(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hippo, u dun like iPhone ah? kekeke...its my 2nd touchscreen hp. 1st is the samsung F480. Totally fell in luv wif touchscreen after dat. :p U bought 995 at $678? wow...didnt noe its dat ex. I ever bought a very ex hp also. Abt $700+ w/o contract for the samsung 1st slider hp. The very small & cute one. Missed using dat one coz its so cool at dat time.

maruko, keke.. ya.. dun like iPhone so keeping my mouth shut.. LOL! i know there are many fans out there.. itz just my own preference la.. kekeke.
ya. stupid SE shop at vivo quoted me $998 1 week before i got the hp elsewhere. Courts was selling at $768 then. crazy la hp prices. but i was desperate to buy and get rid of my old hp. hahaha
678 v exp for W995. yah, i notice when discussing iphone here, u r so so quiet.hahaha hmm, why don't u try asking for x'mas gift fr ur hb too, a satio. kekeke
hippo, ya I noe dat kinda feelin when we cant wait to get hold of dat "something"...rite now I cant wait to get hold of my media player this wkend. :p
tiffy, hahaha! ya ya.. datz y i disappear. hiaks! (no lah! cos damn busy too.. hoho)
satio from hb for xmas?? erm.. better not try anything funny right now. more like i buy 1 for myself, then give him my W995. considering the recent buy, i better not bug him. LOL!

maruko, hi-5!!! u know u know i cldnt sleep for 2 nites last week while waiting for my new "baby"?? end up i hvnt recuperate till now. moreover i m dat type of impulsive shopper. *shakes head* haha
just read abt ur "deal" with zhen zhen over 陈豪. so shiok ar? included in package?? whahahaha
hippo, wow u cant sleep for 2 nites ah? kekeke...^5 man...I kept buggin hb last wk when I decided to get the media player den bcoz this wk got an electrical fair at suntec, no choice gotta wait lor in case got gd offer. It's so unbearable. -_-
re: deal wif zhen zhen
hahaha...very shiok hor? this reminds me of a program I used to watch previously on ch5 abt couple exchange on an island.
how com suddenly no posts liao? kekeke...all mummies wanna get ready go home soon? me also wanna count down liao...25mins more to go...
tiffy, chintz & maruko.. *winks*.. haha! so tired! and the sky is sooooooooo dark! going home to see my dearie le.. talk to u girls tmro!
Anybody facing prob with the page width recently or it's only me? Have to scroll a lot to read the text on the right. Sian
Anybody facing prob with the page width recently or it's only me? Have to scroll a lot to read the text on the right. Sian
Hello mummies,
wa. Talking abt iPhone,it's my favourite now. You definately must subscribe to data plancis if not u better sun surf net outside unless there wifi around. Well, I would say video n camera function wise not as good as Nokia but still can do lah. Why  I say no good because the video size is v v big! If u need to upload to you tube u better convert it to mpeg4 to reduce the size. You can upload straight using iPhone but the phone will auto cut away some frames away.

What I like abt iPhone is that there r so many cool n free app to download. Some useful app can be purchased at v v low cost like usd$0.99. Hubby rave abt iPhone all the time. Also I can surf Internet everywhere in the house including when doing big business. Haha. The user experience is fantastic. There's no lag when u chge app from facebook to safari (equavalent of IE) to notepad to calculator. You surf net using iPhone is like using computer or lap top. Just that the screen is smaller of course. 

Initially u will be frustrated using the SMS function but soon you'll get the hang of it. It has a v intelligent word recognization. It saves ur jargon words without u asking. Haha. I can't believe I'm raving abt it now. 

Aria is also addicted to it. V v bad lar. She's really good at using it now. She recognizes the app n know how to tap, swipe to activate it. Sometimes got to hide it cos I really dun like her using it all the time especially if she ask to view her videos. 

It's good if u hv iPhone. Can express milk n surf net at the same time. Haha. 
Hi Mummies!
Just finished updating my blog http://jovialz.blogspot.com thus popped by here to peek. It's 12.30am here in Melbourne. I'm counting down to go home this Saturday. Missed Hubby Heap !!

Saw that the topic today is about Phone. I Loved the Satio that Hubby gave me. Really convenient to have a phone with good camera (need extra battery thou if out on full day trip) Took all my photos using the camera phone.

Iphone user do need to note one thing, you might want to set "location service" off especially if you are oversea. My colleagues forgot to do that and he used up his pre-paid phone credit within one day. Apparently he phone will keep receiving data package (automatically in the background) when location service is switched on.

Caelen same like Aria, love to play with my IPOD Touch. Now I put all children education application the 1st page of application.

They really tech-ky and pick things up very fast. He only saw my Dad unlock phone's keypad once and he know how to do it liao.

Update on Caelen,
Start to hear more syllabus from he thou still cannot not make up much word. Thought we heard he say "beat" (tell us to beat the fly that is irritating him) and "bye bye" to his daddy after video msn.

He also learned how to balance himself and climb onto a stool, and put on his own socks etc. Really glad to be able to spend 6 weeks with him everyday and see him grows. Glad that my reduce workweek had been approve and I can spend more time with him.

Glad that you are having a wonderful time with Caelen these 6 weeks! Precious!!

I am also using an Itouch at home cos I can't use my desktop PC when the kids are around.. chloe will take over everytime I turn the PC on... however since she figured out how to unlock the screen and tap the baby flashcard herself on the Itouch.. she's been wrestling to use the Itouch as well.

Agree that touchsceen is so user friendly that 2 year olds can master it in a matter of few tries... Its funny to see them so adept at using touchscreen... they think that every screen/monitor/tv screen is a touchscreen.

Ya!! I thot i was the only one having the page width problem... it was so fustrating and painful to read the forum on the small Itouch screen, I gave up.

Is the Iphone stylus useful? i find typing on the touchscreen quite a pain... esp if need to change caps, typing numeric etc.


Hope you are coping well with the 2 girls on your own during the day. Don't you feel like an octopus with 8 hands sometimes ;)

oh ya, I caught the green sheep play at the botanical gdns... quite fun, the girls enjoyed themselves.
hello mummies!

woken up by the lil monster again. oh i mean chloe, not bosco! gggrrr, i tried not to give her milk today.. and she stirr like 30mins grumbling/turning/scratching a lot but managed went back to sleep. dunno how long she can tahan before she wakes up again later!

re: page width
im having the same prob when i surf from home/office too.. think the moderator messed up the programming?? so difficult to read!

alrighti, hopefully got chance to come in later at work
jovial : wah... glad tat u hv the precious time with Caelen....

SMH page : I also encounter super big prob. and my computer also gone haywire

Maisymouse : Actually I dun hv iphone. But based on my samsung jet, if I'm doing sms and i key wrongly and wants to go back space w/o deleting is a great pain to me :p My fingers FAT. hahaha.... Stylus will help.

Aria_jo/ mummies with touch screen phone : kekeke... yesterday I refuse to let Elbib play with my phone, he cried n cried for gd 1/2 hr

Chintz : morning *yawning back *
eunice! yeah tat's what chloe will do too.. a lot of noise if never let her play. but recently i told her, "if i let u play, i'll kena caned by papa.. so if u love me, please be quiet and stop asking for my phone!"

that works magic, i supposed she loves me a lot la hehehhe *proud*
huh? then yr statement makes me sad.... I told Elbib to keep all his toys so tat I will not fall down. "Do you want Mummy to fall down?" Reply : "yes"
Gd morning pretty babes...

chintz, I got the same prob also. Tink when we got a very long msg den it will b like dat. Once we make this pg archived, den it will b ok liao.
Chloe is so guai.

Last nite Travis started cryin & throw his temper during dinner. I told them all to ignore him but they kept tryin to calm him down. Of coz dat made him cry louder. So I carried & put him into the room in a corner. Den I told him "U wanna cry den continue cry here." I left the room and closed the door.

Hb: How can u do dat? He will b scared leh.
Me: U got a better way to discipline him? Or u prefer me to use the cane?

Den he went into the room tryin to calm Travis who kept on cryin. I went to kitchen. This time MIL side wif me. Travis came out of room want my MIL to carry. She refused. I carried Travis back into room to put him in the corner as he is still cryin non-stop. Den he clinged on me, kept huggin my leg sayin "I wan mummy 抱抱". FINALLY. I told him "I don't wanna hear another cryin sound den I will carry" Instant peace, though he will make small sounds of cries which is hard to control after cryin. *phew* luckily this time rd my MIL didn't intercede but FIL & hb are the ones interruptin. Gd dat Travis dun wan them when he cries. He cried again twice when things dun go his way. Now he noes I will put him in the corner den will stop cryin once I wanna put him there.

Jovialz, glad to hear from u. Caelen pickin up new things? It's very interestin to c how they learn new things everyday at their current age. Which is why I really envy SAHM for being able b ard their kiddos. Congrats on ur reduced workload approval.

eunice, hahaha...tink Elbib still dun understand wat u meant bah...he wont wan u to fall down lah... :p
morning mummies!!

obviously your 欠扁 qn got problem! 电视 = TV program whereas 电视机 = TV set *A-bish* =P

this week is a madrush for me. my sis bring my mama to melbourne for holiday and I have to take care of cherie everyday... send her to sch, then rush to work then in the evening, rush to fetch her home. luckily this morning my FIL gave us a ride to cherie's sch. Something funny to share, cherie was still asleep like a dead log & all the way to sch still in her dreamland. I was thinkin when she wakes up, she must find weird, how come she is in school?! haa!
chersam, wow...cherie fell asleep on the way to school? She so tired? kekeke...

gingerleaf, where r u? u r missed here...

talkin abt 欠扁, anyone wanna make any more guesses b4 I reveal the ans?
dun take kids' words to heart. they are still ignorance

wah, congrats on your "notti corner" works on travis! hehehe! cherie is a stubborn ox, the more we leave her there crying, the louder & longer she will cry. Anyone pick her up, "radio" stop almost instantly!
no no, cherie was sleeping all the while. fm changing her to school, she was still in her dreamland! normally she will wake up during changing or the moment we step out of hse, dunno y today she sleep until so soundly
chersam, oic...Travis used to b like dat also. But now he is awake once we changin his uniform.
YES, I wanna implement the notti corner for some time liao. U noe wat? Hb very against my discipline on Travis. Tinkin im too harsh on him. I told him if u wan the best for him den this is the time to b tough liao. Last nite Travis was gg to sleep but went to look for my PIL. They have closed their room to prevent him from gg in. Den hb told travis they sleep liao. End up Travis turned ard & slapped daddy. A tight slap. Hb was shocked for words. kekeke...me very bad coz im happy abt it. Den he wont intervene the next time I wanna discipline travis liao.
wah, travis slapped daddy ah? shocking leh. seriously cherie needs discipline too but both hb & i dun wan to be the bad guy so till now, she always take advantage of our soft hearts lar. sigh
chersam, yes...I told hb off at times. Sayin he shld show a fierce side of himself to Travis, if not he will lose his respect & Travis wont b in awe of him. Nowadays when hb hug or kiss Travis, he refused den will whine to me. Always told hb to spend more time wif his son but his eyes r always on his iPhone. He will regret it sooner or later.

re: answer
Wrong. U can't touch "breath" leh.

Qn: 什么东西看不到却摸得到,摸不到会吓一跳?
maruko, ur notti corner is good! good job!

re: baby sleeping
dunno if u mummies believe in telling the baby/kid that "ok, we're leaving home", "we've reached home" etc etc when they are in sleeping mode. i strongly believe in doing so, cos some friends told me if u never tell them, they'll get a shock when waking up in other place and fussing up the whole day
usually i will say that to cherie but just now at school, i was in a rush, forgotten to tell her tat reached school liao. OMG!!!
chintz, yup...gonna maintain dat notti corner.

re: baby sleepin
normally if we r outside n travis gonna sleep, den I will tell him where we gg...when reach home, will say to him also coz he will blink his eyes when I moved him den fall back to sleep after seein where he is.

chersam, very smart. Ans is 脉搏...
keke... I also believe in telling the kids if sleeping where he/ she is now.

Iphone : I tink is a big cause to certain urgement between couples. Saw a lot of pple "gluing" to the phone.
*grin* actually this qn is logic kind, not consider 欠扁.

haiyo, later i better give school a call to check on cherie's behaviour. Anyway her usual behaviour at school is not any better, still going around scratching her classmates -_-!!!
i like logic qn!!! too 欠扁 one difficult to guess leh. esp after know the answers for some 欠扁 qns, made me feel banging head. LOL!
morning ladies!

chintz! i believe in doing dat too.. haha.. cos my granny & mum insists on me telling adri wherever we are going if she is sleeping too.. i dunno if itz true but my mum's cousin was "lost" when he was a baby cos his mum didnt call out to him while leaving the cinema. end up he was gong gong dai dai for awhile. his mum had to go back to the cinema to "CALL" him (or rather his soul??) back.. he's of cos ok now la.. haha!
