(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hi All i will be at the expo tomolo too my church service is there abt 10+ to 12 hmm might come out and meet you mummies early ... hmm who can i PM for my HP you gals cannot PM me ... i think so keke ...
I'm so blur..hahaha...Yes, you are right..I counted wrongly..paiseh
Jav turns 6 mths on 18 April so I guess he should have finished the vaccines by 5 May.

Re: Gathering
Is the gathering still on? Or just a few mummies meeting each other? I think I'll be there around 11 plus, hoping to meet you all.

Who shall I pm my contact number?
gingerleaf dear.. didn't recieve ur email leh.. wonder did i give u the correct email add.. will pm u again.

Can pm me ur contact as well..

Can i propose that we will meet at Burger King at 10.30am tomorrow for those that are going early and the contact person will be madlynette since all are asking for ur contact?

okie with u madlynette?
hi all

happy easter holiday

fyi, am currently @work & i'll b out of internet access fm 1pm onwards till after 1st April as going back nuh for my p.m. & night shift (nanny going away holiday 21/3 - 1/4) so i got to bbsit myself. might need to camp till nxt friday @ nuh cos doc told us ysterday to let bb undergo 3 more days of anti-biotic via plug & operation cud b arranged 24/3.... later 2pm today, going to meet surgeon for more dtls of operation (so scare... but to let bb once & for all recover fm reflux, is better to let him go thru tis operation).... anyway..will keep u gals posted as soon as i can go home (hopefully by April Fool ba)...

so envy, u all going to meet/shopping @ fair/gathering... i cant join
and also misses soo many postsssss alr... wonder when will hv time to read up...
Hello mummies,

Later going out already,so won't know how is the status of gathering tomorrow.

Depends on Raphael timing, I think I will be going between 11-2pm. Hopefully can join u all for breakfast.

So is our open sesame code be October Mummies from SMH in Burger King?
sharon i think your PM not activated leh,

jojer PMed you...

yes i will be at burger king 10 30am until 11am cos i greedy for the goodie bag, hope not too crowded and no bad weather....

if rain i will stay at home.

Take care n have more rest, ok? Lance and your gal need you...


so glad to hear that your baby is fine. I was so worried for him as you mentioned that his nose and mouth were bleeding. Luckily all is fine now
my girl also turning 6mths next week. So there will be 2 big bully in the class.. hee hee

ahg, gingerleaf.
my girl also sleep thru out the night 11pm-8am. same situation as gingerleaf. When she was about 3mth, I'm too tired and feed her with pacifier, so I guess she knows that crying in the middle of night wouldn't give her milk.. So now she learn to sleep thru... haha
sugar_nut, unice
ops... ya... counted wrongly. super duper paiseh!!!

yippeee... so my boy can still go for the gymboree class.

re: expo gathering
can't meet u mummies so early, got tuition in the morning, if i do go, most prob is in the afternoon. actually, what's there to look out for at the expo? besides the events stated in their promotion flyers, are they gonna sell toys or babycare products or prams/strollers, this kind of things? any ideas?

mummies who are meeting up, must take photo together n post up here hor... so cute to see all the oct babies together. heehee...

is there any difference between gymboree n tumble tots classes?
i tried giving my boy the pacifier in the nite but he end up cry louder n louder, so in the end, i'm still waking up to feed him... eyebags n super tired everyday!

I give her the pacifier before she starts to cry usually when she start moving figiting.. Then if she really start crying, I will pat pat her to comfort her... I guess, the best is try all other way 1st to give them comfort.. if really cannot, then feed.

usually how long do you wait till you can't pacify then you give milk?

Most of the time, I give pacifier, then he don't want liao, then I'll just give in. hehe..

I rather chop chop feed, then chop chop go back to sleep. usually he's really hungry.
Hey mummies,

Anyone heard of JWTKids Gym? Saw mummies from Jan's baby forum organising a group trial class there, and it's FREE!!!

It's for baby from 4mths onwards.. Maybe we can organise another one there too? It's at their new branch at Kallang Leisure Center. What do you think?

Check out their website www.jwtkids-singapore.com

They are having Open Day on the 30th Mar between 10am-3pm if you want to take a look.
maybe u can try to feed your boy water when he wakes up in the nite. I used to do that, and still doing that now @ times.

I m trying to increase my boy's feeds during the day, coz I read up before that bb wakes up during the nite due the possibilty of not feeding enough during the day. Hopefully I see better results.

no fixed time. usually i put pacify and hold it there for awhile, at the same time pat her and at the same time, sing/hum a song to her.
If after all these still cannot work, and her crying gets louder and louder, then I think she is really very hungry. I will just feed her.
Slowly slowly lah.. initally, after her last feed at about 9ish, her next feed at 5am++, few weeks later, 6am. Now very good, she can sleep until 8am-9am++. Feed her and she continue to sleep until 10-11am++... She really a pig!

last week i drop by tumble tots @ parkway br.. i find their equipments all veri old den not much bb. Only 2 bb wif parents!!! the "teacher" not veri pro. Dunno how to describe on how to play on each equipments need to ask colleague.

So now i still thinking whether to sign up my boy or not. The trial cost $23plus..

Yeah loi...quite true sign up also waste momey!! I hope to send my son to JG now saving $$. it's really veri X but worth it. My nephew went there since 18mth now, his english damn powerful.
haha.. i also chop chop feed him when he wakes up n he chop chop sleep. he usually doze off immediately after he has his fill. n he can consume 150ml at one ago, within 5 min. so mayb he's really hungry?

haven't tried giving water yet... coz afraid wait he get lagi angry, harder to pacify! :D

JG really gd is it? ur nephew is in which programme? daily basis or weekly one? how about his CL, also just as powerful?

Hey what a coincidence, I'm also saving $$ to send Jav to JG leh... May be next time they will become classmates..

I agree it's very ex but I think as long as they show results, then it's worth all the money spent. You mentioned your nephew was there since 18mths, so how old is your nephew now? Is he in the bilingual playclub? When do you intend to send your son there?
garden dreamz,
wow, your son drinks so much ! Jav drinks very very little...and he puts on very little weight too but he just refuses to drink more. I'm simply out of wits to make him drink.

I've also tried the water method but Jav cried even harder; gave him pacifier and he just spitted out. But my cousin gave water to her son and her son accepted it after a few nights. I guess it all depends on the baby.

I tried crying it out 1 mth ago till now and I finally gave up last night. I woke up at 4am to give him dream feed. Jav is so stubborn. He din buy the method. He still wakes up in the middle of the night..sometimes he self-settle but other times, he'll just decided to cry it out....and it can last 1 hr.
garden dreamz,
I am from the Nov mummies thread. May I ask what brand and size teat u are using for your baby?
Cos since birth till now, my baby still need 45 mins-1hr for each feed. I am wondering how come other people can drink so fast. I am currently using Pigeon Y cutting. Previously on NUK medium flow latex.
wow..all babies so good.

mine cannot go to sleep on his own. Always need to nurse before falling back to sleep in the middle of the night. So me super tired as he will wakes up every 2 hrs to nurse. Anyone got any suggestion? Tried the CIO method but then i feel so bad being such a bad mother for letting him cry until he shivers.
looks like most of u are going tmr morning..
cant make it in the morning.

hubby was just asking me if we r meeting the "oct parents & bb", he was "excited" abt the babies meetin up. looks like will hv to wait till the next time.

for those meeting up, take more pictures and post for us to see :p
totoro bb: thanks for the info on the float, am going to get it this weekend.

Queenaire: the addy to get the float "The shop is at Hougang Ave 8, near to the Macdonald. It is near to the SAM machine/POSB machine selling toys and the other half of the shop is a beauty saloon."

Gingerleaf: hv pm u my addy yesterday. u received it? cos i didnt receive ur invite.

to me i find i JG "branded" loh compare to the other.. I'm not sure which program my cousin sent him to but he went there till Pri 1. ohh.. he went every Sun morning.. After dat he went learning lab.. all those "branded" class. All his subject veri good except Maths.. ha ha


ha ha my nephew now Sec 1.. dat was long long time ago dat he went JG. I plan to send my son there b4 June provided i save enough $$. Me SAHM... so all $$ fr his daddy.

OK.. got to stop now. going to expo
ya, my boy daytime drinks 200-210ml at 4hrs interval n 2-3am feed is 150ml. i actually also wanted to try the CIO method but after reading thru a bit of dr sears book, i decided not to but just let him take the natural progression to sleeping longer hours at night. so far, he can sleep for about 6hrs at one stretch, which is from 6plus in the evening then wake up at midnight for his feed, so i consider that as a slow but gratifying improvement as b4.

he's using the nuk latex medium hole. but actually, i poke more holes into his teats coz i noticed that he finds the flow too slow, but when i move him on to large hole or 6mths n above medium hole, he dun seem to like it. tried him on avent size 2, which has 2 holes already poked, he also didn't like.

thus, he's using teats that have as much as 4 tiny holes - made using needle to poke lor! :D there was a time that it was horrid coz he only liked one teat that we poked n somehow the flow was fast enough but not too fast for his liking. since then, everytime he rejects a teat, i poke n poke until he accepts it. sigh...

ya, JG is 'branded' but i think they are indeed very good. u sending him to playnest one? coz our babies now too young for the weekend classes right?

all mummies who are going expo, have fun meeting up k? do update us on what to look out for hor...

morning! i hope i never missed anything! i'm also interested in the gymboree class... my boy will turn 6mth on 30th April.. Count me in,,,hope i not too late.. heehee

Interested mummies:
1. totoro_bb
2. Jacq
3. dodo
4. Eilcare
5. Velvet
6. sugar nut
7. gingerleaf
8. jojer
9. madlynette
10. strawberrymum
11. bbwow
12. zhen zhen
13. garden dreamz
14. aria jo
15. unice
16. sanbebe
17. Annie
18. ponponta
