down for makan, I'll use my babybjorn carrier. Its a god send. I bought one of those slings, but it kept slipping off my shoulder, so I stashed it away liao.

we also bring bb out every weekend! shopping centres, fren's house, park and even JB! haa..

my boy had his 2nd round of vaccines yesterday (3 mth exact). he cried so loud when the pneumococcal injection was done, i was teary again... he weighed 7kg and 65cm long, doc said his weight in 75 percentile and length in 85 percentile... i asked doc is he overweight but he said it's ok since both his weight and length in upper range, he's just big baby... so i think mummies we dun have to worry much abt bb being too fat as long as they are proportionate...

my poor boy had a slight fever of 37.8 degree celsius last night. hubby and me woke up almost hourly to check n his temp, luckily his fever subside after 12am... hubby took half day leave this morning to continue monitor bb's temp, and he played wi him the whole morning... when he abt to leave for work and say bye bye to bb, bb shouted and start to cry... i told hubby bb "she bu de ni".. and i noticed hubby was all teary when he sayang bb and told him daddy not going away, just go and rest at next bedroom k... aiyo, he made me teary again... hope my baby will not turn to a crybaby, coz both his mummy n daddy super emotional leh...
aria jo...haha...we almost dropped baby once using the sling..coz i thot hubby holding...hubby thot i holding..then we let go..and realised she only half inside the sling...haha..but at that time..gave us a shock!

i usually use the lying down position to breast feed...told her if she dun lie down..no milk...then she cry cry.then will lie down..haha...

is it easy to put on the nipple shield? if yes..maybe can sling baby in first..then just attach the sheild and feed? then no need nursing room? maybe practise at home first and see how?

but lately she got new habit...like to suck and pull..so halfway..she will unlatch and expose the whole nipple..that annoys me!! dunno how to stop her from doing that tho...

karrie...mine likes to go kai kai but dun like her carseat...sighz...maybe 10mins and start making noise to come out...once got traffic police come..told her u dun go in...we go jail...then cannot go out already..she kuai kuai sit back...then start screaming again...aiyo!!!

velvet...i use the lying down position...but normally shopping centre got aircon..so not too bad...hehe....but like karrie...mine dun like her head "stuck"..she likes it free too..so somehow she manages to wiggle free and expose part of her head..and she continue happily sucking....
oh ya..the only one i havent really mastered and feel comfortable with is the sitting on the shoulder with head facing back..coz they say let baby sit cross legged..im like...wah..isint it uncomfortable for baby to do that?

then when i allow her legs to pop free...im worried that the cloth under her knees will prevent blood flow to her legs....so i still support her buttocks when i carry her that way...

ur hubby back from his reservice? hope u coping well
my hubby will go for a 3 week reservice this april, duno how am i gonna survive!

oh ya, bought the sleep positioner u recommended. it's good! we notice bb's head shape is better now after 2-3 weeks time.. thanks!
that really sound irritating! If I were you, I'd turn back and tell them off. They are so rude.

I envy those who can use sling and bf. So nice.
I've got a bf shawl, everytime needa bf, I'll use that. SO far, I only use it in the car, which is a good thing I did, coz the 1st time I used it, my gal fussed and cry and pull my nipple left and right coz she hate to be under the shawl. It wasnt hot or anything, guess she juz hate to have a piece of cloth falling over her face n head. So, now give up liao, everytime needa bf, I bf openly in the car. Luckily the windows are dark enough. Hehe. However, I always bring milk powder out, as I find it more convienent to mix up a formula for her in public, esp when shopping. Daddy can feed while mummy shop. =D

so funny on ur carseat part!!! haaa...
my boy also dun like carseat leh.. so i usually carry him, but my mum said i better start training him to guai guai sit in car seat coz if i dun start now, he will dislike it more when he grows up.. tt's true.. sigh...
re: breastfeeding outside
my boy dun wana latch on anymore.. so i always bring EBM out and heat up for his feeding.. so i gonna bring lots of barang out!!! mini ice box, thermal cup, thermal bottle etc... so envy those mummies who can direct latch...
RE: Going out,
MY hubby and I made it a point to bring Caelen out EVERY weekend since he is 28 days old (full month). Now he can sleep even if the shopping mall is very noisy.

Re: Baby legs,
Personally I just go and buy those socks sold at FOX Baby. The 6 - 12 mths one covers upto just below the knee and it has anti-slip sole. It cost $6 normally but recently think they got sales going at 30% discount. If buy 3 pair, got extra 10% off (works out to be $3.78 per pair)

re: un-latch during feed.
Same problem here. But I gather this due baby not that hungry and more eager to look around / see the surrounding. So I'll try 1 or 2 more time, if still ike that, then I'll stop the feed. Normally within 15 - 30 mins, he'll ask to be fed again but this time, he'll concentrate on feeding
haven come back yet, but tmr he'll be back!! Cant wait! Im gg to have a good long rest on sunday! Yipee!
Oh dear, 3 weeks reservist sia! Thats horrible. Is ur mama still in singapore to help with ziqian? If not ar, really v v v v tiring one leh.

I had a pretty hard time initially, coz I wasnt feeling very well then, on top of that, I got my menses on the 1st day he left! That nvm, My flow was so heavy, I leaked on both nights even when wearing the 35cm nighttime pad! Had to wake up n feed n change bedsheets! Not to mention the cramp was making me sluggish. Plus clear the cats' poo, change the dog's paper.. phew. Glad its over. lol

The sleep positioner is good eh? But you have to be careful that bb's diaper isnt too full, coz the pee will leak out from the side. Lyn had a few accidents with her pee leaking out from her waist.
I find that she sleeps better on her sides too.
wah gingerleaf..me so envious...can sleep in both...mine cant sit still......wanted to, but all auntie type...figured no point..so i pull the cloth higher....

dodo...really no joke leh...better start putting in now..worse when try to buckle them up.....we had to slow down to allow police to go ahead so cannot see us.....

jovial..tanks for that point...guess she too curious...want to see see look look....

btw..anyone baby start sucking thumb?? mine started tis week...so annoyin!! didnt want to give pacifier...who know she suck thumb instead!!!!
Mummies using California Baby product can try this website www.mothernature.com

I'd bought (price after 15% discount @ that time)
5x - 4oz botanical moisturizing cream @ US9.50 each
2x - 17.5oz Calming shampoo & body wash @ US$11.55 each
2x - 6.5oz calming everyday lotion @ US6.20 each
1x - 2oz calendula cream @ US8.05 each

Free US shipping. VPOST Shipping (after UOB 12% dicount) is S$36.64 (mothernature pack very efficiently not like amazon).

Thus total is about S$171.50 for everything.
Even if without the 15% discount, it would be about S$158.55+ S$36.64 = $195.17 and goods delivered directly to you.
(exchange rate: US 1 = S$ 1.48).

Current there is a BP and they charges:
Shampoo @ $25.50,
Calendula @ $15,
Everyday lotion @ $15,
Moisture lotion @ $19.50
For the same things, I'll need to pay $193.50 + Local postage
hippo...how u manage to get ur baby to stop turning over for long time??? mine super good at it now...can flip over without help and can get her arms out herself...so sometimes when she's too quiet on the bed or cot....i go check..already flipped over..sucking her thumb and got lots of saliva and vomit under her...but still smiling and happy...

i was told not to let her do it too often...but everytime i turn her back..she will flip herslef over again..if i turn back too many times..she gets angry and screams... but how not to?? anyone know how long they are allowed on their tummy at this stage?
Suck thumb ? ... hehehe... 1st he suck the whole fist,...then he start to suck ALL his finger one by one. Sometime even alternate between left hand fist, right hand fingers or BOTH hands at the same time.

I'd tried giving pacifier thinking next time easier to quit sucking, which he simply refuse to use it. Gave up wearing mitten during the day as well... easier to wipe the hand every now and then. But at night still wear cos sometime he'll scratch himself no matter how short we'd cut the nails.

He should go and film KFC advertisement ... finger licking good. ... hahahahaaa
my baby started sucking her thumbs weeks ago too.
Give her pacifier oso dowan. Cry n spit it out, and go for her thumb instead. I see teh way she suck, looks so delicious. Feels like sucking her thumb myself. Everytime she sucks, she makes such loud 'choot choot choot' sounds!
hi mummies,
haha, re bf outside, i bf as and when its time for sean to drink lo.. just wear the bf shawl and he will start sucking away.. i kknow pp will stare but let them stare as long as i never expose my nipple haha...normally either find nursing rm or corner of restaurant to feed lo..

Thank God tt sean can sleep in carseat, bb sling, pram and even bb carrier as long as we r out of the house... so we have been bringing him out almost everyday when hubby is still on leave. Now i just came back from tampines ikea in a baby sling.

sean havent learn to turn/flip lo. he only knows how to rotate 90 degrees around his original position..

re sleeping: sean doesnt really sleep in the afternoon if we r at home..he wans pp to talk n play wif him. he will smile, coo b make sounds as long as there is pp entertaining n looking at him... which is real tiring n attention seeking... n will cry if no one talks/bothers abt him...sigh
bbunny - i carry her in sling with her on my chest and legs are crossed. she like v comfy. initially struggle abit, then think she found it snug and comfy. heh, i din bring her out in it though, i used it to play mj...and she sleep throughout until time for feed. nowadays play also let her sleep in her cot. hee. usually go out we use the pram lor, easier. she either doze or just lie there and look around. so the sling seldom use feel like selling it.

gingerleaf - which model of babybjorn did u get? I intend to get leh, think online got some sale now. but my hubby not v keen, say the pram good enuf liao.

Do any of u use this privacy screen for the pram? I saw it on this pram last weekend and it's like damn good lor, it's black and i think made of some breathable material, so think bb can still doze in private. anyone know where to get it from?

So far, only brought her out for makan outing with family in restaurants. The last time we went to centrepoint and carrefour, she was alright. but think carrefour too noisy liao so bb nvr really doze much. so by the time reach home, drop off to sleep fairly quickly after 9pm feed!

I abit kiasu lah, wait until her jab done liao then brought her out.

Re carseat - my gal trained liao since trip out from hospital! only thing is she demands the car to be in motion otherwise start to "ah ah eh eh". or else needs the paci.

nursing wise - usually the timing is such that I'll need to bf her before we go out of the car. i think ok in the carpark cos ppl usually dun notice when they walk past the car. outside wise, haven't really managed to bf her yet. only pl was in thomson plaza where they have a nursing room.

just to complain abit, think this centrepoint very family unfriendly leh, so difficult to navigate the place with the pram. then the lifts take so damn long and always so full. carrefour still ok, but dunno where are the nursing rooms in suntec. must print out the nursing room friendly malls and leave it in car next time.

dodo - how come must bring thermal bottles etc leh? Can request for hot water right?

Fa lao sao abit here - next mon going back to work. will surely miss bb. kinda used to the nua-ing at home! and will log on the forum lesser!!
bbunny and gingerleaf - my gal also sucking her fingers. last time when her paci drop out still will make noise. now never liao, she'll make her own pacifier with her thumb inbetween her fingers...u know like a bad sign like that. and suck and lick away! there's this time, she actually pushed her paci out and suck her hand instead! she sometimes also refuse the paci and prefer hand instead! aiyoh..all the saliva all over the face!

gingerleaf - my gal also make the loud choot choot noise when sucking... really like damn shiok like that. haha!
jovial - I also give up with mittens in the day liao. how come their nails so sharp no matter how short we cut huh! my gal also startign to be distracted and pull away after a while. which i also use ur method. if she keep pulling off, I also stop feeding liao.
bbunny - i tot it's ok for bb to be on their tummies now? train neck muscles right? how come cannot let them flip too often leh?
This mth mother & baby mag shows alist of those baby changing room in shopping malls. Not a very extensive list tho.
Suntec nursing room is on the 3rd level, where they sell baby clothes. Its right behind and the last time I went, its very dirty and smelly. Really wonder why, how some mummies can be so inconsiderate n make the whole place so smelly. I mean, we all have kids and like to change in a clean changing room ma, why they can go dirty it up and not spare a tot for others? Really cannot comprehend.

Im using the 'original classic babybjorn carrier'. Actually wanted to get the 'baby bjorn air', but they dun come in black, and I was told by a shop asst that, becoz 'air''s fabric is holey, it will sag over time. 'Air' is also more expensive than the 'original classic'
I think the best would be 'active', but it comes with a lumbre support which I think is abit ugly to wear, but its definately much better. Wearing the 'classic' one gave me abit of back prob, but its more convinient to wear.
u mean she put her thumb inbtwn her index n middle finger? My gal always does that too and my hubby always say she is scolding bad word. lol
thanks for the suggestion. quite easy to put on the nipple shield but the thing it can come off easily too. aiyoh, sounds scary but luckily your BB is ok.

there is nursing room in suntec. it's at the same floor as spring maternity. BF my girl once there..

regarding sucking thumb, my girl started licking her whole fist 2 weeks ago..she's wearing mittens all the time because her fingernails are so long. so, only with supervision, we will take out her mittens and let her enjoy her fingers. well, at this point bb are very curious with texture and taste. so, i'll just let her explore...

regarding pram, my girl loves to sleep in it. since my hubby is against yaolan, the pram become her yaolan and i'll push her around the house.sometimes at night, i'll put her inside and push her to and fro and she'll fall asleep within minutes..
nursing room of some shopping ctes w/o hot water dispenser... so i play safe, carry a thermal flask whenever i go...
Hi Mummies,

Re: Finger sucking
It's so funny to read that so many babiesare alike in terms of sucking their fingers. My BB can suck fingers from both hands at the same time so worried that he'll have a big mouth next time! He also makes alot of chok chok sound but sometimes he forget and will put his fingers too deep that he'll gag but he'll still want to suck. Silly boy! He gives up pacifier long ago cos i think his fingers 'sweeter' haha

Re: Nursing outside
Can use a shawl fold half, and sew till left a hole for you to slip your neck in to be used as nursing shawl. Very convenient with it cos it'll juz look like wearing a shawl. I use it to bf everywhere no need nursing room & ppl wun notice at all so mummies you can try. Esp if BB very distracted. My BB also like Bbunny's now learn the 'new skill' of wanting to drink & look around so sometimes i oso use the shawl at home so he wun look around & will guai guai drink.
For mummies who want a list of baby-friendly shopping centres:
Borders - Wheelock Place Level 1 Near office tower entrance
Causeway Point Level 3
Centrepoint Levels 3 and 6
City Link Near Godiva
Esplanade Near box office
Forum Galleria Level 1
Gleneagles Hospital Level 5 and 6
Great World City Level 1 and 2
Ikea Level 2
Isetan - Scotts Road Level 4 Children's dept
Isetan - Tampines Level 2 Children's dept
Junction 8 Basement 1
Jurong Point Level 3
KK Women's and Children's Hospital Level 1 Women's and Children's Specialist Clinics
Liang Court Basement and Level 1
Mothercare - Causeway Point Level 3
Mothercare - Centrepoint Level 1
Mothercare - Marina Square Level 2
Mothercare - Parkway Parade Level 2
Mt Elizabeth Hospital Level 4
Orchard Point (OG) Level 4 (near customer service counter)
Paragon Level 3
Plaza Singapura Level 3 (next to John Little)
Raffles City Level 3
Scotts Shopping Centre Level 1
Seiyu - Bugis Level 3
Singapore Changi Airport Terminals 1 and 2
SIR Building Levels 2 - 6 and 10
Suntec City Shopping Mall Level 3 Near Kids Mall
Swiss O'tel Stamford and Plaza F&B and Convention Services
Takashimaya Dept Store Level 3 Children's dept
Tampines Mall All levels
Tanglin Mall Level 3
Tangs Dept Store Level 3
United Square Level 1

Re: Sling
At first i oso dunno how to use despite the VCD & booklet so I went all the way to MIM and the salesperson taught me how to use. Now if I need to take the bus I'll use the sling otherwise I'll use the stroller.
you mean some nursing room has hot water dispenser? wah, you rbign your EBM out? i find it so mafan, so i usually bring FM.So, your BB on TBF?

thanks for the list. Very useful. May i know where is MIM?
Aria jo,

MIM = Mums in Mind

they'll teach you if u are using their brand of sling. It's at 40 Jln Pemimpin #04-10C Tat Ann Building.(near Bishan J8) Open only in Tue - Thur 11am - 4pm Call 82006905. They taught me how to use the sling as well as bf with it. A very pro-bfing environment. You can check out their website for more info.
