(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Money aside, will you and your hubby miss the little baby growing inside you ? Upto now, sometime I'll still remember the 'baby' that had grown outside to womb that I'd removed. Especially you and your hubby had intended to have no. 2.

However, do check with your parents and in-law if they can offer in help if you keep the baby. explain to them you situations including financial problems now and future. You'll need any help you can get.

Do check with you gynae when is the latest date that you must make the decision. Give your baby as much time as possible and thing might just work well during this period.

As for the new job, think it's better to come clean with the new boss. You might be able to 'bluff' him for a few months and in future how ? he might not trust you anymore.

re: menses,
Caelen is 4 months and still no menses for me. Understand my GF who had partially breastfed her baby, her menses only comes after the 8th month.

Think the body won't know whether you are breastfeeding or not. As long as you pump, you are producing the hormones that delay you menses.
Any Baby that absolutely hate tummy time ? Caelen hates it when I put him on his tummy. Now 4 mths +, can only turn to face his sides. Wonder does this has to do with him sleeping face-up and he like to look at the ceiling and lights ?
ben mum,
wow, so fast planning for 2nd one liao? :p

well, i also didn't know abt nipple shield until after i delivered and called for an LC. she's the one who intro to me. All along i thought it's a tool to prevent nipple sore. So, i only started using on day 5 after delivery when i saw her. Managed to latch BB for the first time with the nipple shield with her guidance. Nipple shield only use during latching. Put it to your nipple, hold it there with your fore fingers and let BB suckle. Once BB latch correctly, it'll stay there. Well, you need some practising as it'll keep dropping off in the beginning and you might be fustrated with BB crying all the way. I'm using Pigeon brand. While i find it ok, my gf commented the hold is not as good as avent or ameda ones. Never tried those. So, not very sure. Once baby latch on, the nipple will be pulled out by BB sucion and fill the nipple shield.

if you're talking abt wearing it for a long time before pregnant, are you referring to Avent Nipplete? It's a tool to correct inverted nipple. I bought this (damn ex, one side on $79+) and didn't use it diligently cos it keep dropping off. Suppose to wear it whole day and to sleep but it kept dropping off. So i so sian and keep it one side. Didn't really help me. So, nipple shield is still the best tool to help with my breastfeeding.
Caelen @ Day 135

velvet....her try put her to bed when we see her yawning...but she just refuse to close her eyes....she forces them open......

ben mum...tell me about it....chris me so enviuos ur baby loves sleeping...
i have been trying to get mine to sleep for the last 1.5hrs....drank milk 2times in this period...and has been lying on the bed since 2pm till now....still wide awake and playing...sighz....she has been up since 5 this morning...and only slept half hr since then.... i pat pat until i fell asleep and she's still up, babbling and playing....

jovial...mine sleeps face up too, but surprisingly she has already started turning....shes 11 weeks old...and has mananged to turn over, except her arm gets stuck every now and then..and she screams for help....(partly the reason why she dun want to sleep)...put her down and she turn left turn right....sighz....

BB hate that too. the max he is willing to stay in this position is 5 mins only.. he will starts to eee...aaaa aft that. Try putting a mirror on the floor and get him to ly on his tummy... BB willing to stay slifgtly longer using the mirror as i think their own relfection fansinate them..

aria, how come my LC @ KK never say anything? sighs....another downside of KK. sighs....

jovial, my bb 3 months 1 week aso doesnt quite like tummy time. cant turn yet aso. bbunny ur bb so fast! lol.....very fun to see them turn hor?
Dear mummies,

I have the following for sale. not sure if any of you are interested or any of your friends. Help me ask around ya. Thanks!


Things for sale:
1) GRaco Stroller
2) Bum wear
3) 'The First Years' milk bags (4 packs)
4) Sofa set
5) 2 bags of milk caps (10/bag) @ $5/bag for those glass milk bottles obtained from hospi. Pix not on website.

chris, maybe i'll try the mirror .. but then hor, worried he use head and smash the mirror leh.

now try tummy time on the bumper mat ... last less than 5 mins.. sigh
Dear mummies,

I have the following for sale. not sure if any of you are interested or any of your friends. Help me ask around ya. Thanks!


Things for sale:
1) GRaco Stroller
2) Bum wear
3) 'The First Years' milk bags (4 packs)
4) Sofa set
5) 2 bags of milk caps (10/bag) @ $5/bag for those glass milk bottles obtained from hospi. Pix not on website.

Please PM me or sms me at 9489 9008 for fast deal if interested.

caelen also a handful during day time ... he take 10mins power naps only . then he would want attention... want you to look at him and talk.

lucky at night he'll sleep from 9+pm - 8am (wake at about 3+am, 6+am for feed)
Hi mummies,

Recently bb loves to pull his shirt up to lick, esp when he tries to sleep. I place a napkin on one of his hand but he will pull the napkin also.

Anyone experience this? what does this show? Previously is his fist which I understand...developing self soothing mtd, but now???

Your gal stays awake but can still play with herself, not bad leh. So she can sleep thru the nite?

Mine gets bored easily. These 2 nites dunno what's going on...wakes up 5+am and aaaa. Can't put him to sleep,so got to wait till he hungry cos he sleeps beta after feed. Faint!

My boi no problem sleeping face down but HATES this position when awake. Jus turn 3mths, my PD said must train bb to turn liao. Huh? I din noe must train one...thot it's natural when bb gets older. So these 2 days has been training but his face and body refuse to turn when i help him to turn his hip.

Also...must train them to sit...so to strengthen their neck faster. Goodness, his saliva will drool like nobody's biz when seated upright.

Ben mum,
My bb feeding time also not fix. Depend very much what time he wakes up for nite feed. Still trying to 'tong' till he takes solid food, so hopefully can last his hunger longer.

Re: menses
I stopped BF after abt 6wks due to low supply. Till now no menses yet leh. Will check with my gynae abt this.
how tall your baby now? what's his weight. he looks so cute with his tongue licking his hands..haha..

ben mum,
the LC at KK not so good yeah..mine (raffles hospital - her name is Helen) is really very good,very encouraging, nice and witty too...
i have my second menses liao. my bb 3 months old. but gynae says my ovulation too irregular...not that i am fertile or anything.

fitty_nut, thanks! really calms me down. my bb actually was able to sleep from 8pm to 6am liao...but i think now growth spurt. been waking up twice everynite. then he cry after each feed when i gave 120ml. so up his feed to 150ml. still waking up 1-2 times everynite. just hope this is a phase. else i aso have to live with this pattern until he takes solids lo...=<

aria, now i see ur LC respond to ur need of nipple shield so fast...i must say KK really no good. they never even tell me my nipples are flat. see liao aso no reccomend me what to do. sighs....my woes....
although i m on tbf, my menses started when bb is 3 mths and my 2nd menses is oso here when bb 4 mths leh.. How i wish i can haf longer menses free days.. sianzz... hehehe

my bb dun like to drink milk leh.. dunno how.. SHe is drinking oni like 500ml per day.. sigh.. PD says its below the average and asked me to feed cereal. But i find it too fast leh.. she oni 4 months can eat cereal liao meh? I heard dat starting cereal will cause bb to be allegic to some food leh..

My bb still can hold her head steadily.. still sway side to side leh.. and she haben learn to turn..
ben mum....ya...we also say too fast, so we try to stop her from doing it...coz dunno whether her lungs strong enuf to sustain her or not....so have to keep looking to see she which side up or down.... but quiet cute lah...

jovial...looks like u also have the same problem....dunno how come they already learn about power naps.... at least sleep from 9+ to 8+

mine sleeps from 9+ or 10+, wakes 2+, 4+ for feeds..then sometimes can sleep from 9+/10+ till 3+... but usually the last feed at ard 4+ or 5+ means is wakeup to play with daddy and mummy time....sighz....can stay awake from that time till bed time again lah...

fitty nut...cannot lah..if can sleep thru the nite, i dun mind playing with her thru the day.... but the funny thing is that she will ask for milk, but will not open her eyes...will start calling for it...then feed, can put back to bed....but the 4/5+ feed sometimes can, most times cannot liaoz....
Hi all!
Had not been posting for quite a while cos bz looking after my little Guanwen who is getting more &amp; more active each day. Din regret quitting my job to be a SAHM even though it means that he has to wear more hand-me-downs &amp; play 2nd hand toys.

My Guanwen hates tummy-time too! He always make those eeek-ahhh sounds whenever I put him on his tummy &amp; he'll get angry in less then 5 min but he could lift himself off abit.

Can I check with the rest of the mummies who are TBF, do you wake up to pump at night if BB is sleeping through the night? Guanwen is sleeping through the night on somedays &amp; I wonder if not feeding him at night (7hrs) will affect supply. Also, how to deal when BB keeps on un-latching to 'look-around' when feeding? I recently had this problem as I think Guanwen is getting more curious of his surroundings and often gets milk spray all over his face when feeding cos he keeps moving. Hope some mummies here could help with my queries.
Caelen is should be about 7kg+ (last measure early Dec at 6.7kg) close to 70cm tall.

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Wenwen:</font></font> hope you don't mind, I'd mentioned about you to my hubby.

From his view point, he suggest the following:
1) Don't worry too much about your baby's hearing, might just be late development or he simply ignore (like my collegue's son)

2) Keep the child since that what you and your hubby wanted deep down inside (otherwise you would not be so troubled) A rash move now will cause eternal regret.

3) In the meantime, look for a job and be upfront with your prospective employer. It will be difficult. If unable to get a full time employment, grab any part-time openings available (e.g. NTUC cashier, store sales etc). Can try Stat-Board or civil service opening. They are much receptive to hiring pregnant mums. Remember now it's a job that you need, not an Ideal Job.

4) The next few months to child birth, scrimp &amp; save whatever possible. Look thru your expenses and trim away any excess fats. Singapore Government will give baby bonus, although not much, but it does helps.

5) After child birth, then look for a full time job. If the pay is ok, hire a maid / part-time helper during the busy hours of the day.

6) Stay Positive, this period will pass shortly.
regarding night feed, I'll feed on both breast for the last feed before sleeping (about 9pm), as well as the 3+am feed. This prevent engorgement and stimulate both breast.

Caelen occasionally look around too. That means, he is not that hungry. What I do is I'll try latch on once or twice more. If he still looking around, I'll stop that feed. Don't worry, baby will call for milk again if hungry. Normally, he'll concentrate on drinking this time round.
I just got my menses today, and Im doing partial bf too.

re: mirrors

Jovial, I've got mirrors for bb to look at too, but those I have are attached to toys, and they are made of plastic. so no worries abt it breaking.


ur baby started gymboree classes? what do they do at classes? Im keen to start on something too, but dunno when is a good time.
hi all i am already my menses every month i am TBF ok ...

Jo my bb also HATE tummy time man

Wen hmm god bless u with a bb ... many ppl dun have that remenber ok lots of my relative also have problem having their 2nd bb some dun have it some got to wait for years after the 1st
hi all

ben mumm... huh u luv me
???? hehehe.. dun worry, our bb is perfectly normal, not all bb the same pattern... like some can sleep thru, some cant... my gal last time can sleep thru, not my boi tis time..

jovial..caelen looks bigger liao hor? sooo fast...time flies..

cin..fm pix..guanwen can hold things liao??

bbunny..wah.. your bb so fast can turn... mine still cant but realise he'll shift place slightly after wake up in morning...

fitty..i was surprise too when i bring bb to polyclinic for 3 mths jab, doc checked &amp; said by then bb shd be able to support their neck, eg. they pull his arm up while bb lay down see if bb can move their own head forward, mine cant, so doc ask me to observe &amp; practice @home, hopefully by 4th month chk bb can do so, if not may hv to go further chk-up???

tis evening brought bb back fm nanny plc, she said bb throw out milk &amp; pass motion 2x.. then came bk home passed motion &amp; er ni again.. total abt 4/5 times within 3hours+, so brought bb to GP who asked to observe &amp; switch to soy milk, if diarrhoea more than 10x hv to admit suspect rotavirus.. hiaz... by the time out fm clinic alr 10min to 10pm, rushed down to ntuc buy soy milk, cant decide isomil or friso soy, end up chosen isomil, so x somemore, $14.95 400g, who knws bought bk realise exp 04/08??? so fast?????? jus dun feel comfortable buying something expiring so fast... hiaz... now duno to feed bb with it or not or to exchange @ntuc tml??? while buying no time to chk cos ntuc closing &amp; my gal running around..hiaz
junnie, love u cos i now feel so much better liao....lol....
ever since my boi took 150ml of milk, his milk times been changing everyday!!! lol

my boi took the rota vaccine aso pooed more than normal. in total for 2 days, he pooed about 9-10 times. watery, like machiam drinking bm like dat. my boi is on similac toally. =D my PD say it is normal. his poo cleared after 2 days.
chris, I'm also interested to know what ur bb does at the gymboree class.

junnie - u mean pull up their arms while bb is laying down on back?
junnie...tell me about the sleep pattern...sighz..i was up from 3am till 5am...she want to play...dunno lah...her pattern all haywire liaoz...wierd..

dunno where she learn to turn from one...but she keep doing it on her own..then sometimes by the time we get to her...already vomit out her milk...think she too heavy for her little tummy... but it makes changing clothes and diapers very troublesome now..have to catch her and force her to lie down....

btw....anyone knows if using clear blue 1 week after missed menses can tell if preg or not? my fren just did hers...but its neg...and she's super regular one...never missed before..
morning all

ben mum... u mean after taking rota jab bb will poo more frequent for abt 2 days? mine hvnt taken rota or phneumococal yet, will let him take rota jab once he recover then the latter one when he older (cos i tink 4 jab too much).. doc said is stomach flu so hv to observe 24hrs.. so far, he doing well after nite feed @1.15am + tis morning 7am, no lao sai, and i didnt gv the isomil w expiry in 3mths time, i jus dilute his mamex gold step1, hv sent him to nanny hse asked her to observe &amp; call me if still purging.. then i'll hv to go bk lunch time w new soy milk.
wow, caelen is tall!

regarding mense, i also haven't have mine though i'm also partial BF.

regarding bb turning, mine only can turn to the sides and can shift her body around the baby cot! her body turned 90 degree the next morning!
velvet... ya, bb lay down on their back, face up, then pull both arm (not hand) to see if their head move forward by themselves, my bb duno how to move forward, ie, his head is behind
i duno izzit bcos of his wt, he's chubby abt 7.5kg @3mths+. but when i carry him upright, he can turn his head left &amp; rite leh... so now nanny will practice w him few times a day (of cos not immediate after feeding lah).. then we try to carry him upright or sitting position more frequent. my bb dun like tummy time too, when i do tat, he can support his head but less than 5min or so will aaaaaa liao..

bbunny...yr bb quite active hor? may b u try to keep her awake from late afternoon till last feeding, dim or off the light at nite and dun play w her, if she dun make noise ok lah, let her knw is 'bedtime'. for me, after i bring bb down fm nanny hse abt 6+pm, i try not to let him slp, my mum will help me to play w him while i settle my gal fm childcare &amp; our dinner, then i take over, will either carry him, put on rocker, watch tv, etc. till last feed btw 10+ or 12 (depending when he cries for milk),then after burb him, change pampers, will off the light &amp; put him nxt to me &amp; slp, bid him goodnite, i wont talk to him unless he make noise again, then slowly he fall aslp by himself liao till nxt feeding..
re pregnancy test kit, may b your friend shd gv somemore time b4 testing, cos ovulating period may varies though mensus regular.
junnie, could it be soy milk expire faster that's why such short peiod only ? In any way, milk tin once open should finish within 1 month.
wenwen, just remembered something.. cos both of u are so young, having a 2nd baby means lots of tax rebates which will definitely help in ur finances.. =)

gingerleaf &amp; velvet, i used to work at gymboree quite some time back.. =D babies can start from birth though many would bring only during 3mths when bb is more aware of things happening around them. for e 0-6mths class, its more of contact (touch, hearing and other sensory stimulation) time for mum &amp; baby.. of cos with baby massage etc.. very fun! =D

bbunny, my baby oso turning on her own.. ha! but mostly she'll get stuck halfway cos of her arm.. haha!
aria jo. yah, think it's father's genes. His nephew 12 this year already taller than my hubby (my hubby is 178cm). Lucky not follow me (i'm only 160cm)

bbunny, my thoughts same as junnie, think you baby dunno day and night yet. For Caelen, I'll normally bath him once more in the evening at about 8 - 9pm, change pamper and wear PJ, on the air-con, off the room light (leave the night light until he is fully asleep). Shortly after that he'll 'asked' to be fed and goes to sleep. In the middle of the night at about 3am, he will feed again (half sleeping) and goes back to sleep. likewise for the 6am feed. He'll be fully awake at about 9am and goes for his morning bath and change into day clothes (short sleeve / sleeveless and air-con off).

So he starts and ends his day with a bath.
hippo, now no more tax rebate since they'd introduce the baby bonus. But for 2nd child baby bonus is double of what you get for the 1st baby.

wenwen, remember, when there's a WILL, there's a WAY. Each child is a blessing, a gift from GOD.
jovial &amp; aria,

bb's height follow dad's huh? i really hope so.. my bb's length (height) at 61cm when he was 2 months old, dun find it very long leh... my hubby is 190cm and im only 168cm.. hope he dun take my height...
jovial, no more tax rebates ah? hmm.. govt very smart leh.. tax rebates definitely worth more than bb bonus lo.. keke..

wen wen, i agree with jovial. all e best dear..

from the way u describe the classes, sounds like, might as well play with bb at home can oreadi. no nid to go there waste money. lol =p

my boy finally sleep thru the nights 2 days ago! so so happy! he will be 3 months old tomorrow and gonna go for his 2ns rd of vaccines, 2 jabs + 1 oral med.. hope he will not scream and tear down the clinic.. haa...

btw, he takes longer time for each feeding... ard half an hour now.. he's using Nuk silicone bottle teat size M. Feel like changing to a bigger teat size but worry he will get choked... any mum encounter this as well?
hippo &amp; bbunny,

ur babies know how to turn/ flip already ah... that's fast!
must be very cute to see them "in action" right.. hee.. remember to video &amp; capture that special moment.. i look forward to my boy's flipping too
dodo! anderson very tall liao lo! 61 cm at 2 mths? mine was only 60cm at 3mths when measured yday! i m so worried adrienne will be short leh. cos my hubby's family all very 'ka-tek'. he's e tallest in e family at 1.76m n i m 1.78m.. i m hoping my girl will take after me in terms of height man..
gingerleaf, hahaha! but classes are fun though cos u get to interact with other parents and babies.. but i suggest u bring bb only when 6 mths or when bb learns how to crawl.. much more to benefit then.. bb will learn spatial awareness etc etc.. most imptly, bb will learn to interact and share with others esp if bb is e only child in e family!

dodo, aiya.. u noe dat naughty girl of mine la.. brought her to doc yday for e jab + rota vaccine.. she's so thick skin leh.. didnt cry.. but my heart pain instead! hahaha! how come u gg for 2 jabs? pneumo jab?

u very tall leh! think ur girl will take after you.. anyway it's ok girls petite size, but boys better be taller loh... guess we worry too much, since they only 3 mths old... :p

adrienne such a brave girl! ya, it's usually mummy's heartpain... when anderson had his 1st vaccine, i was teary... yup, he will have his 6 in 1, pneumo &amp; rota vaccine tomorrow.. hope it's not too much for him.. poor thing...
I tried the L size teats b4. Am using Nuk Silicon teats too. The L size is way too big, as its for thicker feeds. She choked n spluttered when I used that. See liao so heartpain, so now I stashed it away in a corner liao.
when lyn had her 1st vaccine, I was teary too.
But surprisingly, her 5in1 n pneumo jabs, I was okay. Maybe I was bz taking pictures. Heeheeheh
junnie...ya..she super active...sighz...i cannot keep up with her in terms of energy...dunno is it coz i eat too much choc and drink too much milo..make her hyper...but she's very good at bed time....automatic..between 9-10pm she will go to sleep...sometimes with milk, sometimes herslef...the first feed at about 1+ or 2am ..she will go back to sleep...but the second feed at about 4+, she will be awake already...

she doesnt sleep thru the day....most to most is 1hr in total...dunno where she get her energy from leh....

jovial ur baby tbf? so good can go back to sleep again..sighz....i must pray harder she go back to sleep...

hippo...hehe..funny rite..see them turn...ya..her arm also gets stuck..then can hear the screams...but its the vomiting im more worried about...dunno whether her tummy and lungs can take her weight or not...not even 3 mths and already between 6.5-7kg...wah liaoz... think really the choc and milo im eating!!!

dodo..hehe...we missed all the action..she quietly did on her own...only heard the scream...then realised she kena stuck...but hubby missed it all...haha...

wah...most of the babies already had their vaccinations...mine still havent taken any yet..only the second hbv one....must go call up sbcc and make appt... do they all get fever after the jab?

thanks for the info about the preg test..will let my fren know about it...
jovial, no leh, the isomil on the rack made 05/06 exp 04/08 i tink nobody buy so they didnt replenish new stock, the friso soy i didnt buy but made in 06/07 exp xx/09 (cant remember which mth), then i blur blur buy isomil cos left w no time to tink as their closing time + my gal running around. may b other branch got newer stock. ya, i knw once tin open cant keep long, i was tinking of transfering to air-tight container, in case bb dun like the taste i can pass around. lucki i jus called nanny, she said bb no watery poo liao after medication, may b i will change the isomil to other stuff for time being cos cant refund.

dodo..i same comment as hippo, my bb also 60cm @3mth taken @ 28/12, then i wud b lagi worried cos hubby 165 i super kateh 145 oni arrrr, cant imagine if i stand nxt to some1 @190 may b until the waist oni or like 'giant' &amp; 'dwarf' liao..ahahha..... btw, i using nuk bottle + teat M too, so far ok, approx 20min.. may b u observe see how, cos 3mth to use L like v fast leh..
hippo, rota is jab meh, i thot oral?

wen wen.. ntd u mentioned your health prblm.. tink the nxt best person to advice u whether u shd or shd not keep bb w tis current pregnancy wud b your gynae, at least u can listen &amp; digest his/her advice.. we r v fertile after birth no matter mensus is regular or not, tat's wat my colleague told me, tat's y she (alr in mid 50s) always tell us 'younger generation' to plan properly if really wanna start a family or not.. duno when your nxt edd, but tink by then your no. 1 will be almost a year ba.. my nieces also abt tat age gap, meaning, my SIL conceived v soon after 1st prengancy too..of cos our body cud b still 'lum' (in hokkien = weak), u hv to take extra care as 1st trimester is v 'fragile'. with rgd yr #1 hving hearing problm, tis bobian one, nobody want tis happen, we as parent sure will find all ways &amp; means to let doc treat them as long is good for their future..die die also must help them. u &amp; your hubby still v young, hv to work hard now for better future, 'sian ku hou tian'.. imagine other ppl ttc cant hv &amp; alr got age, how? hope u &amp; your hubby and family members can sort things out smoothly.
junnie, rota is oral.. keke.. i lazy to type jab &amp; oral la.. hahahaha! but i hv been wondering since yday.. how does e vaccine stay in bb's body if it's oral?? hmm...

bbunny, yup! very funny lo.. esp when we see her trying to flip herself over but still get stuck.. haha! then we help her by pushing her with 1 finger.. but hv to flip her back fast cos neck still not very strong..
