(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Ya I go to Dr Ong at Aglow
What a coincidence coz I'm bringing Jade for her 5th month jab on 12/2 too! What time is your appt? Mine at 2.30pm.

hi mummies,
wow..talking abt weight..nynke just turned 4 mths and is 6 kg and 61cm in height. i thot she's considered 'fat' liao..fat thighs, arms and cheeks..
now, she's still having running nose..drooling and keep eating her fingers. I'm trying to give her pacifier cos we dun want her to eat her hands but she threw tantrums at us by crying so badly when we took her hand away and pop in the pacifier. anyone encounter that and how do u resolve it? should i continue popping in the pacifier and let her get used to it?

I also have facebook a/c. [email protected]. do add me in
Hi Twinkle,

Re EBM and formula, I asked my PD before leh...he advised once the EBM is warmed up or formula is mixed, after 1 hour should throw away coz in our climate alot of bacteria grows in the milk...no good for bb's tummy.

So he advised when we go out, should bring cold EBM in a cooler bag with ice pack, then when its time to feed use hot water to warm the bottle of milk up. Or if using formula, pour warm water into the milk bottle first and keep it in the thermal bag to keep it warm, then when its time to feed mix the powder in and then feed. Alternatively can use those thermal hot water flask to keep the water warm, then when its time to feed pour the warm water into the bottle and mix the powder.
haha !! My appointment at 3pm!! :D High chance of being able to see u there ! ^^

Ben Mum:
I dont knoe leh he dont want to flip jus keep making noise and keep doing the swimming pos. ~_~ Ah
Ben Mum i miss my movie days and shopping days wor.. abit regret becoming yellow face wife so early ! =(
grins...vone....look at it this way. when we are 40 years old and still fretting over children's studies, you should be more or less quite free liao. LOL.....feel better? =D

RE: Keeping FM

I am guilty of keeping FM for up to 2hrs :p Cos' Caelen always reject milk so very wasted to keep throwing away. THink half my tin of milk usually goes down the drain
Luckily, so far baby still ok.

Hi Phoebe, your pic so glam glam :p The wedding pics are very well taken, I especially like the little devils soft toys
Looking at wedding pics make me feel very nostalgic leh... seems so long ago when I was so excited about my wedding. Still remembered we were sharing the pics in the Singaporebrides forum thread. Now the thread is dead liao, think quite a number of the brides are also now mummies

Anyone else have wedding pics to share? Shall we put up our wedding pics on facebook so that we can admire each other's "prettiest moments". So the pics won't go to waste also... mine is in the store collecting dust liao hahaha

Re: Keeping BM

I am oso guilty of keeping EBM warm up to 2 hrs. Cos Summer morn call varies fr 7 plus- 9 plus... if her EBM is nt ready when she wake up...I tink her cries will shook all my neighbourhood ppl...ppl will tink tat I abuse her or wat....so far no problem..thk god...

Re: Brushing of teeth/tongue/gum

I oredi start when she was 3 mth +++(toothpaste state can use for 3 mth n above BBs)...coz I got bad experience wif tooth decay...;p At 1st veri hard working brush every nite after her last feed...recently more than 1 wks nvr brush liao...Heeheehee....lazy mum...she like brushing her teeth...coz the toothpaste hav fruity favour...Hahaha....


Dun tink I am botak mean I am a boi! I am a gal u know....


I know I got the "HAOLIAN" look...but dun bash mi cos inside mi, my heart is innocent...Heehee...


I know suck pacifier doesn't seem rite...but I am still a BB...dun rob my BBhood...;p
peapod :

ya lor talking about wedding pics. I remember hb and me jus wanted to keep it simple and took the 3k package >_< but it ended up being 6k-7k coz of the additional pictures tats not in "set" form. somemore u got to pay the price of making the album nice otherwise it jus looks like a scrapebook! Horrible experience with the wedding studio and their pics are not very well taken either too far or not closed up at all. Very disappointed.

Ben Mum:
Thanks for comforting =( But sometimes i'm really not used to being tied down esp my friends are still enjoying themselves without any responsiblilties ! Probably got to take sometime for me to adapt.
haha ! :D Didn't knoe our babies share the same birthday !! *Cheers* He was suppose to come on edd 26/9/07 but well he decided to pop earlier ~_~ I still remember the pain ... >_< and total blackout listening to hubby guide me breathing in and out... plus the gas!! i swear without the gas im so dead ~_~ whoever took my mask away i was so ready to kill with my screams
can check any bbs here taking 5 in 1 jabs and will still have fever... my pd said 99% wont have fever but my bb belongs to 1%.. sian! last mth jab already kenna fever.. yesterday brought her take jab.. now kenna fever 39.2 heart pain...

just found out from my pd that he is not for bb sleeping on stomach.. my girl has been sleeping in that position for past 3 mths le..dont know whether she will get use to sleeping on her back.. can check do all mummies let their bbs sleep on pillows? what kind of pillow is suitable for them now? is it still the one that has the depression in the centre?
jme, I oso took the 5 in 1 coz pd said more stable, not much chances of a fever. End up, my gal got fever too..

Im ragdoll from mummysg forum who share same bd as ur ds.
haha !! so cute la!! Gingerleaf!! ur baby! :D ooo u're ragdoll!! ^^ mummysg like ghost town le ! no one de.. so i come here ^^
Gee I also want to see pretty Phoebe leh.. k I go find out what Face book is abt..then you all add me later.

Vone, I realise it depends on which perspective you come from. Most young mummies feel a little regretful because they feel that they haven't enjoyed enough freedom yet. So I somehow understand how you feel. For me, I enjoyed many many years of marriage and freedom cuz it took so long for me to conceive. That's why I embrace motherhood with such readiness and joy. I think I won't be as ready too if I'm in my early/mid 20s. At that time, I swore I will never get pregnant cuz I was so afraid of the pain! So really kudos to you for being such a young mummy! You will reap the fruits of your labour when baby is older and people comment that you and your son are like siblings
Plus I think you have a lot more energy than the 30 somethings in terms of childcare and playing with baby. When he's in his teens, the age gap between you 2 will be smaller and there's a good chance that communication will be better
So many advantages! Plus he'll be financially independent when you are in your mid/late 40s.. how nice!
My boy also have fever leh.. you sure it's 99% won't have fever? I remember my PD told me a higher % leh. The fever will go away in a day or two. Keep sponging him and allow him to drink some barley water if possible, and dun over clothe him..he'll be alrite before you stop worrying
re fever after jab
my PD says even if bb has slight fever but he is still acting normal, like laughing and playing and all, then no need to give medicine. =D as long as bb not uncomfortable.

jme, i think pd dun encourage cos scared bb will suffocate...as long as ur bb knows how to flip his head when sleeping shd be ok ba.
hello, hello,

long time never post liao.
After I gave birth to natalie, i left leg becomes numb. Told gynae, he gave me some Vitamins, after i finish them, still numb. Now baby is 4 months old liao, still numb leh. Any of you experience this? Am thinking if I should visit gynae again.
Re: Jumperoo

Oh oh.... Natalie does not like the rainforest jumperoo. Whenever I turn on the music, she will be scared and cry. I think she is afraid of the monkey sound. When she sit in it, she does not seem comfortable also. Need to put a pillow behind her to support?

Hopefully when she grows older and her head more steady, she wil start to explore the jumperoo. if not, really "sim tia".
phoebe, ur wedding pix so pretty..i like it!! I tink you and ur hubby got the couple look leh.
Ryann don't look like both of u leh, tink he got his own boyish look!
ginger, u wanna try renting first b4 buyin? u can get it from gogoMummy..
i rented from her and the toy is quite new.. i put my gal in but she's like not so interested though.. she simply jus look ard, touch here and there abit then stare blankly at me... hahhaa.. but her fav is the 'dead butterfly'.. she will get very excited when she holds it..

looks like ur case wif bp organiser more jialart than me... email me the organiser, i will siam her

saw ur wedding fotos liao...mei mei wor
u all very young.. photos mostly taken by digicam.
my time still stucked wif negatives.. if i ned to upload in facebook...ned to use scanner. haha


not so nice to mention 'names' here lar.. i pm u liao. till to-date, she hasnt come back to me. i oso duno wat she intend me to do with the stuffs,

ben mum,

i heard abt the small small world story... got 2 colleagues oso bgt fm her. same case as urs.
darmae, go to our profile and find the groups section and join us ... i cant find you in my list... i dunno why tats why cant invite you..

Thks to all compliments abt the pics... not pretty in real person la..with the Or Bak Kup eyes =p is the make up and the hair do... all brides are pretty on that special day ma...
Actually all the mummies here look quite young leh..

Vone, Jaylen eyes very nice leh.. the dlb eyelid very obvious hor... ryann's eyes one sidew dlb, one side single leh... and is dlb inside one...

gingerleaf, ur bb so chubby!!! must be very huggable =p

Ryann lost his voice.. dunno is from his screaming or his cough... hai.. i thot drink breast milk immune system better??? y he sick 2-3 time le... is it i eat heaty food then he will kenna too? any mummies can advice?
Phoebe: Ya lor his double eye lids very obvious =D

Is it becoz of his screaming that cause him to lost his voice? U're on tbf as well?
I tot of renting too, but hb not very keen on the idea of using rental sets, he is particular with the hygiene issue leh.

re: facebook
Can I join the sept grp when Im a 1st oct mummy?
gingerleaf, yeah...me hb aso very anal about these things. think it is cos ben is the first bb....hahahah
i love the pacifier joke! lol
pinky, gingerleaf , benmum

juz spoke to my hb on renting the jumperoo too , his reaction was like huh dun noe clean alot , u sure u wan to rent meh ...
i saw emily's wedding photos on faceback too!!
pretty gal too... hehe. mummies shld go look too! another mei mei mummy wor


i found the grp but buay sai join leh.

ben mum,

pm u liao.. hee
Hi all,

How is everyone?
Seem like all babies are going well

I have been MIA for long time, due to my busy schedule in work... however, on and off i still come in here ...

Re: Brushing of teeth/tongue/gum
Which brand of toothbrush &amp; toothpaste to recommend?

Re : solid
Any mummy here already start solid for their bb?

Re : Facebook
i just created one and added those who provided their e-address. Mine is [email protected] do add me in if you have one! thanks!

This is my bb recent photo, he love water ~~

hi gingerleaf, your baby is so cute. can imagine baby wearing those bright cny clothes - sure very ang pao..sooo cute
Dear mummies,

Glad that the sept group in Facebook is growing.. hehe...

Darmae, are you still facing problems?

Angel, manage to find the group?

Gingerleaf, you're welcomed!

haha gingerleaf! i also want a jumperoo but i cant find it anywhere if u happen to see where to get it plz let me knoe so i can find too =) oh ya i created a facebook sometime back =) havent login so far or added any pics add me ^^ [email protected]
