(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs


thanks for reminding... after the incident on jumperoo (i think it was arisz's bb if i rem correctly) i oredi started to place the jumperoo on the bumpermat.


hee.. i'm sure Ash will like it. they look so cute bouncing on the jumperoo...

Hi Angel,
Yeah, from what I know, we shd sterilize until 1 y/o.. Just to be safe lor..

Hi mummies,
Just wondering what brand of laundry detergent u r using. I am using Purex (an American brand), seems to be quite good in removing milk stains on baby clothes.

Has any mummies started cleaning your baby's mouth? I bought a toothpaste & baby toothbrush last weekend, and intend to start brushing my boy's gum this weekend. My dentist advised that we shd start brushing them at 4 months old.
BuBuMama, i got a spare new Avent sterilizer, if you want, i can sell you at $100, i bought for $149 i think. Initial plan was to send baby to mum's plc but end up just leave baby at home with maid. Let me know if you want to take over, mine is the 8mins steam sterilizer, not the higher range.
Emily: My mum uses Tollyjoy and Pigeon for bb's clothes.

Re cleaning the mouth:
I use a sof cloth to clean her tongue everyday.
emily: im using tolly joy, pigeon and kodomo for softerner.

re cleaning mouth,
I have stopped cleaning her tongue for sometime oreadi, coz no more stains. Do i still need to go it daily?
tks. so when then we stop sterilize all those ka chiang....tout must sterilize till bb quite old? really need advice on it. my colleague tole me 6 mths ok liao - true?

let me think abt ur $100 sterilizier. will let u know soonest.

ya, my gal overdue for 12 days leh (at 41wks), gynae sd hv ever delivered (43 wks bb), but i scare mah, so went for induction but after 8 hrs still did not "open" much so hubby called gynae to operate lor. luckily men, cos during that afternoon b4 my induction, doc break waterbag - already found water not much liao.
lucky for u bubumama...=D operate in time.

re sterilise
also heard must sterilise the bottles and things till bb is 1 yr old. i have 3 big bottles (feed milk) and 1 small bottle (feed water) only. so once i have used up 2 big bottles i will ask my maid to wash and sterilise. else if the 3rd bottle i accidentally dropped it or whatever mishaps, i will have no more as standby. =D 4 bottles plus 4 covers plus 4 teats and 2 pacifiers plus 1 containter to put powder for the night feed can fit into the avent steriliser quite nicely. =D so maybe 1 day can sterilise up to 3 times max?

gingerleaf, still thinking hard about it la. my car seat till now still functioning well actually. but it can only be used as a rear facing seat. i read somewhere that bb have to sit in rear facing car seat up to 1 yr old. so maybe i buy later when the car seat is really too small for him. =D

emily, me using pigeon detergent for washing bb clothes. =D no smell de. sometimes wonder if should have bought kodomo. they all say kodomo smell nice. but mil say bb detergent shd not have any smell. so.....erm....

re: cleaning mouth
i aso stopped cleaning bb's mouth if there are no stains. must clean everyday har?
em... using top detergent for adult and my girl.. tot only start using toothbrush and toothpaste when my girl got teeth and eat solid food.. now still using hanky to clean her tongue.. btw my girl is also emily..

bena.. really like the joke.. cos i got 4 pacifier.. and always rinse with hot water b4 putting back into girl's mouth..

goldfishy.. me also as k-s as you.. teat and bottle will still rinse with hot water b4 making milk

went to see pd today... my girl's wt only increased by 300g.. my fault cos tot she is overweight so control her milk intake.. now her milk intake is only 730ml per day..stupid mummy wants to lose wt so make her girl lose wt together..
jme...so how heavy is ur girl now? she is 4 months? my son aso takes about 750ml everyday leh. earlier he was indeed having growth spurts so will wake up at 2 plus am to feed 1 more 150ml to make it 900ml. that lasted for about 4-5 days. now he is back to 750ml per day. will be underweight meh?
didnt know britax has so many models.. mine in britax first class.. seems like quite a few mummies here using britax..

anyway just to sidetrack a bit.. do you know that it is better to re submit cpf nomination form after marriage.. bn procrastinating till now.. also just discussed with hubby who should be my girl's guardian if we suay suay passed away.. not a very nice topic to touch on but quite important.. cos wanna my girl to grow up with the right pp, right environment with lots of love if we really not around with her le..also though now we not super rich but with the house, insurance, cpf etc etc.. wanna someone we can trust to use the money to raise our girl..
spoke to my mummy friends on this topic, surprisingly they never discuss with their hubby one.. maybe i think too much into it le.. haha
been a while since i last post.. today on leave!!! so can post abit...

Re: sterilizing and washing
clothes: kodomo laundry detergent

Bottles,teats,pump etc: tollyjoy --> better then pigeon i find. some mummy recommend pureen..

Sterilizer: Nuk --. $99 free 2 small and 2 big bottles. so far so good.

Actually is up to individual la, we just do wat we can lor... some say after sterilize cannot put those sterilize items outside open air like those bottles stands cos gt airborne bateria... i also dun really follow. if want to follow, is too much work n too much money le lor....
unlike some mummies whose bb is sick then no choice la.... have to be really careful lor...like a fren of mine whose brother got muscle cancer so no choice everything have to be clean... cos he more prone to germs...

I feel maybe certain myths are spread by the merchants themselves to boost their sales lor.. =p
benmum.. she was 7.49kg @ 3rd mth.. today she is 4mths3days old le and her wt is 7.8kg.. not underweight but just read from one of the mummies' posting the average wt gain is 1 kg and my pd also mentioned 500g per mth.. heard stories abt not good for bb's heart if bb is overwt so tot better control milk intake lor.. but now got abit of heart pain when wt increased so little.. silly me la.. dont want her to be overwt yet want her to put on wt.. fickle,fickle..
Ya agree that it's impt to discuss guardian issue and buy insurance/ place nomination for baby..we never know what will happen!
jme lol...u so cute. but 7.8kg is still ok right? i mean the percentile wise, dun bother about weight gain la. my boi was 5.1 kg when he was 5 weeks old. PD said he is going to be overweight at the rate he is going. So i put him on a diet. at 5 weeks, he was drinking 150ml per feed. we dropped it to 90ml. he cried like hell on first 2 days. had to keep carrying him to make him forget he was hungry. he was only 6.7kg when he is 3 months old. which means, he only put on 1.6kg in 2 months! but PD said he is in 75th percentile. so everything ok de. =D

bena i forgot to ask that. hehehe...emily do u know why we need to brush gums for bbs?

re: sterilising
my last sterilising time is about 9.45pm at night. then i will take out a bottle, prepare a flask of hot water, and a bottle of milk powder into my room. this is in case my boi decides to wake up in the middle of the night to drink milk, i no need to come out of bedroom! ha! all these 3 things i put in my bedroom. bottle sterilise liao...i even put cooled boiled water inside leh. cannot har?
Hi Bena,
According to him, its for oral hygience & reduce bacteria. It also soothes tender and sore gums during teething. Most importantly, to establish a habit of brushing teeth on our babies. When they grow up, they wont have any problem with brushing teeth. This is what I bought last weekend:

Infa-Dent baby soft toothbrush & toothpaste

wow, all ur bb can drink so much at 3mth liao, mine only drinks ard 125ml (EBM) every 2-3 hrs interval. so scare she not put on weight & she like to cross her leg somemore, really scare she no put on weight. currently she is 7.13kg at 14 wks. hope shld be alright. my colleague told me her boi can drinks 180ml at 3+ mth, so i get very worried.
bubumama, my boi drinks 150ml every 3.5 to 4 hours. so i think not very much more than urs if u count the per hour feed. =P so dun worry. =D
my ryann only 6.5kg at 4 mths during his jab on the 15th... pd say ok .. i guess dun worry so much la, diff baby diff ma.. 7.13 at 14wks is so much bigger then ryann le... ryann also drink 130ml for 6 feeds a day.
best is dun compare... ren bi ren qi shi ren.

RE: Spree
Do you all have prob during spree with the organizer? i having prob with this unfriendly and irritating organizer who is slow in replies and collecting things from her is such a hassle... really feel like scolding her...

we sama sama again. haha. my gal oso takes little. 120ml, 3 hrs interval.
but she petite lor. 6.6kg at 17wks. my BM not power enuff.. LOL.. haha


re : spree

wat happen?

i juz had a problem with 1 organiser. her response slow oso.. then arrange for collection oso inflexible... i opted for postage eventually oso took her very long to post. in the end, i still hv to self collect. but end up, she dropped 1 additional item with my stuffs. blame myself for not checking well.. i juz cfm by opening the bag to see.. but nv check bottom. went back home then discover. sms her, she still ask me to come and meet her. i say i post back to her.. ask her to transfer postage... she say ok but 1 day liao.. no update response fm her. i oso duno hw...
Hi hi ... aiyoh so busy these few days until no time to come here! Finally, it's TGIF and think most of you have already knocked off. *Envy*

RE: Washing and Sterilising Bottles
Thought must wash baby's bottles with the baby bottles' detergent? Was surprised some of you didn't ... btw what brand you all using huh? I've used quite a few brands but find Pureen one the best and also the cheapest! If you are using Pigeon brand (one of the most ex), you will find that it's quite ex right? Pureen one bottle only $6. It's gel type so not so watery and diluted like Pigeon. And I like the minty smell (mint flavour). On sterilising, I sterilise each time before using the bottles. Of cos, I use a steriliser lah. Can't be boiling water each time to sterilise mah ...

RE: Overweight
BeBeNg, your Ashton definitely not overweight lah. If he's overweight, then my Jordan is obese! He's already 8.2 kg at 4 months!
Re: Spree
she post a spree with 10% off.. end up she miss the order date. end up we never get 10% that nvm cos end up gt sale so we got better price. during this period she never reply posts. i IB to her, she said she never receive. i told her but the amt deduct from my bank le, i got worried so ask her to check again. then she said she receive it only on 17th dec, i send on 14th. Nvm, so we waited and waited she place the orders on 14th. and she said the things only arrive last week.. 1 mth for shipping?? oka nvm, i take it as festive season. but at least reply our post and tell us there might be a delay.
Her Post at the start of the spree :
1. Punggol MRT / Punggol Plaza - weekdays after 6:30pm (PREFERRED), weekends depends on my schedule;

When i order my stuff, i told her i want to collect at punggol plaza.she never say anything.
Now when i want to collect my things she say collect at her hse at punggol central which i dunno where is it... then i told her can collect at punggol plaza since u said it is a preferred location? her reply is : "Never go there...."I told her i dunno how to go and scare lost
then next sms, she say : "i thot you stay punggol?"
So ppl who stay in punggol must know the whole estate la!!!!! irritating!!!!
Her exchange rate, i am very sure she earn abit.
With this attitude, i really cant tahan... i usually very qin cai person... she is just getting on my nerves...if you want ppl to collect at ur hse then state it clearly in the spree ma... kill me to spree with her again...
phoebe can pm me the spree organiser too? wan to make sure i dun buy things from her in future. =D or after u receive your things then u post here la. lol

so far, the things i buy ok leh. except the one with smallsmallworld. i ordered animal occupations from spree july. then i ordered the world map in aug. when she called me to deliver the july one, i told her i have 1 more in aug and even wan to be nice to her to save money and transportation costs for her so i told her to send me both bumper mats in aug. in the end, she sold my animal occupations bumper mat, then world map no longer in production somemore! so angry! in the end only buy 1 yellow bear bumper mat from her. see la, wan to be nice to her in the end i end up losing out. SIGHS.
now she say today cannot.. i even sms her saying that to her convenience i dun mind gg to the nearest lrt station near hse.. she simply ignore my request and tell me "i will let you knw the time and date you can collect again!!!!"
she think i very free 24/7 must stand by just in case she say i can collect the stuff?
Haiz... really bth such ppl....
which organiser is that, phoebe? PM me too. thanks

So far, I only kena from a organiser b4, but forgot her name. Asked her how she calculate her shipping, she ignore my email totally. 2 emails someore.
Wahhhh I so angry for you!! She is really too much! You should set up another nick and post complaints of this person to warn other ppl! Let her know she can't get away with this kind of behaviour lor! I also want to know who this person is
Hello Magoo,
I checked it out 4 u liao. Tamp Giant does not carry Friso 1 small tin.

Mummies, can anyone advise mi on the following?
1) Prepared FM - how many hrs can we keep before discarding if bb refuse to drink after preparation? 1 or 2 hrs?
2)Any bbs on Similac? Is Similac heaty? Does ur bb poo daily n wats the colour of their poo?
Tinking of mixing Friso comfort with Similac (PD says can mix as my bb has reflux problem)
rainforest jumperoo. ?Where can i get it? Is it worth it?


Hi !
Im 1983 ^^ U're a SAHM too? Attachment parenting is very tiring wor =( Miss going out with my friends and hubby for a day of movies, shopping and hanging out. Starting to train my son to drink his milk from a magic cup tat states for 3months++ babies. So my hubby can have some bond with him as well.


My son also prefers the lying down position. I got serious engorgement once and went back to my gynae becoz of high fever when i stopped pumping. U might really want to massage your breast really hard to unblock all the block ducts. Hand expressing might help. Up to now my son drinks only from one side of the breast and he's full. So no choice i got to pump out milk from the other breast which i find it a hassle and he doesnt drink from bottle too..Its also heartaching to throw away the unused milks. I tried using a hot towel to reduce the engorgement and have a hot cup of water before latching.

ya lor i tried ways to make him accept drinking milk from his bottle but he simply doesnt want the bottle. Keep crying at the top of his voice whenever he sees the bottle and will even go on hunger strike. Had a serious dicussion with hubby and we find ways to make him drink. Like spoon feeding etc. Finally i went to mothercare saw a magic cup from avent for babies 3months ++ and its non spill and he's accepting it well =D *cheers*
Vone... i think you are our youngest mummie here =p whats your son's name? i have gt a long lost fren who is born in 1983 also a mummy of a son similar nick like you too... =p scally you the same person =p

My son also hunger strike today, dunno why, cry the moment the teat goes into his mouth...
dunno wats wrong? is it my milk??? the food i eat or wat... the magic cup useful or not...dunno shld try or not...
Wah lao why the organiser like that one! Really too much! Pm me her name also.. better avoid at all cost!

Emily, thanks for the info. Wah you really very advance.. I think I'm too lazy to brush Zac's gums..he'll probably vomit out all the toothpaste he swallow too..

Vone, I got Mrs Wong to massage for me liao to unblock the ducts. But hor her massage very merciless one.. so now my left boob is so sore.
Same lor, my son only drinks from one side and refuse to take the other. You know today I tried to trick him and it works. I gave him my left breast lying on my right, and when done, quickly switch to my right breast in the same position. Works leh! Btw, I just found a way to make homemade hot compress. Just fill a sock with uncooked rice and tie a knot at the end of the sock. Put the whole thing into microwave oven for a min or 2 whenever you wanna use and bingo, it's ready for use. I find this hot compress very good for massaging breasts leh.. in fact for general massage it's very good too. But make sure you shake the compress to even out the heat cuz microwave oven doesn't heat things up evenly and you might be scalded if not careful.
ben mum,
thank you... that is with make up and before preggy... you see now without make up.. look like walking panda ah... "yellow face wife" =p
Phoebe =) My son's name is Jaylen ^^ Regarding the cup maybe u want to give it a try. Since now they are teething and want to put everything in their mouth to bite. I manage to get him to bite and he ended up drinking from it =D So its worth it! ^^ OooO im the youngest mummy here? =D My son's born on 7 Sept =D What abt urs? Haha regarding yellow face wife. i also lor.. =( havoc now.. messy hair.. sighs unless last time still got time to make up and doll up. Now i do everything in a rush! >_< pack my son's things and grab n go.. no time to even doll myself up

really? I knoe how it feels so horrible =( he hates the other side of the breast and refuse to take it all the time. Maybe its becoz it chokes him the most.. when a let down occurs its worst.. okok i'll try the method u mentioned. Sighs i got to massage very hard to unblock the ducts. Super pain.. like rock.. touch also pain type.

I bought first teeth toothpaste to let my tiam jiak boy try @_@|| since he keep stuffing everything he grabs into his mouth. He seems to lke the taste of the toothpaste. So i brush it before his bath =)
Ben Mum:

My baby also dont want to flip @_@ ^5 try to distract him to flip but he simply refuse.


u also bring ur baby to see Dr Ong from aglow? me too. im bringing my baby to Dr Ong for his jab next month 12/2
I salute you.. I can't massage myself.. too painful liao. You try to do it in the hot shower? Start slow and increase pressure slowly.. else suddenly massage very hard very painful one.
Bena :

Can de ! Must do it if not will block more.. I jus massage it ... haiz once and for all !! If not jia lat.. =( Must Massage really Hard.. No mercy... >_<
blueskye, phoebe's wedding photos are on Facebook de. =D go and see la. =D

Bena, i aso like u. blocked ducts damn jia lut. massaged myself very painful! i aso cannot tahan. must ask people to massage for me.

vone, u are really young!!! gosh! makes me wish i should have started earlier too. grins.....sighs. how come our bb dun wanna flip har? *scratch head*

Hi Mummies

When i bring BB go kai kai , i normally will bring my cold EBM along , then when it's time for feed i'll warm it up .
Recently one of my frenz taught me to heat it up first then put in a thermal bag so when outside can feed anytime , very convenient &amp; can last for abt 3-4 hrs.But another of my frenz say cannot do it this way coz will have a lot of bacteria . Any advise ?
