(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi Emily

Do you know the difference between the Deluxe Jumperoo and the Rainforest... besides the lights and sound? The rainforest one is really ex leh, think hubby will be the one jumping up and down and not baby haha...

hi all...

anyone know where we can try all the gadgets before we buy them? Intiatlly I wanted to buy the Bumbo seat for Ayden, but tried it at a friend's place.. turn out it too small for him... haha
Hi <font color="0000ff">peapod</font>..
The Deluxe one is around $150, I think... Looks boring leh.. Since only abt $50~ difference, I rather invest in a better one... I told my HB, year-end is coming... we got bonus, so muz buy something to pamper our son.. hee

u feel jumperoo beta than exersaucer? i cant decd on which wan leh... pls lemme noe of your comments...


your comments plsss since you have both items. which wan more recommended or both serves diff purpose?
Hi <font color="0000ff">dArmAe</font>..
I think Angel is the best person to comment...

I saw the Leapfrog exersaucer at my boy's infant care.. So I think I will buy Jumperoo instead cos he can play with the exersaucer at his infant care during the day..
ben mum, i have the tiny love mobile (thk its called symphony in motion or something). although expensive but its very worth it. beautful mobile and my bb simply loves it ! the minute i switch it on, he would often let out a squeal and start kicking his legs.

most worth investment so far at this age.
pillow thanks...will check out more on the web. =D

aris, i bought the bumper mat. more for tummy time now. but bb doesnt like tummy time..so is white elephant until he is ready to play or crawl.

So our Ayden cannot use the Jumperoo huh?
So sad.. very nice n interesting leh.. too bad.. must ask our Ayden to be on diet le.. or else they will miss out many fun stuff.. haha...
magoo: yah, i wanna see your chubby cute cute Ayden's pix.

Em: aiyoh, ur place in SK is too far lah.

Anyone staying in central location that can accomodate us for gathering?
Arisz, Voice, Meko,

Here is my Ayden's pic...


this is a close up pic of my boy..
look alike??? Twin....
magoo! he's so chubby and cute, and yes..abit like the other Ayden leh. haaahaaa..Or rather the botak look makes it looks alike...

Baby must be chubby chubby then cute! I also want my Sam to be as round as both Ayden! My boy these days drink milk hor, chut pattern, like to cry first when the teat reach his milk, must coax him to drink! *faint* My mum said other babies got milk drink very happy liao, this one is 'tew' first.
Poohwei, you know the link to donate BM? I can't find leh.. My boy also had streaks of blood in his poo once. PD say it's cuz he's on TBF and poo alot so his anus got abrasion from the frequent pooing.

How abt meeting this coming Thurs? It's a holiday so daddies can come too
But venue is a problem leh..I definitely don't mind Emily's place but I think it might be too far for other non-Northeast mums
oh my goodness magoo! ayden is really super chubby leh....feel like pinching his face...he like eat two BIG fishballs like tat...keke

Hi ben mum, my baby now loves tummy time thats why i'm thinking of investing in a bumper playmat. =)
Ya Ayden really super cute.. this kind of cheeks I think I can kiss non-stop!!

Voice, since yesterday my boy also. He'll just take one breast. When I offer the second one he'll lick lick a bit then look around in a very distracted manner. He used to be able to empty both breasts. I think they are slowly losing interest in food and getting curious in their environment.
hi hi me one day never log on to forum so many intersting posts hee..hee..

magoo.. next time u come gathering see my charlene n ur ayden would hold hands or not hee..hee.. just like clara n jerald!
magoo.. ayden super super cute and chubby so sweet.. i think hor i cannot help but kiss his cheek when meet him le haha

Meko I want to see erlyna latest pict too must be so cute n pretty hee..hee..

ya must find a big place like a function room to gather all the babies all else sure faint haha cos too crowded and babies don't like too!!

emily.. i also have the problem with rent a toy not very good service.. so i thought of trying the other website http://www.rent-that-toy.com

seems they have more varieties too le... baby piglet try rent from this website for a month or so if they like then buy
Bena, nice of you to suggest a gathering but this Thu I can't leh ... morning got birthday party and afternoon me going to salon to do hair colouring.
Hi Bena,

I just post in the forum under "Free Item" only. Then i wait for pple to pm me.

Hmm..pooed too much until got abrasion...I tot TBF babies have very soft poo?? How to get abrasion..so funny. Thanks anyway. Luckily its was a once off affairs.

Btw, i went to a warehouse sales for disney apparels at Teo Industrial Building, Shaw Rd today (Very ulu place in Paya Lebar). They are clearing disney rompers at $5 each only. Very good buy if your babies are wearing rompers.
Bena, thursday i am off and might be meeting up with another forum mummie to collect the sling i ordered from her. DIY one ... one and only in spore =p
update me if gt gathering =p
Magoo.. i was thinking to go Baby Town & buy before trying...

yes.. our Ayden really looked alike.. but your Ayden more SOLID :p even my hubby said so

here is mine closed up :p


Low.. I upset le.. u didnt kiss my Ayden
mag & baby_piglet,

both aydens are soooo cute!

mag, your ayden's face looks like a bao .. hee... feel like biting hor?
Thank you all aunties for loving my Ayden huh..
Not only u all, I myself also can't help feel like biting him.. heee...

Email me this pic of ur Ayden.. then i put them together n see wat the diff...
I really thinking of getting the jumperoo. look very interesting.

Interested on my Ayden huh?? can... but still got Chloe n Charlene leh... Maybe next time when we meet... ur Erlyna "fang dian" to my boy ok??
Ur Ayden really has chubby cheeks lei see when u free to meet up & i wan to pinch him

Jade still got chance lah no worries cos now everyone prefer both Aydens cos thy r more macho. Jerald still available dun worry haha...
Hi <font color="0000ff">Low</font>..
Thanks for recommending Rent That Toy, but they also dont have the FP Rainforest Jumperoo leh...

I am so fed-up with Rent-A-Toy. Firstly, they never deliver on the time & date that we agreed. Secondly, even if they fail to deliver, they shd call and inform cos I am waiting for them at home.. But they didnt even bother to inform me.. Few days later, I got an sms from them asking if they can deliver that day.. I was fed-up and cancelled my order...
The queue always open for my Pretty Clara..

Dun like that say.. ur Jerald got bushy hair.. very attractive also..hee..
CAn.. see when all free to meet n i let u "pinch" my Ayden.. but light light huh...

at the moment, while waiting for angel's reply. i will cfm on exersaucer...

Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo

Leapfrog "Learn and Groove" Exersaucer

magoo, bb piglet,

ur boys sooooo chubby. i luv their cheeks!!! like 'hum bao bao'... hee.


i bgt my bumper mats fm alien oso, the same organiser from the link provided. its a gd buy for me!!
The bushy hair is Jerald's trademark ok dun play play hor haha...
We r going to trim his hair this weekend liao. I'm still thinking whether to let my hubby trim for him or to bring him to a hair salon?? Anyone bring their bb to hair salon liao can recommend?
baby piglet, magoo hee.hee.. when the two ayden meet can i kiss n pinch both of them see which one more solid??? hee..hee...

baby piglet yalor rent that toy seems to be more popular then rent a toy. Well today rent that toy is delivering me a swing i am renting from them first time.. i let u all know the quality after that k i think should be quite ok one

emily yes rent a toy service lousy .. that guy name roger also don't bother to return my call till few days later.. so far i go to rent that toy website to rent their items last night then this morning i got sms from them say they delivering today le so so far so good.. quite like their prompt reply. hmm this afternoon when they successfully deliver then i tell u if their service good and up to standard ok?
Hi <font color="0000ff">Low</font>,
Thanks, let me know the condition of their toy as well.. I am considering renting from them too..

Just brought my gal for her 2nd dose of 6in1 and rotavirus. Strange enuff, she cried only when the GP pasted the plaster for her. No wailings when the needle went in...

Sob sob, she is only 5.65kg, 61cm @ 3mths (exact). Haven even double her birth weight. Hmm, we were commenting that she knows how to be vain even as a baby!! must be tall n slim.

Re: Jumperoo
Are there places that show the display set b4 we can buy? Keen on getting 1 cos my gal loves to stand n jump.
Hi Mommies

I am also a Sep07 mommy of a baby girl. Andrea was born on 17 sep. Am I welcome to join this thread to share info? I am 2nd time mom, my #1 boy is now 20mths. One year one.. very xiong and tiring for me as I am a working mom.

Count me in when you mommies have gathering hor, I super ON one. keke...

My girl was 5kg at 2.5mths. PD charted and say she is 75percentile lei.... It seems like many babies here are heavier.

I have the leapfrog exersaucer, its worth the investment as my boy loved it and played in it for many months. Mommies who are keen can actually combine purchase and get some discount from the supplier bah.
The bb in the pic looks so much better la.. my Ayden wheregot so nice??
But in my eyes, my Ayden is the best.. haha...
(thick-skinned mummy)...

Hey, I also want to hv a blog.....
Really look alike hor...
haha.. we shall go buy the same clothing n let them wear.. then we take pic again... hee...
so cute..

bb_piglet has combined the pic n let ur girls hv a better view to "compare"... haha...
poohwei: fret not...my girl is 3 months on Xmas day but her birth weight has not tripled yet either.

she's not even 5kg yet leh
