(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hi mummies, any cure for diaper rash? Tried desitin but cannot work..

also any difference between desitin creamy and original. I bought original but heard creamy is better.... hm...
My boy always tend to nipple suck and cannot latch on properly. Haiz.... Now have to rely on expressing. Latching on is the only time for me to bond with baby but he always spurt out. Now pumping twice a day, 1 side 60ml and the other side 20ml..

Any recommendations to increase the yield of the other breast?
How to make baby latch on properly? His mouth never seemed to open big enough.

currently I'm using desitin creamy.. so far so good.. her bottom very smooth and pretty.. hee.. she had some redness at her buttock when she came back from hospital.. had apply the cream on her for few days and the redness subsided.. recently switched her to use johnson baby's diaper rash cream that we brought back from hospital cos finish using up the desitin creamy..
for my 1st bb i did smell like maple syrup, but nt so bad like BO la..
still bearable and can also 'smell' it when passin urine.

this time round i dun smell anyting..guess it depends on individual and ur body at tt time.

Garden dreamz,
yes should be ok. i read tt its nt gonna be harmful unless u are allergic to it. So far ok and i see results. When i started to take for my 1st bb only 1-2 caps aday, no significant results. now abt 5th day into my fenugreek, i feel the my breasts 'fill' up very fast aft each feed/ pumping session.

ponponta, yes Desitin creamy is better than original. my 1st bb nvr had diaper rash since birth. and tt day i found a little white 'pimple-like' thing on my bb girl, i jus dab a bit of the cream and the by evening the pimple was gone.

Re: Aloe Vera,
i dun think it is harmful/ strong at all. It is a natural soothing plant gel, but make sure u buy those 100% pure Aloe Vera gel. I have used Jorubi before and they are good. When my son had sun burn, i applied on him and instantly soothe the redness/ peeling. I tried Johnsons bb lotion prior to tt and it was so oily but not effective.
Ponponta, i think pumping 2x a day is nt enough if u r doing exclusive pumping.at least 3hrly to up ur supply. have u tried hot/ warm compress before u pump? also get yrself a hot drink 5-10min before u start. usually how many let-downs do u have? cos i realise i need to aim at least 3 let downs to more or less 'drain' my breasts. But jus to add tt i pump aft i latch my bb, so the amt to me nt impt as i jus wan to 'e,pty' my breasts to make more milk.
Thanks San and S@L, tink i tried to get desitin creamy and see if it works.

S@L, what is a let down? Now my BM has become more diluted and baby gets hungry more easily abt 1-2 hours after last feed that my family wanted me to stop BF cause he seemed to cry for milk like every hour.. I was still thinking of getting an electric pump... Now i am not so sure anymore..

I'm using calendula cream for diaper rash n it's very effective. Ya, heard tat desitin creamy is better but dunno why...

I'm now giving ebm to my bb cuz he has nipple confusion after taking the bottle feeds.I tried very hard but he just refused to latch on cuz same as ur bb, his mouth never seem to open big big.... so after 3 wks, I decided to change my bottle teat. I found tat he's more willing to latch on now after I changed the teat to NUK.

Regarding ur other breast, could it be there's some blocked milk ducts? May be u wanna try to massage n see if it works....
ponponta, let down effect is the stinging/tingling sensation u get when u pump/latch and milk gushes out in strong squirts...not drips...

Usually this occurs within the first few seconds when bb latch on or if u react veyr well with ur pump. The idea is to achieve the letdown effect to release the thicker hindmilk. Is it u dun achieve let down effect, tt is why ur milk is thin and bb dun feel satisfied? Try to relax when u pump or change pump if it doesnt bring u the let down effect. BTW which pump are u using cos some pumps are really proven nt to work. Also if u doing exclusive pumpin, u should invest in a double elec pump.

Sanbebe is right, could also be block ducts. If u feel certain part of ur breasts harded or painful when u touch, then it prob is the block ducts / engorgement. Have to press/ massage to release the milk.
Hi Doodom, Sorry, someone else has already contacted me about the breast pads.

Mummies, how does the BCG mark on your baby looks now? My baby is 6 weeks old but the mark is still quite swollen and looks like got pus inside. Is it normal?
Hi sanbebe,
maybe will try to change teats to see if he is more willing to latch on. Tink after the confinement period, i will have to go back to parentcraft to re-train on breastfeeding.

As for the other breast, it doesn't feel hard or painful. It is just not simulating enough milk. Probably, there a few times when i was expressing on 1 breast that i got interruppted and did not express the other breast. So it feel neglected and stop producing milk? So tinking of ways to increase the milk SS, by pumping more often on the other breast but did not help.

Hi S@L,
ooh... i never feel any let down effect before. actually, i quite a numb person, din have the sensation but do have occassions when milk comes out in strong squirt. Only happen on the power breast though.. Heehee.. Currently, using avent manual pump. Thinking of getting medela PIS advance, but it so ex...
Hi Kris,

My bb BCG marks still shows reddish and swollen as well and it's already 7 weeks. Monday going for injection so will ask doc to check whether is everything ok.

I have been using NUK latex teats from day 1 and bb still able to latch on. I realized that she refused to stay on when she can't suck any milk out or the milk is not enough. When I pump, it normally takes a few pump for the milk to come out so bb will get fussy during the initial period for mine unless I already try to press out some milk for her ... Also, I wld need to do a lot of pressing when I pump manually for the milk to come out .. so wondering if bb able to do that on her own as when she latch .. it's so comfortable unlike pumping

EBM ..
Is everyone going to express after going back to work? Right now, I'm trying to express 2 times as well but my breasts wld feel pain and sometimes for no reason have the tingling effect (letdown I believe) .. so am wondering how am I going to stand it when I go back to work the week after next!! Also, it takes me ard 30mins to pump each time .. so it's going to be really time consuming ... My milk supply is not alot and yet breast always feel so full .. so don't dare to increase with supplement in case breast become even more painful ... or wld it still be the same ... any comments?

it helps if they don't sleep too much during the day .. so at nite they wld KO ... also try to feed them full ard 12mn so at least they won't wake up so often. And talk to bb and tell her to go sleep cos daddy n mummy need to sleep also ... everything fails .. I wld end up carrying her to sleep ......and normally I wld fall asleep first !!
Anyone knows how to enlarge the teats ( I'm using latex NUK) .. .I basically tried all sizes - thin / milk / large ... and I think the best is still between milk and large so am wondering how to achieve that!!

hole to small, takes longer to drink and she gets frustrated and fall asleep before finishing .. hold too big, she wld forget sometimes and chork herself ...
Ponponta, if u r seriuos abt BF, i think its worth to invest in a good pump. Avent manual is good for occasional emptying of the breasts but for exclusive pumpin will be too time consuming n tiring.

U can get Ameda pump instead if Medela PIS is nt within ur budget. I personally feel its good n easy to asemble. Can also consider 2nd hand set n dun have to worry abt hygiene cos Ameda has this hygiene kit u can buy to replace then the pump will be as good as new.
thanks totoro and leona...ive been bf my baby till she fall asleep then burp her and put to bed...but was told its not a good way..coz she will be dependent on it next time....but i find it very difficult to put her to bed any other way...coz she's still so small only 3 weeks old...
just want to know if any other mummies put their baby to bed using breastfeeding or only after bf then put them to sleep....
I have the same probas u the other time.So i use a needle to poke. But in the end I change to silicon for milk.

My BB always suck untill he falls asleep. Sometimes at night he will only suck 1 side then fall asleep, no matter how i makehim wake up to take the other side he won't....
hi all

velvet & ling - congrats..

unice, thks 4 the article..

cin...i'm glad to hear your PD said can feed bb according to wt, cos mine also drinking 5oz now, i also scare overfed bb but w 5oz at least can last him 3-3.5hr, if nt 2-2.5hr 4oz or lesser he'll start crying.. mine also make funny noise & worm-like behaviour most of time..hehe..looks like all same pattern!

ponponta..me using egozite nappy rash cream since my 1st kid, so far ok...

bbunny..i dun BF, bb TFM, hmm...usually after his last feed btw 11pm-1am,will burp him & change his diaper then put him on bed & gv him pacifier, off the light, pad or carry him if he cry..so far he ok will doze off after he's tire... then wake up for nxt round of milk 3-4hr time. he only cant b 'quiet'/sleep evening abt 6-11pm

kris, my bb bcg mark looks like acne also got pus, i dare not do/apply anything, jus leave it alone...

i'm TBF my bb...she always falls asleep after a feed if she's satisfied...so it seems quite natural that i burp her then and just put her to sleep...dun see anything wrong with it leh.. :p

sometimes if she still awake i'll put her in cot / lay her somewhere to let her look around and 'play' a bit. but usually if she not full enough from milk, she'll continue to cry...so i actually interpret her falling asleep after a feed as a good sign! means she happy and full. :p
Me TFM too. I simply put bb onto my bed, then put the pacifier in his mouth. Then sometimes I fall asleep while waiting for him to sleep cos have to hold the pacifier in, else sometimes it falls out and he cries. Any mummies have that prob?

Then, when he is tired enough, he actually falls asleep! Then I will carry him back to his own cot for the night.
Thanks thanks mommies...

was told by some frens who said not good to do that...then when i checked on babycentre.com, they also said the same thing..so was trying to change baby's habit...but like golly said..i also dun see anything wrong leh...but after hearing and reading..me panic abit lor...

mine cannot leave alone to fall asleep one...last time younger can...now think too clever already..coz grandparents always like to hug hug and kiss kiss before she sleeps..so think she waiting for it before going to bed....

i tried to wake her up last nite after her feed and burp...shake her, tickle her all cannot work..she just give me irritated look with her eyes still closed...so guess there is no way i can wake her up after her feed...and sicne everyone doin the same way...ok lah....haha...

think the tfm one is easeir..coz many different people can feed...but tbf..only me can do it lah...unless express out..which she sometimes want sometimes dun want....she also no pacifier..well....take it that her milk drinking will only last for a short time lah..next time want her suckle also she wun want liaoz...haha

how long ur baby's bcg then the thing start to pus up?
junnie: thanks :D

mummies, my boi oso drink the milk till sleep. At times, he so fedup with the teat... I tink the hole is too small and slow.. I have got M and L size for him le.. to try.. haha.. Hope tis will solve his prob of waking up so often.. drink fast and more so he full full then can sleep longer.. hehe.. keep fingers crossed.. :p

nans: yup, tinking pacifier will solve the prob rite.. but no.. the ting drop off and our darling will start crying again.. faint... I use pillow and bolster to block the ting from dropping.. haha.. works some times.. :D
nans: must be very tiring... have to stay there to watch when they drop the pacifier.. I tried b4 so now resort to using other means..
lol...so i put him on my bed and "fix" my hand there...until he sleeps...hahaha....i sleep first most of the time, then wake up and put him back into his cot...
Golly n bbunny,
how long do u take to bf each time? how long does your bb remain full huh?
i'm takin abt 30min to bf each time n have to feed abt every 2 hourly. Sometimes at night he'll fall asleep after takin 1 side n wun wake up for the other side no matter wat i do then he'll wake up 1 hr later for another feed. do u encounter tis too?
and my bb poos very often after he's on tbf. i change his diaper every 3-4 hourly inside sure got poo 1 then very loose n watery... do hope its not diahorrea
When tryin teats with bigger holes do be careful cos sometimes BB will suck too fast n choke. The last time when I was bottle-feeding I also poke/change bigger hole then BB drink to fast n choke till got tears so heart pain so do be careful n carry BB in a more upright position when tryin it out.
gingerleaf: tis idea did cross my mind u noe.. haha

i have 1 qn, my boi has red rashes over his face... his face looks rough-like when tilt sideways to see against the light.. hmm, hv been like tat for few weeks le... One time his forehead has scale like skin u noe.. then we use babyoil on it and now the scales are gone...

duno if allergy to the milk anot or wat? currently on Enfa wor.. how?? any mummies like tat oso
gingerleaf n ling, lol...think we all have that idea here and there...lols....sometimes we put a high stool next to the cot and sit there while fixing hand to the pacifier and watching TV at the same time....sighs...the woes...lol

when will they learn to keep the pacifier in har?
My baby needs to be carried to sleep, cannot sleep on her own unless she's really really tired. In fact, I use her as my workout tool, carry and rock her along to the Do-Re-Mi music..haha

My baby's sleeping cycle is all screwed up now. She sleeps the entire day and then will be awake for the whole of the next day. And the cycle continues. And when she's awake at night, she'll cry for no reason. My parents say it's because I brought her out too late at night and "dirty" stuff followed her back. Some old Chinese saying. Don't know how true.

Ling, my baby used to have some red rashes and my CL soaked tea leaves in boiled water and wipe her face. Quite effective too.
haha.... can join u girls in the 'holding the pacifier' gang. like nans, hold until i fall asleep. sometimes when i dun hold n sit beside him, he suck v.nicely, then when i walk away a while to settle some stuff, the pacifier 'conveniently' pops out n the alarm triggers off v.v.loudly. i got to run to sayang him all over again! :D

i think when they 2-3 mths then will know how to hold the pacifier in.
my bb was like tat yesterday...weather v.cooling, he for once wasn't cranky n slept fr noon all the way to night. got to wake him up to drink milk n change diapers, then he fall back to sleep by himself, without pacifier or sarong. but come midnight, he wide wide awake n start the crankiess alr. i didn't bring bb out but we wondered is it that the 'dirty stuf' follow my hubby back, coz usually he's the one who go in n out, so we get him to bath/change b4 carry bb. sometimes work, sometimes dun. but such saying better to believe than b sorry lor...

tried using the tea leaves in boiled water, its effective but rather slow. my bb's face took more than a week to clear up n we keep him cool all the time.
hello mummies,

Do u all know where can i buy those milk storage bottle caps? I went back to Glen E and they refused to sell it to me cos i no longer a patient there.. funny!!! They issue me some metal caps and are already rusty liao so i nid to buy more of those plastic caps. I tried guardian and many places oso cant find. NTUC sell the cap without the seal.. sigh!
kris, when my bb cries in the nite, i think it is cos he is scared of the dark. true enuff when i turn on the lights he stopped crying...this is the reason why we got night light? shrug. CL asked for night light so we got one. now i think it back, maybe cos bb scared of dark.

i have yet to bring my bb out yet. only his full month celebrations. next sat have to go out for his ah gong's birthday lunch tho. hopefully he wont be over stimulated. =D
Kris/Garden_dreamz: i dun hv tea leaves leh... where to buy.. the rashes on him nvr go off, it jz get more or lesser only.. 3 weeks lo.. tink shd see PD??

nans: my boi sleep throughout with lights on leh.. still cry at times.. faint..
hihi cin...if full feed is abt half hr...if just suckling or thirsty...onlt 10-15mins...nite time lasts 2 hrs too..but day time can last longer...

i only use 1 breast at a time tho...coz i tried removing to change sides, she dun like n will decide to stop drinking...

hehe...pacifier gang mommies...tie string like face mask lah...then will hold in place liaoz....
ling, sometimes my boi cry for no reason. just one loud cry. his face machiam like crying face. but as immediately as the 'cry' comes, it disappears without me even moving there to pacify him. lol....so cute one....think he got pinched in his dreams or something. hahahahahah...
hi irene,

i bought mine from yahoo auction.maybe u can check it out and see are these the one u looking for..seller sell it at 10 for $5/-.itz for those glass bottle?

it takes me abt 30min to feed my girl also...usually she would only take one side!
and it would last her about 2 hours also. She normally pees and poos after almost every feed...it's normal for TBF kids, coz BM is more easily digested by their bodies...the liquid stools are normal also.

now my girl at 3 weeks plus old.
How old is ur kiddo?
Hi Pretty Woman,
It seems that she is selling oni 2 wif the sealing disc and the other 8 without. It difficult to find the sealing disc.

Hi Valerie,
The NUK ones from Robinson cost how much? Cap with sealing disc?

Thanks Mummies!
its all with sealing disc..if you want,i try contact her cos i did not delete her number and double check itz all with the sealing cap..bt need to go and collect from her at AMK..
sanbebe, ui m also using e calendula cream. now itz my multi-purpose cream! haha.. tink e only diff between calendula cream n desitin is that e latter is more of a barrier cream. u can use it to prevent diaper rash whereas caendula is more of a spot treatment ba.. =)

erm.. i can't comment much about bfeeding as i m not doing it. but as for feeding till baby goes to sleep, i will advise against doing it as well. tis is going to be a habit for them and habits are hard to break and also cos the babies are actuali trying to tune their body clock to suit ours, that's y we get cranky babies at nite.

there was one weekend that i tried to feed my girl by setting my alarm clock to every 2.5 - 3 hrs during e nite so that she will not wake up and can feed quietly. but my mum advised me against it the very next day. one main reason is the tuning of body clock thingy. another reason is their feed each time will increase as they grow bigger and the number of feeds will drop. so by setting my alarm clock, i m forcing her to drink when she's not hungry.. stupid me.. and i still thought i m helping e baby.. just sharing my experience!
Nans, my baby already sleeps with the lights on. My room has 3 lights in total, so we keep one on at night.
My baby also does the 1 sudden loud cry. I think she's dreaming.

Ling, any chinese tea leaves will do. Just buy from supermarket loh.

i anyhow one lah..didn't really follow prescription. initially took 1 tablet, no effect, take 2, a little effect. so, i settle for 3 tablets. sometimes i took 2 times a day, so 6 tablets in a day.

you can get the caps from any baby shop. i got mine, NUK caps from a baby shop near my place. 2 pieces in one packaging, 1 blue and 1 red. Fit all glass bottles like similac, nans and enfalac, if that's what you're using..
