(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hi Gingerleaf.. Sent you my addy already.. Wanna see what is up your sleeve.. hehe

Re: Trial class
I am interested too... I agree 6mth is a better time for the babies to go...

Hahaha, no la, not up to anything bad.

I started a yahoo group for oct mummies, where we can leave our infos down, so we can be easier to contact via email or msn or hp or watever in case of emergency. Details which will deem to be too personal to post in forum, can be posted in there. So we can follow up with each other's baby's growth. This is a closed group and not listed, meaning, no one can see ur personal details.

i am fine from april onwards..agree with gingerleaf.. maybe wait till end of april to start the trial.. by then most babies will be abt 6 mths..
agree should wait for bbs to turn 6 months and start the trial.
i just did. pls check your mailbox.

i think i'm going to do that too. let my girl play the sample jumperoo whenever we go kiddy palace..haha...
All of a sudden, I have this overwhelming urge to buy a walker! Tot it might be a good idea for her to follow me shld I needa move away from her.
yeah, i'm in the group already. The edit feature is being disabled currently, so can't edit my profile.
re: Gymboree

Ok then! Let's do it later when all Oct babies are at least 6 months.

Just a quick recap, mummies interested:

1. totoro_bb
2. Jacq
3. dodo
4. Eilcare
5. Velvet
6. sugar nut
7. gingerleaf
8. jojer
9. madlynette
10. strawberrymum
11. bbwow

Perhaps we can try 3 May (Sat) when they get the "all-clear" status..
I will check with the outlet again on timing when it's nearer the date.

Gingerleaf, I also hvn't received your email leh
sugar nut,

ok! ons!
early may will be good coz hubby will have reservice on april... thanks for organising it gal


i didn't receive ur email also leh...
sugar nut, count me in for trial class too! thanks for organising.

those who haven't received email, check your junk mail folder. the invite ended up in my junk mail folder.

haa! ok ok.. im controlling hard now... hubby said our house like childcare cte already :p
gal, i still haven receive your mail leh.. junk mail also no leh..
zhenzhen, where did u get your Safety1st chair? how much was it? Im thinking of getting high chair so bb can join us at dining table...but take up so much space.
karrie, i got it at the taka baby fair at $83.90, cos i had taka vouchers. dunno whether cheaper than other dept stores tho, but it's the same price as the online stores.

there is also a foldable version of the chair too, if space is a premium for you. but that one can't recline i think.
Aria jo, which profile editting are u refering to? If you meant ur yahoo profile, then I cannot help. If its grp profile.. I cant find what you are referin to.

me Nov mummie actually ....

not yet get the jumperoo leh...yea, me back in sg now. waiting for hubbie to come home on friday nite...then weekend go isetan take a look...but now think and think...not sure if want to buy the jumperoo ....scared used a while then become white elephant liao ;p
personal profile lah

i'm also interested in the gymboree class but need to check with hubby first. what kind of activities will bb expose to?
re: gymboree
alamak, the date proposed 5 may, my boy haven't clear his 6 mth mark yet... so sad... can't join in leh. he 18th may then officially 6 mth.

re: expo gathering
err... so what's the outcome ah? any confirmed timing? coz i been reading the posts so far n like so confirmed day but timing v. luan (4). i got to see what's the consensus with regards to the timing then see if can make it.

can imagine how childcare centre like ur place is man! :D ur anderson is v.fortunate to have so many toys to occupy his time!

How come your bb only 6mths in May leh? I thot he also Oct baby? I just add you in the list first in case I forgot.. anyway, date not confirmed yet..

Interested mummies:
1. totoro_bb
2. Jacq
3. dodo
4. Eilcare
5. Velvet
6. sugar nut
7. gingerleaf
8. jojer
9. madlynette
10. strawberrymum
11. bbwow
12. zhen zhen
13. garden dreamz
14. aria jo

Aria Jo, actually I also not very sure what they do there.. so think of trying out trial and see how. I remember one of the mummies attended and describe how they interact with one another.. maybe those who have tried can share more?
Interested mummies:
1. totoro_bb
2. Jacq
3. dodo
4. Eilcare
5. Velvet
6. sugar nut
7. gingerleaf
8. jojer
9. madlynette
10. strawberrymum
11. bbwow
12. zhen zhen
13. garden dreamz
14. aria jo
15. unice

me oso interested if after mid april cos Sean only turn 6mth on 17th April...
Garden_dreamz, u count wrongly la... peng hong is only 1 day after Sean lei
I'm also interested in Gymboree trial!

Interested mummies:
1. totoro_bb
2. Jacq
3. dodo
4. Eilcare
5. Velvet
6. sugar nut
7. gingerleaf
8. jojer
9. madlynette
10. strawberrymum
11. bbwow
12. zhen zhen
13. garden dreamz
14. aria jo
15. unice
16. sanbebe

But Jav only turn 6 mths on 18 May...
Sanbebe, I think you mean turn 6 mths on 18 April.. hehe..

Anyway 6 mths is only a gauge..not a must. We suggested wait till our babies take the 6 mths vaccines just to play safe only.
I wanna be spam as well. ha ha

My girl turning 6mths next week ... so if in May, she will be 7mth plus liao....who else same situation as me huh ?? If not, my girl will become the big bully later .. being older ha ha
pm me ur email.

re gym:
wun be the bully la, infact, its even better that being older, she can have more fun in class!

re float:
The float is exactly what I paid $19.90 for!

PM you liao.

wah, like that I can start a BP liao to benefit the rest of the mummy .. hee but don't know how to ... somemore my PM don't work ... let me go and try my PM again ....
hi everyone,

My BB is coming to 5 months soon. May I know did all your babies sleep through the nights? And what is the nursing intervals? I am fully nursing the baby. BB is nursing every 3 hours. Seems like very short interval leh. Thank you.

Can you please help me to get the float. he..he..I got 1 also for $19.90 but want to get more in case for spare. Me kaisu. he..he..
my gal been sleeping thru since 3rd mth. I give her BM in the day(sometimes FM) and FM for last feed. There was a period of time(when she was still younger than 3 mths) when she'll keep waking up and cry for milk, but I was so tired then, that I kept sticking the pacifier to her mouth hoping to drag the feed longer. She'll doze off for another hr or so at my attempts. Slowly, she slept thru. Quite an accident at that, but Im glad she did. Hehe.
She still drinks ard a 3-4hr interval, just no more night feeds from 11pm-8am

I'm interested in Gymboree trial! Count me in also.. Planning to bring my boy to Tumble Tots trial dis Sun.

Interested mummies:
1. totoro_bb
2. Jacq
3. dodo
4. Eilcare
5. Velvet
6. sugar nut
7. gingerleaf
8. jojer
9. madlynette
10. strawberrymum
11. bbwow
12. zhen zhen
13. garden dreamz
14. aria jo
15. unice
16. sanbebe
17. Annie

Gathering @ expo dis Fri,

So is the gathering still on? I will be there B4 11am. Those mummies going, wanna meet @ burger king for b'fast first? Me going alone wif my son..abit diff but no choice hubby went overseas. Hope my sis is free to accompany me. Scared cannot handle my son.
Hi mommies,
i will be at burger king expo tomorrow at 10.30am for bfast and then try to get the goodie bag at 11am, please look out for me ok. unless it rains or bad weather then i prolly stay at home.


BB attended Gymboree level 1 which is for 1 to 6th mth. This coming sunday, he will be 'promoted' to level 2 (cos 6 mths le)... tell you what, will try to take more photos to post on net.

