(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Wah baby piglet, your baby is huge!

Irene, before I moved Zac to my bed he could sleep in the cot at nite (only wake up for nite feeds) and in the yaolan in the daytime.

65cm? Same as my boy but he's only 6.7 kg on his last visit ... haha.
baby piglet, ur bb really bah bah hor!! confirm michelin bb!! my gal is 64cm and only weighin at 6.5kgs as on 8th dec... u're feedin ur bb well!!
my gal actually sleeps alot... like today she woke up only at abt 9 and she slept like at 9 plus with her last feed...a true little piggy..!!
wow. all ur babies so tall le. i wonder how tall and heavy my bb is. next visit to pd is 9 jan. today my bb is 11 weeks old!

kena woken up by him. think he wans to drink but gave him pacifier and took him half an hour to calm him down and fallen back asleep again. may i ask mummies how long would this take? quite heart pain and funny at the same time leh...lol...to see him suck pacifier then got no milk and he cry a bit..

he has drunk his 720ml of milk today already...still wake up..sighs

I sms u my bb weight n height.. i pai sei to state here.. hee..
I m wondering all call "AYDEN" one all BIG BIG one is it?? haha.
Hi there,

can i know where can i get those nice ABC rubbery mat ah?? Becuase my baby already start to turn so i think it is good to have the rubbery mat.

Do you have any other alternative besides the rubbery mat?
Hi Ben Mum,
Jia you!
It may take a few days or weeks...see your baby's body clock take how long to adjust. For Jade it took abt 1 week before she finally sleep thru the night without waking.
Hi Mummies
I am selling Pigeon Empty Container at 3.50 & Pigeon COntainer Wif 82's Pcs wipes at 6.00. (Kiddy palace selling at 7.20 Pigeon COntainer Wif 82's Pcs wipes.) If u are keen pls sms me at 97979554
Hello everyone,
Share with u all our coconut kakis but wasted meko's erlyna & magoo's ayden not in the pic.
Let me introduce the babies from left to right
Elaine's bb Chloe, low family's bb Charlene, my bb Jerald, Wiselyn's bb Clara & baby_piglet's bb Ayden
thanks angel for sharing.

Wow! your bb all look so stylo sia. my bb's hair is just like Jerald's - standing! Wonder when it will come down. =D all the bb more than 3 months har?
all the babies sooo cool..
if we get all sept babies together... can form a long train. hee

btw, i'm keen in getting a exersaucer for maegan. any mummies tried and tested or have heard of it? i'm not sure to get a new piece or pre-owned... saw a few postings in WTS thread.

blue, i saw your posting... so in the end did u get one? your boy like it? i prefer the leapfrog activity exersaucer but more ex than safety 1st wan.
Wow.. All mini coconuts so cute.. Wat a waste.. i could not make it..

Jerald still so bushy..haha..

Charlene looks like feng zi hor??

My pretty clara so "mi ren"...

Nice to "meet" u using 3G.. u very pretty leh..
ur chloe's thighs also ba-ba hor..

REally must let ur Ayden meet my Ayden.. they really look like twin leh... haha...
wah lau...u all gathering never jio!! I also want to join next time.

Elaine...never knew your girl is so 'ba ba' also...hee hee! Can fight with Ayden, haahaa!

Wise: Clara leggings very nice and colorful, do you let her wear sock also or the leggings is very long till it covers her feets too? I bought 2 pairs of leggings for my Sam too, haven't wear.
mummies still BF, wanna check with u ... i think i m over-supply because ryann have ben eating lesser nowadays.
My fridge is filled with milk n my freezer gg to be full le.
if i pump lesser times each day to have just enough for ryann, when he start to eat more then i pump more WILL MY SUPPLY INCREASE AGAIN? I scare that my supply yo-yo then by the time i need more then not enough milk le..

usually i pump 5 times a day. each pump 170-250ml. sometime 4-5 hrly. recently busy at work, some time 6 hrly. went shopping ytd... only pump 7 hr once last nite.this morning overslept, only pump at 10am, last nite pump at 12mn. got 430ml. everyday at least 800-more then a litre of supply but my ryann only drink 600 - 700! so waste.. pls advice.....
irene,elaine,piglet and low,

they babies sure have a good time yesterday hor..they mus meet up more often

magoo and meko,

must bring ayden and erlyna out for gathering ok...clara wants to see ayden didi and erlyna mei mei...she misses them...


between the "c" ur jerald decides which one he wants already? or still thinking...dun forget clara jie jiegot the most toys...haha
magoo.. yes all the people says hor charlene looks like daddy but of course prettier and nicer looking that her daddy lor hee..hee..

Yes wise..we sure have a good time!
Next time we do it again k and magoo and meko must join us huh!!!
antinarin: haha cos charlene n chloe is HAO PENG YOU, just like their mummies mah...
Tiny voice: my chloe no fight with ayden le, u see in real ah, theres a big diff de...
bbpiglet: no hor, dun 'anwei' urself..ur bb ayden is BIG lor! haha
wiselyn: u so bad huh, use clara toys to tempt jerald then can jump queue issit? my chloe decided 2 go for the AYDEN(s) le...very macho , chloe will feel very secure...heehee

irene say clara can jump queue one mah....haha...anyway got two ayden, which one you prefer?? both also very macho leh....you got to make a choice when u see the other ayden...hee hee...
It's a special event for coconut kakis members only lah not tat i never jio
No worries lah next time sure got plenty of chance to meet up.

Magoo, very bushy hor

Wise, can't u see jerald is very sleepy but still dun wan to sleep cos a lot of mei nu play with him haha... see pic below i think clara like my jerald lei heehee...


jerald is so "mi ren" that's y clara likes him....i think he also like clara leh....think others can forget abt queue for them liao...haha
Cannot lah dun forget jade is also in the queue better let the children choose themselves lah heehee... ur clara also very sweet lei, i love her smile
dArmAe, I didn't get the exesaucer yet ... that one I expressed interest in was reserved by someone else already.

Phoebe, think you might have to get another freezer like me liao. My freezer was full even though the entire 2 shelves in my fridge freezer was confined to putting only FBM. Now that I got a new freezer, I transported all my FBM liao ... now the new freezer also full ... but I still have 1 more shelve in my fridge freezer to put my FBM.
aiyo i wishhhhh i had the same problem as you ladies, excess BM...sigh...alas mine is under supply..pathetic supply mre like it...sometimes wonder if its worthwile even giving my poor girl that pittance of bm
aiyo yah lor then my chloe headache liao, nid to choose between 2 Aydens....both macho macho, n look like twin sommore...wah very confusing for my chloe..erm..can she tk 2???
(hee, can confirm my depression is gone..starting to tok crap again..
Hi Phoebe n Blueskye,

You may wanna consider donating your ebm away. Now i only keep stock for 1 mth...i.e: I will only keep the milk expressed in Dec, those expressed in early nov, i will post in the forum and donate away. If not, there will be endless milk in our fridge!!

Haiz, no bm, mothers will be worried, too much bm, we also have headaches..hahaha

both of the ayden equally good hor....see who treat chole better , will share toys with her lor...if not, can take both also lar...
Stress!!! My gal had abnormal stool at 7+pm just now. Green stool (like crushed vegetables) + a few streaks of blood. She is a tbf. Dunno why also. Things were still fine at 4pm when she pooed. Any mummies experienced this b4?
Poohwei, yah, I don't mind donating my milk if they can help other needy babies lor. But then that time there was a thread saying that babies who are premature or too young better not anyhow take other people's milk cos scared contamination or something like that.

Anyway think my milk still quite "fresh" cos earliest milk is dated 16 Nov which is exactly 1 month back. Still no urgency to clear yet lah ... haha ... esp now that I've got another freezer to store.
Bena, yah lor ... so left out cos we are not "coconuts". Haha, maybe we can form our own "durian" club to "shou liu" non-coconut members? Hahahahaa
Hi bebe, long time no "see" liao! How are you and Ashton?

Of cos you are welcome! All non-coconut members automatically qualifes ... haha.

poohwei, atarin, my bb aso poos green stools. he drinks FM too. but i think green stools cos it was stored in his body for overy a day. usual color shd be yellow. when i make him poo everyday, i see yellow poo. one day he doesnt poo and the next day's poo becomes greenish in color.

blueskye aso take me in..=D
