(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Ya i guess i have to learn to let go ba... glad that my maid is still quite gd with Ryann.. so i also no choice... without her, i dun think my mum can handle my 16 mths nephew and my bb.
Today my nephew did quite a few "stunts".
seeing him i cant wait for Ryann to grow up.

Hi Angel,

You stay at Queenstown?? Near strathmore?? i stay at redhill. My en en can go play with ur Jade next time. Hubby commented tat we should rent out our hse n stay at my parents place. Afterall, we are staying at my mum's place in jurong on mon n tues (to minimise transportation)

Just placed my gal on walker today n she loved it! However, she only managed to move backwards a few steps. Will be getting the leapfrog exersaucer next week.
Today's the 2nd day of weaning from direct latching and introducing my baby to bottle again.
He screams and cries so loudly at the sight of the bottle and hubby just put him on the bed and left him alone there. While hubby can walk out of the room and have his meal... instead of pacifying baby.. I feel so upset at the sight of this and feel so bad for baby! I can feel baby shivering and hugs me tighter then before when he sleeps..
Pillow :

As much as i want to enjoy parenthood together. My hubby only helps out in bathing our baby. Thats the only thing he does for him. Changing of diapers he only does it at times *depending on hubby's mood* Coz he'll say eh u change it. Everything is about me doing it for baby.
When baby was younger i told hubby to heat the ebm for me but he refuse and kept asking me to latch on. Frankly speaking My hubby is quite absent from being a dad
vone, ur hb not bad liao lo. at least he bathe the bb and know how to change diaper dfoe bb. my hb hasnt done anything much for bb yet. he has not changed bb's diaper, nor bathed him. only fed him less than 5 times so far. but he will always go and ka jiao the bb when he is around. like, when the bb only makes some ek ek sound, he will insist on picking him up though not crying. i faint sia. but i understand. he just doesnt wan bb to cry. so pick him up at every little instance. just we look after bb full time one cham lo....
ben mum... is your friend staying near to mrt station? how come 4 rm only already can fetch $1800?

angel.. hearsay can apply permission to rent out whole unit if you have valid reason.. will get my hubby to check with hdb later.. is yours 4 or 5 rm?
re ntuc diaper.. took a piece of size m from my friend to try it b4.. it is really not bad.. surprising it is quite soft... but feel that the cutting is quite small compare to nepia which my girl is using now.. so if your baby has fat thighs like my girl.. maybe got to buy a bigger size..
yo.. me also new here la.. less than 100 postings.. some mummies already more than 1000 liao.. must be "old bird" le.. anyway all mummies here very nice and friendly one..
Hi poohwei
Ya I'm staying in Strathmore, the block behind Dawson Place...Ya bring En over anytime then she can play with Jade and we can chit chat
Oh you stay in Redhill ah? Is it those blocks opp the mrt there? Wah down there can fetch very good rental leh...you should consider! Then maybe you can quit your job if you want to be SAHM or every month save the money and after 1-2 years you can use the money and renovate your flat!
You stay 5 years already?

Hi jme,
Thanks for getting yr hubby to check
Your hubby working in HDB? I'm staying in 5-room. What kind of reason is valid huh? Btw, my girl also got thunder thighs hehe...now my girl using M size pampers, do you know if the NTUC brand can use M size too? Or must use L?

Your hubby very good to bathe your baby leh...its good that he's 'in charge' of this activity...can bond with baby. I tell my hubby Sundays is my off day...so he takes care of the baby the whole day on Sunday...think it was a good arrangement coz he realise that taking care of baby the whole day is very tiring!
angel, u so lucky. got 1 free sunday. my hb has to work on weekends too. sniff. but he still fins a bit of time to take over when i need to do my stuff. for 30 min? lol
Hehe Ben Mum,
Ya I'm off on Sundays, and so is my maid....so my hubby got to take care of Jade by himself. Kekeke! Then he always complain and ask me when is his off day. Yr hubby work 7 days a week ah? Poor thing...what does he do? Who helps you to take care of Ben?
me? my mil lo. now i bring ben over to her place on weekdays. starting out this week. she used to come to my place every day to help me in the afternoons. when i go back to work, will have to bring ben over daily to her place liao...
Hi Angel
re: formula - i think my tat can was opened abt 1+ mth ago, (think b4 i came back work - 12 Dec). Yesterday asked hubby to chk, he sd the tine no state that to discard after 1 mth (my brand is friso) & also asked him to chk whether the powder has hardened, he said ok still. So think will monitor (maybe end of this mth & see how). tks.

re: pampers
my gal also using NTUC size M - she is 3+ mth (but find it a bit small liao as she also got thunder thighs, their size is from 5-10kg) (at my home), at my mum's plc using drypers. think both abt the same texture (only their size can be (think) from 6kg-11kg).

Nepia brand gd? where to get - Fairprice hv? izit abt the same price as NTUC/drypers? pls advise. FYI my gal now weight 7.1kg liao & she is using M size, but think soon, must change to size L liao (think) another 2-3 wks.
hey mommies, u can get the a diaper sample from the website i posted further up the thread.. really not bad.. and quite cheap leh.. now they are havin a promo 13+ for a pack...
Hi BubuMama,
Oh I see maybe Frisco can use longer then...I using Enfalac and it says cannot be consumed after 1 month from the date the tin is opened. Hmmm maybe I should change brand then...coz the Enfalac tin so big always cannot finish!

Re nepia,
If you order from their delivery hotline its $15/pack. But not sure how much NTUC is selling. My girl using M size and she's 8kg. But abit tight liao...think must change to L soon!
hi angel
re: pampers
think u hv to change size liao, cos i already find my gal thighs there a bit tight also. sometime too long no change the pampers, can see redness liao, so poor thing. btw, how big ur gal now? mine is 14wks now
angel: hee hee...my Samuel can still fit into NTUC size M easily...not tight in fact i still he still can use it for 1-2mths.
He's 7.5kg now but he's not fat leh, i think his bone is heavy + he's long.
Hehehe I think my gal's thighs can fight with yours...Jade is 18weeks+ heh! Her thighs always red and got the markings of the diapers! And her thighs are so big that her leggings keep rolling down. So un-glam!

angel..my hubby not working in hdb.. but he already find out that the procedure to apply is to send email or letter to branch office and ask for permission to apply for renting out the whole unit.. once they give permission then only you can apply for approval to rent out the place and need to pay $20.. the officer never say what are consider as valid reasons.. but hubby asked whether staying too far from mum and need mum's help in looking after baby so wanna stay with mum is considered as valid reason and the officer say can..
just sent email to our branch office in charge.. hopefully answer is favourable..
i would get L size for ntuc if i were you..play safe..

bubumama.. nepia is good.. feel that it is better than mamypoko cos my girl's thigh fat fat one.. when use mamypoko will leave red marks..it is slightly cheaper than mamypoko.. can last for 12 hours overnight..
Hehe ya Sam is a nice size...not fat not skinny! And he's got sexy long legs hehe! =) *envy envy*

Oh really does it say to be consumed within 4 weeks too? Hehe Bubumama's hubby must be blinded! Thanks for the info
tks for the info....k must go back & chk hubby eye degree liao....he already wear specs, but still can't find....but my gal still taking these few days leh (touch wood) hopefully don't cause any harm.

WOW, jade's thighs really....mine can't compare with urs liao....
think my jia hui is big bone then

k, will try out the nepia after my stock of ntuc/drypers brand finishes....will also tell mum that not to change diapers so frequent.
Oh thanks wiselyn!
Where have you seen it before? Went to ntuc, shop n save and cold storage before but dun have. Thought it just didn't come in a smaller size.
I remember during the gathering at Emily's place, your girl was wearing these cute little black and white socks which looked like she was wearing mary jane shoes. Where you buy from huh? Want to buy for Jade. But the ones from the BP is so big (9-12cm).
Angel n bubu,

Nt blinded or wat lah...mayb "shu who" lah....did stated behind on the guideline... no worries lah...

My gal consume even when it was open for more than 3 mths...Hahaha...coz I didn't know hav tat kind of consume within 4 wks upon opening regulation...until recently my frend seek my advice on wat FM to buy...he told mi got to consume within 4 wks upon opening for Friso...Hahaha...blur mummy....I was tinking die lah...no wonder the FM harden...

Btw, any body know Friso got small tin?

So far nvr c other normal FM dun hav small tin except Similac...
My gynae said she salute me loh for going through the 12hrs w/o surrendering. Actually alot of gynae also like your gynae will say no need to suffer when giving birth mah just take epi lah. but its really a personal choice and also depends on situation, i also almost thought i couldn't make it already and have to do c-sect but heng loh managed to dilate fully. i totally agree with u that the worst part of the whole pregnancy and childbirth is the confinement period! no freedom at all loh! my mil and mother take turns to watch me for the whole mth, super sian man, hate all those confinement rules.
angel: guess who Sam inherited his sexy legs from? His daddy! I always tease my hubby that i like to see him wear 'short' short so that will enhance his sexy legs, haahaa!(he used to be a runner during sch time) Now got maid, must wear decently....last time i like to wear camiso and boy shorts when am at home, now cannot liao.
funny... u can try guardian or giant.. cos i wanted to buy a small tin for my gal to try.. so i'm quite sure they have it in small tin.. unless my eyes or my brain is playin tricks on me...

angel, yalor.. tat time i was circlin ard the socks for sometime.. dunno whether to buy not.. cos very ex leh.. then they outgrow quite fast..but in the end never buy lah.. they have small and big sizes and there are 2 brands there.. buy the brand tippy toes, the socks comes with a anti slip..

i buy from cold storage..sometimes guardian also have, but always OOS...so got to grab and store if you see it....i recently bought 2 tins..one for home use...one for standby in the infant care
angel u let jade wear shoes? my charlene no wear shoes yet ... actually i was tempted to get the soft shoes from mothercare for my gal for cny but my mum say cannot let baby wear shoes le.. anyone hear this saying before?

the mary jane socks i bgt fm bp (organised by little angelstar).. i think she is running BP#3. must check the BP threads again.

I hv britax eclipse.. not sure if its the same as Marathon or Boulevard. but the model i hv, easy to strap bb... slip in the straps from the side...
unlike the maxi cosi infant car seat, ned to go over the head.
hi low
ya my mum also said that, but i did let my gal wear those soft shoe (pooh series - piggy head booties - which i consider botties, not shoe), wonder still alright. my mum said as long is not shoe shld be ok, can only let bb wear shoe when they reach 1 yr old.
Hey darmae,
Can you remember what size were the socks you bought?

Re maxi cosi infant car seat, I'm using that now too! But what do you mean need to go over the head? There's the shoulder straps that go over the shoulders and need to clip to the bottom strap. Or do you mean the seat belt?

Oh and where did you buy the eclipse from and how much?

Hi low,
Yah I let Jade wear soft shoes...heehee think she looks more 'complete' with shoes on! Can wear those soft ones lah...make sure its soft and it doesn't restrict their feet in any way.
your jade so cute.

nynke started having running nose..poor girl noe the nose so stuffy n cannot sleep well. saw pd already..viral infection n hopefully can recover in a wk's time.
Oh poor nynke..hope your girl recover soon!

Ok thanks for sharing!
Will go check out guardian...didn't know they sell milk powder too!
hi funny
re: friso
hv juz called friso (tel: 64198484), the lady told me they don't hv small tin. told her my tin hv been opened for 1+, she said advisable is to discard, but if the powder still ok, then can continue take.

guess we hv to share (lol) a tin if we really want to purchase friso 2 onwards....(since our bb going to take the next friso).

FYI - they still hv the promotion for friso 2 onwards (i.e. 5+1 free)
low, bubu_mama,
i also let my girl wear soft sole shoes leh...find it easier to manage than booties or socks when we go out as they tend to fall off easily. my mil did comment once when she saw faith in shoes, "aiyoh why u let her wear shoes now? can only wear when she turn 1 yr old leh." but i pretend that i didn't hear as i'm quite sure its just some superstition.

re: sweaty feet
i was shocked to find faith's feet wet with sweat a few days ago, it was so wet that her bouncer had wet marks. after that incident then i realise her feet will sweat, how? is it normal?

the socks are free size.. so far she can still wear but not sure hw long. haha

re: infant seat
i meant the shoulder strap tat is need to loop from head dwn to shoulders / body before able to buckle up. duno hw to explain..

i felt the britax eclipse beta lor. so we start her on tat liao. anyway tats for birth onwards.
bgt it from mothercare more than 3 yrs back liao. elder kid used it before... now mei mei's turn. ned to get money well spent becos paid almost $450 for that (got 10% off $499)
my baby's feet sweat alot too, especially btwn the toes! Then my hb always go smell them and say' so smelly! smells like mummy's!"
