(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs


when i put bb on my bed at 26 degrees of aircon, he perspires still. lol...so i think he is more of 'scared hot' type like me. grins...he father shook his head, cos he 'scared cold'. hahahahahaha
ben mum,

Im keen in the britax too! Are you getting one?

re: Friso,
to whoever thats getting friso, Im their big fan! Their powder is so powdery and fine! I've tried enfalac n mamex, but I like friso best. Baby poo more on friso too.

Btw, my baby is a 1st Oct baby, jump to sept thread, okie lah hor? One day diff nia. =p

yup.. i will jiayou too! re: pumpin every 2 hrs
i rem wat angel advised but then very tough for me cos i hv an elder one at home.


re: bathing using bumbo.
i prepared some lukewarm water in the bathtub wif few drops of bathing foam. then undress maegan, then put her seated in bumbo. use a small hanky to clean her face and head. aftewhich use a small cup type container and pour over her body. after tat is done, i carry her out and wash her backside with remaining water in the tub. wrap her with towel and we are done....


i bgt combi bowl and spoon.. the label states spoon is heat resistance 110 deg and bowl is 140 deg c. cant read much on the label cos mostly japanese. but i reckon can sterilise since boiling pt of water is 100deg c.
yalor.. i rem seein the small tin leh.. cos i kept askin hb wan to let our gal try not... cos he hiam the nan ha very ex... and she finishes a tin within 1 week lor...
Hi Angel,

I'm thinking of buying leh...but wonder how long he can actually sit in it...hmmm...and its stationary...my boy very attention seeking one...if there's no one ard...he will shout for ppl to come...hahaha...

Hi Mummies...
U gals fed yr babies wif cereal oredi??? which brand is good huh? i'm adding 2spoons of Heinz cereal to his 5oz. milk now...any advice?
I took his weight today! he's 4mths and weigh 7kg! is tat over weight???
gingerleaf, yeah...think i will buy the britax. but i already have a car seat at the moment. so still thinking very hard. lol
Hi Bena,
Glad to hear that you enjoy being SAHM & take care of your baby. I think its much more stressful than working, hee
During my ML, I always quarrel with my HB over small issues. I think my emotion was unstable if I confine myself at home & too occupied with my baby...

At work, I can linger around with my colleagues, time flies. I can be my own self again. Originally, I was quite reluctant to send my boy to infant care & intend to quit my job. After much consideration, I have decided to continue working. We need to build up our financial in order to give our son a good education in future.

To those mummies who are sending their babies to infant care, do you notice that your baby are more independent now? My boy is less attention-seeking & seldom throw his tantrums now. At night, I do not have to pat him or rock him to sleep. Just dim the light and leave him on his playpen, he will go to sleep by himself (as long as he has his pacifier & his smelly pillow). His sleeping time & waking up time are pretty routine now, so its easier for us to plan our outing during the weekends.
Hi Angel,
I oso din put my boy in aircon room. But I dress him in shorts and short sleeve shirt. Everyone told me to keep my baby warm & dun ever let him catch cold...
Thank you all mummies for the info of the Friso 1 in small tin...
I find Friso need to improve their packaging for the tin.. it should come wif a tin cover like Enfalac a+..
I always feel very "uncomfortable" when i open the plastic cover to make milk for my boy...
hi gingerleaf, u bb born on 1 oct, mine was on 2nd oct. she is overdue, suppose to be a sept bb (edd: 20 sept) but she "refuse" to cm out, at the end try induction still cannot so c-sec after 8 hrs of induction.

re: weight
juz to share - my pd told me that for the 1st-6th mth, bb weight shld increase 1kg per mth (i.e. from birth weight 3kg, 2nd mth shld be 4kg....). my bb was born 4kg so now at 3rd mth she weights 7.1 liao, so not too worry whether underweight or overweight.
Re : feeding spoon

Actually I've been feeding water to Zac with unsterilised feeding spoon. I just use hot water to rinse the spoon and bowl before feeding him. So far he's alrite. I have a few friends who doesn't sterilise the feeding cutleries for solids too and their babies seemed fine. They just wash the cutleries with warm soapy water. I think the environment Zac is in is not very sterile in the first place as he puts everything in his mouth so I'm not so concerned abt sterilising his feeding equipments, with the exception of milk bottles which he doesn't use. I think as our babies grow bigger, their immunity against diseases is stronger..

u can consider buying rainforest jumperoo... really gd buy lor. maegan loves it.
bb can bounce in it and music will be trigger by movements. can rotate the seat 360 deg and there are toys around to entertain the bb.
twinkle stars, cos the face is chubby mah. got cheeks all call chubby de. =D my boi aso chubby....now the thighs machiam like chicken drumstick! lol....his ah-ma loves to 'eat' them! hahahaahah
Hi darmae,
Do you put a mat underneath the bouncer? Last week, my boy was too excited & jumped too aggresively inside the jumperoo. I think he hit his toes hard on the floor and he cried.. After that incident, I put a towel on the floor where he can jump safely without hurting his toes..
Hi Bena,

You are right!! My gal also puts everything into her mouth!! From hands to feet to soft toys..no problem so far!! As a hokkien saying goes "Lap 1 sa4 jia4, lap 1 sa4 duo" meaning, if u dun grow up in a clean environment, its easier for u to adapt to "unclean" environment when they grow old. Therefore, i dun really sterilise her pacifier, maybe once a day?
poohwei, bena,
i try to sterilise whenever i can. so far, my boi still hasnt reach out to grab things leh. when did ur bb reach out to grab things har? my bb will be 16 weeks old tomorrow le....so worrying..sighs
re: sterilizing
i also didn't realise need to use bottle detergent to wash bb bottles/teats - till yesterday one of my colleague told me that it's a must to do so. furthermore the way i sterlize my bb things also like following the old method(impart from my mum - only sterilize once a day), so yesterday faster go buy the detergent and thoroug wash all the bottles/teats - wow they are so clean after 3+ mths never use detergent
my bb must be thinking, wow lau this mother so horrible, let me use so dirty thing for drinking, lucky i ok....:p
normally i juz sterilize once a day, used it many times (like 3-4 times) then at the end of the day i sterilize for next day use. so if everytime after 1 use, will juz rinse with tap water
bubu, hahaha... u dun realised the bottles are oily oily inside meh.. hee hee.. anyway ur bb no prob rite... drink for so long liao..
i realise is oily oily inside (with my EBM), but i juz used my normal dish washing detergent and wash clean clean then put hot water lor (for sterilizing).

re: sterilizing
how all mummies sterilize the bottles/teats? i juz throw everything inside & fill the pot with tap water then bring the pot to boil, once got bubbles, i switch off the gas and leave the things inside for 5 mins then take out and capped it. is this the correct way? my colleague told me must NOT boil the bottles/teats - cos plastic give out chemical once heat up. can only boil a pot of water, turn off the gas when bubbles, then throw everything inside, cover for 3-5 mins, then HAVE to take out liao......oh my gal hv been taking all sorts of chemical inside her tummy liao....
Bubu, Hahaha.....I really salute u! I oredi find myself veri boh chap liao....u more power than mi...i juz do 1 step more than u...wash wif detergent nia...other than tat...same as u. I dun believe in too clean.... Hahaha......

Juz nw my gal even had her milk bath... milk vomit out of her mouth into her bath water....
Me too
1st 2months quarrel with my hubby alot due to difference in expectations. Now sorta better liao though sometimes still bicker a little
But i think it gets better as we learn to understand baby and also align our expections with our spouse. Plus I do get quite good support from my mum and can pop by anytime I'm tired so I feel quite alright
Now I have alot of time for myself to do what I like and I can also bring Zac out anytime I want since he doesn't really follow a routine and sleep and eat whenever and wherever we are. But certainly what I miss abt work is the paycheck! I didn't have many good colleagues to boast abt so no loss in that department

For now, I'll leave the tough job of bringing back the bacon to my hubby hahaha...education fee - let Zac self sponsor himself if he wants an overseas degree or postgraduate paper in future. Else local U should be quite affordable lah.. if not use CPF lor
If otherwise, I'll return back to the workforce after I spend the first crucial 4-6 years of his life with him cuz I may want to home school him these 6 years, with supplementary classes elsewhere.
wow bena. homeschool. something i only think about. sighs.

really envy u can bring zac out anytime u wan. sighs...i am going to lose that freedom soon. going back to work soon. so better make use of the time...=D
I used steam sterilizer.... for manual breast pump I use almost same method as wat Bubu's colleague said... coz my pump breast pump cannt steam sterilize or put into water to boil for same time...
actually i follow everything wat my mum told me to, cos if i diff from her, will get "scolding" from her and she will gif me black face one. so i juz happily follow lor, & u know after yeaterday "lecture" from my colleague, my whole was feeling so down, inside was thinking - wow lau, so hard then get this gal, then i'm giving her all sorts of "rubbish".....feel like crying at tat pt of time.

ben mum
i hope so too....luckily she is ok after so many mths of not washing properly for her bottles/teats. scare already, from yesterday onwards, i will make sure all the things are clean, but of cos not so "clean" as to a bit of dirt, she will fall sick.
Ben mum, they say babies with slower motor skills are smarter leh. Cuz they use their brains more than they use their limbs mah. Dun worry abt your baby not grabbing things yet lah eventually all babies will learn to grab, crawl, sit, walk, run and talk back to you. By then you will be wishing you have the peace you have now with them as helpless as they are now
Bubu Mama, your baby is growing well what.. it's ok lah.. no need so clean one.. last time people also dirty dirty grow up. Last time where got steriliser and boiling one.. Just rinse and feed only. They say for a 1st child, if pacifier drop on the floor, mummy will quickly sterilise it before letting baby use it again. 2nd child mummy will just rinse it. 3rd child mummy will just use her hands to sweep away the dirt and pop it back into the baby's mouth.. all children survived
You are already doing a great job giving birth to your baby and feeding her so well.
Bubu, aiyo, I tot u nvr even use any detergent....as long got use detergent can liao lah...no nid special kind lah...... last time we oso like tat grow up...still in 1 piece mah...Hahaha...
bena...correct! lol...u make me smile leh...=D so encouraging...=P my boi like dun even wanna flip aso. so far, haven even made any attempt to wan to flip. sighs...but i will remember what u said...so sweet...=D
i not always use detergent one - only when i (got mood) feel the bottle is oily then put norm detergent then shake shake and rinse off. see i really that boh sim one....poor gal.

bena, ya very true, tks for the encouragement....
ya.. bubu mama
Don't be so sad. At least u know now so u moved on from here. No regrets

Anyway, seem like i m the most "k-s" one. I wash with pigeon detergent, scrub and sterilise everything after each use. Better still, if left uncap or unused for more than 3/6 hrs respectively, i will re-sterilise.
Even brought steriliser to work (another at home).
Hahha actually agree with Bena, sometimes I think I'm too anal abt washing and sterilizing... Think 1st child is like that lah..tend to be more 'kiasi'. I read an article in the ST a few months ago abt letting baby be exposed to germs and grow up in a 'normal' environment so that their immune systems are stronger.

You mean you are adding the cereal into the milk and baby drink from the bottle? I thought we supposed to add just abit of milk to the cereal and use spoon to feed the cereal? LOL!
Hi Gingerleaf, BenMum..,
Hahaha...okay...glad to hear tat...my hubby got a shock when i told him tat Ash is 7kg! He keep saying tat he's too fat...

Hi Darmae,
Ya...i'm really attracted to the vibrant colours! Anyway, my sis bought it oredi...hope Ash will like it!
ben mum, ya I think im gg to get britax too. My current peg perego seat too small liao.

bubu mama, wah, ur baby overdue so long?

when can we stop sterilsing bottles?
Hi BuBu MaMa,
You shd consider buying a sterilizer, much more convenient to use. I think Pigeon is below $100. I am using Avent, slightly more than $100.
Ya dun worry so much...your girl will probably grow up with a stronger immunity system than all our babies!!
My pigeon sTerilizer cost I think ard $90+ during sale..bought from Kiddy Palace. Its more convenient than using boiling water I guess...just place all the bottles and teats inside, add a cup of water and close the lid and press the start button. It takes abt 6 mins to finish sterilizing. But why you wanna buy now? Very soon no need to sterilize liao mah! hahah!

Hahahaa ya I saw that joke abt the 1st, 2nd and 3rd child before. So funny!

My PD say can stop sterilizing when we start to introduce solids. Some books I'm reading say to continue sterilizing milk bottles till 1 year old (coz milk got more bacteria growth). I guess its up to you how comfortable and 'clean' you want.
