(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs


he is turned 3 last aug 2007. he has been with shichida since 18-19 mths old. the results really amazed all parents lor. initially i was skeptical to enrol him becos its costly.. but my niece and nephew both attended and i saw positive improvement in their results. they are both in primary school now... can concentrate better and remember things better

but home practise is equally important... i'm lucky that my maid helps to flash the cards when i'm at work. we let her attend the class with darius inorder for her to grasp the 'trick'...
thanks dArmAe.

Tiny voice, they are not called "flash cards" for nothing. HAHAHHAA we need to check definition of "flashing". now we know its not just SHOWING :p
phoebe...the video very sad...
me bk to work.. thks for all the well wishes. Ryann fever gone already but still very bad feeding... cranky at night...any mummies here with bb who wake up crying like night mare? ryann every day also like tat .. sm moreat same time... 6plus in the morning...

ya, i also cry non stop.. this video make me feel like hugging my bb. nw gender of bb doesnt matter anymore... most impt is healthy... nw every time i start to get impatient with ryann, i will remind myself with this video... Thank God we are all blessed with a healthy baby...
blueskye, pillow, thank you for your advise!

Hi dArmAe, Do you mind telling how much you pay for the shichida course? How often you bring your child there? IF not convenient, then its ok. Thanks!
Hi Phoebe, glad to hear the ryann fever has gone already. Do take good care! Have you try letting ryann sleep beside you? So that around 6 plus before he wake up to cry, like when he starts to make the ek ek ek sound, then u pat him back to sleep?
today so happy! So wanna share my joy with all of u.

Can finally fit into my pre-pregnant pants and zip up without filling uncomfortable.
Previously, at 1 month, I could not even pull up. At 2+ months, I can zip but super uncomfortable with that loose tummy.

Emily, does "term" mean every 3 months?
Am I right to say it is 12 lessons for the $780 (1 lesson per week)?
How many lessons before it is considered "effective"?

Very excited about flashing cards tonight.
Emily, i called to check and they told me its for age 3 mths to 10y.o. They are all fully booked and the next available term will be in April.

Arisz, its once a week and 1 parent need to attend with the kid. $780 per term of 3 months.
WAh...so popular one ah! fully booked?! goodness!
ex leh....$780 for 3 months ...that works out to be $65/lesson!
Will check with hubby and see whether we should invest in this. But hor, how long should you enrol your child in to see the effectiveness? I'm also curious like Goldfishy.

congrats Goldfishy, i still have no courage to try coz I know sure can't fit in. I still have 4-5kg to shed off before I go back to my pre-preg weight. super siannnnzzzzz

glad to hear that ryann is better now. sorry cant advise you on the crying like nightmare part. did you check with PD on that?


both em and rxsti got you the answer.. hee
$780 per term is for weekends.. if you attend weekday is $745 per term. (once a week). the amt not inclusive of GST yet

Each lesson last 75mins.. but usually first 5mins for welome routine (settling down), abt 55mins on the shichida method lesson... 15mins child activity/parent-instructor interaction.
Need to pay annual fee of $50, $300 refundable deposit. There is also this Parent Education Seminar which is complusory to attend (require to pay $170 for 1 parent, $290 for both parents) which is refundable under certain conditions (i think kid required to be with the school for at least 4 terms, if i rem correctly).


so good leh... can fit liao.. i'm still 4kg away....
Hello pretty mummies, can I join in? Actually I'm from oct thread but since my bb came out earlier than EDD, it turned out to be a sep baby.

Ooo I saw some familiar nicks too... like ben mum, tiffany and lbs. lbs is my kaki from yr 2005 until now, hehe. *wave wave*
Hi arisz & darmae,
I also have the last 4kg to shed.. But the weight has been stagnant for one month liao, think this 4kg will be super difficult to lose..

I will ask my HB tonight on this Shichida thing.. I think starting at 1 y/o will be better, at this age, they maybe too young to learn...
goldfishy, arisz,

re : results
for my boy, we could see 'results' in 4mths time after he attended the course. when we flashes pictures (of cos at that time only 4 pictures initially), he could remember the sequence liao.. then slowly increasing the number.
now at 3 yrs old, he could put together 48 pieces of puzzle within 20mins time. i dun noe if that is an acheivement for some but well, wat hubby and i were most pleased with is his concentration ability. before, he get vexed in less than 5 mins after doing his puzzles.. but now he has become more patient.

yeah.. although they should start young and as young as 3 months old. but its very difficult with younger babies... unless the baby is very routine, dun hv to worry about milk time, nap time...
initially, my son was attending growing up gifted at united square from 8mths - close to 18mths old. then we switched to shichida method after review from my sil on niece and nephew.

its indeed costly... plan to let my son, darius continue till end of the year. plan to let maegan start shichida method when she's between 8-9 mths tis year. if not very xiong on the pocket... haha.. furthemore darius attending nursery oso...
Happy for you! But now I'm very sad coz I still have 6kg to lose and I'm still wearing my maternity pants!

lbs, Bluesky,
What needle you talking abt huh? *blur*

Mummies who saw phoebe's link - What happened to the baby? My mandarin is so poor I didn't understand what they were talking abt!
Thanks dArmAe for the detail description! Will ask hubby about it coz really very ex leh!

Hi Joyce, welcome! Wah, 3 kids...thats my aim! keke!
waaaah.. joyce,

SAHM... give u my 2 thumbs up!!!
me still BF... 'tong-ing' cos resume work liao. hee..


me can get into the link but cant play media, i guess kena block lor cos i'm on company network.

you are welcome... i juz share wat i can recall. plus the 'change' i see in my son. hee...i oso like you, aim for 3 kids. but hor i'm at no.2 now... oredi throwing off idea liao.
wish you success... hee
somehow is good you both cant view the link..cos it affected me sooo much when i first saw the link a year ago...

The media file is a news coverage on the family..but the other link is to Baby Even's blog.
What is the video abt hah? I'm too chicken to watch it. Scared the emotional me will start crying inconsolably!

Angel, don't worry, I still have 7 kg to lose. I still win you.

Hi Joyce, welcome to this thread
I'm a SAHM too and still breastfeeding. But I only have 1 kid
3 sounds wonderful, but also wonderfully challenging! I think by the time I have 3, I'll be nearing 40 liao. Racing against time man!
Got this off Parenting Weekly and found it quite entertaining

Amnesia: The condition that enables a woman who has gone through labor to make love again.

Feedback: The inevitable result when your baby doesn't appreciate the pureed carrots.

Full name: What you call your child when you're really mad at him.

Grandparents: The people who think your children are wonderful even though they're sure you're not raising them right.

Hearsay: What toddlers do when anyone mutters a dirty word.

Impregnable: A woman whose memory of labor is still vivid.

Independent: How we want our children to be as long as they do everything we say.

Ow: The first word spoken by children with older siblings.

Puddle: A small body of water that draws other small bodies wearing dry shoes and socks into it.

Show off: A child who is more talented than yours.

Sterilize: What you do to your first baby's pacifier by boiling it and to your last baby's pacifier by blowing on it.

Two minute warning: When your baby's face turns red and she begins to make those familiar grunting noises.

true oso.. i'm the emotional sort. drop tears easily...
btw, hw u post chinese wordings ah?


you really make me laugh lor.. hence i hv own office now.. else my colleague might thk i siao, laughing at my laptop. keke


blue was still mentioning abt u juz nw and you appear.... !!!
angel, the bb is born with a very serious heart condition.. but he doesnt look sick at all...
so sad tat he passed away... now the tot of it will make me cry..
he was scheduled to a heart surgery the day aft he died.. its very heartbreakin to see tat his mom insisted to bathed him for the final time....

cant install msn on laptop, can only use web-based.
oic - chinese. mine cant lar.. company IT block alot of things.

thanks pinkyj,

i cant view the video but i saw the photos in the 2nd link liao. the ones which he had tubings of him makes me so 'xin suan'... very sad.
Wah lau, your description is enough to make me feel sad. Think I better don't watch.. sooo sad

Hah, is it? Wat did Blue say? I disappear is it? Actually have been reading the thread but dun have much contributions when it comes to maids, flashcards, schools and cereals.. Think I'm quite ignorant in these aspects. But my father has been pressurising me to give Zac solids..My family very weird. During confinement give me pressure on breastfeeding issues, now that Zac is growing well, still wanna pressure me to give him solids before 6 months. Somemore he got reflux problem.

lbs, I trust you.. won't view the video :p
Oh no...so sad
Must really thank God we all have healthy babies and nothing wrong with them lor!

Those quotes are hilarious! I laughed so hard at the first one!
The first one not posted by me lah..

This one hor, if you know Chinese & read on the mummy's posting..u will be super 'HOT'..feel like slapping the PILs..
