(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

at least your prob is with the maid..for me, my MIL didnt even put on bb diaper properly so last night after my dinner, i had a nice 'present' waiting in her diaper that leaked out onto her leg!

Almost fainted. She put the elastic band inwards instead of out.

haha.. atinarin,

very familiar... my MIL oso like tat. not only the elastic band is inwards, even the velcro oso nv stick properly, unbalance... faint oso
very stress la. then she insists that i should give bb glucose and honey when i say doc say cannot, she say dont listen to doc.

aiyo i wanna be the one who decides what my girl eats but this older generation really troubling
morning all!

agree with all the mummies that you shd replace your maid lor, its better to be safe than sorry mah. Besides training a new maid is easier than having to cope with a troublesome one. I very kiasee one, dun dare to hire maid bcos of this reason loh and also dun like to have another person intruding in our privacy so die die dun want to hire even though my mum keep telling me to get one then leave the maid and baby at her place when I'm at work. I'd rather send my baby to infantcare and xin ku abit take care of her myself at night then having to worry abt maid's attitude. But of cos to be fair, there are nice maids ard who are really helpful. So I'm sure you can find a better one.

I almost got arrowed to travel next week. I was so worried loh bcos not only sim tia the milk that is gonna be thrown away also I dun have enough frozen ebm to last till i come back! Heng now no need liao cos I'm not working anymore.
agree totally...

sometimes older generation gives us additional stress lor.
introducing glucose is a big taboo lor esp they are so young. will cause them to reject water...

honey worse cos pollen is an allergen... beta hold that till they are at least 18mths of age


you quit liao ah? SAHM?
Hi darmae & atinarin,
Older generation doesnt use disposable diapers. My MIL gave me a big pack of clothes diaper (used before, not brand new). I told her I will use disposable diaper instead. I dont like the idea of taking old clothes & diapers from other babies due to hygience concern.
hi all mummies, do u all noe how to use the sling - i hv tried using it a few times, but never successful....sian lah...so is like wasted leh, buy already don't know how to use. any advice
Has anyone started introducing Flash Cards to your babies? If yes, any good brand to recommend? I saw a BP for Flash Card, but it doesnt look interesting to me (black & white in color)... I am looking for more colorful & attractive flash cards...
I hope I can delegate but i am the project owner..

u SAHM liao huh?

BuBu Mama
I know but how to demo to you huh?

I heard flashcards is very good for babies but this lazy mummy never introduce yet haha.. but i got feedbacks from my friends n colleagues that they use flashcards on their kids n they know how to talk very early they told me is really effective.

Like u I also don't know which is good.. to be truthful u also need time to spend flashing the cards to our babies.. my mum don't know how to do this cos she don't know english.. hmm infant care never introduce flash cards to babies? I am also wondering which brands is good.. any mummies care to share?

lbs very gd wif her pod sling... hehe
i saw her demo before.. very steady. makes me so tempted to get one. currently using MIM sling, but duno if i use it correctly, kept having backache when i carry maegan.


yeah.. re: diaper cloth. i oso dun like the idea of taking hand me dwn for that.
but for clothings.. still ok for me, but only from certain sources... hehe...
re : flashcards
read somewhere tat the younger babies (i cant rem the age).. focus on black, white and red better. hence most flashcards (for babies) comes in these colors. only for elder ones, then the flashcards become more fancy.

i plan to start introducing flashcards to maegan next mth after cny. when i less busy... will use the flashcards from shichida that my elder one used when he was younger.
can we meet somewhere for u to teach me. tks darmae for informing me abt lbs. mine also MIM, but hubby & me tried many times liao, still not gd, cos the ring keep falling at the breast position instead of the correct position - shoulder. funny thing is that bb can sleep comfortably inside, but i find it very uncomfortable.

am working over at raffles plc mrt - the ntuc building, if not, stay at north side (yishun), or can meet u somewhere to ur convenience with hubby & bb for demo. tks in advance hor

wow lau, these few days hv been dropping hair, juz slightly brush hair with hand, a few strand come out liao - wonder is it normal. my mum said once bb knows how to smile at u, that is the time we loosing hair
bubu mama, i'm sheddin hair!!! i drop so much hair everyday!! the amt of hair i dropped is enuff to make a wig for the babie doll!! hopefully it'll stop soon.. hiaz.. my hairline is recedin lor...
darmae, lbs...became SAHM unwillingly as company not doing well so sort of got "retrenched" lah, but faith still going to infantcare as already paid for and also I can concentrate on finding new job loh.

bubu mama, i also dropping hair! very long never see my hair on my floor liao since pregnant but now its starting to fall out. think its post pregnancy hair loss due to hormones bah...
Hi darmae,
Now I know why those flash cards are black n white in color, thanks for informing. I saw one BP selling flash cards, maybe I can buy from them.

Hi low,
I am checking the web for flash cards. If I find anything useful, I will update you. I heard that flash cards can help to simulate baby's brain. I will ask the teachers at the infant care tonight whether they use flash cards.
The infantcare faith goes to do ask the teachers to "teach" the babies. they will sing nursery rhymes, play simple games and use flash cards too but at home I also lazy mummy so haven't done any flash cards yet.
Hi Atinarin,
Ya honey is a definite no-no..don't ever honey to babies! How come your mother want to give?

Hi Emily,
Black and white cards may not be very interesting to you, but are supposed to be very entertaining for babies lor! You very funny leh! LOL

Bubumama, Darmae
I gave up using the sling...too difficult to use and gave me backaches! Imagine as our babies grow bigger and heavier its gonna be more difficult and uncomfortable. If you do intend to buy something else, would highly recommend a Babybjorn carrier and its the best thing that we ever bought for Jade!

Hi arisz,
Can understand your frustration with yr maid. See how long you can tahan her lor. Ask the agent to tell her this is her LAST chance. But don't be afraid to change maids coz the next one could be better. Hiring a new maid may really a gamble...but if the current one is a bad egg...you don't really have anything to lose. Darmae's colleague's maid not that bad...only threaten the mother that she will jump down. My friend's maid worse...pushed her MIL down the flight of stairs at home after her MIL scolded her maid! Lucky her MIL only suffered some bruises. Actually she say her maid has been upset and giving black face all the time. SO I think we shouldn't underestimate maids...they are capable of doing anything
Once they are unhappy or start to show attitude, I feel its better to send them back to the agent...you'll never know what they'll do.
BuBu mama
i work in tg Pagar & stay in far far east..haha, i think most babies love to sleep in the sling..mine will 'auto' kun when I put her in..

I find the pouch easier to bring arnd because it is very compact but sling is no doubt more 'flexible' as the bb grows.

Re: dropping hair
wah liew, every time I wash my hair, I dare not to look at my hands! ah boy time i drop hair till he was about one year old..die le, pray hard I have enough hair 'to drop' this time befor become botak
Hi Em,
Can make your own flashcards at home! I downloaded some flashcards for Jade from the internet before...can't remember the link but I can email you the file I downloaded if you want.
I printed out to A4 size paper and laminated them. I've been showing them to her since 1 month old, but only like once a week when I remember lah :/ Last time she will only stare at the pictures, but now she has started 'talking' to them...its hilarious to watch her now!
can meet u somewhere near ur office after work or u rushing home or u will be going town then i can meet for u to demo? let me know. i'm ok. fyi will be going down to tg pagar every fri after (will reach there ard 7)
Dear mummies,

I have the following for sale. not sure if any of you are interested or any of your friends. Help me ask around ya. Thanks!


Things for sale:
1) GRaco Stroller
2) Bum wear
3) 'The First Years' milk bags (4 packs)
4) Sofa set
5) 2 bags of milk caps for those glass milk bottles obtained from hospitals.
6) "Lindam" safety gate
7) Nuk Nuk and Pigeon milk bottles

Please PM me or sms me at 9489 9008 for fast deal if interested.

halo Bubu Mama
After work buay sai as everytime I have to 'fly' home to pick up my kids & settle them for the day.

or someone arrange another gathering lah..hahaa

sorry to learn abt your retrenchment... but gd side is u can take a good break, recharge before starting a new phase. all the best in scouting for new career!


same here, i oso clueless abt MIM sling.. juz agar agar only. end up backache... but surprisingly maegan can sleep well in there though.. juz tat mummy uncomfortable, backache lor.


tempted to get bjorn carrier.. but hubby say 'lang fei' to get now. cos most of the time, we put maegan in stroller. only carry her if place is super crowded or she cranky...


yes... i found your pod sling easy to use and carry.

re : dropping hair

me oso dropping alot of hair for 2 weeks liao. spotted 1 small bald patch by the side. i'm very scared lor.. worry will drop further and patch become bigger.
Hi Angel,
Pls e-mail me the flash cards, many thanks for your help..

Hi mummyfaith,
My boy's infant care do have a routine for activities... But for younger babies, I doubt they will follow the routine...

I read in the newspaper abt this Babies Inc @ Bukit Timah, who has the Montessori program for infants. The price is steep, $1600 for full day.. They have lots of programs for babies..
Hi darmae,
I dropped a lot of hair too.... Ald also noticed the small bald patch on the side.. My colleague told me if its serious, we can see a GP, they will prescribe some "tonics" for us to apply on our scalp.. I will probably see one if the situation get worse...
Haha I come in at the right time since you all are talking about maids! I am changing mine ... actually been pondering for quite some time. My mum has been urging me to change since her first month but I've been giving her chance.

We were sorta "conned" in the sense that she's supposed to be an experienced maid but end up she never work as a maid before. Still remember the first time she clean the house, she mop the floor before vacuum ... I mean, even common sense can tell you that one should vacuum before mop right?

Anyway to cut long story short ... I was quite reluctant to change her cos I find she's quite patient towards caring of Jordan, esp when he fusses alot in drinking milk, she will keep trying different ways to feed him. She also dotes on Jordan.

Well, now the story is such that my mum and in-laws all feel should change another one cos she's really slow in doing housework and not very clean also. Then she seems to have alot of problems (i.e. she owes $$$ in her country and keep wanting to borrow $$$ from us to send back, which we didn't lend her ... she also always complain got headache, hand pain, leg pain etc.). Worse, my FIL can't tolerate her being unhygenic ... caught her "digging gold" twice and there was once when I told her she has dandruff, guess what? Her immediate reaction was to sweep her dandruff off her shoulders!!! And guess what? She was carrying Jordan ok! That means she literally swept all her dandruff onto Jordan's face!!!

Sigh ... but apart from all these small small little things, she's ok lah ...

Anyway, I've finally found a new maid and arranging with the agent to replace her. Hopefully the new one will be better ...
On dropping of hair, wah lau, mine was horrifying! Very tempted to go and cut my hair short to minimise the dropping. But very bu she de my long hair since I've been having this hairstyle for more than 10 years easily. Also, might not look good in short hair as my face will look rounder.
tats why my hair is so short..bo bian..must maximise the nutrients for each string of hair sia..hahaa
thanks Em,

glad u tell me can see GP... or else i oso duno wat to do but to let it drop further. i thot can't do much since its our hormones imbalancing lor


me wan the flashcards you dwnloaded too!! me KS mummy, oredi hv the shichida ones, hvnt start still wan some more.. keke
thanks ya
Hi dArmAe,

Where u get the shichida ones? I juz anyhow get fr popular....at first...quite hard working....show her almost everyday...nw long time nvr show her liao...;p Must show veri fast, rite?
For those who are seriously concerned about hair loss, can see this hair specialist Eileen Tan also. She's very well known for this field. Quite a few of my friends who experienced hair loss sees her. In fact, before I was pregnant, I went to see her also cos I was already experiencing hair loss then (somemore I was born with little hair already ... with dropping, even worse). Wanted to do hair transplant but she advised me to only do it after I complete all my childbearing ... so now that I have completed, I might be arranging to see her soon also.
blueskye, i'm also very tempted to cut my hair short.. but i jus got it permed durin my bb full mth.. then like waste money if i cut it away... haiz...
hi tiny voice, u r rite, am working with a&g. wow lau u still can remember even after give birth, my memory really cannot make it also....not only my hair
Hi mummies,
I emailed the flashcards to all who were on Emily's email list previously. If I missed out anyone, PM me and I'll send to you k?
thanks angel..


the shichida flashcards i bgt from the school. elder son attending since 18mths. so i plan to use the cards for maegan as well.. make money well spent. hee


thanks for the recommendations... will seriously consider if i shld seek professional help.
last x my hair loss not that bad.. tis time more jialart.
Hi darmae, is the shichida flashcards expensive? Can upload some samples to show us? hee hee...

Hey blue, am glad you found a replacement, my current replacement so far still alright, can take care of Sam quite well. My maid also owe agent in philippines $$, the person who recommended her to the sg. agency. She needs to pay the recommender 5000pesos and the person kept hounding her family to pay. I told her to tell her family that she will pay but after 9mths later when she gets her fully salary, hound also no use, no $$ to pay.

For those comtemplating to get a replacement, go ahead, the next one who come along might be better though you need to re-train but long term wise, u got less headaches.

Actually there are good and not so good maids but we also must lower expectations when hiring maid, if they're so good, won't need to be maid already, can be in nursing or other profession. We must close 1 eye sometimes and cannot set too high expectations. Am happy with this one and hope she continues to behave and perform well(to my expectation!) I believe in close communication with maid so that they won't feel lonely and left out especially you could be the only person they have contact with in singapore. (then hopefully won't try to be funny, out of boredom try to pick quarrel or do funny tricks.)
Hi Angel,
Thanks for the flash cards, really super cute!

Hi darmae,
I just realised Baby Meagan is yr 2nd baby.. You look so young, and yet mother of two already... Very "xin fu"

angel, can email me the flashcards too. Tks

Me also hair loss a lot, where's the GP to buy the hair tonic.... whenever i carry my gal, she will have a few strands of my hair on her.... during hairwash even more....very scary leh.... i'm now trying to grow long my hair.... somemore CNY soon need to touch up my inherited white hair.... dont know if it will make it worse....??
