(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

chris.. i understand how u feel w MIL looking after bb, my advice is always put your bb interest on priority, ie, do wat u ting is best for bb. i turn down my MIL offer cos i cant compromise w her method/environment (lotsa old myth, punishment 'free' even when kids misbehave). as for my mum, she's in mid 70's + working too, so i cant get much help fm her either, so i send bb to nanny + gal to childcare, at least i can commnicate w nanny at times when method is rite/wrong, also she's quite supportive, as for childcare ctr, i hope my elder cud learn more things there since i hv not much time to spend w her at tis present moment bb is young.

aria jo, my chloe also seeing miracles in her hands now.. staring at them carefully, bringing her fist close to the mouth and start licking!! haha.. also pull up her head to try licking her handkerchief.. :p

thANK for the advises.

Nowaday, she very funny. Mentioned that my bb will get jelous when she attend to hwe another grandson. ... my bb will be tian cai if he know what is jealous now. Suspect she purposes prov0ke my bb la. I believe she spolit my bb... cos when ever she is near him, he will starts making noises and wanting to carry. When my hubby and i are around, he will not behave this way.

I undersantd she very worry that my bb will not be close to her. She take care of the elder grandson day and night, more like a mummy than granny... they are v attached to each other. But things changes now, the mummy of my nephew starts to want to take charge of her son and bringing him over her room to sleep at night etc. My nephew also use words to my mil like ;;''.... i hate you... i want you to die.. i dun want you.. been thinking, it may be she lose grip of my nephew that why she want my bb to feel that she is indespensible. which i DUN WANT.. is very unhealthy.


that why been looking for infant care
Brought my gal for her jabs today. So heartpain, have to see her get jab on both legs.

Wow, the pneumococcal vaccine is so expensive! $160 and have to take 3 jabs in total!
oh..in that case, better monitor her motion and see if they're hard, any blood in it. hopefully it's not constipation..if she always needs laxative to poo, i think better call pd for advice.. not healthy if always need to insert tablet right?

yeah, their behaviour so cute right?

talking abt jab, my baby haven't gone for the 6 in1 job leh..wonder why mine so late. will be going only when she turns 3 months old.
aria, hmm.. it will be e 2nd jab on 3rd mth already wor.. my bb going for her 2nd jab next week. u might wana chk with ur doc again?

bb adri also look at her hands like they are chix wings and wana bite and lick! hahaha.. n she goes crossed-eye when doing it.. =)
Hi ladies,

Wah, the topics move so fast!

Re staying near parents
Unfortunately, I don't stay very near to either parents. Both sets live about 20mins drive away, however, my mum's place is going away from peak hour traffice + my mil is taking care of my bil's kiddo. plus, i prefer for my mum to take care cos of the english speaking envmt, open to new ways and methods. my mil has some really weird thinking, like using bb's pee to dab on red spots on her face(!) to reduce it. I'm like, what?! I'd rather use my own bm to bb's pee!

But gotta wake up much earlier lor.
hi everyone
thanks lots for airing your views with regards to childcare.

i also bought my place nearer to my mum's place as i thought that i'm more comfortable bringing the child up under her care but now that my child has arrived, its not quite ideal coz she's working part time and has my toddler niece to care for.

i really dun fancy putting my bb at my mil place coz i feel that i will surely b v.upset n argue wif my hubby over her insistent ways. my hubby will never b able to see where i'm coming from and to argue with him over her would put further stress into our marriage.

i do not know of any good nanny that i can put the child in. nor do i trust infant care. am thinking of leaving the child with my maid at home and have my parents to pop by once in a while on their way to work, once i go back to work when he's 7 mths old.

is that a wise decision? or is it suicidal? my hubby is worried for the child's safety esp. with all the newspaper articles of maid mishandling bb,etc. any mummies can advise me on this? i'm torn btw child care issues....
chris, i have similar problem as you. My FIL thinks he's very clever and disregards what I and my hubby say if he disagrees with us on how to bring up our child. But as my hubby has reminded me, they are helping to take care of baby so I cannot complain - have to take the bad together with the good. But some things really irritate me lor. Like just now, I saw him carrying baby asleep in his arms instead of letting baby sleep in the cot. He said otherwise baby won't sleep. But the more he does such things, the more demanding baby gets right?!? *SIGH*

He doesn't interfere with my hubby's sister and her husband in this regard although he criticises them a lot behind their backs. The reason is he is afraid he'll be denied visiting privileges if he does, whereas he lives with us so we can't hide baby from him. So terrible!

u are right... our mums really very wei da! actually my mum had a minor surgery this august, but she insisted to do confinement for me coz she said she knew my eating habits so she can cook foods i like and take care bb the way i like... she really cooked lots of nice food and "bu" for me and bought bb so many things without collecting a single cent from me! she returned me my angbao for her and told me she "xin1 ling3" already... so touched... she called me just now, and told me that she really fine to look after bb for me, she said this is what mother shd do, stand out and help when her kids got prob.. im so touched till i almost cried... she's so sweet and thoughtful always... so i think the issue settled, my mum will look after my bb for me after i went back to work this july... my mum will go over aus to visit my sis and niece meanwhile...

anderson has the same habit too! licking his fists... gonna diligently clean his fingers coz scared he will lick in all the germs!

ya, pneumococcal jab very exp right?! my boy gonna have his 2nd jab next week... but how come urs only 3 jabs? mine 4 jabs till his 12mth leh...

my boy has those red, dry & flaky thing on his chin... i believe it's caused by milk stain... have been there for a few days and i clean it using sterilise cotton wool and cooled boiled water.. but condition doesn't seems better...

any mummies experience this as well? any idea how to cure it? thanks!

I thought I had the weirdest PIL. Like my mil say cannot bathe bb at 12 noon! Dunno for what reason! Or have to wait for 30 mins later after he wakes up. I got no choice but to leave in her care cause I don't trust maid nor nanny.


my fil is even worse lor. Always comment to let baby sleep early. Say baby sleep early is healthy but how do you expect baby to sleep thru the night when you let him sleep at 7/8pm!!!

sigh...I guess we all have our troubles about childcare. Seems like govt is not targetting at the right problem. Sometimes it's not the money but the amount of trusted help we can get!

duno leh, pd says take 3 jabs onli.

re: the dry flaking re patch, does it looks scaly? lyn got dat too. am using zaricort on her. works for her.
bbwow - never hear of bathin at noon. but i heard abt waiting 30mins, something like bb's pores might be open and more likely to catch a cold.

ask u mummies, do ur babies have heat rash on ur bb's neck? Karine's got little dots that are raised but they are not red, think it's due to heat rash leh.

oh, and nowadays when the pacifier drops out, she doesn't complain liao, cos she will start to lick and suck on her fist! And quite loudly too! so funny...
wow. haven been in for so long. been busy with catching up bb's growth =D

bbwow, my bb sleeps around 8pm every nite and wakes up at 8+ am in the morning. he wakes up 1/2 times in the night to drink and i will change his diapers and he will go back to sleep on his own after burping. possible to sleep 12-13 hours in the night for bb.

my IL opposite of ur fil. always wan to go for dinners, then bb come back late. then i have a cranky bb who has yet to bathe and get ready for his sleep but wans to sleep very very much. sighs.....i keep trying to avoid having dinners but....dun think i can keep it up for long. my mil is at my house most of the week days so she knows bb's pattern...but she wans to go out for dinners...sighs
velvet, my baby has those little dots too. i have no idea what they are tho. just try and keep neck area clean and dry.

ben mum, it's not a bad thing to bring baby out once in a while at night time. we do it, and my baby is now very good at sleeping through noise etc. perhaps you can tell you IL to limit the number of outings?
zhenzhen, it is not so much of the noise and bb cant sleep. it is more of getting bb ready to go to sleep. bb needs to be bathed and changed into his pyjamas mah. my bb one kind de. u disturb his sleep, he is very very cranky. wake him up liao...he sure fight with u to the end of the world when u wan him to sleep again. sighs
dodo, haha! know wat? my mum also went for surgery (to remove her womb cos of some growth) in august and she specifically chose that month so dat she can recover in time for my confinement.. =) really very sweet and i dunno how i can thank her enough as well.. and she adores adrienne (sometimes more than i do leh.. haha!)

very happy 4 u dat e babysitting arrangements are ironed out! ur mum is really sweet & cool!

as for anderson's chin, i dunno if you bought any calendula cream. i am using it on adrienne's face & body whenever there are little spots/ even mosquito bites.. u might wana check with a doc if u wana put other creams cos might contain steroids which is no good 4 babies so young.. =D
ben mum,

wow! your baby can sleep 12 hours! Mine unfortunately can't. The most he can sleep is 8 hours and after that he's wide awake. So if he sleeps as early as 8pm, he'll wake up at 4am! And that's a nightmare for us.

Btw mommies, anyone staying at Sengkang and has a nanny or babysitter to recommend? I'm looking at this option now.
bbwow, he still sleeps about 3-4 hours in the day too. so in total he sleeps about 15 hours. the normal number for abb 3 months old. =D

hippo, ur mum so sweet. sighs...my mum? only stay at home and shake leg whole day. in the end, my mil had to buy food from market everyday for my CL to cook. even now, after CL leave for 2 months liao, she comes over everyday to look at bb and even buys food for the maid to cook. she really adores my bb. so i hired a maid and bought a car even. Planning to send bb to her place once i start work.
dodo, hippo
ur mums are really fantastic n wonderful. at least there's someone whom you can trust to look after your babies.

my mum is supportive n tries her best to help but she doesn't want to quit her job just for me. so i'm stuck in a lurch. hubby suggested that i quit job, i ask him how to survive? sigh... these few months that i'm on leave, i feel like i'm buying time, dragging over the inevitable issue of childcare when i return back work.
hi mummies,

haven't caught up with u all for a while coz been busy preparing resources for work. on maternity leave also must work, but at least better than going back and teaching...

yah dodo and hippo really envy u gals for having your mums to rely on.

Garden_Dreamz, my situation is the same as yours. both grandmas love Matty a lot but not willing to quit their jobs. For my mum it's coz she can't afford to quit lah. as for my mil she enjoys the independence. So right now I'm waiting for my maid to arrive...the upside is mil is helping to pay for the maid's salary, so we only pay the levy. that's so much cheaper than getting a nanny...

As for baby's sleeping schedule, I tried putting baby on the Gina Ford routine and his sleeping pattern is so much better. For our babies the key is to wake them up at 7am for feed and take one morning nap between 9-10am, one long afternoon between 12-2pm, and one very short 15min nap in the late afternoon. Evening feed to be given from 5-6.30pm, after which bath and bedtime routine...and baby is in bed by 7pm. He wakes up at 10.30pm for his last feed of the day (must be substantial enough to last him the night) and sleeps right thru to 7am the next day. I tried it 2 days ago. My baby could sleep from 10.30pm-5.45am. Which is quite ok coz when i go back to school, I will need to wake up around that time to prep him to go my mum's place.

Yesterday the whole schedule went haywire coz we brot him out...he fell asleep only at 8 plus loh. then he woke up at 4am for feed...so must really stick to the routine as best as we can...
hi Karrie
is your maid going to be supervised by ur mum or mil? v.nice of ur mil to help out for the maid's salary. we are bearing the cost of the maid, v.draining on our resources. i really wonder if i can entrust bb with maid alone, when so many mummies out there have their mum/mil supervising their maids...

i also tried the Gina Ford method, put bb to sleep by 7pm or so, bb wakes up at around 11-12am for a feed but he still will wake up at 3-4am for his feed, can't sleep through the night yet. wonder when will he sleep through the night!!!
hi mummies, looks like most of us are in similar situation. At first, my MIL wanted to take care of my bb after CNY that's why i took my 3mth ML in Jan. Who knows she last min backed out and now have to look for either a nanny or send him to infant care. Nanny - cannot find anybody to recommend also dunno if can be trusted. Infant care - very ex and bb are more prone to fall sick. Really envy those mummies with their moms/MIL to help out.. Though i know it is very impt to take care of bb on our own, but i really cannot afford to quit my job to be with him.. Headache..

Recently, i just had mastitis which made me really want to give up expressing. Seeing all my EBM have to be thrown away after expressing, heart really ache. Worse still, now my supply has dropped drastically. Luckily, my medicine going to complete tomolo and i can continue to feed bb already. Hopefully, my supply will be back to norm. I also got the medicine to stop BF from gynae just in case i cannot take it anymore.

Currently, my bb drinks 120ml every 3 hours. I thinking of how to stretch is to every 4 hours and make him sleep thru the night? His last feed is abt 1.30am and he will wakes up 6.30am for breakfast.. But he will start to make noise at 4am which we will shove a pacifier into his mouth to keep him quiet.. Heehee
Hi Mum i had started work seen Weds so far so good .... bb and my gal are at home with only maid alone hmm food for them should be ok only thing to worry will be my gal's school work hmm

Work place in Tuas aiyo so far ... reach home abt 7pm need to pump milk and cook dinner too ...BTW there is no room for me to pump my milk in the office so me poor thing got to use my hands and pump milk sobsob and at times i forget to bring a bottle to work peng so hard as stone all the way peng

my bb is drinking abt 150ml.
Hi mummies,

Looks like most of us have similar problem. Although my mother is taking care of bb now, she also have to help out at the shop, cook and do housework!! Worse thing is for some reason, bb always cry and refuse to sleep the whole day there. So far, my mother only manage to let her sleep for max 3 times a day for half hour each time while carrying her. She do not want to be put down at all over at my mum's place. So my mum sometimes don't even have the chance to eat. And due to bb being so cranky, she was not able to bath her so end up we only bath her when we get home ard 8/9plus at nite. Wanted to get a maid help so that at least she can have some breathing space but end up she threathen that if there is a maid, they do not want to take care of bb anymore!! So now, I'll have to leave the maid at home when she arrived and the problem with bb not sleeping and being so cranky was still not solved.
Haiz ........
garden_dreamz, Hmmmm... why cant your mum take care of your baby and niece together? Maybe you will like to hire a maid and bring her over together with the baby? so at least the maid can help out and your mum is ard to supervise? My mum is also looking after my baby and nephew.

I have a friend who leave her children with the maid at home. sometimes she will take half day leave every now and then and stand (or rather hiding) outside her house for hours to see if the maid mistreat her children or not. Like any crying noise or what. she tried a few times and find her maid ok, then she do it less frequently liao.. that's how crazy lah..
bbwow, looks like we really have to accept whatever bad things that come with the good things hor... Got in-laws to help but got to take their nonsense.

I know I probably would have gone crazy without my in-laws' help and they are actually very nice people. But I really wish they could respect us as the baby's parents.

My FIL's interference extends to things like whether to bring baby to see doctor for her blocked nose. Earlier this evening, baby couldn't drink her milk coz she couldn't breathe properly so was very upset. Hubby and I said we want to bring her to see doctor, and my FIL said "SIAO!" My hubby got me even angrier coz he said ok and to leave the decision to the "clever Ah Kong". I just couldn't control myself and blurted out, "But you are the father!" So my FIL used a tweezer to pull out the pi sai. Dun care if I offended my FIL. Also scolded my hubby later. I said this is a topsy turvy situation where the father doesn't care to make decisions, the grandfather wants to make all the decisions and the mother has no say! Really want to slap a few faces sometimes! Sorry mummies if I've complained too much - really very angry.
valerie, can understand your feelings when sometimes the IL just interfere too much. that's why i dun like to leave my baby with them. Even though my MIL stays with me, i also dun wan her to help me take care of the baby when i am at work. when my baby caught the cold from her, she will blame all other ppl but herself cos SHE IS THE ONE WHO SPREAD THE VIRUS TO THE BABY! she is sneezing and coughing away and still love to go near and kiss my baby! And my silly maid dunno why keep like to carry my baby into her room.

my fil also, love to act smart. as if he is the doc, say must be this must be that. sometimes i dun wan to bother so much also cos dun wan to put my hubby in difficult position. just let them say whatever they want, but i make it very clear that I will be the one who make decision for my son and not them.
Garden_dreamz, yah I'll bring the maid n baby over to my mum's place when i go back to school. good thing that her place is only a few bus stops from my school. my mom is working so she can't watch the maid but my dad will at least be home resting from his night shift...so he can periodically check on the maid. Then if my mil and fil end work early (they do adjunct/relief), they'll go over and pick up the maid and baby loh. that way the maid will have some time in the late afternoon/evening to finish the household chores.

wow, looking at the problems some of you have with your in-laws..i agree it can be really frustrating. i'm grateful for mine. they don't really interfere with how we take care of baby. just that my mil likes to carry him to sleep...which is making it difficult for me to train him to go to sleep on his own. i'll wait until Matty has been on the Gina Ford routine for at least 1 week before I start sleep-training him...gotta be prepared for lotsa wailing then...arrrrgggghhhhh
oh yah, my baby is drinking only about 90-120ml per feed nowadays, compared to his first month when he could down 150ml at one go. sometimes he gets hungry after just 2 hours so i think that's not enuff. but he always pushes the teat out after he's had 120ml and refuses to take anymore. anyone having the same problem? how to resolve ah??
For mummies whose baby's nose got block due to pee sai, can get the baby tweezer from kiddy palace to grab it out. Farlin & pigeon brand. I personally find the pigeon one better.
Hope that helps.
karrie, at least ur bb clever. know how to push teat out when he is full. my boi? silly. just finish the whole thing and vomit later. this was what happened earlier. sighs.

gingerleaf, better dun get tweezers. my CL taught me to use tissue paper to 'dig' it out. even if bb move suddenly, wont hurt the bb. just roll the tissue so that it is pretty short and sharp.
chris, dodo
if poss, i personally think tt a trusted and gd nanny is better than infant care as bb is so young. Maybe when they are a bit older, then go infant care. Else, if engage a maid, can install cam to check on her.

i dun hv the no. but her name is Ong KH Clare
Kids Pediatric occupational therapy. I also think tt your gal is just jealous, so attention seeking. Can try to buy those parenting books to see how to treat it. One tip is not to buy the bb abv her. Like when they both cry, we'll go to #1 first, something like tt. Also, try to spend time alone with her everyday, etc.

zhen zhen
my gal was again like drinking only 60ml per feed yest.

another way is to only latch direct. I hv one colleague's son also like tt. Only latch direct and refuse the EBM, FM. So, she goes home everyday during lunch to latch him.
Ben Mum, I feel the same. I'm not very comfortable sticking a tweezer into my baby's nose. If the pi sai is at the edge already, then I feel alright to use it. But if the pi sai is still deeper inside, I'd rather not. What if my baby suddenly moves? But my FIL thinks he is very clever and my husband just lets him do whatever he wants. And I dunno how to stop this nonsense without creating too much tension in the household. *SIGH*

frostyfiona, how did you make it clear to your in-laws that you'll be the one who'll make the decisions for your son and not them? Did they take it well? I know that if I spell it out so clearly, my FIL will say a lot of nasty things (e.g. that I don't have baby's welfare in mind or that I put my ego ahead of baby's welfare - he has said such things before) and everybody will be unhappy.
hippo & gingerleaf,

thanks for the cream recommendation!


yup! my mum also gone thru a minor cervial surgery... i was so worried for her then when doc told us her pap smear result not ideal... luckily it's not something serious... agree wi u, my mum is more patience than me esp when bb is cranky...

thanks. my babycare issue settled, my mum will look after my baby for me after i went back to work this july... so meanwhile i will enjoy my days alone wi my bb...

actually i had sourced a good nanny (my good fren's mum) during my pregnancy... she's a nice lady and stays near my house... but eversince baby is borned, i find that taking care of baby need lots n lots of love and patience, so other than myself, the next best person is my mum... she took care of me and bb during my confinement, and she really adores my baby very much... giving me good advices on and off on how to take care of baby...all of us can feel that her love towards baby is so strong and from the bottom of her heart... i doubt nanny will have such patience... and i wan my baby to grow up in a love environment, like how me and my sis were brought up
valerie, to make it clear, you need your husband's support. i think that's very impt. my husband support me alot when i say i wanna be the one making decision for my baby down to the very basic like going to see a doc. i dun need other ppl to tell me dun need to go or need to go. i say go see doc means go see doc. period.

in this case, then the IL dun dare to make much noise. of cos they dun take it well, but they got no choice cos i very bo chap them one... especially my mil, keep saying she very free, why cannot leave the baby at home for her to take care. everyday nag. i also bo chap.
i agree.. for me i also prefer my mum to look after. But, her health is not tt good. so my boy was with nanny. luckily, this nanny is v good. we engaged a mid to look after my no. 2 now and my mum will oversee.

think my gal forgot how to latch already. I've been trying everyday but still no success. so, i pump out to feed her. i agree with the LC. think it's good for bb to drink BM.
Hi mummies, my employment service with my current company was terminated. My boss was unhappy that I didn't go back to work during my 3 mths of maternity leave n that he's paying for my maternity leave. Now that he got a malaysian to replace my position, he said that my position is filled up permanently. He doesn't want to serve me notice n expected me to resign within 24 hrs. I refused n told him that he got to pay me at least a mth notice n he ended up asking me to report to work everyday, sit in the conference room n do nothing. He did that on purpose. I called MOM, but law only protects women who are in their last 3 mths of pregnancy n during the 3 mths of maternity leave. There's nothing I can do but to accept the termination.

Just 2 days ago I went to see the GP for my flu n I ended up knowing that I am pregnant again. Only did it once n I hit the jackpot. Now I have to cope with a 3 mths old baby, lost a job n is pregnant again. Now I am caught in the dilemna as to whether I should keep the second baby. It will be a heavy financial burden to my hubby as he needs to support the whole family n if I am unable to find a job in time, I really don't know what to do already. I don't wish to abort, but do I have a choice?
Wow, so many posts on caregiver issues...I'm a SAHM, so not much problems. A decision, not easy though, I have made when I conceived.

I guess it's not how much to give, it's how long one feed can last. Avg is 3hrs, if can stretch to 4hrs after 3mths...it's still ok. So eg. if 150ml can only last 2hrs, it's time to increase. Nevertheless I face the same challenge as some of the mummies here. Some weeks my son can finish 150ml easily, some weeks suddenly drop to 120ml. But it keeps hovering in b/w 120-150ml. Now i'm trying to stretch the feed to 3.5 - 4hrs, depending whether he cries for hunger.

I agree about your comments on winding down bb to sleep. There's once i put bb with my mum's plc while me and hubi attended a dinner. My son usually sleeps on his own at 9pm but due to unfamiliar plc, he's cranky and cried the whole night till 1030pm when we reached to pick him up. Haizzz, my mum freaked out and called us in the middle of the dinner to ask HOW? Aiyoyo...I can't enjoy the dnr anymore.

Worse is when reached home, took us about 1.5hrs to settle bb to sleep. From then, no more late nite out. Even when we have dnr at MIL hse, we would suggest to have it earlier like 530pm..so got more time to mingle after dnr. Just make sure we reach hme by 8pm. Thank God my MIL is ok and hubi supportive.

Afterall we are the one facing the bb 'music' at nite.

My PD said sneezing is bb's way to get rid of the pi sai themselves, not be'cos they are cold. That's the best time for me to get rid of obvious pi sai with a cotton bud. I can only get rid with tissue when the pi sai is watery.
wen wen, how come your boss like that one? my gosh. you mean mom also cant help? how come you didnt go back to work after 3 months? you took unpaid leave?

oh my god, dun think of aborting it. i think baby is a blessing and it's all fated. I believe you will be able to find a job.
fitty_nut, i just upped my boi's intake to 150ml. so was trying to find out how long it should last him. so far, he seems to be quite satisfied with a 4 hourly treatment. lol

wenwen, not sure of ur religion, but i am sure if u have one, just trust in the lord and i am sure he will provide. =D
hi all

fitty_nut...i like it when u said 'we r the one facing bb 'music' @nite'!! tat's v true, also esp when kids fall sick, etc, we as parent, sure hv v great impact 1st! unfortunately, some ppl around us (those 'inconsiderate' ones) duno tis point, at times, making life quite difficult for us, hiaz...

frosty..envy u can 'stand your feet' clear & hv a supportive hubby...

same as mummies who having prblm w in-law.. everytime i go 'reporting', i also got 'headache', i jolly understand they get to see grandson once a week nt enuff, but doesnt mean they hv to 'spoil' our rountine... my MIL will always sort of 'hint' when bb cried, she'll says bb cranky bcos nvr come often lah, dun recognise ah mah arrr, etc, etc, hear alr v sian... then when bb cranky, MIL or SIL machiam v 'clever' will mingle w bb, i wont even hv a chance to go near (though my MIL last time is a bbsitter i knw she can handle, prblm is we sure will feel a pinch if bb cry like mad mah).. eg. ysterday hubby heard bb cried till sooo poor thing then asked me go 'take over', i told him straight off, MIL/SIL is handling, how to get near, let them settle lah! lucki we dun stay together, if nt sure got conflict.. i'm putting up w my mum, but she can help me to certain ltd as my mum alr in her 70s, still working, her health not v good also.

in case if any mummies looking for nanny around redhill area, i can recommend my own SIL who's SAHM.

krissie..thks soo much for the info, ya, tat's the lady i looking for, will try to find her contact as a standby if need b... lately, i tried to get my gal involve when i'm busy w baby, i find she's better off, she more happier when i ask her to help out (eg. when i feeding bb, ask her to take hankie, tissue, etc).. i'm trying v hard to find time everyday to communicate w her alone, really need alot of patient w her...

wen wen... oh dear, your boss is really one kind... he shd knw we r entitled 12wks of ML rite? how can he be so unreasonable. can understand your feeling now, but pls dun gv up on the 2nd bb, there's always a way out, dun let your mood affect your health... i'm sure there r lots of kind ppl to help out, i ever saw on tis forum under other thread, some even hv 5 kids & one sole bread winner in the family, they might b poor but they r living happily...
ben mum... my bb also taking 150ml, last him 3-3.5hr, oni when he sleeping @nite, sometime 4-6hr. yours 4hr shd b v good alr.

Hi All,

I have 3 tins of 900g Friso (0-6months) for sale..
Selling at $22 ea and $20 ea if get all 3.

Let me know if anyone interested =>
