(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

have added all of u in Facebook le. =D

gingerleaf, your ger only has very very chubby cheeks la. where got overweight?

Vone, ya i m on tbf... maybe lor... but i scare is cos of wat i eat lor....

Darmae, cannot meh... tats weird... can anyone try to invite darmae...
gt some settings not edited or nt??
darmae, i try to invite you but they say you are not in the singapore network this cannot invite... you try to change your network and see =p
its been 4 months plus since i've delivered. My hair now is shedding like there's no tomorrow. I am so scared it won't stop shedding like this. Any mummies having this problem now?
Its devastatin to find clumps of hair on the floor and on the bed every morning upon waking up....
Any solutions??
I just visited my cousin who delivered a boy last evening at KKH. Saw the babies in the nursery and somehow, I miss the thrill of having a newborn..hahaha...

RE: Jumperoo
Caelen loves it so the jumperoo is a good investment for me
I rented an exersaucer from rent-a-toy yesterday. Condition about 7.5 lar, abit older. I use Dettol to rub it down again before use. But Caelen doesn't seem to like it very much
Topic: Pureed Fruits

Hi Poohwei, saw in your facebook that your gal likes pureed banana. can i ask which type of banana did u use? Delmonte can?

i tried the Heinz pureed pear and banana and caelen hates it. the expression on his face is priceless. pure disgust. see?

hi justme,

I am facing the same problem. My hair is dropping as well. Lots of hair on the floor and I'm thinking when will this end cos it's kind of scary !!

Please add me to the facebook as well :)
my email: [email protected]
Yo mummies ...

RE: Hair Dropping
Sigh ... mine's dropping like crazy until both sides also got "big hole". Can't tahan any longer so tomorrow me going to snip it short. Very hard and long decision ... afterall I've had my long hair for more than 10 years already.
Hopefully having hair shorter will reduce the shedding ... afterall hair can grow long next time.

RE: Fruits
You all already give your babies pureed fruits? Thought usually recommended 6 months?
gingerleaf and twinkle,

i'm super particular abt hygiene wan lor.. but the one i rented from gogomummy was very clean and new.. i smell the seat and it smell of the pigeon detergent
so they actually wash and sterilize first before sending it to u...
bluesky: no point cutting hair..my waist length hair was cut to my shoulders...same thing...dont know when it will stop to shed...im so tired of cleaning the floor before going to work and sometimes at close to midnight every night to get rid of the hair.
ginger.. hahah... finally...!

blueskye.. i think it will drop lesser bah.. my 'bush' is gettin thiner... hiaz.. i bot this hair tonic(wella brand) its quite effective.. got quite abit of baby hair sproutin out.. gosh... i think i'm gonna look funny lor..
Hey, are you still breastfeeding? If you are, better not anyhow apply. Most hair tonics are potent and will pass through breastmilk!
oh woah suntec i havent been there for ages. Will drag hb there someday! i want jumperoo how much is it?

Umm justme i added u to facebook! =)
oh ya my hair is dropping as well but not that bad maybe coz i have lots of hair >_< i dont even dare go rebond my hair wor =( scared will pass thru to breastmilk coz im still bfing
Vone i also cant add urs too...

Add me: Phoebe_huihui at hotmail.com
replace at with @

mummies who have MSN pls add me in msn as well...
Actually i a bit confuse over who is who in the face book le... let me know who is who hor... =p
Hi Blueskye

I cut my hair on saT!! Real short now!! Think the last time i had this kind of hair length was during sec days!! Cant stand the amt of hair that was dropping. I did scalp treatment also..hope it does not affect my bm.

Hi Peapod,
My gal also showed the type of look that Caelen showed. I guess its because they have never tasted semi solids b4 other than bm. My gal was screaming for more banana when we were feeding her. She will lick the spoon and eat the pureed banana. (My mum bought the small small banana from the market, not the branded one.) We knew that she loves it because she was willing to take more! For milk, she will push away the teats forcefully and scream at the same time when she does not want it.

Think it is not worthed it to buy the bottled puree cos babies onli consume like 1 teaspoon onli. Banana is the best!! cos it requires minimal preparation.

For mummies who wants to start ur babies on semi-solids, remember to get them to wear bibs!!

Re: Swimming
I put my gal with the neck float into the bath tub today n she was screaming for help!!! She did not even smile once during the entire session. But after the "swim", she had a good sleep..dunno whether its related..haha

Re: Weight
Think my gal is one of the smallest baby ard..At 4 months, onli 6kg, length 65cm. Even her cousin who is 1 month younger weighs heavier than her.
My son kept wanting to be carried =( Carry until my backache... Anyone knoes how to use the sarong sling. i cant figure it out @_@||
i so badly want to do something about my hair >_< havent been mantaining myself since the birth of my baby everything's about him man!! arghh Can feel im getting more white hairs le!!
What I read abt the hair dropping is that those hairs that are dropping now are actually hairs that should have dropped throughout our 9 months of pregnancy, but did not. So now, the hairs will drop and it is only temporary, and will stop. There is new growth for each strand of hair dropped but we only notice the thinning of the hair because those new growths take time to grow longer.. so cheer up, mummies who are dropping hair. Things will get better
hi hi, i also wanna add in the facebook. but how to go there. my email is [email protected]

kekeke, yesterday finally got my sterilizer, is pigeon brand - kiddy (woodlands) got sale only cheap cheap $88+ (usual is $118+). can put up to 9 wide neck bottles. so simple &amp; easy.
hi mummies,
me too. haor dropping like carzy and recently changed to new shampoo- dove daily wash and seemed better leh...think my previous shampoo- head and shoulders not suitable for me. maybe u guys can also try out another shampoo.
anyone knows what to do when baby's BCG has pus coming out?

my girl is almost 4 months but only today did it suddenly ooze with pus...plus the stupid BCG scar is so big

Hi all, Good morning.

Hi gingerleaf, your girl very cute &amp; chubby!!! Her hair is so long, my boy now still very short. No, she is not overweight, as long as baby is healthy will do.

Re : jumperoo. What is this? I see everyone is talking about it…

Re : Facebook

Added :
[email protected].
[email protected]
[email protected]
Phoebe_huihui at hotmail.com

Re : Postpartum hair loss
I found this article

Re : Want to have another baby
Anyone here plan to have another baby now? I am thinking to have one more now :p it is too early??

Re : Pureed Fruits
Peopod, your baby expression make me laugh hahaha…very funny

Ah… cannot continue liao, need to go for meeting now..
