(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

cooked apples?? Where did ya get that from? Anything to read more in details? I have been cooking my apples!!!
So can give fresh ones oreadi?
re: apples
i don't really dare to give too much. cos the "cure" for diarrhoea is BRAT (banana, rice, apple, toast). not sure how true, but better be on safe side, since hannah got problems pooping.
wah...today so many post and happening.


jav can sleep so long! If I put J to sleep at 7, think he'll wake up at 10 with eyes big big man! And his sleeping pattern very wired so I never dare to leave him alone.

re: avocado
how can we tell if it's ripe huh? I bought one since Sat and wrap in a paper bag and left outside, till now still HARD.
bbwow, the avocado skin will turn darker, and it will be softer to the touch. it can take a number of days to ripen, if you buy the very hard ones.
Thanks for the link. the 1st one looks good but 240 per mth, is it ok? what do u think and they din really list down what they will do.

Yap! thanks for the clarification. Cooked puree Apple cause constipation or those bottle applesauce as they are cooked as well. I have yet to try fresh apple puree yet!

Re: Avocado
She hates it when I bought it the last time! Wasted 2 organic ones some more!!

I think they are still too young to appreciate. Maybe at a later stage. Now she just want to put every into her mouth so difficult to sit and show her wats in it.

I wanna go as well but looks like can only make it on Sat!

I read it from a book I think, it's either Gina Ford "The contented little baby book of weaning" or Lewis, Sara "Weaning : which foods to introduce and when"... I borrowed from library and returned so no way to check.

Yes, we can feed them fresh fruits. In fact, we can even stop puree now. Can feed them soft food even with lumps.

Mine is butterfly too..I havent try the hood yet.. dun knw hw it work..

tonight i go n take pic of the additional hook ..

re: fruit puree & intake
I dont know cook apple can cause constipation, normally i gv my boy cooked apple puree+cereal.. sometime fresh apple juice and i will dilute it. But as i know, a day cannt give more than two serving.. this will cause constipation due to fibre and need to intake lot of water.

I started to gv fresh apple juice, puree, even honeydew..
zhen zhen, anything much cheaper than $99.90 is cheap! datz the toys'r'us price in sg. i got mine with 3 books + shipping for $105. each book in sg toys'r'us will cost $29! terrible.. =D

sansbebe, adri sleeps in her cot only when she's home with me.. else she shares the bed with my mummy.. =D so definitely no no cos she's a very terrible sleeper.. keke.. my pt cleaner charges me $30 nett and she'll help me with the chores until itz all done! very good and i tried to increase her $ but she refused.. anyway, will ask her later for u n dodo cos she's busy now.. =)

motherhood fair: i shd be there tomorrow! but dunno wat time cos meeting my fren..
zhen zhen,
Think that price is quite ok. Think leapfrg website selling at US$19.99 but the uncertainty is the shipping cost.

But upto now, Caelen cannot appreciate. Think have to wait till maybe he is 1 yr ?

I'd sent them an sms regarding the job scope. Hope they get back to me.
Thanks mummies on the apply thingy! Will take note!!

urs cheap lia, mine from 10-4pm charges $50. But I give extra $5 for lunch.

Anyone know of any good doc/PD that treats skin prob?? Lyn got very very bad rashes on her chest/stomach. Looks red, dry and feels rough. Had this prob for months but the meds my pd gave isnt working. My gp gave her some anti fungal cream to apply lately, but its not helping either, and in fact, her skin looks redder than b4.
Did you 'tighten' the hood ?

The part that is attached to the main body of the carrier, I tighten all the way so that it 'lie flat' on the carrier

Then I adjust the string that is hooked to the shoulder strap till it's just nice for Caelen.
Is it eczema ? Maybe you can try changing the bathing soap/liquid to those soap free type.
Caelen had something like, his condition got well after using the california baby calming bodywash and Calming botanical moisturising cream.
I've never use the hood for beco b4. I tot it is quite hot to keep her head in it. So when she sleep, sometimes she will lean her head on one of the strap for support. Or will 'look up' slightly.
thanks mummies for the info on cooked apple..

geez.. to think that i actually feed chloe lots of apple puree whenever i think she is constipated!!

and i also thought banana will ease constipation. i was so wrong!!
I have the same experience as well. Feed her one bottle of applesauce thinking it's good for her and end up causing her pain instead!! Lesson learn.

If u need Friso Comfort. I have one tin with me. Can let go cheap cheap. okie
oops...have been feeding matty lotsa banana and cooked apple puree. no wonder he's always constipated and he often poo until he cries...poor baby!

thanks mummies for the tip.
zhen zhen,

thanks for liaising wi aqua. im fine wi whatever wed
hannah sleeping pattern similar to ZQ, he also sleeps from 830pm to 7am, dun need any milk in between... i find that my son really inherit my traits, his sleeping postures hardly change, same position throughout the night, just like me :p

hapi fifi,

i stay at cck cres, how abt u?

wow.. glad tt u manage well
clap clap!!
hubby's fren recommend him a pd at united sq who is specialise in bb's skin, i dun hv his contact now... sms u later on this k

i use cetaphil to bath bb and i find that it's good.. u may like to give it a try?

sorry if any wrong words or sentence not mkg sense coz expressing now :p
zhen zhen,

i visited my mum's TCM for my wrist prob... he said that it's all due to my internal organs no good, need to "tiao" my body blah blah blah.. dun really convince loh... think i will see a western doc again if condition doesn't improve...
okie, i go buy cetaphil later. Hb oso using cetaphil and the 5.5ph baby johnson for himself.
Is the pd any good? Have ziqian seen him?
gingerleaf, cetaphil is a good soap-free option. my mom's skin doctor recommended it as she has sensitive skin. but better take lyn to see a skin doc to properly diagnose the condition.

dodo, your son opposite from hannah in terms of sleeping posture though. hannah moves around SO MUCH. like me. her poor hubby next time will also kena karate chops and kicks from her. just like my poor hubby. hahahahaha....

can intro me your helper!!! pweety pweeesss


I used to have bad rashes on my chest, thighs everywhere and it freaked me out as well. I went to the doc and they also gave me anti-fungal cream. I think more or less the same one.

the doc told me it's either I changed the soap, or some reaction with clothings / bedsheets that's causing it.

ziqian didn't see him coz his condition okay when we abt to consult him... i heard some good review of him from my colleagues also.. im realy forgetful now, cant remember his name and clinic name and hubby is uncontactable now.. give u his contact tonight

gal, i had bad experiece wi doctor at national skin centre, so if that's one of ur option, maybe u reconsider that...

zhen zhen,

haa... nvm, hopefully next time got super super king size bed!

u really daring mummy leh!

i dun dare to leave ziqian at home coz duno what will happen, and im those type who will "hu2 si1 luan4 xiang3"...

ueno, sanbebe and gingerleaf,

i ordered from Neo Garden as well!

sick of their selections and i dun think their ingredient very fresh... so stopped ordering after 2 months...
personally I prefer orgnanic and natural, thus I didn't try Cetaphil and went straight for california baby.

zhen zhen, Caelen also keep flipping and sleep in 'C' shape. Hubby and I kenna kicked a few times liao. But then, hubby and I sleep quite straight leh.
oh gosh...does all babies sleep for 12 hours straight? cause J seems to only sleep from 10pm-7am and in between he'll wake up because pacifier drop

Is it normal if he's getting lesser sleep?

just now when i was playing wi ziqian on bed, he used both of his hands to clap on my cheeks, i thought he wana slap me! instead, he pull my face closer to his face and like wana kiss me... im so happy till teary... and keep asking him "u wana kiss mummy ah"...
gingerleaf near my area got a skin doctor which i think its good ... cos my boy also like that and after seeing him with his medi or cream its help improved A LOT ... think you can try ... but he dun come every remember Wednesday ... if you need to know i can go and check out for you.

toroto ... will it help ??? hmmm

Karrie cannot poo try NAN its good.
Something to share:

If you baby have taken anti-botics, do look out for yeast infection. Check the anus make sure it's not red.

Quote from http://www.babycenter.com/0_yeast-infection_10913.bc?page=1&articleId=10913
"Babies taking antibiotics or breastfed babies whose mothers are on antibiotics are more susceptible to yeast infections. That's because antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the body that keep yeast in check. Without these bacteria around, yeast can grow more abundantly."

My Gynae recommended me to take Lacteol and can also give baby one capsule (open up the capsule and add to the milk) a day.
u can pass me the contact later. No prob. Not in a rush! Next week oso can. I dowan NSC one. =p
U very drama leh!! LOL. Is this the 1st time he did that? =D
Are u still catering now? The food from neo garden not very nice hor. But their buffet catering is leh. Dunno why so sub standard one.

U or J got rashes??

I was using CB as well, but no more liao. My situation now abit diff for me to go out and buy, so next best option is cetaphil.
Caelan sleeps in C shape?? C for Caelan ma! Heheheh. When I was small, I oso sleep C shape, then my nanny always say I sleep like a cooked prawn.
Thanks Jovial,that is scary.

Jav also have red rashes on his chest and back and the skin is rough to the touch. PD said he has slight eczema and heat rash. Same as Jovial, I use California baby Calming bodywash and Calming botanical moisturising cream. It helps!

Thanks dear!

Haha... I admit now that I'm indeed a brave and daring mum
gingerleaf, paiseh leh. dunno any pd gd for treating bb's skin.. n plus i m an ardent supporter of california bb calendula cream.. bring lyn go see doc asap okie!

dodo, hahaa! u know wat would have happened if adri does dat to u? ur nose would have been in pain! cos she has done that to my hb n myself n some of my family members.. ONLY TO BITE US!!! n she bit my hb on the nose.. hahaha

bbwow, whr do u stay? ok, so now i have to ask for dodo, sansbebe n u! keke...
ZQ sooooo sweetzzzzzzzzz, I think I'll be happy till teary as well if Kelly did the same thing! Saw her crawl already made me so emotional liao.

I bought that as it was recommended by the nurse the last time. As soy formula really taste yukes so we bought one tin to standby in case she cannot take the isomil.

The forum and the rest of the websites really keeps me very busy manz ! opps ! Just requested for free swim diapers hope I can get it! Thanks Jovialz for the link.
Babies sleep around 15 hrs at this stage. Don't let J sleeps too much in the day if you want him to sleep early and for 12 hrs at night. Try to control to 2.5 hrs to 3 hrs in the day.
hello mummies
long time since i last log on coz was busy with work.. Did any mummies collect bb's passport lately? I'm supposed to bring my gal to collect it tomorrow. wonder if there will be a long wait since it's school holidays.
ZQ is so sweet.. My gal will also use her hand to sayang me when I put her to sleep at night, it's like she's telling me she loves me. She'll also call me when i rech home at night and will cry when I'm hving dinner. So sweet hor..

so cute! I think J will just slap me if I go nearly. hehehe

it's me who got rashes not J. Don't worry, now not as sotong as "TASTE POO"

but the thing is he hardly sleeps in the day also. At most 2 hours. and how to keep them awake when they get so cranky and wanna sleep leh? Any ideas?
i used to use cb shower gel oso, but finish liao.
Last time oso use the calming cream, finished liao, so now using the lotion.
hi all

haiyo... sooo many posts to catch up again, see until @@

dodo, zhen zhen, sanbebe.. u both v lucki, bb no need dreamfeed & can sleep thru for soooo long.. sanbebe.. u lagi best, so 'fang xin' can leave bb alone at home, but i tink if he’s older or can walk liao, better b more alert & lock all the window & put away sharp instruments in case u leaving him alone… i staying w my mum, she sure 'nag' till my 'ear drop' if i do tat :p

cm, hopefully carlson's reflux can get better w medication alone, v ‘sim tiang’ if go op..

pinky.. hi-5* my hb also same, when mentioned to engage PT he’ll say waste $$, he’ll do all himself better, end up only will do if kana nag, if not ‘automatic spoilt liao’…I cant stand dust/mess, so if he dun do I’ll do it myself, end up super busy & will b v ‘pek chek’ & my gal sure kanna scolding cos like to ‘cover’ whole floor w toys/books & dunpack, for me everyday also not enuff to use, Saturday got to work & go 'reporting', weekend sooo many house chores to catch up! cant engage maid as my mum also working, no body at home…v chiam. but i tink i'm considering a PT soon or at least get one to help w 'spring cleaning' for cny.

hippo…. Yalor, for bb lance’s case, will hv to go regular review (min 2mths once) and do tests half /once yearly depending on his tests results, then got to get long term oral anti-biotic (every nite served 4ml)..u see ‘siong’ or not if no govt subsidise! Re nail ingrowth, alr checked with 2 different PD, both gv same ans, ie, no need any medication, jus leave it to grow, if necessarythenr trim as bb nails r still soft now. So I choose to trim regularly cos feel v ‘painful’ for him if too long & grow inside the flesh. My hb was complaining say howcome both bb & jie jie inherit my tis bad point!! I tried go pedicure myself, it doesn’t help too, everytime so painful, I also choose to trim myself!

Dodo… u must b v hapi & enjoying tis wk since yr sis/nephew’s in SIN, I can well imagine if both babies getting together sure ‘nao fan tian’!!! tis reminds me when my nephew & niece brought theirs to my house, really ‘sang nao jing’ man! Me too, dun hv good impression of national skin ctr, I been patient there for abt 1-2yrs for my eczema, no improvements & the medication they gv quite general for my condition, the specialist keep telling me ‘your condition will get better when the weather gets better’????? then I go various chinese docs, some said bcos I didn’t do a good confinement for #1, so my system not ‘functioning’ well??? Some chinese docs say I didn’t watch my diet, etc, etc.. end up I settled w ‘Joyce Lim’ (skin specialist) my colleagues recommend, she said no reason for eczema, most likely due to stress/environment, once u trigger it, it'll come out & nvr ending (if it stop then u v lucky), tat time I was 2nd time preggie, so far so good after seeing her till now, my ecezma sort of ‘under control’ but I wud need endless moisturers/showel gel. Cetaphil is good, ‘essanthum’ (duno how o spell) also not bad, both can get @ pharmacy, gingerleaf, sometime showel gel alone wont help, may need inflammatory cream if rashes is bad , let it subside then maintain, see doc if condition worsen.

YL… old ya hor, u preggie too… better dun stress out, get enuff rest & enjoy your pregnancy…

Ika… hope u get well soon…..losta flu/cough bugs in air.. ysterday I @nuh, I was also soooo scare… lucky ysterday appt wasn’t too bad, within 1hr can get out already…

Re motherhood fair… mummies who going tml, pls share any good deal ya!!! Me will b going on Friday pm cos need to take leave as childcare close.
