(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

hi mummies,

abt dropping hair..me too...my floor is white ceremic tiles and can see so many hair on floor daily..so sian. using magic clean wipes daily and aiyo..vv scary..me born with lost of hair..1st preg also drop a lot sround 3-4 mths after birth. now 2nd preg also like that. hope can 'reduce the dropping ' soon. nynke is also dropping hair, guess this is the stage..but we still not shaving her.see how bad her hair is dropping.

pillow, pm u abt myanmar maid. which agency do u use? thinking of getting one.

mummyfaith, wish u all the best in job hunting

angel, i m interested in flash cards too. did not do so for my elder one. since now at home, will like to do so for 2nd one

blue: i told u via msn before mah, maybe u forgot...hee hee!

BuBu Mama: i remembered u cos' my sis is in same org. as u mah.

i do find the shichida cards ex.. furthermore they oni allow students to buy. then they keep record of wat you bought. but since my son attending, in order to have home practise, i bgt lor.

upload - sure.. but gimme time. i ned to take pics when the 2 kids are asleep. hee


thanks for your compliment.. me not very young liao. 33 this year liao, married when i was 25. hee
if not for the pressure from family... i would have defer bb plan lor. 4 yrs of nagging.. buay tahan
darmae, u 33 having 2nd one already. me about same age only having the first one. lol....but i married for 5 yrs then have him...=D also kena nagged for 2 yrs.....LOL
BuBu Mama

I m also taking fenugreek fr GNC. Started on wk2 and ss increase fr 40ml to 90ml. but stop taking it cos breast infection. so dont wan to complicate matter now. will resume once i recover. i take 6 tablets a day. u take 4 tablets a day for how long? 3mths? my 1st bottle going to finish liao.
ben mum,

i got married early lor... my frens all laughed at me say i worry nobody wan izzit. hehe
plus pressure from family cos hubby only son.. u noe lar. 4 yrs of nagging very xiong liao.
jiayou for 2nd one... hee


no secret leh... mayb i got baby face as some ppl commented. lucky lor, i'm eldest in my family but always mistaken as youngest since young.
not so good when i'm at work though.. always kena qns like, you fresh from sch izzit. so need to convince with my presentation and proposals lor
Haha dArmAe, I'm totally opposite from you. No one else in either side of our family kan cheong about us having a kid but I'm the one kan cheong cos I wanna be young mummy. Initially also quite worried cos hubby said he don't wanna have kids. So I embarked on "my own BB plan" ... hee hee hee.
*Sinister Laugh*
Hi angel. I received the flash cards. Thanks! The pictures are very cute

I also bought Caelen the jumperoo. Seems like a good investment so far. It is the only thing that he can sit in for more than 15mins. The rocker and bumbo all failed

He still can't reach the floor yet so I will help him along by pushing the jumperoo down so that he can bounce along. But the best thing about it are the little toys on the jumperoo. Caelen enjoys turning the plastic lizard round and round and playing with the hanging parrot. It is amazing to see how fast our babies learn. Surprisingly, he quite like the "dead butterfly" too, will hold and wave around abit. So Darmae, thanks for advising me to buy the rainforest instead of the deluxe jumperoo

RE: Cereal
Sigh, I'm ashamed to say that I still ended up giving Caelen a cereal with surcose. I had wanted to only stick with the healthy ones like Si Seng and Heinz but these cereals do not have added vitamins and minerals like zinc and vitB
Since Caelen takes in too little milk, giving him cereal alone will result in deficiency of these nutrients. So after comparing the stuff in the different cereals, I bought Dumex Nutrakids. THe Nestle one doesn't have zinc... the rest of the nutrients are more or less the same. To prevent it from being too sweet, I mix it with some Heinz cereals. Also alternate between the Si Sen rice cereal and Dumex. So far feed twice a day.
angel: its my MIL, not mum, who says to give honey. Honey causes botulism...sigh...dont know what to say. She says that she always gave her sons...if im eating something, she will say to put a little in bb mouth to try. Whatever for i dont understand...

Can you please send me the flashcards too?

[email protected]
wow Darmae
You sure dont look like your age!

you seduce ur hb issit? kekeke

Thks..received your email.

BuBu Mum
sent you pm..u receive?
Hi angel,
Can i hv the flashcard too??
my email : [email protected]

Actually i hv the complete set of Flash cards from Glenn Doman. Just wanted to see wat is the difference.. thanks..
I also very lazy.. i very "yong gong" during my girl's time.. i flashed to her everyday.. but now, my boy.. i hv not started yet..

Must make an effort to start wif my boy..
Hi peapod, ur bb loves those cereal?
I tried gving chloe, she always spits them out n from her expression, i dun tink she likes them. (even though mi using frisocrem which is suppose to be sweet)
Issit becos she is not ready for solids yet?
Mummies, me just back from kkh. ryann high fever again.. went there at 4am this morning, suspect UTI. waited for him to urine but no urine leh... end up went back home first. afternoon, he uring but leak to diapers then finally at 7pm finally get his "Tong Zi niao" then rush to KKH again. but came back negative. tonight must monitor again... i would say KKH service abit bo chap...
he last drank milk at 7.45pm last night and went on hunder strike till 10 this morning leh!!
Me so stress and tired.. 3 days leave le.. boss just call to say ISO audit postpone next week so i must rush my project out!!! So tired!!My hubby also no choice have to go to work today cos his company take urgent leave will deduct pay $350!!! scary right...Hope he get well soon...

I already introduce flash cards to Ryann le... quite good ... but his attention span very short nia...
Thanks angel for the flash cards! When my gal was younger, i used to flash it to her..Now the flashcards are collecting dust in the drawers!! Must start to be more hardworking liaoz.

Just finished pumping! Getting lazier and lazier to pump. Pumped only twice today (750+mL in all) plus latched twice today... Must be more hardworking...If not supply will drop very soon...
lbs, you know something call a needle? Haha.

Poohwei, you not bad what ... latch on twice still can yield 750ml! Considered very good liao ...

Btw long time never see Bena around ...
Hi angel, Can i have the flashcard too? my email: [email protected] Thanks!

Phoebe, poor ryann, hope he gets well soon! Take good care leh...

Re: maid
Thanks all for your inputs!!! think I will discuss with hubby and will definitely bring her to agent and decide from there. Big headache!

Phoebe, you really clever leh...indeed I'm not the first employer. She works as maid for a few years liao.
Arisz, if you have no intention to change her, don't bring her back to agent. It will make matters worse if you "pre-empt" her. Better just tell her last minute that you are sending her back.

For me, I will not let my maid know I am getting a replacement. On that day, will just ask her to pack her stuff and explain to her on the way there. Like that they won't have time to try anything "funny".
Hi blueskye,

so late you still haven't sleep also! hehe

I'm bringing her to agent to tell the agent all my problems and get the agent to scold her! coz my maid told me before that she scared the way agent scold her.

Or maybe I should call the agent and tell her my problem and ask her what I should do?

I know if get replacement cannot tell maid in advanced one, they will 'refuse' to leave the house one!
hi angel.. can i have the flashcards too? my email account is [email protected] do it only when you are free la cos i know lots of us requesting for it.. thanks thanks..

hi magoo.. i also have the glenn doman flash cards for english,chinese and math.. do you show it to your baby everyday? me super lazy.. dont do it everyday.. moreover i forgot how to do it for the maths liao... think got to fix appt with the person in charge for a revision..
Arisz, I find that if you find her "attitude", should send her back and not take her in anymore. Cos after kenna scolded by agent, you never know if they will ever bear a grudge against you and behind your back, you wouldn't know what they will do to your kid or food. It's either you send her back and change her, or you "suffer in silence' lor.
hi phoebe, hope bb is better today.....

angel, thanks for your flashcards !! v nice
but silly qn to ask. Flashcards.. does it mean must flash quickly ? hahhaa sorry , i have no idea . or i just need to show it to be boy page by page ?

arisz, i agree with blueskye.. its hard to "correct" one's attitude. if maid poor in communication or dont know how to do housework, can train patiently. but for attitude, its v difficult to "change" esp by scolding. prob it would only work for few days, and being human, its hard not to bear a grudge. .... u have to keep "ti fang" the maid, v tiring.

is ryann better now? fever subside or not?


u 'cheeky' ah.. use needle. keke


i took the pics of the flashcards fm shichida liao.. i will upload later after my meeting.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>..
I hope Ryann will recover very soon, poor boy... I experienced the same thing before... Me &amp; hubby were struggling to get the "Tong Xi Niao" as the PD suspected UTI.. After the check, the results were negative, I was worried like mad...
Can I have the flashcard too angel? thanks to send to [email protected]. Thanks alot!

Pillow I have the same doubts le ... magoo, darmae can teach us how to use flashcards.. must show quickly one issit? Btw.. I saw parentcraft selling flashcards from Baby Einsten with VCDs.. got different set some is annimals, some is alphabets, is that good? I understand that in every card there is a side with pict a side with wordings written.. then we must flash n read to them one by one or simply just flash the side with pict to let them see?? Sorry huh me blur mummy
Hi low,
I am also not too sure abt how to use the flash cards... But I suppose we shd flash &amp; read to them one by one, rather than just flashing quickly... Any mummies want to share how u use the flash cards?
for those who wish to buy the flashcard in DVD format, i will advice against it. The cards are flash in high speed and i think before baby can digest hor, next card is flashed. I think the physical card is still better. My 2cents worth!
ya, someone pls share coz Tiny Voice is laughing at me who is asking whether flash cards, means flash quickly . HAHHAHAHHAHAH
low family, do you see any nursery ryhme book in parent craft ? coz i read in Aug thread that there is one quite good and quite a number of them ordered
tks for ur flashcards. Will let my bb see tonite, if not too tired. hahaha.

initiall was taking the nature farm fenugreek (500mg per tab) (think) 5th/6th wks onwards, cos am c-sec, so heard from colleague is better to take after the 1st mth &amp; also they sd milk will come in later for c-sec mummies (don't know how true). only take 1 tab per day but milk increase liao (from think 20ml to 150ml per pump, 5-hrs interval pumping), then only last 2 wks ago (when finishing) went to nature farm to chk can take more than 1 tab, promoter told me can take up to 8 tabs per day, but at the end i went gnc to purchase new bot (cos theirs is 610mg per tab - think better rite), &amp; furthermore, birthday mth got 35% off, so one shot buy 2 bottles. now taking 4 tabs (2 in the morning, 2 at nite), but the milk supply still like remains ard 150-190ml. maybe will increase the dosage next wk, see how lah. aiyo how come u got breast infection? better now?

no pm from u leh, think the pm got problem, wanna email me at [email protected]? tks.
tiny voice, you don't know what a "flasher" does :p


now whenever you FLASH your cards to Sam,you will remember me. kekeke
Hi peapod,
Wow, you have done a good research on the cereal for your baby..
Good job! I am also interested in Dumex NutraKids, but it is only suitable for babies from 6 months onwards... Will Caelen be too young for it? So far, only Frisco and Heinz have cereals for babies below 6 months.. For Nestle and Dumex, they are for babies above 6 months..

To those mummies who are interested in Dumex Nutrakids, you can request for a sample online. I just requested mine

hahahha.. Atinarin's sentence very cute ("dont flash until so fast that your baby wonders what just flew by ").
I can imagine flashing so fast until bb giving the puzzled look... If it really happens, sure very funny.
Hi Elaine
"loves" is too strong a word lar. He just doesn't mind it as much as milk. Think Caelen just hates to eat period. Must still play and distract him while feeding cereal.

Hi Emily, no choice, cereal is the last resort for my boy who doesn't wan to drink milk. So worried that he is not getting enuff nutrients. I checked with PD. He said ok for cereals for 6 months as long as it is Stage 1 and plain rice/brown rice cereals. He is ok with Nutrakids after he tried yesterday.
Hi Goldfishy,
Ur description also very funnie... Furthermore, black in white in color... Our babies will wonder what is that patch of black color thingy that just flew by......
Hi low, pillow,
I read there are various methods to flash the cards...The Glenn Doman style is to flash cards quickly, while the Shichida method is repeating so that babies memorise the images or something like that. I just flash each card to Jade and describe what's in the picture. When she starts to look away that means she's bored and I'll flash another picture. I guess it's up to you to pick the style...see what your baby likes.
Hi peapod,
Yeah, ok to go as long as PD gives the consensus... My boy still doesnt show any interest in our food yet.. So, prob I will delay his weaning until 5-6 months old.. Lately his appetite increases.... His usual intake is 120ml, increased to 150ml in the day and 180ml in the night...


i tried to upload the pics... but then can't. recd msg saying my uploaded pic dimension too large.

nevertheless, the flashcards about maths - containing random dots, organised dots, and variety dots. all from 1 - 100

re : flashing
should be done quickly... there is a timing rate but i can't remember. but we as parents not expert as the teachers.. they flash very fast in school.. but then hor, you will be surprise that they kids can see and remember. for example, the teacher flashes 10 diff fruits to my son and his 4 other classmates quite quickly. Then ask them to pick up the cards from a list of 15cards and arrange according to the sequence. the score for the class is almost 9/10. parents get to sit in the class to participate and learn as well.. so we see the progress and amazing discovery about our own kid.
impt thing they always highlight is about the timing... nv show flashcards more than 5 mins. becos their attention span is short... try doing some finger activities then come back to it for another 5 mins... as they grow older, attention span will be longer and better.
