(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

hi mummies!
wow, the thread so fast..hard time catching up..how's everyone?

not sure if u all still remember me

oni met up once..
hi, can check with ya, anyone rent toys from gogomummy>? hows their toys? old or acceptable?

any idea how much they renting for the Exersaucers?
hi, can check with ya, anyone rent toys from gogomummy>? hows their toys? old or acceptable?

any idea how much they renting for the Exersaucers?
Faith is so adorable! Btw, agree the exersaucer is such a great buy! Jade absolutely lurves it! Here's Jade in her exersaucer.


jade likes exersaucer or jumperoo beta (or both) ah?
i'm so tempted to get exersaucer for maegan as well since she enjoy jumperoo tat much.. hee
Looks like we can shake hands liao. I also practice attachment parenting, feeding baby on demand, sleeping with him, and nursing him to sleep. But recently I put my boy in his own room because I felt that my hubby and I should start to have some couple time and also that my boy is getting too big to squeeze with us in the bed. Because he nurses to sleep at nite and I've been like a human pacifier to him, it gets very tough now that I have to move to his room to nurse him when he cries at nite. He's been waking up every hour these past two days and I really feel like letting him cry through the wakes.. sigh..I'm quite sure that he's not waking up due to hunger cuz if my hubby pats him, he actually can fall back to sleep. I find my boy getting naughtier and naughtier as days pass. He seems to know how to manipulate my emotions to get what he wants..
Regarding weaning, I think I'll start weaning baby into solids at 6 months. I'll probably put him on FM after his 1st birthday if my menses don't return by then cuz need to start production for another baby liao.. But if menses comes before that, I think I'll continue to nurse him till I get pregnant
I think after solids are introduced and has stabalised, breastfeeding won't be so draining as breastmilk becomes only a supplement to his diet so probably just 3 feeds a day.
I have the sentiments abt my hubby doing the minimum. He can let baby cry angrily without feeling much.. it really gets on my nerve sometimes.
bena, u so fast think of number 2 already ah....u good leh.... i dun even dare to think abt it... at least another 2 yrs more ..

i dunno if you encounter this before or not, sometimes when Ryann cry (actually he scream rather then cry =p) i will always try different ways to pacify him cos there are a few way that works. Last week, ryann was crying and i was trying to pacify him, carry him , yo yo abit but dun seems to work. half way through my maid came over and took ryann away from me and actually i was quite upset. i know she meant well but i wan to do it myself. work whole day i hardly have time to be with ryann.thus i worried next time ryann not close to me leh... maybe i paranoid la cos sometimes my hubby carry my son away from me i also dun like.... maybe i too protective but i quite scare ryann will be closer with my maid. do you all have this feeling too, or i m just thinking too much...
Hi Phoebe, I think its normal la. I asked my sister before whether she scared her daughter will become closer to the maid than her last time when they were younger and looked after by the maid most of the time. She told me yes. Coz I also scared my boy next time become closer to my maid after I go back work.

I'm returning work in 2 wks time so for the past few wks I have been bathing my boy and playing with him as much as I can.

But my sister console me, at least there is someone other than me who can console and soothe my boy. If not, I will not have 'freedom' at all. So don't worry, you are not alone!
Phoebe, you are absolutely NORMAL! Last time I also very kan cheong whenever my maid takes care of my gal when she was a baby. Whenever possible, I wanted to "zi ji lai" so end up I always very tired cos not only need to moo, but need to take care of my notti gal somemore. My mum always tell me if I everything do myself and don't let maid do, then in the first place why I employ her? She added saying that I should be happy if my gal and the maid are close ... at least I don't have to worry my gal doesn't want the maid when I'm busy, and no need to worry the maid will beat her when I'm not looking.

Eventually, I learnt to let go cos I think my mum made a point by saying ... no matter how close the maid is to your baby, she's going back 2 years later. After that your baby confirm close to you again and may not even remember the maid after some time. So why worry so much?

Now with my 2nd one, actually I relied quite heavily on my maid in caring for Jordan. I let her bath, feed and change him (of cos I also do all these lah ... but when my maid is not doing anything else, she does all these). Most of the time I only "in-charge of" playing with him ... haha.
Of cos, life is much easier for us in this way ... instead of tiring myself over all these small chores, I spend quality bonding time with my son ... playing and talking to him.
Looks like i can shake hands with Bena and Justme too! Being a SAHM , Im also a 24/7 human pacifier nursing on demand and round the clock. He's slping with hb and me on our big bed coz i nurse him to slp. Its very tiring.. he rejects everything pacifier , bottle n now he loves his thumbs. Sometimes i feel i need a short 2 hrs break from him to go to the movies with hubby to relax. Tried leaving him with my mum but she will call me on my cellphone and make me rush back within an 1hr or lesser...I find my boy getting naughtier too! He will keep screaming though no tears till i appear and carry him. Today i tried leaving the house left a bottle of milk to hubby and let him take care of our son. When im out i kept thinking of the poor boy =( Coz i knoe he'll be crying badly.. so heartbroken.. Sighs
Bena same here ! I dont understand how come they can be nonchalant about it and reacts so slow in respond to my son whenever he cries. Then the arguement starts again. Maybe i should learn to let go... and let my hubby have a chance to handle his kid instead of rushing over and take baby back from hubby then take over myself once again causing additional stress to myself. >_< *but it seems like i cant trust anyone to do the job and at the same time i really feel like taking a break from baby ...*
Bena u can still think of having number 2?... I still having problem handling this little monster... but when baby starts laughing and smiling its simply melts my heart. Maybe will have number 2 after learning how to cope better with the help of hubby who wants to have the bond of feeding our son too...coz he commented that with my direct latching on at all times he's unable to help me much neither is he able to bond with baby. Which sets me thinking of getting baby to drink from bottle again..
Vovo. we share the same sentiments. my baby must see my face 24 as long as she is awaked. i cant even go off 1 min... she will scream and starts to cry if i "disappear". very stressed as she cant seems to enjoy playing with herself. i got to put her inside the high chair and push her around the house wherever i go. even to the loo! aiyo... she starts to recognise me too! whenever my parents and pil carry hers... she will stare at me and cry for me. i feel happy that she is so attached to me but at times its very diffcult for me to get away for a while.
lol mummies. remember the last time i told u all i teared when i came back from a course? i told my hb that my mil said it iwas normal of me to feel this way. then he commented he must be abnormal. cos he veryday go work, come back aso no feel teary. LOL...i really feel like laughing at him and slapping him at times...
morning mummies.... so many postings this morning
good to read with my coffee.

vone,i share the same sentiments as your hubby....caring and bonding with baby should be a joint project shared by u and your hubby. i feel its not only abt coping better, but by involving your hubby, both can experience the journey of parenthood together..... prob should try to relax abt the direct latching on at all times.

there are many mummies who have succeeded bth latching and feeding from bottle. when i was breastfeeding, i either latch or let my hb feed bb from the bottle. he takes care of the bb as much as me. we are "interchangeable", although initially i did feel i was doing a better job than him, and he gets scolding from me regularly. haha

even now ,changing diaper, feeding bb, we also do it together. say, he feed bb, then i would be by the side talking w my bb, holding bb's hand. or when he change diaper for bb, i would help out with the wipes,etc. it is very enjoyable as a family.

letting go , helps to balance our life.... and its heartbreaking too, if your bb becomes overly attached and will not let you out of her sight.

you are not alone... when i had my 1st boy, i din nurse him for long becos i need to be outstation to shanghai for 3 mths plus straight after my maternity. when i came back, he was 6mths plus liao. he cried the minute i carry him.. i was so sad and felt like a knife was cutting my heart. very unbearable.. he oso chose the maid and mil over me... even prefer hubby too.
i decide to 're-ignite' the bonding by spending more time with him after work and during weekends when i'm not working.. play wif him, read to him etc.
frankly, its very difficult in the beginning with a lot of refusal from him. but gradually, i can see acceptance and now i'm the closest to him... hehe.

what i wan to say is that no one can take away the 'natural bonding' from us, no matter what. sometimes bb have mood.. it may seem that they prefer others than us.. but it is juz a passing stage


re : oily milk

i take it as positive leh... natural, high nutrional and easily digestible fats wor.
gd morning mummies

wow so many posting early morning. really can get a lot to learn from all mummies everyday. hv diff topic one kekeke

re: exersaucer
how old then can bb sit on this? think at home hv a pass-down one, but don't know when then can sit, my mum was saying to let my gal sit when she is 4mth.

juz to share, here is my bb gal pic taken on last Sat. hair a bit messy....hahaha, she likes to use her hand on her head recently, don't know izit itchy....not only head, ears also. wonder wat happen
Yah can put chilli on her fingers also loh...sigh...

Re: No 2
Heehee...i also start having thoughts of going for no. 2 liao. Dunno why these days when I see pregnant women I feel so envious leh. Miss the feeling of being pregnant, even the labour! I must be crazy liao! But seriously I secretly wish that my girl won't grow up so fast, it seems like just yesterday when she was only a tiny newborn...time flies loh. But my hubby said he hasn't gotten over my 12hrs labour loh! Very tiring for him loh! Hahaha...wonder who is the one giving birth.
Wow your gal got such "pinchable" cheeks! So cute!

Re: exersaucer
If your baby can hold her head steady then you can try and let her sit in it already but use some pillows to support her back. My girl already start sitting in it and shes only 3mths plus now.
tks for the comment. she can hold her head, but not steady steady kind lor, sometime will fall front...k will try this wk end.

sorry hv post the pic too big liao, don't know how to make small.
re: getting No#2
Quick Quick..come &amp; join darmae, blue &amp; tiffany &amp; me!

re: du du
Hb is anti du du..don't ask me why cos I also don't understand why! So, for my No#1 &amp; #2, strictly no du du loh..Anyway, told hb liao, he will have to help to pacify baby one way or another loh...this meaning waking up at nites!..kekekee
lbs, can refresh my memory? Your older kid how old huh? How about Tiffany's? I know darmae's son same age as my gal ... hey, actually you all can bring your kids come my house and play lah, since you say my house got lotsa toys.
Thx for all yr comments on the pacifier. Last night hubby and I decided to give Jade the pacifier again...we couldn't bear to let her go through another crying session!

Don't feel bad. Sometimes Jade also like that...cry and cry and nothing I do will comfort her, then my maid takes over and Jade stops crying immediately. Feels very heartbreaking I know...but its like that one - a change of hands often will distract the baby from whatever they were crying abt and they'll stop crying. Sometimes, instead of passing to my maid, I will pass Jade to my hubby for two seconds and then take her back. Hehe..she also stop crying

Vone, Bena,
My hubby is the same...he carries Jade and when she starts crying, he'll be so slow to react. Told him many times liao that he needs to be quick when she start to 'ek ek' liao, he should change position or stand up and walk around so that she gets a change in scenary. But by the time he reacts, she's wailing and cannot stop crying, then he will pass her to me! I told him off once, said that I won't take over next time coz he has to learn how to soothe her. Now he's abit better lah. Think most men are just not wired to handle babies!

My girl also will cry when others are carrying her..but i realise that she doesn't cry when she doesn't see me. Maybe you can try to remain out of her sight and make sure she can't hear you. I read that babies at this age (4mths+) don't experience seperation anxiety yet. So they'll be happy as long as their needs are met, but make sure they don't see or hear us.
My ah boy coming to 3 next month..born Feb 2005 de..

Tiffany one I think is same as year as yours &amp; Darmae..

sure boh? later your house 天翻地覆 by the kiddos!..kekeke
Oh, then that means your boy is only about half a year younger than my gal who was born on National Day 2004. So that means they can all be playmates. Then our younger ones also can be playmates next time. Cool!

Aiyah kids play confirm messy one lah ... it's ok ... we just make them keep the toys after playing lor.

For my gal, I always make sure she keeps the toy she's playing first before allowing her to take out other toys. So at any one time, there should only be one type of toy on her playmat. In that way, it's not that messy lor ...
Yea..they are arnd the same age &amp; when our babies grow, they can be too! hahaa

We also train ah boy to keep his toys but then we are not that discipline lah..he can have as many toys as he wants as long as his table can fit it. But his table very small nia..
HI Blueskye

Oily milk is definitely more nutritious n FATTENING!! Its actually the hind milk that gives babies the calories. Its definitely good for the baby!! Defintely a +ve comment.

Re: #2
I also thinking of no 2 now. Cos when i went back to sch, i saw another colleague who is 4mth pregnant. Really miss the monthly visit to the gynae where we get to see the ultrasound of baby!

Re: Sleeping
My gal has been very cranky these few days. For her morning naps, she insists that i must carry her to sleep. Put down, CRY!!! Must repeat a few times then she is fine.

Re: Pacifier
She seems to be more interested in exploring the pacifier than sucking it now. She will take out the pacifier, look and explore it and put her fingers into her mouth.
Before pregnant of No#2, I also gian gian when see preggies arnd me..

Missed bb moving inside our tummy...Actually like mummyfaith, I also missed the labour!
Seems that you all taking "oily milk" as positive comment ... I wasn't sure if I should feel offended or pleased when my MIL commented that my FBM milk is very oily ... can see a layer of oil when thawed. She didn't wear a very positive look when she said that ... as if to suggest my milk is "unhealthy" for my boy.
Aiyoh, how come you all miss labour one? Though my 2nd labour was really short (only 1 hour), but it was torturing as I didn't have epidural.

For me, I miss the days I was staying in hospital ... lie on bed whole day and every now and then food served and I do nothing ... just lie there, watch TV, eat ... haha!
blue, lbs,

chk wif u gals on ur elder ah boy and ah girl.
do they play same toys over and over again... when they have permission to buy toys, will choose same series of toys?
my son now super dinosaur siao... super addicted to it. everythg oso dinosaurs.. ask him to choose xmas present oso dinosaurs... haha


i juz found out tat i hv chinese program installed in my laptop after all... haha
Darmae, my gal is mickey &amp; minnie mouse siao! Everything also must have mickey &amp; minnie one ... even clothes also. Her whole wardrobe of clothes hor, she refused to wear unless got these characters in it. In the end I had to revamp her wardrobe ... waste my $$$ as most of her clothes either not worn or worn few times only. So have to sell to recoup back some costs.
Btw anybody wanna buy walker huh? Bought a preloved (but in good condition) walker for Jordan but think I don't need it now as initially I thought my gal's walker was spoilt. After I assembled, found that it wasn't spoilt, so thinking of using the same one for him instead.

PM me if anyone is keen.
Hi Darmae,
Hmmm re exersaucer vs jumperoo - Initial reaction when I first put Jade in the jumperoo and she realised it bounces and got music she was laughing away. She didn't have that kind of reaction with the exersaucer. But now she likes both...can't tell which one she prefers...when she's bored with one, I'll transfer her to the other.
re #2
I aso thinking of 2. within a year or thereabouts i guess of my bb ben. =D they say if too soon is no good for mum and bb. so about 1 yr gap ba...=D if really earlier then have to be up to god le. =D
where do u stay? my gal also born in 2005..
so u are a sahm but got maid is it?

btw, someone here says, "it seems like i cant trust anyone to do the job and at the same time i really feel like taking a break from baby". thats exactly wat im feeling rite now.. feel so lazy to do anything.. keep tinking of going to work but i cant trust anyone to take care of my kids.. especially my elder gal.. she will eat anything ppl give and im quite particular abt that.. no sweets, chocolate, ice cream, sweet drinks, etc.. no tv also.. sigh..
think we are the "abnormal" ones to miss labour! although i had 12hrs of labour w/o epidural, it was definitely the most painful experience but somehow it was also such a wonderful feeling when i finally pushed my girl out into the world

so good ah? only 1hr of labour? hope my 2nd one will be so fast also.
Hidayah, I'm not a SAHM ... full-time working. Tried being a SAHM before for 4 months but in the end, still decided to go back to work as many people were telling me that it's such a waste to "return all my books to my teachers" at such a young age ... somemore got help for childcare, shouldn't stay home and be "yellow face wife".
Mummyfaith, kudos to you! 12 hours w/o epidural??? OMG! I 1 hour also buay tahan! My first one was 7 hours with epidural but I still feel the pain. 2nd one supposed to induce ... broke waters and only 1 hour later, actual labour pain starts and baby out another hour later. So I consider labour only 1 hour but was in labour ward for 2 hours lah.
wah hidayah, no sweets, chocolates and all the no no u listed above, seems like depriving your kids from childhood joy leh...think with limitation shld be more balance lah.

My hubby and me agreed to let my son try everything when he goes on solid ...be adventurous but yet not being indulgence to his wants.

pillow: u forgot to state one of ur hubby's task is to clean poo poo..hahaahaa!

I also felt that it is important to let hubby and others to handle baby as well, else we mummies will surely break down 1 fine day. During the 1st 12 weeks of my maternity leave, i did not let the 1st maid handle baby at all due to her incapbility to follow instruction, so she mainly do housechore. I ended up depressed as i have to handle baby alone when hubby is at work. Everyday look forward to hubby come back from work and i will ask him to take over. I like my boy 'anybody also can carry and handle him'. We look forward when someone said they can jagar baby while we go out or relax, hee hee! My sis offer to jagar baby when we go out for dates. My maid knows when we're back from work, we will take over caring for baby and she won't fight with us to take over. We told her this since day 1 she came.
wow mummyfaith you can really tahan pain.... I also didnt want to use epidural as I thought I can endure the pain, but after about 5 hours of labour pain i cannot tahan already.... maybe bcos my labour was induced so extremely painful.... its nothing near to bearable state, so have to get epidural.... gynae told my hubby epi a little late so when pushing i cant feel at all, in the end my gal was vacuum out and now her head still has a small bump.... "sigh" i think my #2 I must endure to experience the "real" birth action.... :)

bubumama: my girl also scratches her hair and ears. i was worried that her ears are itchy cos i seldom clean till i see wax coming out on its own. so worried its some ear infection. But i think its just them exploring their ears and hair.

She explore my hair the other day too...grabbed and never let go...her self exploration has become my self torture haha

Re: Pacifier
This is how my own mum got me off it. She burnt it, it stank, she said: "U sure u want this smelly thing in your mouth?"

And thats the end. No more pacifier for me. Long live mummy for being so ingenious.

Explains my sensitive sense of smell now too. Hahaha
