(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Oh dear, hope ze get well soon. Remember to separate didi frm ze. U take care too. Recently my hubby colleague jus kanna when he bring son to pd clinic so b careful, adults will hav it too.
Hope Ze will get well soon.
So his blister in the mouth was the first sign of hfmd? Quite some time ago right?
Ivan is not feeling well now, cough wif phelm, body warm, temp ard 37degree....own doctor money again

Last time that blister in on the lip, pd say it's nt.
Hfmd usually start from the inside of the throat.

This time started with fever then blister in the tongue then when pd check there is blister at the back of the throat.
But nothing on hand and leg.
Cannot separate lei. Can only keep washing hand and use the hand sanitizer lor
IC. Now many hfmd cases. I look at Ivan's mouth everyday.
Heard hfmd normally started wif fever, 3days then the rashes will appear on body.

Both kiddos
Hi mummies any 1 using the honeycolored bpa free avent milk bottles? Does it hv any smell? I jus bought some milk bottles from BP and got a smell.
I m counting dw too. I hav another 2wks+. u going to continue after tat? Btw, nw tristan wake up hw many times 4 mid nite feed?
Btw, u started semi solid 4 tristan already? I so tempted to start cos melson mouth moving n keep looking at our fd when we eat but best to start after 6mths old rite?
I let Tristan try puree liao
So far he likes it. Ate up all pumpkin puree at babysitter place
He wakes up once for night feed lor. say maybe 12am? then next one is 6-7am
Hi mummies

I have 3 sachets of Gain IQ for 3 yrs and above plus S$3 voucher? anyone keen?


Yr tristan is so big already.
Can i have the 3 sachets? Let me know how to collect fr u...thx

zz, an_gal,
U can be more relax liao. I felt the most tired period was when the infant under 6mths old

I dig my wallet c if i have any stamp left k. If have i will send to you, if not can y give me SAE?

Haha.. my 2 kids also fight and snatch things from each other hahaha.. worst thing is that Kea will pinch Meg too hahaha!
Both of them like to scream at each other. Didi always is the loser in term of snatching toys
So, I send you the SAE?
good morning mummies

start work after the long weekend

i feel i am super buzy during weekends then on weekdays..
the work at home is never ending...laundry, boil water, clean floor, pour water, prepare food for big, feed small, make small sleep,make big sleep..hang laundry..tired
how ze ok liaoz?

leaky? u can bring to philips at toa payoh and tell tehm it leaks...then they test and change for you. the new versions dun leak wor...

mine no smell leh.
i agree with u.. after long wkn even more tired hor.. monday is the worse.. super tiring.. nw am pumping then faster go zzz n very fast wake up is a brand new day... i only had 5-6hrs of slp frm monday to friday, feel so tired everyday !

i didnt bring to philips.. very lazy to go there jus to change the bottles..
ze ok already? So didi is not affected?How's e hfmd like ?
My gals sch now got 3 cases! So sian ! Anything in particular to look out for ?
yes, recovered...his appetite is back...

HFMD - from what i gather from the internet, start with fever, then blister in the mouth/throat/tougue, red blister on hand and leg.

for ze he only had fever and blister on his tougue and throat. no red blister on hand and leg

didi is fine cos we dun let ze touch him and also before we handle didi, we will wash hand

u have to watch out for fever, i read a few blog abt ppl who kana hfmd, all have fever, so i assume that is a sure tell sign.

now i very paraniod, i will use hand senitizer on myself and ze before eating. sometimes on off at home i also use hand sanitizer
I also very paranoid nowadays,my gals sch got 3 cases now ! I let them take cod liver oil every morning , take temp , check whole body while changing them... Super ks! I so worry if one kana e other one how ???
Hi Mummies,

Apologies but am searching for a Babysafe Mattress for baby.. Do pm me if you've any to let go, with the condition, dimensions, pictures etc.

Appreciate it lots and thanks! =)
Hi mummies

I am back from my trip.. well tiring but quite fun, except that Bali is super super crowded, still prefer samui
tho i had a session of spa (2Hour) for just S$18!! :p

Best part is that i have my whole family to entertain Meg, but not Kea, coz he is a super gluey boy!!

Now I am back to reality, and I am going back to work
in a month time hiks hiks.. i cant believe i am going back to work!!!! will go sign the letter next wk
i am now worried about my gluey boy, how if he cant adapt.. sigh sigh!
Coolzy, an_gal

Yes, going back to my old company. Hm..tis is actually an unexpected offer from them.. after thinking.. and considering tt good opportunity doesnt knock on the door twice, so I took up the offer. just went to office to sign letter this morning

SAhM life is never boring, in fact I dun think i will ever have enough of it.. anyway, i will try to work first, if i really cannot stand working, then i quit to become a huang lian po again hehe

My in laws will be helping again, just like last time

Ya, i think so too
v sad to think of this part

But you just said one of the reasons why i love going to work hahaha!
welcome back to FTWM life, seems u only been SAHM for half a year?feel like very short then u back to workforce again,tot u will only back when yr son at least 3 yo.

I have just received your SAE, will send out the milk + voucher tomorrow or saturday k.


To be exact is 9 months
i have never tot of going back to work, not until at least both of them go to school. Well, ren suan bu ru tian suan
Let me c if i can bear leaving them, if not i will quit.

Hey y this thread is so quiet.. dun let it die off..

Thanks.. now only 2 weeks left
yr chinese good leh.
ya, see how later, u can always quit if u want. thats good enough. for us we hv to work till dont know when.

Thanks, my chinese is not bad hahaha.. have been having tuition since i was young hahaha

hey, now i figure out life is a choice, coz money is never enough. If i quit, that means our household income is lesser, and hence just need to adjust on the wants and needs.

if i work.. i will have my personal savings, personal advancement vs less time for the kids (saddest part) and more spendings ie. spend on in laws (need to give them tokens for taking care of kids too + make-up costs, clothes, shoes, etc)..

If i stay at home, i wont be spending on those unnecessary stuff coz i dont really go out. all the household expenses are taken care by my hubby, so whether i work or not (as long as hb keeps his rice bowl), we will survive haha.. not a big spender from the start

Staying at home is fun, i think if given a chance, everyone should try it..
