(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Thks for sharing.
Hmmm the maxi cosi infant car seat that i have very easy to buckle up leh.

I have been doing some research and seems britax is one of the best brands for carseats out there. The online reviews from both safety experts and parents are very good.

Looks like your faith and pinky's faith got another thing in common!! Sweaty feet! hehehe!

hi gingerleaf! good to see u here too...=P

angel, britax is good? me want to get a car seat that can face front soon. but not sure what to get. must go and find out more about britax then. Thanks!
Yes I'm a thirty something SAHM and my boy is sleeping on a queen sized mattress on the floor with floormats all around it, in another room. He flips in his sleep and I'm worried that he might flip out of my bed and drop onto the floor if I continue to let him sleep with us. Thus this arrangement.
I'm also using maxi cosy infant seat. Mine also easy to buckle up leh...heh

By the way, I juz came back from Shop N Save. They having promotion for Pampers Active Baby (purple packaging). 2 packs for the price of $53.75. I bought 2 L size packs for my boy. The M size also the same price (2 for $53.75). But think the promotion only until today. Check it out if you free!
Jme, Angel,
Me too! Thinking of renting out my place. You need to lock one room I think to legalise it. Can't rent out the whole place unless you got valid reasons like you living abroad.

Angel, Zac super naughty. U know lah. It's very small thing but he simply want to have everything his way. This morning Mrs Wong tried to make him drink and tried to put him to sleep on the cot at parentcraft. She couldn't handle him. He screaamed till other mothers stared at her.
Vone, that's so sweet.. hugging u tighter

I dun mind sharing the diaper order. 1 Pack of Large for Zac. Thanks Auntie Pinkyj!
My boy also got sweaty feet, i think is common for their age since so many of your babies also got same sympton. Will check with PD this sat when Sam goes for his jab.

Bena: why u still need to visit parentcraft when you have over supply of breastmilk eh? am still curious ... hee hee!
Hi Bena,

Just pump less each day. I used to express 1.5l each day when i pump 4 times a day. Now i pump only 3 times a day if i dun latch on and only 2 times if i latch on the whole morning.

Remember to take enough calcium tablets if u have oversupply of bm.

Hi Mummyfaith,
I also went thru natural w/o epi. Think our gynae (Dr Sim) never encourage us to take epi loh. Even at 39th week n in the labour ward..she mentioned nothing abt epi..haha..But my labour was shorter, abt 7+hours.
Hi Mummies!

Anyone bought the frog jumperoo from fiser-price? was comtemplating whether to buy or not to...my sis is in LA, she can get it at only $120!
hi Bena, can check with u... u brot Zac to Mrs Wong bec he doesn't drink milk from bottle or? Cos my son is still refusing milk.. i'm at my wits end..so wondering if you noe any tips to make bb drink more peacefully? :p tks ahh..
Oh dear even Mrs Wong cannot handle Zac??? Ho ho ho...your boy really got character.
Hey the way you ask abt over supply hor...I find it very funny! Most mummies wouldn't think that's a problem! Under supply would be a problem...hehehe!

3 weeks ago NTUC also having the same promotion for pampers diapers...then I bought 3 M size packs to stock up. Now I haven't even finish using 1 pack and Jade is outgrowing M size liao! Wonder if they will let me change size.
I also dunno where the receipt is.
Voice, I went to see Wong cuz I got blocked ducts. This is one of the problem if you have oversupply as baby cannot clear the breasts properly.

Poohwei, I don't express milk at all. I am a fully latch on mum. I thought my body would regulate itself so that demand= supply. But Zac seems to drink less and less and is easily distracted. He'll latch, unlatch, latch, unlatch 20 times without really drinking. Then he'll play with the buttons on my pyjamas, and sometimes touch my face and hair while drinking. He'll also smile at me while I try to keep a straight face. And if I force him to latch back, he'll cry.So how? oversupply now. If I pump out will increase supply. If I dun,then kenna engorgement and blocked duct like today. Sian.

Charsiew, still no luck at the bottle? Zac doesn't drink water from bottle too. Dunno abt EBM though cuz I don't express. Zac drinks water from a spoon. Dunno if you are desperate enough to try spoon? Anyhow solids will be on spoon so maybe good to start training him?

Angel, ya many people won't think over-supply is a problem. But to me it's a problem worse than under supply. So many times wanna give up bf cuz of this problem. Think you know lah hor..
Hi Bebeng,
Yahhhh I was just surfing Amazon and Target for Fisher Price and Leapfrog toys coz my hubby going there next week...things there are half the price!!! Go get it! The Rainforest Jumperoo is better than the Deluxe Jumperoo...make sure she buys the correct one
Jia you!! Dun give up...you're doing such a good job with Zac and you've already come so far
Its just a few more weeks left to go till the 6 month mark!

Just to share - I've been having problems feeding Jade too...she goes from spurts to valleys and back really quick. Like last week she was not finishing her feeds...when it was time for her feeding, she wasn't interested at all...struggle and crying when drinking and it took really long and alot of coaxing to finish 125ml. This week, she's hungry before feeding time and she's gulping down her feeds really quickly and finishes 150ml within 2 minutes!

So I guess your Zac may be in a valley now that's why you got over-supply. Maybe you should pump if your Zac doesn't want to feed. But don't pump so long...just pump till you feel comfortable and not engorged anymore. That should prevent blocked ducts, and also prevent your supply from dropping, so that when he goes into a growth spurt again you have enough milk to keep him happy.
Where your hubby going? My hubby going to Texas...the place is called "The Woodlands"! Sounds ulu right? Haha! I'm thinking to order stuff online and have them deliver to his hotel. But must time the order so that the stuff arrive in his hotel while he's there.
Just for info, Tampines Giant has a huge row of small tins FM (almost all the brands). Step one n even Step 2 onwards..go check out if u nid the small tins, selling at around $15+ per tin.

i oso not sure lar. mayb cos my maxi cosi infant car seat old model.. cos bgt than 3 yrs ago liao. used for my elder wan... his mei mei use 2nd hand one lor. only stroller we got a new one cos smtimes my son sleeps in his maclaren techno when we are out shopping.

gingerleaf, ben mum,

angel is right, britax is one of the brands gd in safety and comfort aspect. i oredi 'study' tat more than 3 yrs ago when i had my 1st kid,
its comfy and spacious.. for tat it will take up more space than usual carseat. can adjust the degree of sitting position.. when bb is asleep, can recline so bb lie dwn comfortably.


dun give up ya.. jia you! i'm oso struggling but for the opp reason. my BM is juz sufficient for maegan. she take 120ml, i pumped abt there per session. esp now i'm back to work liao.. dun even dare to slack when it comes to pumping. cos i oni hv 4 packs of reserve now... not enuff if i skip pumping.
you are doing very well liao...
tks Bena
actually i did use spoon jus now! haha! i wanted to feed bb some plain water, but was lazy to wash another bottle + teat, so i used spoon to feed him :p seeing tat hes not rejecting the spoon, i happily fed him with some milk, but he spat out immediately & actually frowned!! My God!! *exasperated*

sighz... i guess i hv to live with it... really hope this phase will pass soon...haiz!!
wow angel, tats great to hear!!!
i hope my bb will reach the spurts again...SOON!

i noe i shouldn't be so paranoid & obesessed with bb's feeding...but really can't help worrying... :p hehe!
thanks darmae and lbs. maybe considering getting it then. hmm...very ex? what is a good car seat that is value for money? anyone?
Hi Bena,

Im also having oversupply problems. Coz i kept pumping after baby latch ! Trust me its horrible breast being as hard as rock really irritates me alot >_< My oversupply cause baby to choke .. sighs wat i did was to use a warm towel and massage breast alittle pump out some milk before feeding baby. Then gradually reduce the pumping

Ben Mum :

I made hubby bath baby and change his diapers. Otherwise i think he will jus be like ur hubby wor!
charsiew im also facing the same problem as u ! =( he refuse the bottle.. kept crying badly. I jus bought an avent magic cup and let him try. Seems like he prefers drinking from the cup u might wanna try it too
Hi Angel,

Ya lor...very cheap in US...but hor,i'm not sure leh...i like the vibrant colours...but duno whether its worth it to buy leh...he can only stay stationary in one place...and i duno how long my boy can sit in it till...he's growing so fast! hahaha...
vone, at least when u make him, he complies....mine just say next time everytime! *exasperated!*
but i think he is tired la from working everyday. some big projects going on. so, weekends his only 2 days of rest ba. sighs....just have to ask him to take over jaga-ing bb duirng the day so that i could come online and check forum lo! lol
Hi Charsiew,
Are you feeding ur bb on fixed timing (cos I know some of my friends do)?
I realised that when bb super tired, he will refuse milk. So instead of letting bb drink, I just rock bb to sleep. After bb wakes up feeling more alert and hungrier, then I feed. That's on demand feeding, rather than follow timing.

Previously I tried to feed before cos I think "it is time for milk". However to the bb, it is time to sleep, no energy to suck. So, bb cried like crazy. Now I learnt my lesson.

So, have you enjoyed being SAHM so far? Haven't get the chance to meet up with u yet.
Ha ha Bena,
My bb also likes to turn to stare at my face when latched on. When I looked at her, she will smile and latch back. Very disruptive feeding session.
When I pull a straight face and looked away, she will continue staring and even make some sounds to "inform me of her presence". Although very humoured, I pretended not to hear. Otherwise, she will nv finish her milk!!!
RE: Baby not drinking milk

I nowadays only feed baby milk when he is half asleep
Normal waking hours I will feed him cereal which thankfully he takes ok. But cereal seem to last longer so ended up feeding him 4hrly or even 5hrly depending on when he seems hungry.

Spoonfeeding doesn't work for me too
I also tried the water and milk switch but he can even tell the difference when asleep :-o Middle of the night I feed him water ok, once i quickly switch to milk, he pushes it out. I even positioned the 2 bottles next to his mouth to ensure a lightning speed switch but still he can tell immediately. Can't stand him.
Hi Peapod,
Do we need to sterilize the bowl &amp; the spoon after feeding cereal?

Any other mummies who have started weaning your baby? I intend to start when my boy can sit without support, prob from 5 months - 6 months.
my girl also cross leg when sleeping and drinking milk. think she still in 'fetus' posistion lor...i did not correct her...is it a concern?

hi angel,
to order the stuff online from usa, mostly have to use usa-issued credit card nowadays. order from target and walmart for those toys stuff. they are much cheaper. enjoy the shopping
btw, has yet to receive the flash card email ..can send to me? many thanks. [email protected]
hi amy
don't know whether is it a myth or fact - my mum said not gd for bb to cross leg, cos it means that they r difficult to put on weight (i.e. like monkey, small size).

anyone heard of this?
Hi Ems,
Yes its best to sterilize all feeding utensils till age of 6 months according to my PD. Initially I wanted to wait till 5 months to start my girl on solids, but she seems to be showing all the signs that she's ready (staring intently at my food, sucking her hands, not lasting 3 hours between feeds, waking up earlier in the morning hungry). So I'm intending to start this Saturday or Sunday, so that my hubby can watch her eat solids for the first time. Think it will be fun to watch her reaction!

Yah my Jade crosses her leg sometimes when she's playing and sleeping...i find it so cute.

Yr caelen very clever boy hehe! Mine still blur blur can bluff! Especially when she's asleep she'll let me do anything!

Ya you are right...most of the time when my girl gets cranky during feeding time, its coz she's tired. So I'll let her sleep first and then once she is drowsy, I will feed her and she will finish her milk in the drowsy state. I've been very anal abt following a fixed feeding routine thru the day, coz if she misses or delays a feed, then it will affect the feeds for the rest of the day and she won't get enough milk, then she will wake up in the middle of the night hungry!

Hi Atinarin,
Yup the leapfrog exersaucer (learn and groove station) is stationary...but the seat can swivel around/ rotate 360 degrees.

Wah your baby so fast learn to use the cup already!! So qiao..yesterday I was just reading that we should let baby drink water or diluted juice from a cup by the age of 6 months...so was thinking of buying a cup to let Jade try.
Hi Angel,
Thanks for ur advise. Like what Peapod has highlighted, some plastic cannot be sterilize. Is there any particular brand of feeding bowl or spoon that can be sterilized? I intend to buy this weekend, &amp; standby when my boy is ready to take solid.

Yeah, it would be fun watching our baby eating solids for the first time... Must take a picture lor..
Thank you for your encouragement. I really tought that my bf journey is regularised already then suddenly this happen. Really shake my confidence.

Actually usually what I do is I will feed 3/4 of the more engorged side, and 1/4 of the other side. Then the next feed, I will repeat the same starting with the side that was 1/4 empty. I thought by doing this, not only am I moving the bm so that there won't be blocked ducts or engorgement, I'm also telling my body to produce less. But seems like I'm not moving enough of the bm, causing the blocked ducts. Or could it be that the blocked ducts were caused by my latching position ie lying down? Cuz the blocked ducts were all situated at the side nearer my arms. Anyhow, I think I'll start to use a few other latching positions on top of the lying down position. More tiring but hopefully will get less of such problems. I'm also guilty of not massaging enough. I dun like to massage before a feed cuz my breasts are usually very full and firm so quite difficult to massage. And recently, have been too tired cuz Zac wakes up every hour at nite. This could also be the reason of blocked ducts. It's really a guessing game for me on why I have blocked ducts. Even Wong can't tell me the reason cuz when I talk to her, I find her not listening, but just giving me general advice which I already know.

Hey I have a few friends from Texas and find the people there very nice - maybe cuz the place is more rural and people there more conservative.

Could he be ready for solids? I read that this is one of the signs that he is. I know they always say start after 6 months, but every child is different right? I always believe that we should rely baby's cue.. You check with your PD?

Xie xie ni.. you jiayou also ok? If really need, follow Angel's recommendation of pumping every 2 hourly during weekend, and your supply will increase after 2 days. It really works lor cuz previously I backside itchy and did that, that's why now oversupply.

I 2 months never pump liao. Just latch only. Ya your method of using hot towel followed by some pumping before feed is actually very useful- I read it on several websites on treating oversupply. But I just dun wanna pump lor. Have bad experiences with pumping cuz it caused blocked ducts for me..

Hahaha.. your girl so smart!

You so funny.. lightning speed hah? hahaha..
Wow, I'm quite excited for you regarding starting Jade on solids
Can she actually cross her legs.. I mean those thunderous thighs can overlap? hahahaha..
cross legs?
bb can cross legs de? how? can show picture? their legs so short leh...ben no cross legs b4. never seen him do it.

ben mum
re: cross legs
is not like we adults cross legs lah, is that they will put their one foot on top of the other (can visualise?)

but don't know whether izit i xin1 li3 zhou1 yong4 or wat, these few days i carry my gal, i feel that she is getting lighter and lighter
