(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

jas.. yes yes.. is god's gift! u wont regret hving 3 bundles of joys =) everything can b solved in time to come..

jovial.. oic.. cant remember which joyce, is she the one doing photography too? if so i roughly can recall. ecookie & me must b tinking jas 1st oct'07 mummy with 1st oct bb to hv 3 among us =) wonder who's next... hehe..

maisymouse.. ^5.. tink 2003 goat all sama sama.. they cant stop challenging our tolerance =D

JASssssssssssss .... congrats ...
wat a good new ... Mother of 3 clap clap ... this is one of them that i can nvr have CONGRATS

Maruko ... Jia U ... Jia U but my case is gone ... no hope liao even when sleeping together no differ rm
mm and Junnie ... hahahaha this is the only thing i think C is differ from the other 2 ... cos she will never dare to tell me this hah see how fiece i am
maruko.. then i gotta 'sue' the gynae liao for not doing a good job ligating =D

cm.. u r lucky to hv such a tame gal =)

maisymouse.. oops.. so joey borned year of 'horse tail goat head' rite? zann is oct bb too but in 2003 =) lance supposed to b early oct but he wanted to eat mooncake so come out 2 wks earlier =D
maruko.. yeeee.. 那我要去"抱树" loh (touchwood) =D i oni remembered gynae stressed to me 'dun regret for your decison cos no U turn' le..

maisymouse.. tink my head not working properly.. it shd b 'goat tail horse head' =D
junnie, u blur liao. its horse tail goat head. :p hahaha...coz me also 1 of them.
u wanna 抱树 ah? kekeke...no need. Go hug Jas can liao...muahahaha...
wah piangz!!! come in to check on posts only and i see ur announcement, jas!! <font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">CONGRATS la JAS!!! sniff sniff sniff!! hahaha.. yippie!!!</font></font> so happy for u! itz god's gift to u dearie! *and in case itz a girl, itz god's gift to ayden too! as my dil!* heehee

doobom, enjoy the movie! i only brought adri to the movies once and my mum brought her once too.. hee.. her 1st movie was "kungfu panda" and 2nd was " money no enough".. hahaha! she loves shrek and those monster/robot movies though she will pretend to be scared!! hmm.. .now u &amp; ecookie have triggered the urge in me to bring her for iron man2 or shrek!! hahahaha
mm, accordin to my knowledge...no such thing as 100% in medical history. Always 99.9%. Den if anything happen, they can still cover their backside n say very unfortunate for the 0.1% when it happens. :p
hahaha! maruko, stop scaring junnie! she nds 2 hug e tree 2 sleep liao le... Lol.
Oh ya! i cn join u all 4 lunch nx fri! cn help me put dwn my name?

junnie, hw much did u pay 4 ligation? i m nw scared.. muz take precautions 1st. sick of taking pills liao! heehee..
hippo, muahahahaha...*evil grinz* :p

CityHall Lunch Meetup (7 May, Fri @ 12.15pm)

1. ecookie
2. doobom
3. Tiffany
4. Maruko
5. CherieBear
6. hippo
maruko.. *abish* for the 0.1% =D y hug jas? she looks like tree truck meh?? kekeke... (jus joking hor jas... =D) ya, i'm indeed v blur.. horse liao then goat =D so u born in jan too!!

maisymouse.. LOL at ur monster =D

hippo.. i cant remember exactly, tink i paid $500+ nia cos i'm 'old customer' fllwd gynae fm sgh (when i'm abt 6/7mths preggie w zann) till she goes pte.. she gv me special rate..

bye bye.. me gotta chao le.. hv a great evenings mummies =)
mummies ... Carlson complain that his ear is painful ...??? how i dun see anything and there is also no redness etc etc ??? what can i be? too heaty ??? i give liang tea liao ... what else can i do and what else could it be? help HELP HELP HELP now he got no fever only lots of phehlem
haven't logged in for a few days and i come in to see Jas's announcement. wow! CONGRATS JAS!!! it is indeed God's blessing. and when He blesses, He will provide. so don't worry so much ok.

i think i can join you all for lunch next week. just put my name down first.

CityHall Lunch Meetup (7 May, Fri @ 12.15pm)

1. ecookie
2. doobom
3. Tiffany
4. Maruko
5. CherieBear
6. hippo
7. zhen_zhen
thanks junnie 4 e info!

CM, better bring carlson 2 doc 4 a chk ya? poor boy!

zhenzhen, i like e way u put it 2 jas! 'He provides'
hippo ... he stop complaining abt the pain liao ... i think should be heaty la ... maybe cos he sleep on only one side of the ear that's why ...

yr As look alike
1 is sweet looking and the another one is so handsome
Morning Mummies!

WOw!!! *Sniff*
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!!!!!!!!

Take gd care and enjoy your pregnancy.

If I am not wrong, ladies can opt for IUCD instead of ligation. Especially for those who are still young, unless own preference to go for ligation.
My cousin and sis both on IUCD, doing quite well. My cousin strike too many times coz forget take pills, so end up she decide on IUCD. There are different types of IUCD, have to check which is suitable. Gynae should be able to advise.
In fact, I am also scared too. Confirmed want stop production @ 2, but not sure if wanna go for these preventive measures.
wow wow wow! I can't believe it too! Congrats! My dear, you should have did a better job in preventing lah but then may be it's really God's blessing, like how I conceived Naia.

Anyway i think it's sweet lah..I always think 2 kids is not enough, 3 is just nice and 4 is even better(but financially v xiong) but then right now, I can't imagine having a 3rd child. Hubby will freak out first! haha..You know, my brother's MIL said 3 child is more ideal because if 2 children doesn't agree on something, the 3rd can vote and things will move! 2 against 1 you see. else it'll be deadlock. Also, if there's a family crisis (choi choi choi), if 1 can't help much or not available for whatever reason, then at least there 2 siblings can help. Not so siong for everyone..hehe.. This is the reason why I'm quite keen on 3 kids but then right now, really no no..

So, rejoice! You're blessed!

But after this, may be you want to consider ligation..kekeke...
Congrats! although this baby came unexpected, i'm sure he or she will bring you as much joy as your D&amp;D :)

dun think too much about other issues at the moment...simply enjoy this pregnancy journey first. remember our Positive Chant? chant &amp; chant &amp; chant every single moment!
morning all

ariajo.. wat u said is quite true.. 2 vote against 1 &amp; the kids hving some1 to share if family hving prblms... u still young.. can consider for no. 3 when naia's older =)

jas.. see.. every1 of us here so happy 4u.. hope u hv a v smooth pregnancy.. pls dun over-tire yourself since u hv no helpers at the moment.. heng u shifting near to ur mum... call out as &amp; when possible or buzz us here ok =)

hippo.. u r welcome =)

cm... glad carlson's ear pain is noting serious.. 'liang cha' is a must for our weather/junk food we eating..
my confinement lady left yesterday &amp; my hubby went for business trip. it's the beginning of my super tired days &amp; sleepless nights! thankfully my mum is staying over to help me.

i tried to latch K most of the time yesterday but each time he takes more than an hour to empty both breasts! So slow...worse is middle of the night he's so sleepy that he could hardly empty one breast even after 30 min. end up, i still had to pump. then after that, he wanna drink again so had to bottle feed him &amp; he drank almost an hour again! super tiring leh. hardly had chance to sleep. plus i have super sore nipples now.

how did all the mummies who did direct latching do it? can share your experience please?
i think i might turn into a mad woman soon. haha. getting cranky cos i dun have enough sleep &amp; K is taking very long to drink his milk &amp; i still have to pump even after i latch him.

plus it doesn't help that aidan loves to disturb K when he's drinking milk or sleeping. then K will grunt &amp; be very pissed off. haha. K isn't one to be messed with either!

last night i was so angry with aidan cos he took his crayons &amp; started scribbling on my walls while i was feeding K. so i totally blew my top &amp; hit his palm with my hand. he cried so pitifully &amp; my heart was bleeding. sigh. then at night while he was sleeping with my mum, he started ranting that nobody in the family loves him now that Didi is here. everyone scolds or beats him. so heartpain to hear it when my mum told me this morning. but sometimes really buay tahan his notti antics leh. at times can tell that he purposely does notti acts to get our attention :-(
Morning Mummies!!

FYI, Tangs having sale for Honeyworld Manuka honey today...

I have my IUD in me since last year and I love it and enjoying menses free days and best of all, dont have to worry about pills and caps. My gynae recommended me the one with hormone, which is good for my case who has Endometriosis, so, I am menses free... woohooo...

Think you go for IUD too la... you are still young. But hor, if you confirm you really dont want anymore, worth considering ligation since you are going for C-section. Kill 2 birds with a stone, dont need to be hospitalised again in future for the purpose of ligation only. For me, since I miss ligation the last round, I will just live with IUD and change it every 4-5 years... Its done easily at clinic only.
morning mummies:

hapififi: oh dear...k took so long to finish his milk? For my case,in the middle of the nite,i will latch J on 1 breast &amp; pump on the other breast.
hapififi.. u sure hv sleep deprived ya.. hb outstation somemore.. poor ting.. heng ur mum there to help out.. try to talk/spend time w aidan as when possible.. beginning he'll feel neglected... slowly he'll b better.. u sure can make it with two boys de.. jia you =)

tiffany.. u mean w iud will hv no more mensus arh? or certain type of iud? thou i nt c-sect, but since on epidural also kill 2birds w 1stone =D btw, u jus did ur lasik too rite? pls share.. izzit painful? any discomfort aft the process or how long it takes? i'm considering.. TIA.
cm, glad to hear he's ok now! maybe heaty like u said plus the pressure on one ear when he's sleeping.. =) thanks! ayden reali looks like me.. right down to the "one eye big one eye small"! hahaha.. but mine is left eye and his is right eye small... hiaks.. jialat..

doobom, thanks for the info dear! i will check with gynae again when i visit her in another week's time.. y dun u consider IUD too? in fact i dun reali wana go for ligation. wanted hb to do it.. cos i told him i hv been thru the discomforts of pregnancy twice. itz time he does something physically too.. wakakaka! plus, i dun have to run the risk of any women coming to my house and say they are preggers with my hb's child! wakakkaka! siao right?? he tot i m out of my mind for my 2nd reason =P

tiffany, no more menses?? wow! i want too.. so irritating to keep getting it.. haha.. anyway, how much did u pay for it?

anyway.. i m regaining my FREEDOM tomorrow!!! yeah yeah yeah.. though mummy has been the sweetest in letting me roam free every other day but nothing beats my own smelly room &amp; bed and my "chou chou" at home! LOL.. yippie!!
I can't type much now from my phone. Once my pc isset upn things are cleared, we talked again k? Really thanks so much for your well wishes n Zhen, I like that: since he blesses, He will provide. That night, I ask HB how to raise 3kids? Two is draining us financially ald...then he stood up n says: "i will never let u all go starve one!!!" I dun know want to laugh or cry!!!

onz if I bear a girl this time!! Oh let me hv a girl!!! Hahaha

but 3 is like a super hypermart. I feel paisei also to let others know I preggy. It's seems like every year I pregnant like that. No wonder recently I hv been sooooo Many preggy mummies walking past me. Next time I must Siam them!

Waht ligation n iud?? Tie ribbon is it?? To stop pregnancy? I think for me No More Exercise is the best! Do once in a blue moon also can kena. Plus it's way outside the fertile period.
So really this baby is really god's gift, nothing can defy that!!!

hope u maintain ur sanity ;). U need to slap on the lanolin cream aft or squeeze out some milk on rub on the nipples (suppose to be antiseptic effect) aft each feed to prevent nipple sore and make sure he is latched properly ya! Take a break from latching n pump if u can't stand the pain.. Better let them heal then get infection.


mmm, u make me inspired to do the Mirena...When my Gynae rec me and said will result in less or no menses, I was really tempted.

Btw, try to stretch ur feeding time to make sure K is really hungry so that he won't take so long. Otherwise, take a wet towel and wipe his face to keep him from falling asleep at the breast.
Tiffany, didnt noe doing IUD will hav no menses.

Jas, tink I need to do more Exercise liao. Hahaha...so when is ur due date? Me dunno when can start my plannin. kekeke... :p

CM, hows Carlson today?
I just checked. It's a christmas eve baby. But I csect must be two weeks earlier. So it should be 1012. Whilst big D is 1210 then danson is 1212.
jas.. hahaha.. u giving us 4D arh???? =D
bth u leh.. tie ribbon?? =D see.. ur hb is really 好爸爸好丈夫, 不会让你们挨饿 =)
hahahahaha MM u wanna to scare Jas ... 4 Ds kekekeke Jas yr hb is a good man ... and god will look after yr family :D

Maurko ... today Carlson did not complain abt the pain ... so i guess he is ok ... he is sleeping now ... he gets tired very easily cos he nvr really eat nor drink anything ... only take medi !!!>.<

Good good U go and start Exercise more den can have better relationship with hb too
Junnie/ Maruko &amp; all mommies interested to know about IUD...

Not that IUD will result in no menses!! This particular IUD (Mirena) with hormones that was recommended to me will result in either little or no menses. For me, thank GOD, no menses at all... think its $500plus. There are cases of normal IUD, some women dint take it well too... some complaint, dropped out, some complaint heavier menses, some intermittant spottings. It varies from individual. I guess its best to talk to your gynae to get recommendations. Price for Normal IUD can go as low as $200plus.

haha... me indecisive la... Yes, I did seriously consider about lasik last year, but chicken out, cos my sister who did hers years back at aged 38, complaint that her lao hua came almost quite immediate after her lasik and that she was so pissed with having to put on reading glasses. She urged me not to do becos of my age, very soon, I will need reading glasses alrdy, so, dont waste money!! Haiz... at that time, I decided to put off the idea, also becos I found Daily lenses which does not cause anymore irritation to my eyes, so, I stick to wearing lenses lor. BUT, recently, few friends about my age went to do, makes me itchy backside again.... Will see how it goes.. There are cases of some need permanent eye drops cos of dryness, some keep tearing.... scary lei..

me dying to do LASIK too.

Ya, actually my friend's mirena iud worked for 3 mths and dislodged cos womb enlarged .. So doc removed it... Was such a waste of $ and time for her.

Me too, but worried about all the side-effects too. I rather wear lenses then permanent have to put eye-drop lei...

Oh dear!! Good for only 3 months! So, what preventive measures is she using now? I used to take pills for 1year, and decided to go with IUD for easier maintenance. Fingers crossed that it will last me thru'out and beneficial to my endometriosis problem too.
