(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

bena, ben mum,

here's how i'm gg to utilise my childcare leave. taking on 21st dec, so i will have a long break from 20th (hari raya) till 25th (xmas). then the last one on 31st dec, so i will have a long break again from 29th till 1st jan 2008 (new year)... hee. hopefully i will have a break through.

hubby is going to tok to FIl instead... cos he dotes on his precious son more. hopefully FIl can tok to MIl and we win over the situation.

Hi Irene,

My gal is also sleeping less these days. Day time, only 3-4 nap sessions, max 1 hour. Plus pt, she will be so tired at night that she will doze off after we pat her in her cot(takes abt 20 min) at ard 11pm.

Yeah!! for 3 consecutive days, i did not use sarong to coax my gal to bed!! Hope i can succeed n keep my sarong for good!!

Hv u try to let ur boy sleep on his tummy?
During day time, i always let Ayden sleeps on his tummy.. he can sleeps longer.. n he likes that cos is like i carrying him.. i think he feels secure when he is on his tummy.. At night then i let him sleep on his back..
Maybe u can give a try..
Take care..
Hi Poohwei,
At least ur gal can sleep for an hr. My boy can sleep the most 30min only so everyday less than 2hrs nap. At night i still need to carry & pat him till he sound asleep then put him to his cot if not he'll open his eyes big big & look at me.
Hi magoo,
Long time nvr see ur post liao. Busy at work?
Me & my mum try all patterns liao but he dun like to sleep on his tummy & he'll struggly & cry like mad lei.
Hi Irene,
Ai yoh you poor thing...must be tiring! Hang in there k.
Tonight ask hubby to take care of Jerald so you can rest more. Last night Jade also like that...cry and struggle when I try to put her to sleep at 10pm which is her usual bedtime. Dunno is it too tired or not tired. Lucky she calmed down and like exactly at 12am she fell asleep.

Congrats!!! Jia you!
hi hi mommies..!

did u try like jus puttin ur bb on the cot and leave them alone to fall asleep? the first time i left her in the cot to do something.. she was like ek ek ek for awhile, then aft finishin wat i have to do i went in then found tat she's sleepin.. hahaha.. from then on i know tat she can fall asleep on her own.. now i'll jus put her down, give her a kiss then leave the room.. of cos occasionally she'll manja abit must pat pat then she'll fall asleep.
Hi irene,

seems that bb will be able to sleep longer while on tummy...but have to watch them when they are asleep as there might be times the head cannot turnthen face down...cant breathe!
irene... my baby charlene also like that.. so kpo these days.. don't want sleep in my mum pl then come night time wait for us to bring her home... if we bring her home, she also want attention, must talk play with her for a while then pat her to sleep in my arms.. sound asleep liao then put on the playpen.

If I work late till 9 plus or 10 at times I cannot bring her home.. she be super cranky at my mum pl until my mum bth.. she don't want my mum to pat her to sleep.. all sorts of ways don't work .. she seems to know something is not wrong.. her mum n dad not here to bring her home and she be so cranky till last resort always at about 12 plus, my mum make like 30 ml of milk for her even if she just drank just to make her drink and doze off.. only then she would calm down

my mum complaining about my gal to me haha say so young not even 3 months then so clever don't want her to pat, don't want sleep in her house must return to her gou wou then can sleep well haha
Wow.. my coconut khakis start to "appear" alrdy!!

I realised that my Ayden can lift his head up n turned ard after a week that i let him slept on his tummy.. hee.. so cute..
but of course.. i will keep go to the room n check him..

I think charlene not used to sleep at ur mum pl.. once she used to it le, should be ok...
Hi Clement,
I'll be happy if he can sleep on his tummy but he dun like at all

Hi low,
My mum also say tat all babies nowadays very clever, talkative & seldom sleep not like our time always eat & sleep only haha...
Hi Low,

Thou i m still on ML, i make it a pt to let my gal stay at my mum's place at least once a week to prepare her. She is getting very smart! She will always "scan aroun" before she settles down.

Hi pinkyj,
How i wish my gal is like yours! Thou she cannot fall asleep on her own at night time, i am still quite happy that she will doze off in her cot after her morning feed at ard 6-7am. Working towards baby sleeping on her own!!! Think tats every mummies dream.
Ask you all ... when you all latch your babies on now, do they like to "beat" your chest "excitedly" as he's suckling? Mine do ... he's like very kan cheong at the beginning but of cos after a while he will fall asleep while suckling.
Irene bb JunLe also like that these days.. dont like to sleep.. want to talk he used to be able to sleep on his own at night but ever since MIL take care of him full time.. now needs to be pat to sleep...very shiong these days

He is having rashes.. any one of your bb has it?? Mine appeared suddenly.. ugly baby liao

Oh.. has any one of you tried to let your babies hold their own bottle? Can give me advise on how to make them hold longer? Mine only hold for 45 seconds, then he take out and dun know how to put back.. hahaha
Hi Phoebe, you are so sweet
Thanks for offering to help me buy the float *muah*

Hi Irene, Caelen was exactly like that... won't sleep unless he is carried. Put down on cot immediately starts crying. So we gave up and bought a sarong cos' my MIL will be helping to take care and she won't be able to do other housework if he insists on being carried all the time. So far, the sarong is working and he is sleeping longer in the daytime. At night surprisingly he is ok to sleep in the cot, thank goodness! But I wouldn't recommend the sarong if you are worried about becoming a habit (like I was initially). Should only be last resort.

Looks like I will be staying with my parents-in-law permanently liao. The original plan was for them to move to my brother-in-law's place after my ML and we will bring baby to and fro. Well, we tried it early this week and baby was fussy. After consideration, they decided to move back to our place. I am having mixed feelings about the whole thing leh. On one hand, I am relieved that there will be someone to help out at home with baby and with housework. On the other, I am feeling frustrated with the lack of privacy and now lack of space - PIL's stuff plus baby's stuff, now my house very messy and crowded. Can't relax properly when we go home also
peapod... just closed 2 eyes and tahan till bb is 18mths... send to childcare.. i have the same problem! lack of privacy and house SUPER messy and i have issues with PIL living habits. also dunno what to do
Hi piglet

Err...but after 18months they don't wan to move out how? I can't be asking them to move right? Will be very guo fen :p

What type of house you staying? Me in 4-room flat, you know the new ones, they are very small
peapod... same same .. mine near Jurong Pt. everything small.. from living room to bedroom to kitchen... now we saving to move.. but need at least 10yrs.. hais
peapod.. i understand how u feel... but hor i think ur boy like my charlene.. maybe i think try for another week.. my charlene was super cranky for 2 weeks only after the 2nd week about the mid of 3rd week then she get used to the arrangement of going to my mum pl and being taken care of but then that time i never try to put her to sleep at night in my mum pl so now my mum is having trouble with her at night if i happen to work late and cannot fetch her home! she be super cranky and cry non stop!!!
how is ur Ayden??
How heavy is he now???
One day we must bring ur Ayden n my Ayden out together.. hee... sure very cute scene...
My Ayden nowadays keep asking for more milk.. he will cry when he finished his milk.. asking for more...

i want to make appointment but u always not free...ayden dun want to see clara jie jie meh?clara jie jie so pretty...:p
Ayden's mummy want to carry jie jie clara..so Ayden scare later mummy sees clara jie jie alrdy.. dun want him how???
Hi baby_piglet,
I find it very siong to carry him nowadays as jerald is getting heavier liao haha... he's cute when he smile but damn cranky when he wan to sleep faintz...
Wat kind of rashes does ur Ayden has? Is it heat rash or milk rash? Jerald will also hv rashes on his face or body all of a sudden if he's too warm but will disappear in a few days.

Hi peapod,
A lot of my frds also ask me to get a sarong so tat he could sleep longer but it's my mum who dun wan me to buy due to lack of space in her hse as i've 2 more nephews there so very cramp
so far she always tell me she can cope NO NEED SARONG!!! sigh...
Irene, Ya I agree with Peapod. You might want to try the yaolan as a last resort. Zac can sleep 1-3 hours in the yaolan. And he sleeps on my bed with me at nite and can fall asleep immediately after the last latch in bed. Zac's a difficult child and when he's awake, he will cry angrily non-stop if we leave him lying on his back anywhere, even when we talk to or play with him. He absolutely must be in an upright position (he does not even accept slightly inclined position) and since he can't sit upright on his own, we have to carry him or hold him upright all the time. He rejects the rocker too as it's not upright. So the yaolan is a saviour to us as it allows him to sleep longer and lets me have some rest time in the day. Otherwise, I think my arms will break from carrying him upright all the time. It'll be trigger arm and not trigger finger then!

Peapod, I think baby's fussiness might be temporary. Baby will take some time to get use to the to and fro arrangement. I bring Zac to my mum's place every Mon, Wed and Fri. Initially he was also very fussy. But now he knows he has 2 homes and 2 main caregiver ie me and my mum. You may want to try the to and fro arrangement for another week? I think it's worth it in return for your privacy..Also, I think generally, relationships with in-laws will be more cordial if we live apart from them.
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Hello Mommies!!</font></font>

Sorry to interrupt....i have brought in a few very nice Disney Rompers in the BP thread

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">All are authentic Disney apparels from HK. Designs not available here. Stocks are limited!</font></font>
Do visit the thread and check out the rompers for your babies for this Xmas/CNY festive seasons! Thanks!
Hi Bena,
I dun mind trying it out but it's my mum who say no need. Maybe i shld try it out at home & see if it works
But will thy still wan to sleep on their bed at night cos i heard some babies will be too used to yaolan & dun wan to sleep on their bed.
angel, somehow i dun think beansprout pillows work leh...at least not for my bb. he still 'shocks' and wakes up. sighs...naps are so short already and he wakes up so often cos he kena 'shocked'. sometimes i even put 2 beansprout pillows on him, 1 on his chest and left hand, the other on his right hand...useless...sighs
No I meant after you put Jerald to sleep liao, then put the pillow on his tummy so that he'll sleep longer during the day
I dunno if it will work for Jerald but it works for Jade. She wakes up crying after 10 mins or if there's a loud sound if the pillow is not on her tummy.

My girl also must carry then pat pat to sleep...haiz...I'm trying to stop that coz she's getting too heavy and my wrist is pain from all the patting! Have been reading the Baby Whisperer's pick up/put down method and will try it out soon! Hopefully she can sleep on her own.

You are really blessed to have such an angel baby!
My mum say it doesn't work, he just wan to talk & ppl to accompany him. In the day if he nap, he'll wake up in less than 15-30min

Can share with me the Baby Whisperer's method once u've try on Jade?
Hi magoo.. I think my Ayden is around 9kg .. cos last weigh on 25 Nov was 8.74kg yours le? Ya lor.. thought will see you tmr

Wise.. why you only want to see Magoos aydenK : ( what about mine :p

Irene.. rash looks like little spots on the face .. maybe he sucks his hands too muchK and then rub his faceK mine is cranky & fierce if he wants to sleepK Irene did you try putting Jearld to sleep on the side? Ayden sleep slightly

I agreed with Ben Mum that bean sprouts pillow dont work
Ok I'll tell you if I succeed with Jade with the pick up/put down method!!

Hey why are you worried abt Jerald not sleeping long in the day? He's sleeping well at night right?
baby piglet,
Your baby is 9kg!!?!?!?!? I also want to see him lor! Heheheeee must be very chubby!!

Has anyone used Playtex bottle liners before? I am wondering if it can be used with Avent bottles?

Hi baby_piglet,
Jerald dun like to sleep side way lei, his pattern more than badminton

Hi Angel,
He used to sleep thru the night say from 11pm till 6am but past few days he cranky till 12am then sleep & cry for milk at 5am so i wonder is it bcos he has not been sleeping well or something is not right tats why ask all mummies here if their bb r like mine.
