(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

I want u to help me to do the blog!!! not i do myself.. cos i saw irene's blog.. she wrote there.. haha..
Maybe meeting this Thurs to short notice. Hey working mums, you all suggest meeting date leh.. I'm very free so any date for me also can. Maybe meet on a Saturday? I think the last time Angel tried organising one gathering but not many responses leh..
Maybe meeting this Thurs to short notice. Hey working mums, you all suggest meeting date leh.. I'm very free so any date for me also can. Maybe meet on a Saturday? I think the last time Angel tried organising one gathering but not many responses leh..
hi tiffany,

welcome to the thread! thanks for commenting on the exersaucer... makes me even more keen liao!! hee...

bb piglet,

u gg to babytown? thanks in advance for helping us check out.

this thurs and fri, i'm ok though cos PH and on leave. Otherwise, can only make it on sat cos working liao. i dun mind gg to SK for gathering suggested by emily

i can help u set up when i'm free. u go and choose a nice blog skin yourself k. but u must pay me hor.. pay with ayden's kiss.. hahaha
haha... tiffany,

me oso joined late. as u can see, registered only july 2007. hee... so i'm not in the coconut group.. but the durian one. btw, did we cfm tat its gg to be durian grp huh??? hahaha

me not msn-ing.. but can add you.

mine is [email protected]
Maybe meeting this Thurs is too short a notice. Hey working mums, you all suggest meeting date leh.. I'm very free so any date for me also can. Maybe meet on a Saturday? I think the last time Angel tried organising one gathering but not many responses leh..
U works on sat too?? hee.. like me.. so sian hor??

I know nothing abt setting up a blog.. so go where select skin?? hee..


u hv huh?? can can... we arrange n meet...
hi all mummies...need advice on baby coughing...

my girl was down with cold for 1 week already, till now she got phlegmy cough. She will even cough in her sleep which then wakes her up. She has even vomitted a few times after we fed her medicine as she will start coughing violently until vomit

Feel very heartpain evertime hear her cough...any remedies that can help speed up her healing?

Btw, I also want to join durian club leh...can?
Hi <font color="0000ff">mummyfaith</font>..
My boy was also down with fever and cough last weekend.. He also projectile whenever we feed him medicine... But I think they will not vomit all medicine, small amount of medicine will still goes to his stomach... No choice lor, I was busy cleaning his body and my HB was busy cleaning up the floor last weekend.. My boy was also cranky when he was unwell, really stressful... But luckily the fever subsided after 2 days.....

Hi <font color="0000ff">magoo</font>..
There r a lot of websites for blog templates that u can download.... some of them r..




You need to check whether they are XML or HTML templates... Hope it helps..
Membership now open... ")

Mummies who is interested in the Coconut Group, please add your name below


Mummies who is interested in the Durian Group, please add your name below

tiffany, atinarin,

i added you both to msn liao.
but i can only login in web based at work... very slow so i dun usually login. only at home...


i dun work on sat... i meant i can meet on any sat (if i hv no appt) cos now working liao, weekdays not possible unless on leave or public holidays


i hope your bb recover fast.... paisey i'm oso equally clueless on how to speed up their recovery. generally young bb have lower immunity against viral infections... they will tend to build up their immune system as they grow.
my colleague brought her daughter (then 4 mths old) to chinese sinseh... her recovery was so much faster than my girl (they caught the flu bug almost the same time). but i was skeptical in letting my girl try chinese sinseh... felt she was too young (less than 3 mths old when she fell sick).
hey bb piglet,

i thot membership enrolment for coconut club ceased liao.. hee. which is why blueskye 'set up' durian club... haha so now re-launch ah??
ya.. y? u want to talk to me huh???

I tot u like me need to work on sat.. i tot i find a partner.. aiya... i m alone again..
Wah lau, you all serious ah? Really got 2 groups??? Hey chairman (dArmAe), it's up to you whether or not you wanna name the group "Durian" lor. Heeeeee.

Btw Tiffany got say she wanna join coconut meh?
tiffany welcome to the thread

sure emily.. once i rec the toys i update u

meko where u go to get that pict really a bit like mag's ayden le hee..hee.. so cute
Thanks to all who welcomed me. I really need time to absorb who is who....

Looks like by default I am in coconut grp liao, cos one member asked me and I said OK liao.... I am still quite blur abt coconut and durian stories.

in the first place, we did not say got two grps. We call ourselves coconut cos we closer to each other since pregancy till now...and we go out together more often....

my fren sent me the pic some time back.. then when i saw mag's ayden's pic, i tot of that pic lor.. haha.. so cute hor.. really like bao..
hi afternoon all...welcome tiffany!

we shouldn't be splitting into two groups ma...tot we are all sept mums..so we shd be one big family!
i'm tempted to buy the Leapfrog "Learn and Groove" Exersaucer also...but how much eh? really that good ah...coz my poor boy don't have much toys one..he is a deprived kid...keke
Wiselyn, you all always "coconut lai coconut qu", of cos the rest of the mummies tend to feel "left out" lor ... so those "sheng xia de" no choice have to form another group mah.
Hahaha.. I'm fine with both groups.. Ya la, I think we are one big family lah..Organise gatherings on forum all can join lah..

Atinarin, I wanna meet your baby leh
Dunno why I always curious how your baby looks like. I always imagine her to be very cute
It'll be nice if we can place all babies on the LG mat and take pics.. will be very cute. But my Zac so cranky 5 mins on the mat sure wanna get up liao hahaha... How abt we meet on 29 Dec, a Sat? Who can volunteer her home? I dun mind offering mine but like Emily, my place is in the Northeast - Hougang. But it's 5 room HDB and no LG mat - can only provide hot water for fm, wet wipes and M sized Pampers...Hubbies can watch soccer on SCV with my hubby...hahaha.
arisz, my boi even more poor thing. no toys bought by parents. only toys given by friends and relatives. only miserable less than 5 pieces. =D

count me in too! but bb cannot go for gathering yet. my IL not happy bb go out. can only go to IL house and my mum's house...cant even bring bb downstairs to the market to walk walk...sighs...kena protected very jialut...
i am from oct thread. need to check with u mummies on a problem. do u descale ur steriliser? how do u descale it? is there a need to descale? why?

sorry for so many qn..=D
bena, my house small leh...5 room only...no storeroom...sighs...IL wishes...cannot deny them...they sayang bb aso mah....so till now, my bb has yet to go shopping centres...lol
ben mum...i really pei fu you leh... I already brought my boy out so many times until i cannot count liao...think more than the number of times we stay at home the whole day. hehe

I can open up my house for you all to come also...but I stay in Tampines la...5-rm only, as long as you all don't mind!
wise, I agree with u cos we so close ma and confide in one another during pregnancy so we sometimes go out so closer ma but of course we also never differentiate ourselves from the rest cos we are one big family of sept mummies that share any information together
haha... really serious ah, must form another grp?? joking only lar, like arisz said, we all sept mum grp leh.


me chairman??? 'mai' lar...


u can descale sterilise by using 1 teaspoon of vinegar. juz perform the usual procedure, except w/o the bottles. hope it help


so far i hv heard good comments abt the learn n groove exersaucer and jumperoo... hence will be getting one of them. most likely exersaucer... it retails at 199.. can get abt 175 if we BP. mayb can neg further....

angel hv both of them.. waiting for her to comment on them but din 'see' her tdy leh. mayb she has gone for her bintan trip??? she did mention abt gg away... but not sure when.
hi darmae,

do you know what is so special about the learn n groove exersaucer? I read already but don't understand why it cost so much.

How about those play gym? Would it be better or not much difference or not as good as the exersaucer?

I thought of getting this http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&e=detail&pid=33854&pcat=buocean
It is retail at 99 at kiddy palace if I remember correctly and I already keep thinking whether I should get it. think quite ex also... heh

dArmAe, you don't want be chairman then you be chairwoman lor. Hahahaaa

Yah lor, we are all Sep mummies, be it durians or coconuts. But since there are coconut gatherings, we can always organise our own durian gatherings also ... but difference is: we will welcome coconuts who wanna join in too.
