(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Thanks Gingerleaf! Let me know how to pay you..

Oh yah, Gymboree is at HF Centre (but it's actually outside, not within the shopping centre). Can go from Lobby D, 3rd level.. you will see a sign there.


i wan the pigeon wipe also!!!
aiya.. i miss the boat is it? possible to squeeze in for me? :p
so tired nowadays w/o hubby's help.. im a BIG panda mummy...
Hi Mummies, just started a BP thread on crochet booties for your babies. Do check it out.

good evening mummies...
unable to catch up with forum until now coz had a long day at workshop in NIE. its so far!!! took me 1 1/2 hrs to go back home. by the time reach home, bb sleep liao. so sad...

re: maid kissing baby
forgot which mummy mentioned it but yah, caught my maid doing that to my boy few weeks back. long story. started my niece always being kissed on the lips by her maid (so unhygenic but i didn't dare to say anything coz my sis-in-law was fine with it, but definitely not to me!!!) since she was born n my maid saw what she did. so she followed n did tat to my boy, asked my boy to kiss her back,etc. i told her firmly that she can show her love to my child in other ways, via big hugs, carry, play, etc. but dun kiss him on the lips coz v.unhygenic. such issues r really sticky n its hard to put it across but as mothers/employers, i feel that our care n concern for our child is uppermost in our minds n thus, we have to correct our maids if we see something not quite appropriate.

my boy so far still the same lor... 1 tbsp of cereal (mixed with milk) is the max that he can take. tried him on porride with spinach n carrot, also took a little dun wan liao. his milk intake also dropped last few days n cereal still the same. jokingly told my hubby mayb my boy wans to slim down so that he can learn to crawl faster! :D

but nowadays, i alternate his cereal, thought mayb he's bored if same cereal every meal, so alternate the brands n mix in pumpkin,etc. not really tat bad lah. at least can take a few spoons of it, though never increase but at least never totally reject. perhaps u try to alternate the cereals n add stuff inside so that its different everytime?

re: enfapro
i gave to my boy once he turned 6 mths leh. so far still ok. 1 day would have 2 feeds of enfapro n remaining feeds his normal milk. i mix enfapro with my BM, so that its not totally the new taste of the milk n he can accept it so far n poo is ok. will continue to monitor him though...

re: bumpermat
just get the normal one, dun really need the extra thickness coz if u compare, its only a few mm extra. not quite necessary for the extra thickness. so far, my boy is using the cheapest of the bumpermat collection n he's been rolling n banging his head on the mat but he's fine. actually once u have the bumpermat, try not to keep moving it, coz its bulky. its best to designate a 'play area' kind of thing, put the bumpermat n his toys there. if need to clean then wipe the surface, very easy. once in a while, if wanna clean the floor then move away, if not, would be quite back-breaking to keep moving the bumpermat around. of coz what ur hubby say can b quite valid, as in once he can crawl, he won't stay put. like my boy, recently likes to inch his way beyond the mat. but i would love to believe that once he grows bigger, he can identify the mat as his play zone n though he can roam around when he walks but his toys will always be kept there and he can feel free to play there safely or outside.

missed out on ur holler for baby wipes. sighzzz...

okie, v.tired alr. going to sleep liao. catch up wif u all tmr. ta ta!
hi ladies
thanks for the advice on the milk intake... think I'm giving my boy all right... should not be too much... 240ml in morning n nite then 150-180ml wif semi solids.

I've started follow on for my boy liao... semi solids I started giving him ard 5mths odd... he's taking it rather well. Mainly gave him brown rice, healthy times oats cereals n nestle cereals. Mix in wif some veg or fruits... taking abt 3-4tbsp of cereals. Planning to give me porridge tomolo... using slow cooker to cook the rice first. Hopefully he takes to it like he takes to the cereals.

glad lance is recovering well... sigh..looking at the pics made me feel heart pain...

ya, sry abt that. I tried to keep the orders small else it will be too heavy for hb to carry to gym on the 1st. Why dun you ask the mummies gg for 1st May gym class to join u in the purchase too? $8.20 for a pack of 3 is really cheap. Even CC dun sell so cheap.
Started 1st feeding on last Sat Heinz rice cereal, was very messy because he was using his little hand to grap the spoon, put his fingers in his mouth and spilling out the food from the mouth. Sunday got slight improvement, and glad that today he able to finished his rice cereal during lunch without spilling out much.

Stage 2 milk
Started on Sunday 1 feed per day advise by PD and next week can go on to alternate feed until stage 1 milk finish.
re maid kissing my boy:

yesterday i told her nicely... say she wanna kiss, can kiss the cheeks, no need to kiss lips. cos as parents, we also dun kiss him on the lips lah!

then recently she been very careless, my clothes kenna stain color. sighz! i told her off this morning, say 1 piece i nvm, but now 2nd piece also kenna, something must be wrong, so i told her one more time, i will deduct her pay to pay for my clothes.
Morning Mummies,

Raining day .. what a good day to stay at home and nua ... too big need to attend training!

My S.H.I.T problem is back again .... now stopping the brown rice cereal again eventhough I already stop giving her over the weekend .... formula also change liao .... feed her prune juice, she refused papaya ... let her drink barley water ... eat sweet potato ... don no what else to do liao.... I think she get her digestive system from mummy ... really inheriting all the bad things .... don't no why ....

Separation anxiety
yesterday afternoon, someone ask my my where is mummy and she start crying as I'm not around and then refused to sleep until I came home at ard 6plus ..... I can't leave her sight as well and daddy is getting jealous liao ... ha ha

I tried leh. I tried HT / heinz, then cereal mix with apple sauce, or banana, he doesn't take any! He see the SPOON he siam liao.

Yesterday I tried to feed him sweet potato, he also siam. I feed him apples, he siam. As long as see the SPOON. But if I use my hand to hold the apple, he opens his mouth lor! PENGZ. Then I ask him "How am I supposed to feed you cereal with HAND?" Aiyo..my boy ah...
bbwow, why don't you let him have a clean spoon to hold and let him get use to it...maybe he just don't want to be the passive eater but the active one who wants to hold the spoon...

Yesterday feeding raph. he open his mouth when he hold the spoon. if i am holding it, sometimes he don't want. But he did this when he is almost full.

thanks dreamz_garden, I still really keen to get the bumper mat, so i email ssw to get the cheapest one. it is not really the thickness i am looking at...but more for the size. Just buy 1 to try first, if not enough, then get another small one...at least it will still be cheaper than the high end mat...with double the size.

totoro_bb, I saw some book introducting yogurt to baby. But i dunno which brand is the right one.Maybe you can go and find out more.
totoro_bb: wow ur gal knows u are mummy liao!!! so li hai hehe...

bbwow: maybe its the spoon? but yah lor, what else can you feed him with?? hmm... or give him 1 extra spoon to play with then quick feed him..?

feeding: my boy officially dun like carrots.. hmm.. yest feed till the last few mouths of the puree like killing him.. cry each time i put in his mouth sigh..
no mind, on to green pea puree soon. hope he likes it as much as the apple one

hmm...good idea! I should try that tonight! Really desperate liao.

Yea..I read somewhere that there's a yogurt specially for bb one.

the maid never smoke still ok. My hubby's grandma smokes and kiss my boy ON THE LIPS LOR! PENGZ
morning mummies,

re maid kissing baby on the lips: Yikes, i'll be fuming mad. Even if my in laws kissing i also dun like cheek is ok lah but not the lips..Not only it's unhygienic but it's so special..Hehe..only mummy and daddy can kiss.. :p

re shop bug:
I'm going to order some and have rope in a friend liao.. Any mummies staying in Punggol want to share with me? Can buy other things too..
Saw lance picture, oh my so chubby and cute! Glad that he's back at home and resting. Well, at least at home more comfortable and no more poking..pooooorrr Lance.. *sayang*

i think our baby started to recognize faces liao. My BB also start to recognize me and her eyes will always follow wherever I go and will smile sweetly and move actively when I wave and call out to her...Daddy also said she prefers mummy..keke...
Perhaps ur boy is going thru teething stages?
The spoon that ur boy uses is of soft or hard tip? My boy is using the Pigeon soft tip. Thatz the only one that I find that itz better coz it wun hurt their gums. It comes in a packaging of a yellow & green spoons (pack of 2).

There is a period of time whereby my boy oso reject almost everything. Have to pacify him during his meals. Takes a while.
gd idea, get 1 first n see how. i'm sure u will like it. i personally like to sit on it to read my newspapers/magazines. its v.comfy n way nicer than sitting on cold hard floor! :D

perhaps ur boy is not comfy with the idea of a spoon being shoved into his mouth. u can try to give him a spoon to play with, let him put into his mouth to explore. either do it during feeding time (but can be messy, did tat once n his spoon whack my spoon that i was feeding him, caused the cereal to fly so not v.pleasant a scene) or during other times when he's not eating. just let him play it like a play object so that he is more open to it?
garden_dreamz: same leh.. i like to sit n roll on the bumper mat with my boy alot.. haha sat morn always spend on it reading newspapers while he roll ard entertaining himself heh.
gingerleaf, forgot to tell u: i will go ur place to collect if ok with u! cos m not going to the gymboree trial.. by the way, when is e trial huh? see whether can wake up then can meet u all! =D
morning mummies,

CUIT!!!! (Cheer Up, It's Tuesday)

I'm down with flu n sore throat today. And today, I'm thinking hard on how i could be a SAHM!!!

I'm too demoralized at work...
sorry mummies...just wanna side-track n pour out some sorrows with my MIL here... only found out after talking to my maid today...

yesterday had to attend full-day workshop so had to let my boy be at my IL's place, though i'm not in favour of tat but my mum working. while he was there, my IL's neighbour's grandmother was there, caring for her grandchild. she asked my maid to give my boy water. my maid said that she give already, she say must still give. my maid told her later wanna drink milk already, so cannot give. she commented to my MIL - ur daughter-in-law dunno how to care for bb. (how insulting can that be!) n both of them had a field day talking. (what they subsequently talked about, my maid couldn't understand so can't feedback to me).

subsequently, my MIL repeated to her neighbour the same old story tat she told the whole wide world including me- that her children (my hubby n her sis) at SIX MONTHS old could HOLD their own milk bottle n drink!!! their nanny just let them lie on the mattress n they drink their own milk bottle!!! how perfect n angelic my hubby n his sister were!!!

any of u mummies, ur bb can drink milk on their own at 6 mths while lying down on a mattress? perhaps some of ur babies can, but my baby cannot. n i definitely won't allow him to lie down on a mattress n drink a milk bottle, what if he chokes?!!

then my MIL commented to her neighbour that my boy v.naughty, very troublesome, difficult, etc, n told her neighbour she rather have her neighbour's 2yr old toddler than my boy. that's is so hurting n insulting. it just shows blatantly to me that she has no love for her own grandchild. firstly she compares her grandchild to her own angelic kids then says that she rather other people's children than her grandchild?!!

sorry... i'm seething with anger n am v.upset about this. coz i love my boy n i didn't bring my boy into a world where he's constantly being compared with others around him, that he's being treated in a condescending manner n i've other people telling my MIL that i'm a lousy mother who dunno how to take care of her own child. excuse me... i'm working so i dun have a choice but to leave my child there in the first place,ok?

though he's just a baby now but nonetheless, the environment that he grows up in is very important. i had cross swords with my hubby b4 about letting maid be at home alone n he doesn't allow coz of safety n i've people who advised me that its better to leave maid with grandparents. but my qn is - i wonder if i should swallow my dignity n let my boy grow up in an environment where it can perhaps be safe but its not a loving environment?

read somewhere that babies at this age need lots of love from us adults. my MIL obviously have no love for him, should i still put him there for the sake of safety? n everyday i come back home, i hear n bleed inside when i'm told that such words are spoken behind my back n my boy is always being compared. i feel that babies are all special individuals n should be loved for who they are n not always be compared against others.

n my MIL never bought a single item for him. the neighbour's maid yesterday saw my boy's anklet n asked my MIL if she bought it for him. she said no, its my mum who gave him. she then asked my MIL what she gave to my boy... she said - give for what? .... oh man... i can't believe that she can be so steady pom pi pi n thick skin. dun even feel paiseh that she didn't give him a single item, just a red packet for his full month, no clothing, no food, no nothing. not that i'm hardup over her things but if grandparents sayang grandchild sure give them little things or if dun give, at least shower them with love which she doesn't, only can criticise that he always cry, can't drink milk on his own, always must carry,etc.

really can cry man.... thus for me, the issue of a working mother is - how to ease childcare arrangements when going back to work? i cannot afford to be SAHM n i wonder if i should be blind, deaf n dumb with regards to ILs n caring of my child? how i wish i can bring my boy to work everyday n let him be cared for there...! :D

sorry for the long long post coz i'm really v.frustrated n upset inside....
cool it. Ignore whatever comments those non-impt others give. Most imptly, itz the luv n care that ur boy is getting from you.
Same here, I am working mum. Cun afford to be SAHM, hence leave my boy under care of maid n CCTV. Luckily my boy has his cousin (a wk older) with him under the care of the maid. Till now, I have not much concern about the maid though on and off still need to remind her about this n that. Maid are just like that. I console myself tat 'If they are so smart, they would not have come all the way to be a Maid here. N I dun wan her to do anything to the boys, so I remind her nicely most of the times.

As for my MIL... Really faint. She step on my tail again yesterday. Argghhhh....

My boy went to KKH on last sat for some patchy rashes all over him. Concluded via blood test about some viral infection n given medication for 1-2 days. He is better now. Due to this, I din bring him to visit my ILs on sun coz want him to rest @ home for a week or two. So that he can recover well n join the Gymboree class.

Thinking that she is the SMART one, my MIL called my hb 8am in the morning to ask him tell me stop giving my boy ikan bilis powder. Then called me again around 11am to tell me. I am so angry. How many times she need to tell me? As she should jolly well know that I dun like her to comment about my boy's diet. Coz I am @ times stressed up with my boy's diet.

All along, ikan bilis powder has been commonly used along with brown rice n given to babies. Since she know that I m doing that, why must she still comment about this n that? Compare that the gal toddler she is looking after cun take that too. When did I tell her that my boy cun take that? Blood test from KKH has shown that itz due to viral infection whereby PD explained that itz due to environmental factors that bb got viral infection @ times.

I h**k care her comments. Tell my hb that I will still carry on with my own way of handling my boy's diet.

Haiz... Sorrie for my long complain.
garden_dreamz, sorry to hear about ur MIL. We all have our frustations sometimes. Good to let it out. I hope u are feeling better now
I found out that I always lose my cool when talking about MIL issues.

I can console about others not to care about their MIL's funny ideas, but for myself, I find it tough to get over.

Something's going wrong with me, I think. haha...
garden_dreamz: so sorry to hear that ur MIL have no love for ur baby boy.. that must have hurt big time..

anyway my boy can hold bottle to drink himself but only for awhile nia and i dun allow that.. cos scared he choked etc.
and NONO to lying on the mattress to drink lor.. what if the milk flow to the ear n cause ear infection???

though i agree with you that a loving environment is v impt to babies at this stage but i still think its really safer to have someone ard when the maid is taking care of the baby.. just to be on the safe side lah..

i understand how u feel but dun worry.. every evening + weekends you ll be with your boy so can give him all the love that he deserves..

a good thing that may come out from this thing is ur boy will definitely NOT be close to ur MIL lor..
doobom: haha me too i got easily irritated + angry over MIL issues too!

my MIL also v irritating yest!! cos my boy now starts to recognize pple and he prefers me more to others most of the time.. so yest when my hubby holding him, he kept on looking at me despite my MIL calling him and she was commenting "how come he kept on looking at you one" i was like huh?? he s my son of cos he likes me, anything wrong with that?? *grr*

and she went to turn my boy cheek so that he can look at her.. soo irritating.

cos last time she helped my SIL to look aft my nephew and apparantly he likes my ILs more than his own parents.. how sad right.. and my MIL always v proud of this fact and i was tinking so weird... ur grandson doesnt really like his own mum who is ur own daughter and u dun think anything wrong with that??

aiyah talk abt her makes my tuesday worse,. angry.
my kids are also SICK ... Flu cough & fever ... Carlson lost 500g in a week ... he dun want to drink milk ... GP said he lost too much liao for his age ...aiyo see liao also heart pain ... might bring him to doc again tonight cos his nose is still like a tap ... water coming out non stop and also the cough is so so so bad ...

am falling sick soon too .. cos dun have enough rest keep waking up to see my boy ...

hi all lots of milk powder having sale esp enfapro in NTUC
garden_Dreamz: sorry to hear abt your MIL. yah, like what ecookie said, one thing good is that your boy will not be close to MIL since she doesnt love him at all. sigh. own grandchild leh.. silly one. anyway, i also dun let my boy lie on mattress and drink milk lor, who is so silly? you tell her last time police wear shorts leh.. still thinking last time.. me at the most is let my boy lie on the sofa with a pillow and drink milk cos he doesnt like to be carried to drink milk. of cos adult supervision are always there!

doobom, at least you no need to stay with your MIL, that's a plus point liao. hahahah! I keep imagining to myself one day that they dun have to stay with me anymore! I will be damn happy man and will hold celebration parties!!

I didn't know there's a myth about kissing lips. hehe. I just don't like the idea cause it's so unhygenic!


I really have no idea. I've tried variations of spoons also. Avent, combi, pigeon and even our conventional metal spoon. He just HATES it. But I'll try the spoon playing method and see if it helps.

I always think it's always a love-hate relationship with your ILs when you have a baby.

I've contemplated for the longest time to quit and be a temp SAHM for 1 year. At least till he's 18 months then send to childcare. I just want to send a message to them that I don't need you. No matter what, they should never compare babies. Each bb is special. Furthermore, our bb is carrying their surname ok! It's funny how some grandparents just don't have the love.
frostyfiona:: hahaha invite me to ur party when that day comes!!!

garden_dreamz: remember we are counting down to baby 18mths then can send them to childcare n no more rubbish MIL issues liao!!
Hi all,

im gogin to australia tonight... cheers,


That why i choose to switch to part time working so that i can be my bb for a longerr time, althouh my MIL is real good with bb, but i have my way of wanting to bring up my child ..

Yes... Thatz the plus pt. As my hb say, he will have hard time if we stay 2gether with them coz he will be sandwiched between me n his family. He dun wan that to happen.
I complain to my mum about my MIL. My mum say that I m over-reacting though my mum agree that ikan bilis can be given (all three of us). Perhaps, I have yet get over about the few incidents that MILs go against my will n do things behind my back. Think every mum will be angry if she do that to you. Haiz...

Any idea what food ur boy likes? Can try giving his fav. food via spoon feed? Ur boy undergoing teething stages? If so, itz norm that he reject spoon/teats coz gums may be hurting.
I read that babies reject spoon/teat feeds during teething coz their gums hurt. Itz the same as we adults having mouth ulcers. So thatz really painful. *OUCH! Poor Thing* There are some stages whereby babies slow down in growth, esp. during teething stages. Take ur time n hold on. Ur boy will get over it soon for sure. =D
I read up alot when my boy reject everything for almost 2mths. So stressed up. Cun sleep in the nite, keep worrying abt it. Luckily, feeding is better. Hopefully this goes on.
bbwow, ya, that's what my dad and hubby told me. say adults dun go and kiss the lips until the kids can talk. and especially if there are young kids who still cant tok one.. also cannot let them kiss lips to lips. if not the older kid will not tok until the younger one toks. not sure how true, but rather believe man.. keek..

of cos of cos ecookie! i will invite all oct mummies to share my joy!

If you think hard enough and manage to have a soln, let me know hor .. cos I also want to be SAHM and be free of stress at work !!

did i missed out something on party or what ?

lucky I don't stay with them if not I'm sure I will have a lot of complaints as well. Still cannot get over my confinement period with them ...
Wow...back to the MIL issue again...Good that we can spill them out here.

garden_dreamz,you heard all these from your maid or your MIL actually said it in front of you. That's might be a differences. Anyway, depending on how your maid is doing, maybe you can really trust your bb under her care. Just remember to put a CCTV. Once in a while go home and spot check.

At least my MIL did buy something for my boy....4 pieces for $10...Wow, said until like very great like that. I was then thinking,"You just never see what my parents buy for Raphael" Although my parents will also get the cheap clothing, but they care for the comfort and not price.

doobom, ikan bilis can't be doing anything bad to your bb rashes right? Quote what the doctor said to your MIL....

We can give advise on MIL issue...But when it comes to your own MIL....We bust into flames.

I also can't wait to move out of my MIL's house.....
doobom, i dunno leh. so i keep watching to make sure my nephew dun go and kiss my boy on the lips. kekee...

totoro_bb, here's what i posted previously. ekekke... =)
<font color="ff6000">"doobom, at least you no need to stay with your MIL, that's a plus point liao. hahahah! I keep imagining to myself one day that they dun have to stay with me anymore! I will be damn happy man and will hold celebration parties!!</font>
Give me a HI5 man! If my MIL not staying with me, i will invite the whole village to come and have celebration. The feeling of her staying at your house is really not good, you will just feel that its not your house..everything she wants to put her items there to get recongnition. Pengz!
r u coming for the trial on 26Apr?

there is a new class on 3may, u ok with that?

Sat 26apr, 2pm
2. jas55
3. totoro_bb
4. ueno

Sat 3May, 2pm
1. hippo
2. pinky
3. cheval
garden_dreamz, poor dear to put up with such irritating behaviour from ur mil.. see if ur hubby can accept having only e maid care for him with a CCTV like wat perlicia suggested? dun be sorry about venting ur anger here.. we are all ears.. hugs

doobom, as long as u r sure e rashes are not due to the ikan bilis powder, ignore ur mil and dun bother.. no point talking to pple who are out to pick on u.. save e strength to play with ur boy instead! =P
