(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

what a day!!!
had a great time meeting all the mummies although didnt get a chance to meet every one!
thanks to the organizing commitee who put in so much hard work!
thanks gingerleaf, hippo, junnie, krissie, eil and most of all totoro for everything! if i miss out any mummies sorry!
oh, yes.. thanks to all who made the party possible, hmm, off-hand, I can also think of Jas, gingerleaf, hippo, junnie, eil and of cos most of all totoro. Sylvia, thanks to you too for the games and toys? Hope i didnt miss out anyone?

Really thanks so much for the decor. btw, I really thot tt the balloon arch was v pretty. and also the bday banner. Let me know if the carrot cake is nice, ok?

btw, mummies who were asking for the contact of the cake. http://aimummy.blogspot.com/ Our cake is posted up already.
to totoro and all those who made the party possible...

the decoration was very nice and the cake looked very good. place was fun! =)
Hi mummies!

Thanks totoro for all the ballons and decor and making all this possible!!!!

Thanks to Jacq & Hb and Happy_fifi's hb for helping to transport the balloons! So sry had to make aidan's papa waste $3 to exit the carpark again.

Thanks hippo for the buffet and booking of the venue!! Food was really yummy, tho the caterer super niao, give so little. But then, not your fault la, coz we wanted to order little in the 1st place.

Thanks to the mummies who provided the bumpermat!!! Your bumpermat made all the games possible!!!

Thanks to eli for providing us the little balls, which got all the little ones worked up! They had such a great time!! Thanks for tagging the numbers to the present too!!!

Thanks to twinkle-star for picking up the rubbish around the venue with me! Guess what! The cleaners came in to clean up after us!!! >.<

Thanks to EVERYONE who made this party possible!!! Thanks for everyones' participation!!

Thanks Jovialz for the masks,

Thanks Aria jo for bringing it down!!

Thanks krissie for the ordering of the cake!! Its soo pretty!!

Happy birthday Oct babies!!!
happy b'day! Hey, not bad, your birthday this year must be super special coz you are celebrating with not just your little cutie but so many other cuties and wonderful parents... :D

guess that the celebration today must be really really fun. pity i can't attend coz sunday is sanctioned as in-law's side day.

so nice to be able to chance upon you on saturday. so sorry didn't notice you coz i was just zooming in on the items that i need and didn't see around. blur me as usual! :D u r a really 'wei da'/admirable mummy to put in so much time, effort to plan your boy's b'day celebration. your boy really v.handsome. hope everyone of you have a lovely celebration.

been pretty caught up with own things recently. and also obsessed with sprees now. ops... haha, found it v.fun to organize sprees. can be quite tedious but fun lor. ok, itchy backside, i know. but i treat each experience as a learning point.

hope ur boy is better now. its heart breaking when our babies fall sick...

last but not least, wishing all sept/oct babies a happy, very FIRST b'day!
Yes, me here too to wish all babies Happie 1st birthday! May all of you be happy n healthy as always! =D

THANKS so muchie to Totoro, Hippo, Gingerleaf, Eil, many of the rest who have helped out. for making 2dae's bash a great one for all of us. Personal great big THANKS to Totoro. Kelly muz have tired-out as she tagged along the prep. with you. *Clap Clap for Kelly n Kelly's daddy too*

I miz out on the prep. Haiz... What a waste. I have been a party Mummy with Jerry since Friday. Got some home parties going on, so no time to join the helpers group for our bash. >.<

Mummy Sugarnut &amp; Baby Lleyton,
So Sorry that Jerry got over excited that he bullied n made Lleyton cried. So sorie. Mummy will teach Jerry to sayang Baby Lleyton next time.

Thanks for helping me find my little Eeyore balloonie friend. I m still hapie having our new ballonie friend, Pooh Bear. Managed to save your ballonie friend from the ceiling?
Haha... Caught Adrienne with her 'Du-Du' mouth expression. So cutiee... But I so malu, kenna caught by u with my power heels. Haha...

Enjoy the fun with Lucas as we try out the slide. You should have tagged along. I m 'chor-lor' (rough) enough to climb up n down hor? Hee...

Extension done locally? Well done &amp; nice. =D

Speedy recovery to YZ. Luv his cute little leggings. Keke...

Juz cun help but to smile when I see Lance. He is really one of my favourite baby friends! =D

ClapClap for your princess. She is indeed a gd crawler n walker too! =P

Thanks everyone else. Nice meeting up again with all the Mummies, Daddies, n babies. Hope to see all of you soon again. =D
Dear mummies,

so nice to meet all of you today. Sorry .. didnt help much as brig is cracky as he is lacking of zzz. He refused to sleep there.. but knock off straight in the car..

Tks everyone.... i cant name everyone.. totoro, gingerleaf, hippo, eil, junnie.. etc etc etc

night night
So it's gingerleaf's b'day today! hope i'm not too late to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Special thanks to Totoro, Gingerleaf, Hippo, Eil, all committee members and many others to made this bash possible and fun.

Personal would like to thank Chris giving me rides to &amp; fro, Slyvia taking photos for me, madlynette &amp; 1 mummy (is it ponponta huh?) lookin after gal for me so that I can have my lunch. And also is it ponponta who helped me to find my gift huh? So sorry if i have named the wrong person cos too many mummies liao. =p

And oh ya, not to forget to thank Jovialz for the free masks. Goin to try out tonite.... hehe

Keep carryin my gal, no free hands to take much photos, oni these to share....

hi all

gingerleaf... didnt get to knw it's ur BD until now... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! thks for taking photos for us!

v happy to meet so many mummies today...tink most of our bb 'knock out' after the party!! hehe..
thks the bash committees for their efforts we hv a nice cake &amp; ballon decor. totoro, hope u didnt stay too long after i left, thks so much again..... cant wait to see all the photos!
morning mummies!!

thanks hippo, eil, junnie, krissie, sylvia and all other committe mummies for making this possible!

thanks gingerleaf for being the 'unofficial' photographer. hope it didn't tire you out.

I think the biggest credit goes to totoro! how did you manage to transport all the balloons!! I only had a few of the balloons in the car and it was already FULL HOUSE.

thanks ah. yup it's done locally but I won't share with you the pain. hahah

so sorry J snacth myra's gerber star bowl away. that greedy boy. I will teach him to be nice ok.

re: birthday exchange present
thanks to the mummy who contributed to J's birthday exchange present. my ks hubby go and open J's present even before J got chance to open himself!! The father more excited than the son huh!

other mummies,
so sorry that I didn't get to talk to most mummies. shy la...next time self intro ok! :p

yesterday J slipped on the slide and his teeth knock onto his lips and bleeding!! Now his lips so swollen like donald duck.

and today marks the 1st day hubby goes to reservist. pray I survive with J for these 2 weeks!!

Happy Birthday to all Sep/Oct babies!!
morning mummies!

happy belated birthday, gingerleaf.

it was so nice to meet up with all of you yesterday. my hubby was amazed to see so many babies in 1 location.

and thanks to all who organised the party. you gals did a really great job. *hugs*
gingerleaf, so sorie! i forgot to wish u happie birthday yday... but hor when i sing happy birthday song hor, me &amp; jas got sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALICE! but hahaha.. dunno whr u are! but anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAL! and hope u had a great dinner &amp; evening yesterday!

paiseh to all party-goers for the sign made by grassroots club.. it should read as oct bday bash but they insisted i give them a baby name when i made the booking.. so ended up it read "adrienne wee's 1st bday." omg.. i almost fainted when i saw the sign.. so sorie for the hiccup!

thanks to all mummies who made the bash possible with ur presence!.. sorie i didnt make a good MC though i hope the venue was ok with u guys! the food was lousy.. apologies too!

thanks totoro &amp; hubby for all the efforts made! u did a real good job &amp; itz reali a shame u didnt get to enjoy urself more cos of ur work commitments.. i hope u loved the cake though! =)

thanks gingerleaf &amp; doobom for letting me have silly eeyore! sorie u had to get something else instead.. i m not a fan of winnie the pooh.. and only like eeyore.. keke.. reali so sorie abt it.. and many thanks!

doobom, hahaha! ur power heels were very nice wor.. of cos can 'catch' u la! =P

thanks jas for paying for the pizza 1st! muacks... and thanks for letting dayan be my 'son' for the day! woohoo!

pinky, i reali reali miss u lots! thanks for the pressie.. muacks muacks.. so sweet of u.. and boy.. jayden is such a big boy liao! he's so cute la.. and quiet &amp; soft compared to ms notti wee.. i like!

thanks gingerleaf for your kind patience in helping my family and many other families take the birthday cake pics! i feel so paiseh cos can't help u take 1 in return..

junnie, lance is soooo cute &amp; zann is sooooooo sweet.. tink my hb is in love with her.. kept telling me zann very sweet la.... haha! cos zann asked him very very politely to look after her toys while she play.. hahaha! i tink he was blown away!

thanks krissie for ordering the beautiful cake.. it was fantastic! and the cupcakes were real nice..

thanks jovialz for the masks!

thanks aria for helping me take care of adri.. her daddy blur blur.. never see wat his girl is picking up from the floor.. aiyo.. thanks gal! and oh.. aria in her power heels.. so diva!! =P

thanks eil for the pressies tags &amp; balls!

and many many thanks to other mummies i forgot to mention and all mummies who came down to the party!
bbwow, i hope j is much better now! poor thing leh.. aiyo..
i saw from ur blog links that u know one baby called ziv? is the mummy ur sis? haha! cos i have seen her twice during my gymboree classes wor.. and tink she looks like u!
morning mummies!

happy belated bday to gingerleaf!

yesterday party was great! thanks to totoro_bb, hippo, eil and all mummies for making it possible!
bbwow: poor J. hope the swelling will go down soon..

doobom: haha that is not leggings but PP pants..

junnie: dun have a chance to carry bb lance but got secretly pinch his chubby cheeks hehe..

garden_dreamz: yah very heartpain when they are sick.
yest night his cough came back abit. so sad. think i ll change PD if he still not recovering well by this fri..
totoro_bb: the balloon decor is very nice!! u r really v good at making these now!

re balloon: baby yZ went home n napped for 2 hrs. must b tired out from the bash. when he wakes up and saw the tigger balloon, he seems to forget abt the bash n it. so got very scared and we have to remove it out of his sight. ha.

haha...that's my gf. We're the same age so she can't be my sis, unless who's the younger one! *stares* hahaha.. yes! she attends gymboree class too! I ever asked her if she saw adrienne before cause I notice the both of you same time slot!

yea...the careless father tried to push J up the slide with ONE hand and J slipped. YZ is so cute lor!! I saw the way he tap the balloon and then hug you. like scared but still wanna touch! hahaha
Hello mummies,

it has been a fun day yesterday.. Big thanks to Totoro, Gingerleaf, Krissie, Eil, Hippo and all others who made the birthday bash possible! Good job!

Kelly is so well-behaved when mummy &amp; daddy was preparing the deco.. so cute! It's like she was enjoying her picnic with her baby bites..

Gingerleaf, happy birthday!! You look really professional when taking the photos.. you must have been v tired too, reaching at 1030am and snapping away.

Hippo, your adri not dao yest leh.. she was v friendly, esp at the balls pool! Keep passing balls to me.. so sweet!

Doobom, no problem lah.. my boy needs to warm up a bit. Or else, he will just blur blur sit there if no one go disturb him. I am sure Jerry just wanted to play with him..

Chersam, your baby Cherie v pretty! Just like her mum.. hehe.. din manage to speak to you, but I wanted to tell you that your baby's eyes look like yours..

Sorry din get to speak to many yest.. at least now we get to see more mummies' faces.
ecookie, oh my.. heartpain to hear abt YZ's persistent cough.. hmm since u are willing to let him take hou ning san the other time, would u let him try to see a chinese physician? they might be able to tell wats the cause and act accordingly and not just give stronger and stronger dose of cough med wor.. just my opinions la.. cos i will bring adri to chinese doc if she's sick &amp; dun get well aft seeing the GP or PD few times.. =)

bbwow, hahaha! u r the younger one lor.. keke.. i recognise her cos ziv is a very rare baby name ma.. and i saw it on ur blog so kpo go in &amp; see.. eh.. familiar leh.. dun tell her something okie? she looks quite fierce in class.. haha! anyway, ziv is very advanced liao wor.. she dun wana move him to the next level?
and oh.. tell J's daddy dun be ambitious the next time okie? so poor thing leh so see the cut! ouch!!
hippo, bbwow, don't think J's father is that ambitious la. hannah managed to climb up the slide after a few attempts. gave me such a shock. i had to quickly grab her before she crawled out of the slide. haha.
ecookie, yz so poor thing. maybe you bring him to another PD. think dodo recommended her PD to you right? can give him a try?
zhenzhen; yah most prob will try the PD at MT A as recommended by dodo if still no signs of recovery by this fri. he takes the medicine take until v sianz. like got a resigned look wheenever he sees me coming with the syringe.

i rather he cry n fuss than give me this sad look.

hippo: my hb is not a big fan of chinese physician so think quite hard. me feeding the EYS powder already draw comments from my ILs liao. sianz.
ecookie.. poor YZ, i hope he gets better soon.. do keep a list of medication that he takes if you are seeing a different PD.. btw, those pants really looks like leggings..

gingerleaf, i saw your blog on lyn.. see those pictures make 1 heartache..=( so happy to see her better now..

chersam, u din get the wrong name.. it was me alright =)

sorry, i couldn;t stay later as anders and the daddy both sleepy.. keep grumbling already.. the 2 boys! Haiz...
Morning Mummies!

bbwow: hope baby J's donald duck mouth getting better liao.

ecookie: agreed with hippo. Usually we will head to chinese physician if western medicine is not working well.

sugar nut: *blushed* *blushed* aiyo, me where got pretty lah.. eh, I also can't remember which one is u leh. Aiya, shld have come up to intro yourself mah.

Help mummies, i'm suffering fm aching arms!!!
Due to long hours of carrying of Cherie yesterday. Yesterday was my 1st attempt to bring her out for so long and so far. Cherie had a 2.5hr of nap after reached home, think she must be very very tired.

oh oh...you better tell that to aria also cause she happens to be her ex-colleague too. small world! hahahah
ya ziv is Jul baby hence more advance. I thought she already moved to level 3 liao?

poor yz. he still look very chirpy to me tho despite sick.

zhen zhen,
yea. babies really traumatize us sometimes with their new skills. I can never understand their curiousity on socket plugs!
zhen zhen, ya i know.. u were telling me hannah can climb up the slide! haha.. clever girl! but hor, i m very evil one.. if babies climb by themselves &amp; fall, then itz their fault! they learn thru falling ma.. but if adults are involved, then hiak hiak hiak.. i sure blame the adult! wahahhaha! so bad hor? but heartpain ma...
and hor adri not dao cos before she went out yday, my mum told her to be nice &amp; smiley &amp; dun act like a cool cat else nobody wants to be her friend liao.. haha! weird but it works so far leh! hahahaha..

sugar_but, adri likes u la! keep pulling ur pants and wana climb up to u!! =) u very bad.. keep saying lleyton blur blur.. hmpf!

ecookie, hmm... what abt ur mum? ok with chinese phys? cos maybe u can reason with them also that taking too much of those 'angmo' med also no good for the body leh.. whereas chinese med can 'uproot' the problem wor.. keke.. nvm la.. u see how it goes ok! act in the best interests of YZ if u dunno wat to do liao... =)
Glad that i went for the bash instead of participatin in the Baby Contest. Yesterday while waitin lift to go back hm, met into my neighbour (whom we never talk b4) stays above me and she was carryin her 9mth gal. When the neighbour saw me, very automatic come and ask how old is my gal, got go and particpate in the morning contest blar blar blar. I said I din go and she said she went. LONG Q MAN!!! Q until outside the shoppin mall and somemore under the sunlight. *Faint*

She said she was late, reached there 11+. The organisers will ask some qns like can the baby crawl, stand etc. The 1st 50 shortlisted babies will then get to particpate on stage which is held after 2pm. Meaning those came later and is after 50 shortlisted babies can go back liao, no chance to participate at all.
morning mummies!!!

Chersam is indeed a sweetie pie looking mummie!!! So sweet looking!

ya!! my hb was complaining nuthin to do, so sleep lor. Then he said many ppl joined him in sleeping after that. zz

dun say lidat leh. I got many pictures that came out blur oso. Coz wrong setting. Hhahaha =p
I realise I didnt take everyone too! I see the shots liao, mostly are those that I kept mingling around with ones.. =p
Big hug &amp; thanks to all mummies who made the oct bash possible! Clap Clap Clap!

no worries about your comment on aidan looking like a boy or girl! haha even i sometimes think that he looks like a sweet little girl albeit a botak one!
last week I let Sherry take EYS 'hou ning san' for 3 days. After that her cough is getting better n better everyday. until now , every morning she only cough once or twice and then whole day no cough lor. So just be patient, hope yz will recover fast
gingerleaf, but it was really nice of you taking all those photos.. u looked like a pro photographer...i tried to take some, but it wasn't really good shots.anyway, i will post them in the yahoo and FB. Keep a look out of it..
re: holiday with baby
i'm thinking of bringing aidan to tokyo (free &amp; easy) in early oct. anyone been to tokyo? any travelling tips to share?

re: sleeping bags or dreambags
mummies who bought this - any feedback if it's worth buying? i'm thinking of getting one to bring along to tokyo. Is the 0.5 tog good enough? Saw a bp selling ready stock at $46 now. worth buying? saw jovialz's earlier post on a good lobang but doubt can make it on time
hihi mummies,

i back to KL!

MANY THANKS to all the birthday bash committee for making this party a success &amp; happy one!

esp to totoro &amp; hubby, gingerleaf, hippo, eil, jas, junnie!

despite u are pregnant, u still busy helping out.. hug hugs.. u are such a nice lady

finally got chance to bao bao lance for long! haa!!! hubby also couldnt resist and keep playing wi him.. he so cute &amp; chubby! i wanted very much to kiss hard hard on his cheeks but didn't loh.. hee :p

thank u so much for the cabby's contact! have yet to contact him coz reach KL very late last night... and hor, my hubby "bio" ur girl very long leh.. he said she so pretty, think he wana "chop" her to be his DIL... haa!

sanbebe, zhenzhen, hapififi, sugarnut &amp; twinkle star,
enjoyed myself so much chatting wi u all!
and all other mummies, hope we will have chance to chat more next time!

oh dear.. hope J's lip will recover soon.. take care &amp; jia you! u will survive hubby's reservist days well!

ya.. i really think it's very nice of u to go ard and take photos for all of us... u shd have spend more time wi hubby &amp; lyn... u are really very nice... (and thank u for taking photos of me behaving like a monkey climbing up that thing hor! :p)... muacks &amp; hugs hot mummy :p

so fast reach KL already!!! must have been hectic!

it was such a funny sight to see the babies crawl. they can crawl all over the house but when you want them to crawl, they just STOPPED and look at us instead! PENGZ
ponponta, don't worry. your hubby is not the only one.

i think a lot of the daddies looked quite sleepy yesterday. i saw 1 daddy sleeping with baby. so sweet lor. not sure who that is though.
chersam, dodo, zhen_zhen, hippo,

thanks. lucky his birthday is still a month away otherwise he'll look terrible in photos. hahahah :p
gingerleaf: Oh, u made me blush again... =p

dodo: is it? my gal teo "bio" liao i still din notice leh. hehehe... before headin for the bash, i still told my hubby hope to find a boyfriend for Cherie. So far Cherie oni come in contact with Chris' Brig. hahahaha
yup! we went to united sq junior's league for bb's haircut yesterday after the party, back home cook &amp; feed him dinner, then back to KL after which! so so tired now... poor hubby, i slept all the while throughout the car journey, he must be very tired working now...

no worry gal, i think J's lip will be fine v soon.. will still be very handsome boy on his birthday party!
haa! ya loh.. he said he very sweet &amp; pretty, wana bao bao her but dun dare to approach u.. scared u though him "pervert"! haa!!!

sorry leh, zq couldn't resist himself and touched jae's butt in the ball pool.. coz she wore too sexy liao lah! :p

Dear mummies
Thank you for all your participation and am glad that you have enjoyed yourself.
Really Pai sei for
- Being so late as we were being caught up in the morning (long story but glad that it's over liao!)
- Thanks Jacq , bbwow and ayden's dad for helping out with the balloons, if not it would be worst by the time we managed to send them all to you. Special thanks to Jacq who came back for a 2nd trip!!
- For those who are unable to get the eeyore, really sorry as the supplier run out of stock and given me some damaged ones instead. Hence I have to replaced it with the other characters!! :-(
- thanks mummies who helped out with the decor when we reached
- our winners for the 2 competition, sorry no time to wrap the presents!

Did you made the payment yesterday. Please let me know your acct and I tt the Cake money to you.

BTW, did everyone turn up yesterday?
Urmm, anyone have the attendance list??
There was one piglet left which we have given away to another mummy at the end of the day. I also not sure who it belongs to and forget whether did I counted Kelly's one in....

Saw your email and post. I'll look out for the tt as it normally take about 3 days for inter-bank to cross. Working is always full of ups and downs and I know where you are coming from when trying to find time to spent with your baby! I am also going through that and do come here to vent your frustration if you can as I normally do that @-@

Thank you so much for all the reminders before the event. Am really sorry as I was really packed to the fullest since Friday! Spent the whole day going to suppliers to get stock and confirmed items followed by all the party decor.

Thanks for getting the venue and catering. You did well as the MC and lucky we have you around :) Realized nowadays the buffet spread was always lesser, have been going to parties and it seems to be a trend that they only give you just enough for the number that you have catered. Guess everyone is cutting cost so for our own birthday parties that is coming up, we will need to really order more :-( For the bash, we estimated for abt 80%.

To the rest of the mummies who have helped in the decor and bringing the mat etc , thank you so much!! sorri too many liao and I still can't get all the names right.

Breakdown of the event charges, I have made adjustment to the partyware and decor since we did not use some of the items.

<table border=1><tr><td>No.</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Adult Pax</TD><TD>Baby/Children Pax</TD><TD>Balloon/s</TD><TD> Amt Paid </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>totoro_bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Pooh</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>hapi_fifi</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Pooh</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>junnie</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Pooh &amp; Piglet</TD><TD> $56.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>ponponta</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Piglet</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>hippo</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Eeyore</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>gingerleaf</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Piglet &amp; Eeyore</TD><TD> $56.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>ecookie</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Tigger</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Jacq</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Pooh</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Doobom</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Eeyore</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Dodo</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Piglet</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Chris</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Eeyore</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Jas</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Pooh</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>bbwow</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Pooh</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>pinky</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Piglet</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>zhenzhen</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Piglet</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>eil</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Eeyore</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>krissie</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Pooh &amp; Piglet</TD><TD> $56.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>annie</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Piglet</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>sugar_nut</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Tigger</TD><TD> $28.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>madlynette</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Eeyore</TD><TD> $28.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Tiffany Seah</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Pooh &amp; Piglet</TD><TD> $56.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Cheval</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Eeyore</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Sylvia</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Tigger</TD><TD> $28.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>zinterz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Pooh</TD><TD> $28.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>unice</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Piglet</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>aria</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Piglet</TD><TD> $28.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Perlicia</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Tigger</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Sanbebe</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Tigger</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Twinkle_stars</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Piglet</TD><TD> $53.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>serene_mtb</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Pooh</TD><TD> $38.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>clarval</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Piglet x 2</TD><TD> $66.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>chersam</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Piglet</TD><TD> $28.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Total</TD><TD>57</TD><TD>37</TD><TD></TD><TD> $1,556.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<table border=1><tr><td>Venue</TD><TD> $214.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cake</TD><TD> $246.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Buffet</TD><TD> $438.70 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pizza</TD><TD> $75.80 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Presents x 2</TD><TD> $40.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Geber Stars x2</TD><TD> $11.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby Bites x2</TD><TD> $4.80 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Foil Balloons</TD><TD> $382.95 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Partyware &amp; Décor</TD><TD> $142.15 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Total</TD><TD> $1,556.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
