(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

gingerleaf: yay getaway is good!!! go for it!

tiffy: so happy for you that ILs no longer staying with yoU!!

perlicia: wah lau, my room is also out of bounds for ILs leh.. normally after work i will bring baby back to room and close door..so she got the hint lor.. wont come inside one..

actually the carrier she said is not even taken out from the box... Afterall considered 2nd hand already.

I check the new one already...Bjorn Air costs $199 and somemore i can get 10% discount, so if really intending to get, I don't mind going to pay $22.70 more..and I can choose colour.

Alamak, it is gross meh...poo poo swimming pass you.

Fiona, if you getting the neck float, remember to go for the bigger one.

ecookies, I know...image if i throw by undergarments anywhere. How paisai will it be. I try to close the door but if my husband around, he will always open it.
hmmm... like this ah, seems like not worth to get the neck float then? cos i tell hubby, then he ask me, can use how many times before he outgrow the float? so i tell him to buy me a house with swimming lor, then i bring baby go swimming everyday... can use the neck float until "gao gao"
that's what husband always said...Outgrown and outgrown...then everything no need to buy lor...

gingerleaf, I buy one with S and one with L size.
Guess that the neck area is wider
hi mommies,
anyone wants to exchange stage 2 FM. i have the following

Similac 400gm
NAN 400gm
Mamil Gold 400gm 2x
all unopen and expire in 2009

im looking for Enfapro to exchange. Got or not, exchange with me leh.
gingerleaf, paiseh! not of any help.. keke..

thanks ueno!

doobom, i wld have strangled ur mil.. poor thing! it must have been so frustrating!
Thanks for all the wishes.

Right now, my husband is planning our anniversary. Since our girl is still small, can only book local hotel to celebrate.

To all mummies,
If ur bb have red spot like pimples on the arm, thigh and private part, it could be milk allergy. Last week my girl show these sign and doctor told us it is milk allergy. Was told to change FM to Isomil soy- formula. Have to drink till 1 yr old then slowly change to normal formula milk.
Final call $120 for the "2nd hand" carrier...Worth buying? Anyway, the Bjorn carrier can only last till 10kg izzit. How come the cheapo one can carry up to 14kg?
Perlicia, I still think not worth getting lerrr..

I remember the Air's fabric is mesh type.. and the sales girl told me it'll sag easier than the rest. So imagine if the person has actually used it?!
$150 can bargain till $120?? She must have been desperate to sell it off. Its a good deal ONLY if the condition is as good as new or very lightly used.

Ya, like what chintz said, the sales person did mentin that mesh material sags easier than the rest. So if the item is oreadi used often, then not really worth getting.
She said it is new lor...
Oh izzit? so not really worth getting as it will sag...mmmm....Ok, I will go racky tonight to see how it look like...Thanks...

I am still think can use for the 2nd baby.
perlicia, if u're thinking to use for 2nd baby, then the more u should consider getting a new bjorn

new set, satisfaction is guaranteed!
sorry all the stage 2 FM is already reserved. hehe.

so many milk hor, that time i kiasu call all the companies for samples, hehe.
hi anyone can suggust where can i go during labour holiday ... took leave for 02 & 05 of May Hb wants to go to malaysia ... any good resort to go ??? we are driving. HB say genting but hmmm beside this anywhere to go ???
tiffy: really?? my boy got a few raised bumps on arms/ thighs, nil in privates though.. but they subsiding leh.. and he s on friso 1 since 2 + mth till now leh..now then allergy?? hmm

I give my girl similac last time but it is only when we go out then feed her FM outside. Then nowaday i mix feeding her FM every morning lor. The more she drink then the raised bumps appeared. That was last week then the doc saw her and told us it is milk allergy. Only on monday, her private part no more raised bump. Doc told us it will take 1 week + for the raised bump to subside.

Yours could be pickly heat, u try apply some calamine lotion and see it heal or not since ur boy's private part not affected. If after applying calamine lotion for few days, still no improvement, perhap you consult doc.
kekee... now i dun dare to think.. haahah... although hubby keep pestering me to have 2nd one. wanna love my baby xavier now more.. hahaah!

cm, you can try desaru or camermo highlands (ok, i know i got the spelling wrong) desaru there can go massage, and relax and there is a very nice and cheap seafood restuarant abt 30 mins drive from the resort.

genting hor, now the genting hotel is under renovation, very noisy! dun stay there if you going there ok? they start hacking as early as 7 plus 8...
oh, pulai resort at desaru is a good choice. the room not say very fantastic, but a good place to relax. and i think not very ex also.. you can call them up to book directly.
<font face="Comic Sans MS"> thanks for your tots zhen zhen &amp; CM, tink i'll switch to NAN 2 during the wkend; see got diff or not. poor thing lah she lao sai until so watery.

CM - u can try pulai desaru. short drive &amp; great place to relax.</font>
Please take a look at the BP (Bulk Purchase) for the PolarGear Booster seat. It is portable, perfect for outings (e.g. some restaurants may not have baby seats) or packing overseas trips. It costs $30+$2 postage.

I have ordered one and hope to have it by mid May. (I'm flying my baby Nicole, who will be 7 months, to Gold Coast at the end of May for holiday.) It is currently awaiting to hit target of 20. Current order is now 14.

The external website is

The BP thread is
Calling Ueno:!!!
I am so sorry..think i can't attend the class on the 26th April..can i change it to 3rd may? Cos i seriously forgot that i have a seminar at 2.30pm-5.30pm to attend.

Sometime just feel MIL like monster... lolx
Just cant stand them..


Thks for trio trial inf


If u r considerin to have 2nd bb, u can consider to get a new carrier... tink more worth.

Re: Water
My boy really don't like to drink water... I try to feed him by spoon, mag mag cup or bottle he just bite on to the teat or cry..just nw want to feed him, only one mouth he even throw out some of his milk..Anyone can advise hw to let my boy drink more water?Thks
Have you tried warm water? My boy like yours the last time then by chance I found out that if it's warm water then he'll drink.
Hope it works for your boy, If really cannot then maybe add a bit of Glucose?

Re: Swimming

Do you all buy the thermal swimsuit? Or juz swim with the swim diapers huh?

Mummies with boys, got an embarrassing situation: My DS has develop this weird habit of pulling his private part when I bathe him. Has any1 encounter this? I dunno how to deal with it. Read somewhere that if I scold him / beat his hands will cause him to develop some inferior complexity. Now I only keep telling him not to do it cos 'pain pain' and put his hand away but he'll do it again. Any1 has a solution?
hi mummies

re: swimming
I got the thermal swimsuit and float for matty. He really hates the float. haha. maybe he just needs to get used to it. as for swim diapers, couldn't find any at the supermarkets near my place so chose to let him go without any. I figure it's better than using the normal diapers which would just asborb water and weigh him down. he likes to swim like adult ie. forward facing and he instinctively kicks. dun like to swim on his back.
matty's so cute!!
where did u bring ur bb to swim? wondering if i shd bring bb to public swimming pool, but it seems rather unhygenic right?

re drinking: my bb has the same prob.. its ok when my mum or MIL feed her but when i feed her, she'll refuse, sigh,..
I guess the float really bothering matty...see his little face...

pinky and all mummies, last night went to try the Bjorn Air already...Looks really nice and fits Raphael too well that my husband said he looks like dumpling and will outgrown pretty fast. So I told him if we have the 2nd one, he must buy me a real good carrier,and surprisingly he says ok.

CiN, I got a thermal suit for my boy. I think the BP still going on by this mummy named Mambo.
Able the weird habits, maybe he really don't understand it. Let him play with some toys during shower instead.

bbwow, How is the spoon feeding? Successful?

LFTF....(looking forward to Friday)
hehe...matty is so cute!

I think it needs some time for them to get used to the float.

re: water
my boy has no prob. it's my mil who has the prob. Does your babies sweat alot? My MIL sees my bb sweat alot then always want to feed him water. That's fine but not fine when he's still sleeping! I always tell her "wait till he's awake then feed la" Sometimes really don't understand her thinking.

Yesterday went for his 6 month jab and saw my bb cried, she cried too! WAH KAOZ! Then she ask me, still need to inject? It's like I bring my son to torture like that when the vaccine is supposed to protect him! o_O

no luck!
Then I found the problem. he's teething! I really hope that's the main reject why he's rejecting the spoon and not the food.

Will try again in a few days time. Looking forward to gymboree now! :D
yeah, may be you should give BB warm water like what Cin said. My girl too prefer warm water. If not warm, she will play with the teats and "puh puh" out the water. I guess BB use to warm milk bah..

matty so cute in the thermal suit. you make me want to buy the thermal suit for my girl..haha and oh my you look good in your swim wear. so jealous..haha....looks like you lose all fats already..
my girl going for injection tomorrow. PD mentioned during the last injection that the next injection bb will cry because their nervous system will be quite developed by then and they should feel pain. aiyoh, must really be prepared..
ur boy so cute in his swimwear! :D

ur boy's teething?!! mayb that's y he's rejecting the spoon coz its painful for his gums! :D my boy still no progress leh. until now at most can stomach 1 tbsp of cereal, then refuse to open his mouth n will squirm inside his seat alr. i dunno whether is it the cereal tat he doesn't like, the duration he's inside the high-chair or what... sighzz.... he's still drinking his usual amount of milk. though its ok for now, but i worry as he grow older, whether he will take more coz milk can't provide all of the nutrients he need.

that's for sure. My boy just went inside the injection room already start to cry. It's like he recognize the place.

yea, yesterday the PD confirmed. then we looked closer and really saw one tooth growing! :D
My PD told us to slowly try. if he reject, then wait for a few days to try again. don't let him later develop negative feelings against solids. basically she just say I have a fussy boy! haizz
Perlicia, LFTF..

IMO, since u're getting a carrier for 2nd baby.. why not get it now? can let raphael enjoys it too
pinky: you can try warm water.. it seems tohelp that little bit with my boy but he doesnt like water still sigh.. but must try to feed anyway.. scared poo poo prob since now on cereal..

cin: that is my nightmare leh.. i wont know how to "educate" him not to do so.. sigh.. think can let him play with toys during bath time to distract him??

bbwow: teething!!
my lil' boy still bo gay.. mayb 1 week later he ll start sprouting teeth buds since he s 1 week younger than jayden hehe.

and ur MIL really v mad ! how can disturb baby when they sleeping!

karrie: matty is cute!! i miss his laughter..

but no diaper? later he poo poo in the pooL!! smelly smelly...
Matty is becoming more and more handsem everyday hor! i can't wait to bring my ger for a swim too, waiting for the thermal suit.

i think daddies in general likes the bjorn cos maybe its not as sissy as the MIM sarong sling, my HB also likes it. but we don't use it as often now, we started using it since my ger is 2 wks old, now keeping for No 2.

bbwow, my boy is ok when he takes the 3rd jab. then daddy starts to hao lian, say baby xavier like daddy strong boy... hmmm....your boy is teething liao? mine still nothing leh.. hahaa, my mum says wait my boy like the mummy, learn walking liao still no teeth!! I had teeth growing when i was 11 mths and i am already walking! hahaha...

re solid:
i am starting my boy to eat solid twice a day liao. he feeds well on porridge that my mum cooks. it seems like he is much fuller and only wakes up once today at 5am for milk, drink for 5 mins slp liao. at night slp thru out~ =) hopefully he stays like that every night!
