(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

I also dunno what is suppose to happen if baby wear shoe b4 1yr old and I don't really bother to find out lah since its definitely something not good loh.

re: sweaty feet
hm...ok so seems like quite a few babies here also have this issue. it might be normal then...tiny voice, pls let us know what your PD says abt it ok?

LOL! Ya hor wonder how come her thighs can overlap!?

Hey now that you mention it, my SIL also experienced blocked ducts alot coz she always fed baby lying down. She told me after she vary the positions dun have liao. Hopefully it will work for you too
Hi angel,
wah, If i optted to buy a flat at strathmore 3 years back, we could be neighbours now! But its too far from my mum's place (mum living in marine parade).

Oh, and sarah's thighs are almost like jade's. haha, during vaccination, the nurse usually says its nice to jab that kind of thigh. But sarah's not as chubby as jade cos she's only 7.4 kg 2 days back.

I understand how you feel, cos, like you, I am a fully latch on mum too. I always coax sarah to drink, "to help mummy empty breasts". haha. If she doesn't drink after 3 hours, which she does sometimes, I get pretty worried cos, the breasts gets very hard and sore. I had blocked ducts before. It was painful and temporarily that breast will have low supply of milk due to the blockage. I tried to pump but find it tedious and sarah doesn't like to drink from bottle. It would get worse for us when babies going thru teething period. I do hope to upgrade sarah to cup when she's 6 mths ++. All the bottles I gave to my cousin who is expecting a baby anytime now. =)

do your darling babies get very talkative and noisy? Sarah tend to talk non-stop these days! Think its my talkative genes...
Hi angel,
yeah, your SIL may be right ~ latching on in different positions could help clear or prevent blocked ducts. Unfortunately, sarah prefers lying down method. With other methods, she'll suck twice and pull away without releasing my nipples.. distracted and stared at my face... then latch on again argh.. PAINFUL!!
Its true when they say ... breastfeeding takes A LOT of patience and perseverance...
re: cross legs,
think babies when they are in our wombs, they do cross their feet. I remembered seeing that during one of the sonogram sessions..
Now sarah still crosses her feet sometimes...
hi mummyfaith, ok will update you all on sweaty feets.

Btw, my boy these few days also fuss alot when drinking milk, showing less interest in milk. Just now my maid just rang to say Sam refuse milk since 10:45 to 12pm, last fed was 6:30am, 140ml intake. I think he could be bored with milk, everyday drink milk, anything new anot? haahaa..this sat. i will check with PD if can intro him the cereal, since he just turned 4mths.
Hey.. Tampines Giant got small tin for FRISO no. 1?
I need to get for my mil pl..
Oh ya.. my boy swapped to Friso from Enfalac A+..
Bena, Vone,
I only managed to read last 2-3 days postings and realised about your practising attachment parenting. Way to go, ladies!

But word of advice, I have been reading a lot on attachment parenting and yes, many people will say we could be spoiling our child when we are at their beck and call. It's ok what they say... what's important is we know, our babies need us and we know its right to respond to all their cries and needs, who else can they rely on??? Don't ever think they are manipulating us or our emotions. Of course, when we are tired, such ideas crossed our minds. But they just want to cling to us cos, they dunno better. So keep up the good work and please don't let them cry it out. They'll lose their trust in us (afterall the hard work these 4 months.. isn't that a waste??).
Like I said before, I have the confidence that our effort if prolonged, will come to good in future.

Now me reading "The Discipline Book" by Dr. Sears. Hehe,... nope, discipline isn't about caning or using violence on the kid. According to the book and i quote~ "It's what we want the kid to turn out to be"...

Vone, were you born in 1983?/ well according to your username. I was born in '81, and I thought I am one of the youngest among the mummies. hehe.
hi justme,
Ask you...did sarah cry after her jab? When I brought Jade for her jab last week...she didn't even cry after the injection leh...its like her thighs so fat that she cannot feel! LOL! I was so amazed that she had no reaction to the jab.
Hehehe ya hey I've been feeling Jade is lighter too!!! Or maybe its just that we've grown used to their weight and developed muscles liao?? Hehehe!
hi angel,
haha, then Jade is as chubby as my niece. She too didn't cry when injected. yeah, maybe the fats absorbed the pain eh?
Sarah screamed for a mere 2 seconds then stopped. Maybe, she was shocked by the pain. How tall is Jade now? Last month sarah was 68 cm. Maybe now 70 cm.
I bought the Munchkin brand of bowls and spoons but realised that it can't be sterilized! So will need to go shopping one of these days too.

Fyi - Someone posted on the August thread before that the Avent and Combi feeding spoons are good. But must check if can be sterilized. Anyone here knows?
The doc didn't take her height leh...so not sure how tall she is now. But she was 61cm & 7kg at 3 months. Short and fat baby
hi mummies, wanna ask those who use dreambag / grobag at night. does your bb wear long sleeve tops and bottoms ? i set aircon temp at 24degrees.
hi mummies, when can we turn the car seat to face front?? cos its very uncomfortable to seat in the opposite direction of the drive.... at the same time she can see me drive and i can see her whenever i turn my head.... Shes now 17weeks and can hold her head up .... whats the recommended age to turn the car seat??
wah.. if i were to carry Jade, maybe, I'll squeeze her.. haha.. I can't stand very chubby babies. Too cute!! So I better steer away!
Hi Angel,

My gal was 61cm BUT only 5.6kg at 3mth. So? Short and thin baby...hahaha...

Hi Pillow,
I use dreambag at night, but we dun on the air-con. Baby only wears short sleeved rompers inside. She loves to be in the bag and knows its sleeping time once we put her in it.

Re: Feeding bowl,
I bought the pigeon bowl where there are 2 compartments: 1 for manual grinding and another for feeding. Will use it tomolo!!

Re: Food
My gal has started to lick the pear!! She even grapped it herself.
Pillow, my boy also just wear short sleeve romper only, with or w/o air con is the same. Cos air con we set as 27-28 degree, not directly blowing at him somemore, so the room is only cool.

How often you wash the dream bag eh? I wash it only every 3-4days, issit ok?
my dreambag wash once a wk only ! haha

i set at 24 degrees, currently dress my boy in long sleeve top and bottom. altho instructions say to dress in short / long sleeve romper (no long pants). but thot if follow instructions, a bit too cold.... my dreambag is 1TOG
i know..... but i feel his feet at night inside the dreambag, its cold. thats why i dress him with long pants....

or its normal that with 24degrees, their feet will be cold cold one ??
hee hee... voice.. ni dress my gal up in long sleeve shirt and pant or the sleep suit where the toes are covered oso.. and she sleeps WITHOUT AIRCON!! :eek:p
haro haro , i can tell the difference. keekeee his hands and feet feels cold ....

wah, pinkj, u lagi more solid. no aircon ???
Err... me worse than pinky, i dress caelen up in long sleeve Plus pants Plus swaddle. NO AIRCON somemore. My MIL scare bb cold :p I always protest but my hubby on her side so 2 against 1 L(
RE: Baby not drinking milk /cross leg

Haha, my boy exactly the same as urs
My mom oso feed baby milk when he is half asleep,his tongue will push the teat out when drinking milk (waking tht time).

Besides,he oso likes to cross his leg (1 on top of the other one)...
Does any of your bb know how to laugh/chuckle yet? If so, you must be just as thrilled as me.
Mine chuckle for 3.5mins last sunday. So happy!

Anyway, when bb learn to turn, do they turn only 1 side or both sides? Cos otherwise, how do they know how to turn both sides next time?
emily noted with tks

goldfishy, my gal is always smiling and when u play with her she will laugh and chuckle so loud.... sometimes even scream excitedly..... its quite ear deafening when i carry her....but i really enjoy seeing her laugh so happily!!

My gal only know how to turn from her left side... tried putting her on her right but she will turn back and flip over from her left.
rxsti! mine too...Sam so far only flip on his left which left me in suspicion if he is a leftie like me? He loves to grab things with left hand too more than right hand.
pillow, peapod, voice,

my gal dun like to sleep in the aircon.. cos she got sensitve nose.. then i used to let her wear short sleeves and diapers to sleep, but aft she caught a cold from then on i let her wear the long sleeves and pant or sleepsuit.. dun wanna take the risk... cos the temp will drop in the nite too.. she will perspire abit in the beginning but aft awhile she'll be alrite.. but once the weather is turnin warmer then i'll let her wear somethin cooler lah...
hmm...magic cup! tks vone! tink i will try letting bb drink his milk from the cup instead :p see if it wks... cos now i realize he will start crying or fuss whenever he sees the milk bottle!! aiyo!

hehe goldfishy! :p i tink u may be rite... maybe its when i tink i shld feed him rather than tinkin from bb's perspective...sighz...cos sometimes i see tat the interval is pretty long, could be 3hrs+ & he still din ask for milk.. (he oni ate prob ~100ml, this can last him that long??????) anyway, will be more observant & try to see his cue for milk..if there is... :p

hi bena, hmm...actually this has crossed my mind too..whether hes interested in solid food.. but i personally will hope to 'delay' till much older, say 5mths or so... but i rem someone posted some criteria for bb to be ready for solids...i rem vaguely bb is not meeting most of the lists...so strange.. will check with pd again... :> tks ahh..

anyway, hope the phase will pass soon

am reading on which spoon & cutlery set is gd to use + sterilize when bb is on solids.. :p
Re: sleeping
hehe... i oni let my bb wear normal short sleeved cotton top (with buttons kind) + a diaper at nite.. :p with No aircon (of cos!) + revolving fan to create windy cool environment... :p
Magoo, mi not sure got Friso 1 anot. I help u check if i happen to pop by ok?
I only knoe they carry almost all the brands, whereas in NTUC i only see similac n dumex.
Re friso 1- small tin

erm.. if i rem correctly, friso 1 doesn't comes in small tin aka 400g tin, the small tin thats available is probably friso comfort.. tink its pre digested milk? suitable for infants with reflux issues.. if im correct ba...
So happy to know that you are also practicing attachment parenting. Well actually I'm not a 100% attachment parenting follower.. hee. I'm in the middle. If I think baby is just being naughty, ie refuse to sit in the car seat and thus cry, I will be very firm. But if he is crying in the middle of the nite, I will attend to him because I believe he cries to seek comfort. He's actually now sleeping on his own (not attachment parenting style) but I make sure that he knows we are near and always ready to meet his needs. That's how we show him that he can trust us so that he will feel secure. I already see the benefit in that he is a much happier baby now, compared to when he was in his first 2 months. As for feeding, I actually also feed on demand. But recently, he doesn't seem hungry anymore and I just try to feed him every 3-4 hourly. Again, this is routine parenting style

Attachment parenting has so many advantages (esp emotional ones) to baby that I can't help but be drawn to it. Also, like all mummies here, sometimes it is just so heart wrenching to let baby cry it out. Also, I guess I just enjoy being able to love my son freely without having to adhere to some routine, which sometimes really daunts me
But of course routine will probably make life easier for mummies who are working. My being a SAHM gives me alot more freedom and leeway to do what I like and what I think is good for baby, without much interferences from other primary caregivers
I really enjoy parenthood
Re sleep wear,
Gosh thanks for bringing this topic up! I moved Jade to her own room 2 nights ago....and so now she sleeps wiithout air-con...but I have been dressing her up in her usual long sleeves and long pants and half swaddle her somemore! She must be very hot these 2 days...poor thing!

Yeah Jade chuckles and squeals in delight whenever we smile at her...and she does it to strangers too! My mood changes instantly everytime she does that
Hi Bena,
Yeah, it is true that if baby can stick to some routine, it will definitely help SAHM or working mums alike. =)
It's great to know both Zac and you and hubby are happy now with whichever parenting styles. Cos, what's important is the mummy feels right.

Speaking of babies sleeping alone, I was thinking of getting a cot in my master bedroom. Though cramp, I think it could save me a lot of energy and time cos, me still breastfeeding. And my hubby now starts to feedback, he misses cuddling up to me during bedtime. Oh oh...
re chuckling
so far, my bb has chuckled only 2 times. still waiting for him to chuckle more. (or is it that i never play enough with him? hmmm)

re sleep wear
my bb sleeps in long sleeve shirt and long pants with socks in air con room (25 degrees). no blanket or such cos CL said b4 he may turn. once he turn there can be NOTHING on the bed. so decided he should be without blanket. in the night will up the temperature to 26 degrees cos colder at night. then when i wake up, will turn it down to 25 degrees again. lol
Ben Mum,
If you worry baby is cold...can use a dreambag or grobag...its really good coz baby can't get out of it like a blanket and no risk of suffocation!
angel, but my bb will turn like 90 degrees all over teh cot one leh. he also moves down from his pillow very easily. then with the bag he cannot turn liao? dunno if he will make noise at night. kekekek

Oh btw, today I went shopping for weaning spoons....I bought Avent weaning spoons for Jade coz they can be sterilized. The Pigeon brand doesn't say that it can be sterilized but says its dishwasher safe. Mothercare also sells spoons and feeding bowls that can be sterilized.
