(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

wow... I love the babies in the pictures! You "coconut" mummies really know how to teach your babies how to pose eh? They are super adorable placed next to one another!.. haha.. reminded me of those pinup baby pics.


thanks for sharing the picture. all the mini coconuts are sooo adorable!
Hi Darmae,
We bought this Leapfrog "Learn and Groove" exersaucer for Jade...she loves being in it!
Its supposed to be used from 4 months onwards but her neck is quite strong liao. Comparing to the Safety 1st one, I feel Leapfrog has more interesting stuff and music for baby to explore than the Safety 1st. I really liked the Evenflo one too but it was $400+ *faint*.

Hehe all the babies lined up so cute!!

Hmm ya actually the 9kg baby doesn't look much bigger than the rest.

Irene, Wiselyn,
Your Jerald and Clara holding hands so adorable!!! Jade jealous liao!
Hello all, I long time no post liao. Been reading the posts but no hands to post. hahahah

All the babies are soooo cute!

Poohwei, i checked with my GP before on green poo with streaks of blood for TBF. She said it could be due to a stomach bug. Just take 1000mg of VitC a day for a week or so in order for baby to get the vitC through our BM. =)

you automatically become our chairperson for non coconut club. heee

oic, u din get the exersaucer after all.. hmm.. some mummies fast hands fast legs. now that angel's jade has tried and tested the leapfrog learn and groove.. i'm tempted to get tat liao.
got an offer from babytown, retail is at 199 but if self collect at yio chu kang outlet, they can let go at 175. duno can ask for more discount if we get more sets.


where did u get yours? hw much? i'm very tempted liao...
U saw my bb before meh? How come u know my Ayden will be the biggest?? hee..

Chloe sure will choose bb_piglet's Ayden.. cos my Ayden is younger than her ma... haha..

So my Ayden no chance for Clara le huh???
Then my Ayden must "aim" Charlene liao... haha...

Dun feel sad la.. there will be a chance that all of us will gather.. but must find a big place to be able to accomodate so many babies....

u never see irene says let the bb choose themselves mah...haha...we cannot do anything also mah..

think must find someone who stay in big big bunglow then can have so many people to gather togather...
Hi <font color="0000ff">Angel</font>..
Where u bought the exersaucer? How much is it?

I am thinking whether to buy exersaucer or the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo for my boy.. Went to ToysRUs last weekend (that day when u saw me)... Lots of toys there...
Good idea...

i edit the post within 20min.. then take away the pic..

I also keen to know the price...
emily, atinarin,

u oso interested in the exersaucer? i noe babytown (www.babytown.com.sg) can sell at 175 if self collect from yio chu kang outlet.

if more mummies keen, i think we can contact them and ask for further discounts.. hee

i oso interested to get 1 for maegan, since jade tried and tested liao.. hee
i m interested.. but got weight limit or not??
Cos i hv the fisherprice bouncer.. my boy sit le. like a bit small.. hee..

u really wan to see huh???

i hv juz sent them email to ask for further discount. will check wif them the max weight...


since u oredi hv the item, if u noe the weight limit, pls let us noe. thks
Hi <font color="0000ff">dArmAe</font>..
Yeah, I wanted to buy an exersaucer... We can do a mini BP here and negotiate a lower price... I can ask my HB to do it, he is super good in negotiating price.. hee

Any other mummies interested?
atinarin, i fix a time (8.45am to 9.15am before bath time) every morning to poo. i simply put him on his back, then push his legs up towards his abdomen (must push his feet too) and make the pooing sound. in the beginning can take me more than 30 min to get him to react. must every few min relax his legs else his legs sure turn purple and blue...i did this since last week. this morning, did the action for less than 10 min he pooed already. sometimes he may not wan to poo, usually bb cries then i stop...grins..

emily, darmae, i am quite interested. but my bb only 11 weeks old. still long time more for him to use the exersaucer leh...must ask my hb first...
Hi Darmae,
I bought the exersaucer from the place irene recommended called cheong choon (in chinatown) for $175 or $185..sorry can't remember.

Hi Ems,
I bought the jumperoo as well kekke!! Its supposed to help them strengthen their leg muscles to help prepare them for walking (and my auntie swears it makes their legs longer!).
Nice seeing you the other day
Later on I saw yr hubby running down the escalator in Giant in a big hurry! Hehe...what happened? Why he so kan cheong?
Hi <font color="0000ff">Angel</font>..
Wah, you very rich wor! Buy Jumperoo also, this one is super ex! $239 at ToysRUs! Baby Jade is very lucky..

Oh, he was running to his car to get the IU # to apply for the Vivocard.. Got free packing.. Hee
magoo & meko,

both dun come for gathering lah...now want to see each others children photo...next gathering must appear ok...my house still can accomdate two more babies....irene says my house machim like infant care....haha
regarding the EXCERSAUCER, i remember reading last time that its not good for baby's legs, to put their weight that way...not sure if it applies to this one?
Yes mdm.. next gathering will appear...

ok.. i send u when i go home.. i dun hv latest one in office..
dArmAe, haha, can I nominate you to be the chairperson for the "non-coconuts' club" instead?

Quick, let's have a gathering soon!
angel is in best position to advise which is beta.. jumperoo or exersaucer.. hee


ur hubby gd at negotiating ah.. hee, then we can pass the baton to him. so far i oni noe there's 2 places offering this leapfrog exersaucer (babytown and cheong choon). lets see which one offer beta

blue... haha, chairperson... i 'tan dang bu qi' leh. nw me started work liao.. so oni weekends or wkdays evenings available for meet up... now festive season.. super crowded outside
Hi Mummies

I am keen on teh jumperoo as well! Was thinking of renting one to try out first. My boy is super active. Now when we carry him upright to "stand", he will start wanting to jump :eek: So thinking that he will prob love the jumperoo
Unfortunately he is one baby that cannot sit still so the fisher price bouncer we bought he didn't quite like. So now don't dare to buy any exersaucer liao

By the way, my boy already 3.5months still havent flip yet leh. He don't like to lie on the bed so I supposed no chance to practice. He can only lift his head up when put on tummy but will start to get angry after 5mins
Have your babies start to grab things yet?
mummies, any nice mobiles to recommend? thinking of getting a mobile to let my bb watch while he is on the cot. will it be a good idea to buy a mobile?
Hi <font color="0000ff">peapod</font>..
My boy also likes to stand, jump and kick.. very active one! That's why I think Jumperoo is suitable for him, but the price is steep... Also considering renting it.. Originally, I wanted to rent from Rent-A-Toy, but the stupid fella never deliver on the timing & date that we agreed, thus I cancelled my order... I hate this kinda irresponsible seller..

I think by 4 months, babies shd be able to grab things... My boy have not grab anything yet... He just know how to push away the milk bottle when he is full & dont want to drink...

Mummies.. i was thinking that we can consolidate our orders for Jumperoo and Exersaucer and get a cheaper price as both items are available at BabyTown..
magoo... i read a review on the Jumperoo.. maybe our ayden not suitable...

This is very cute but my baby is chubby. It gave him a cut and bruises on both legs. The seat isn't big enough for chubby babies so it cut his legs off. I wish it was bigger cause this is really cute. So if you have a chubby baby avoid this because it can cause bruising and cuts.
hi peapod,
my gal noe how to hold on to the toys on the bouncer to 'admire' it.. ahaha.. she learnt how to do tat about a mth ago..
wah....long time nvr come into sept thread liao and so happening...so many cute babies!

magoo, i wan to see baby ayden also!

what is so good about the Jumperoo and Exersaucer? any thread or links for me to read? I'm interested to know more also leh....thanks!
Rent-A-Toy is quoting $219 for Rainforest Jumperoo.. Maybe we can negotiate further discount... Now, we have 3 options - Cheng Choon, Rent-A-Toy and Baby Town... Those who r eager to buy, pls give me ur name.. I will ask my HB to contact the 3 suppliers & try to negotiate for a cheaper price...

Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo

Leapfrog "Learn and Groove" Exersaucer
