(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

junnie ... hahaha i post 1 pic liao on Sunday i think ...i am not heartpain la cos can grow again ... but really cannot get used to the new look.

Doobom ... haahaha so lil J is a dancer !!! wow so good yr hb dun need you to be in good shape ... hmmm my hb want also dun have kekeke ask yr hb to appr. U. WOW hahaha U also ask to eat something be4 U deliver J hahahaha i also did the same thing ..wants to go out of TMC to eat STEAK be4 admit kekeke and by doing this if the timing is not enough i need to go for C sect cos i dun want the next day to deliver my bb ...

Maruko ...
ecookie ... yz is looking more and more handsome now
... your hb is so nice will plan outing for U ... U r blessed ...

the only thing my hb is good at is to plan for our retirement ... i only know that this is well taken care of

so envy with hb that will go pek toh with U ... my hb is also one that wants the kdis to tag along ...and guess what it means not rest for me AGAIN
cm.. oic... u upload in fb le.. ok, i'll go & tk a look at handsome carlson when free =)

maruko.. we wont puke one la cos u where got flabby spare tyre? u jus told us u watching ur diet & can put on some new dresses remember =)

doobom.. so good of ur hb believing & dun mind wifey will go out-of-shape! mine same like ecookie's one.. dun believe & insist oni exercise oni way to keep fit! but for u.. no worries la.. u tat type 'jiak buay bui one'.. & he jolly well knw u wont allow a single inch to grow on u.. so ur hb dare to say tat =D MF also needs 5digits? (swollow saliva).. my colleague ever asked one slimming ctr, they told her no need to pay if she can slim down within 6mths w watever methods used, but if she cant reach target within the time frame.. she gotta pay 10k... siao rite? many adverts on TV/magazine soooo tempting.. but they nvr disclosed how much they sponsor/customer spent to get the result..
CM, T seldom play games but he likes to fiddle more under the photos app. He does play the Paper Toss at times though he juz tikam tikam to play thru the stages.

junnie, hahaha...my flabby spare tyre is hidden one lor. FYI my new dresses are in strechable materials, dats y can fit lah. kekeke... :p
Finally able to come in and read the last 2 pages of the thread!! Congrats to Jas!! Have a smooth pregnancy!!

Anyone going to JP Morgan run? Thinking of bringing my girl!
hi hi totoro ... long time no see I was just thinking of U when i do my posting in the afternoon ... U must be very busy with work ... saw K's pics ha she look so cute with the new hair cut
mrng mummies!

maruko, so sweet of ur hb!

doobom, ur hb dares 2 say dat cos he knows u wun let urself "go" one.. hahaha! pls la.. u r one ON mummy when it comes 2 losing wt! rem e 1st time i met u at hrc? i was so in awe! u r hot!!! hahaha..

anyway hb wuz supposed 2 buy tis workout equipment dat looks so damn easy on tv 4 me! when hb went on e equipment, i still went "so easy! Sure cn work my tummy n ass or nt?" n he told me 2 go on and try... wah piangz! i cldnt move e thing at all! My core muscles totally no strength to move e equipment! kaoz.. i tink i cn kiss any wt loss gdbye liao.. sob..

thx CM!
Gd morning mummies...seems most very bz these few days...forum so quiet...

hippo, my hb sweet? *puke*
wat workout equipment is dat? I'm not worried abt u kissin gdbye to ur fats coz u did it previously after givin birth to Adri. So give urself some time to work it out
I totally agree wif wat u said abt doobom. HOT! :p

doobom, wats for breakfast today? Mac again?
hippo: dun give up! just do few times initially then slowly build stamina! i would kill to have such an equip lor! but hb not keen and our hse also no space sigh.
and yup, doo bom is HOT! hah i still remember 1st time seeing her at HRC too eheheheh
Morning Mummies...

Ya lor... Can save lotsa $$ if I can still squeeze in all the clothes. I miss my denim shorts & the body hugging tops.
Somehow I realise that my 'structure' expanded quite alot as compared when having J. So maybe quite challenging for me this time round after delivery. Hmmm...
Really envy you as you can focus on your wt loss now. Bid goodbye to confinement and celebrating didi's Happy Full Mth!

When it comes to taking care of kids all alone, sure can lose weight. Seen & proven (myself during last round of 12weeks ML @ home, my close friend as she turns SAHM to take care of her kids).
Hoping I can do that this time round too after living like a queen for 1st month. My focus for 1st mth will be rest & be a moo-moo. Then will start the craziness after confinement.

Breakfast 2day is bread w/ peanut&grape spread + nutella. But no milo coz I 4get to top up my tin. I finish a small tin in less than a month (or big tin within 3 months), such a MILO monster. So 2day, got to go with plain water.
Muz try to remember to pack my milo 2night. Hee...

Yes, the digits to see the results in all these beauty theraphies can really makes eyes pop out. Wat about maintenace thereafter? Not lifelong thingy lor... I rather spend more on upsizing my clothes than to spend on this kind of theraphy, then slowly take time to lose weight. Own time own target, not so stressful also.
doobom, wah...bread wif peanut butter + nutella? didnt noe they "mix" well. Gotta try it sometime. Did u try the Australian recipe milo? It's more chocolatey taste. Prefer dat over those from m'sia. :p

re: lunch on Fri
ya hor...where is the list har? so where r we meetin for lunch at city hall?
Managed to dig from archives...

CityHall Lunch Meetup (7 May, Fri @ 12.15pm)

1. ecookie
2. doobom
3. Tiffany
4. Maruko
5. CherieBear
6. hippo
7. zhen_zhen
Hi mummies,

Caelen loves the applications by Duck duck Moose (wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider and fish school). The other one he like is toddler tozzer (I think).

Yesterday just took half day leave and went for iron men 2 movie with Hubby, it's been quite sometime since we last step into a cinema for show. We'd enjoyed the couple time and the popcorns. Hehehe.
Hi mummies!

Jovial, congrats on the good test results!

Doobom, don’t worry so much. Not all #2 turn out worse. Dodo’s YA is a good example.

Maruko, how sweet of your hubby to buy you a mothers’ day present. But like ecookie, I will never be able to convince my hubby to buy me that. He believes in good old fashion exercise and eating healthily. Bleah!
it's been a tough few days. hannah was sick, then passed to deb, then me. i'm still a bit sick, but am at work. hopefully my throat won't get worse from all the talking that i have to do.

so friday's lunch is still on? where in city hall?
maruko, u hv so much faith in me ar?? i dun have any leh! haha.. itz the ab circle pro. =)

ecookie, hahaha.. i can't move it a single inch! damn malu lor.. i wanted to faint. hb told me to stick to crunches to build up my strength and i asked him if i wana do crunches, i might as well dun tink abt buying the thingy! but seriously la.. i can't make it at all. i m lousy at such stuff. can imagine how flabby my midsection is.. pui! hahaha..

doobom, i m sure u can do a much much better job than me. ha! cos i reali bth taking care of those 2 on my own leh. i would have lost my sanity long ago if not for help frm mum & granny. so mum is losing weight. tsk! and dun envy me k? soon it'll be ur turn! and u are one chio mummy wor.. sure see results super fast one!

marie france: my fren went there and yup.. 10k+ but the results are reali super good. but but but.. must reali maintain maintain maintain. else it'll be $$$ down the drain too la.. me? no such money to burn man..

zhen zhen, oh no.. hope the kiddos recover soon and ur throat dun get worse!!
Zhen zhen.
Back to work Liao ? Do take care, seems like flu season again. Hope all 3 recover soonest.

I have faith in yousince you have determination in wearing badyshaper suit even in singapore's weather. You are one tall chio bu.
glad that ur DS test result is gd. Actually that time I also worried but lucky result is gd.

gd hor, out of jail n can chiong shopping.

aiyoh u this chio mummy no worry lah.

Haiz me munch alot in daytime. Hahaha curry puff, bread, biscuits,prawn crackers.
Later going to watch IP Man2, hb took time off. Kekeke been 3 years never visit cinema at all
hi all

totoro.. so long no hear fm u leh! so hv u come to agreement w hb on kelly's schl?

hippo.. yahor.. ayden's full mth le! so fast.. he must look diff fm a mth ago =) u r tall enuff for the fats to spread evenly among u.. so no worry wor =D

doobom.. re 5digits... better to spend those $$ buying milk powder & pampers better hor? kekeke.. hey.. tis morning i 4got to try the bread spread combination u said (peanut butter + nutella.. i tk it plain again w peanut better nia... hmpf... must try tmr!

zhenzhen.. poor ting.. drink plenty of water ya... hope the gals feeling much better too.. take care..

jovial,tiffy.. wah.. u both lucky preggie mummies.... going movies on weekday w hb =) good lar.. ur main role is to enjoy & relax now.. eat eat eat watver u can =)

maruko.. yalor.. the thread so quiet tis wk... where's chintz,eunice,gingerleaf & the rest??
yeah. my class is over and i can go home soon! nose is feeling a bit stuffed up, but thankfully my throat doesn't feel too bad.

poor deb has been quite poor thing these past few days, cos she can't breathe properly. even drinking milk was a problem. and she couldn't sleep properly, meaning i couldn't sleep properly. that's why i ended up falling sick. ah well... glad the worst is over.
hello mummies!!!!

long time never come in here. hope you are all doing great!

saw jas' good news
am so happy for her!

oh just nice, junniez was looking for me *so touched*

i have been drowned by work lately, hopefully things will take a better turn soon
wah...bz afternoon...

Jovialz, so nice of both u n hb to take time off go watch movie. Mayb I shld suggest to my hb. :p

zhen zhen, mayb I noe how to "tackle" my hb to buy for me. kekeke...attack his soft spot. Dats how I got my evil plan each time. *hiak hiak hiak*
ur gals sick? Mmm...muz b this stupid weather. Sudden hot sudden cold. I'm makin sure Travis stays in top shape b4 we go genting during the long wkend at end of mth.

hippo, of coz hav faith in u lah...u r 1 of our chio chio mummies leh...
try lying down on the bed & lift up ur legs to do crunches instead of ur body up. Slowly increase the momentum once u get the hang of it. 加油!!!

chintz, bz is gd mah...which also means FAT bonus at end of yr.
chintz.. waaaah.. u got six sense arh? i mentioned ur name oni u come in =D

maruko.. u bringing travis to genting? he must b v happy.. is time u deserve for short break le aft all the recent hoo-ha in the family.. enjoy to the fullest w hb & travis during the trip end nxt mth ya =)

zhenzhen.. so heartpain to hear deb's not well.. hope she able to sleep well tonite.. may b u apply some vicks on her chest b4 bedtime..

hv a good evening mummies... gotta chao le =)
Junnie, FYI my in laws will b gg for the trip also. Me only hope they won't dampen others high spirits. It's my hb's co trip. So we all drivin up in a few cars. Gonna b a long ride up liao.

CM, carlson broke ur cane??? How?

I got a gd news to share also. Travis has finally wean off his pacifier. Kekeke...guess how I did it? Told him his old one not nice liao. Tell him throw away den I go cupboard take new 1 for him. He said ok den went to throw his pacifier. After he throw den I gave him e shocked expression

den I tell him "u throw away no more liao leh." he pointed to cupboard sayin "inside have". Den I bluff him say "no...no more liao". I opened the cupboard show him. Lucky the pacifier was kept deep inside n he can't see. Den he gimme a "can't believe" expression. Even wanna go take back old one from rubbish bin. I told him it's very dirty liao. Cannot take oredi. Den I say gd words to him like "u r a gd boy liao, dun eat tu tu liao ok? U didn't eat in school also leh. Com mummy give u a hug" den he smile n com to me for a hug. Kekeke...so happy.
maruko ... hahaha U bluff yr son kekekeke ... but ok la if this work

he ... do the same thing la ... break into 2 lor
Good am mummies!! I saw rainbow this am. So happy. Dayan saw it too! Rainbow means hope. Hv a sweet n joyous day ahead!
Gd morning mummies...

CM, it's a lousy idea coz some1 else is ard to interfere again. Damn sianz. I'm gettin so fed up wif this family...feel such an outsider when all of them talkin under same breathe except me who is always 唱反调. Sigh...

Jas, rainbow...I cant recall the last time I hav seen it. It's a gd sign for u & ur family.
Embrace the little new life.
Travis so good, will just give in to you. Mine if I bluff her, she will insist in either taking the items that was thrown or tear down the cupboard Liao!!!!

decided to try Mindchamps but only starting in July as in-laws will be here in June to no point paying the school fees then later never go school! I still hoping for a change in workplace so that we can go work together in the morning. But will let her try first as I think she might be hyperactive type so better make sure there is enough TLC given with a smaller ratio!!!

so you moved back to your own place liao? Enjoy the rest of your confinement !!!
totoro, he will give in when dat monster is not ard. I can't get him to listen whenever she is ard. Damn sianz. Den now stupid hb also wanna interfere each time I wanna discipline. I'm so 心灰意冷...
morning all

maruko.. huh.. u mean ur MIL gave travis tu tu again? hpmf.... is so easy for travis to wean it off leh... u'll notice as the kids grow older they understand/communicate better so no worry if u wanna wean it off again... no choice if u still staying w MIL... & ur hb will b 'mummy's boy'.. gotta 看开一点 lor... *pat pat*..

cm... carlson so strong arh? can break ur cane!!! mine both of them took it & hide...is the 2nd one i bought tis year...i cant find it for the past few days! thks for reminding me to buy one later tis evening =D

totoro..paisay.. but wat is TLC arh?? good lar.. at least u settle down w a pre-schl for kelly le... she where got hyperactive.. she oni likes to jump jump jump la =D so ur IL coming down nxt mth again... ya better start the schl afresh rather than on/off going.. waste ur $$$ leh =)
morning mummies!

zhenzhen: hope u and the girls will get well soon. stay hydrated ok!

fri lunch: where to eat tom? lets meet 1215pm at city hall say......... sushi tei?? im so boring when it comes to food haha.
or u guys want to try the handburger next to soup spoon?
hippo: yesh u can try boring leg lifts. it really help with the flabby lower tummy. i wil only do like once/twice a week. managing a measly 10+ times before collasping. but better than nothing lah.
junnie, she didnt give but kept naggin at me to give, plus hb also told me off for wantin to wean him off. Sigh...sometimes it juz makes me wonder why do I do all these? For my own sake? Y do I wanna make my own life so miserable? Juz let them do watever they wan lor. I can't wait for dat studio aptment near my place to b ready. I will definitely tell hb to ask them move there once its on sale. No pt stayin together when she has never treated me as a family. To her, I'm travis mum, full stop. Wif her ard, I can never hav my say in anything. Sigh...another gloomy day.

ecookie, handburger? im ok...or how abt thai express?
morning mummies,
something wrong with the thread ah. lucky i'm smarter this time round. I bookmarked it. Else, cannot find back this thread :p

been really busy with work ah.. really no time..

oh..actually I felt that permanent is more comfortable to my eyes. May be because my eyes are too use to it. The 1st pair of disposable contact lense stuck to my eyeball made me so uncomfy.. In the end, the lady told me it’s not suitable and change another brand for me. The 2nd pair is way better (I think more breathable) but need to top up $5. Probably better quality.

Your hubby same like my hubby. He’s the one who nagged me to change my contact lense (kept asking me if my 2 years if up) and also convinced me to change to monthly disposable because he thinks it’s more hygienic. I’m quite reluctant because it’s more ex but he said, why risk things with something as important as your eyes..

read abt your maid’s long finger nails… yucks! Yeah, when they are too long with us, they will start to be relax. That’s why my colleague does not keep any of her maid for more than 4 years.

Glad to hear that and glad to know bb is growing well 

When will we know the gender? I guess most likely yours a girl 

Your hubby still good to you lah
When I asked my hubby how are we going to celebrate mother’s day, he said must wait till our girls grow up! Wah piang, than I must wait how many years?? He said mother’s day is for the children to celebrate, not hubby! I think I must get a “rotan” to wallop him man..haha..I wonder what happen to all his romantic gestures…chey..

Woa…didi is tall huh! Boy tall very good lah..  Seriously, so many of us complain that 2nd one is so feisty and so different. Naia too! At 6 mths 3 weeks, she’s actually doing the commando crawling from one end to the other! Very very fast. I was very shock when I saw her actually doing that to reach something that caught her eyes. We’re pretty sure she will crawl by next month!!! Aria can’t even sit properly when she’s 8 mths old and only crawl on 4 at 11 mths! We panic man. We’re only going to Sean lau in July!

I remembered asking the same question in this thread .. It’s a natural feeling. Somehow we will pull through one way or another.. See, it’s coming to 6 month plus for me.. Just have to “kan yi bu zhou yi bu”..doobom, quietly record the video of your tummy tsunami! I managed to record down the movement.. so so cute!
Hi mummies!!!

Long time to hear/see!

Is there something wrong with SMH link? It only display up to Mar 2007 MTB for days! I thought forum is down.

In the end I have to go "Search" function to find the link back. ekekekke

Miss out on so many action!

CONGRATS TO JAS!!! You were the first to lead # 2 and now first to lead # 3!! Yes. It's all god's will. Have a blessed pregnancy!

Oh oh... came in just in time to see Fri's lunchie! Count me in too! Meet where?
CityHall Lunch Meetup (7 May, Fri @ 12.15pm)

1. ecookie
2. doobom
3. Tiffany
4. Maruko
5. CherieBear
6. hippo
7. zhen_zhen
8. bbwow

wow...gonna b a big group tmr. Can we finalise on our meeting place asap? Where r all the rest of the mummies?

ariajo, dun wanna comment on how he treat me liao. Back to sq 1.
yoz mummies!

maruko, clap clap 4 weaning T off e pacifier! well done! adri still taking it.. sigh!

jas, beautiful sign 4 u!

ecookie, u r vry gd liao le.. i will give up aft 5! haha... dun care. told hb i insists on hvg e equipment! hee.. even if i dun use, he cn ma.. *dreams of hb wif 6-pack*

bbwow n chintz n totorn, u hv been missed!

totoro, great to hear u hv decided on e sch 4 kelly liao! she'll enjoy 4 sure!

aria, i tink #2 isnt only fiesty. they seems smarter 2! ayden knows hw 2 signal b4 he pees or poop! piangz.. my mum told me my cousin was like dat last time n i didnt believe her.. yet nw ayden cn do it! wah.. he will make a sound n wait 4 u 2 remove his diapers n lift his legs b4 he poops! Bt of course if we r too slow then too bad la... hahaha!
enjoy ur session wif sean! b4 naia scoots off! heehee

can't meet up for tmr's lunchie.U gals enjoy

CityHall Lunch Meetup (7 May, Fri @ 12.15pm)

1. ecookie
2. doobom
3. Tiffany
4. Maruko
5. hippo
6. zhen_zhen
7. bbwow

chintz and I busy playing MJ these days. HAHAHAHAHA

how's lil A doing? Saw the photos. Look like his da jie wor! Eyes big big.

so glad to see so many mummies tomorrow! looking forward!
hippo, T haven totally wean off unfortunately bcoz of dat monster's interference. Sigh...juz my luck to b stayin wif her.

bbwow, wah seh...how do both of u play MJ wif 3 kiddos "buzzin" ard u all? kekeke...can I join in? :p


that's the thing. I tried once when J was 18 months. He was off for 5 days but resumed when back at in-laws place. Then I tried again this year in Feb. Took one week off on CNY and J was off for 10 days. This time I was very firmed and told in-law to not give in.Thankfully, J didn't really ask for it this time. Hopefully T will be off soon.

yah. amazing right. the power of gambling! hahahaha
