(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

hmm... i tik i also go there leh..
but all e cny clothes is for 11/2 yrs old 1 leh..
dey dun wan bb 1..haiz...

ethan is beta nw..
at least he din dirraehoe anymore..
luckt, if nt he will hv no milk to drink so poor tins..

wow diaper also can ar..
at first i tot of usin juz diaper den my hubbi say,
wait he sudden poo poo how.. kekeke
so he suggest to wear swim diaper n din get the swin wear loh..

no leh.. hven yet.. dunno it is the correct batch also..
cos she mention tat those name nt in the spreadsht will b able to hv e stocks..
hmm.. should try to email her again..


I am also interested to let my boy try out swimming. Tried calling aquaducks, nobody pick up, keep going to voice mail.
i think we are in the same spree for leapfrog items. Wow, you bought a lot hor, i only buy 3 items but one is oss. Yeah, the items are really taking a long time..
I would like to attend the gathering. But I think my name was missed out from the prev thread that I have put in.

Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. Gold..piggy(1pax and depend on date)
15. Pooh_Astro (2pax)(maid coming along but not eating)
16. Lyn_baby-Sherlyn (1 Pax)
17. Alsie (2 pax)
yeah guess no choice but to wait since we already paid
hi mummies,
itz TGIF!
wow, the thread is real fast..cant really catch up!

peifu u leh...can put bb in carseat and drive ard...i m so scared tat bb will fuss in the carseat while driving..den tat time i will be very ganchiong liao..
so how's jaeden's reaction to the jumperoo? u rented it for $38 rite? izzit for a mth?
head muz be stable den can put the bb in rite?
how are you feeling. throat better? yeah the scale at prof lee's office wasn't accurate when we went on nov 17. paige was definitely not 4.9kg. she was more like 5.6kg then. the nurse asked me which brand and said she will give me some sample. when i was paying, she put a bag next to me, i looked down and saw a lot of tins. went out of the clinic then counted. haahaa the formula paid for that appt already since it's $16 each x 12 tins.

i will start semi solid soon, since paige is almost 6m old already.

hubby works in biopolis.

i like staying home but dont mind going out. now with paige like you said so troublesome to get ready to go out, too lazy rather just stay at home.

yeah, paige has been wearing S until now. this last 2-3w definitely her growth spurt.
glad things are working out. when you become sahm and our babies will be older we can go downstairs and walk walk a bit to tire them out. must get ivy to come over also.
the worse is other parents come up to you and ask you what is wrong with the bb and if you need help. i know they are trying to be nice but it's insulting at the same time also.
good thing doren very often will fall asleep from the gentle rocking of the car. haha!
realise that he will only wake up and fuss during traffic jams or slow traffic! cos the car only inched bit by bit, no rocking mah...

jaeden looks very happy sitting inside the jumperoo. How long do you intend to rent it for? Than I can bring jerome over to try try :p
no i dont use stroller on escalator, just find it too dangerous. i have seen before mommies who did that and couldn't hold on to stroller and another time a baby also fell out. it takes longer to wait for the lift cos not always get squeeze in but just have to be patient and play it safe.

we do visit my grandma very often.

my fren's mom is taking care of her bb, she buys everything double before the bb arrives.
jaeden moving fast ah. alsie's bb was the first one but his bday is early aug, so i think jaeden win the teeth race.

enjoy latching. keke sorry couldn't resist. lol
oh ya..can imagine tat...will be damn embarrassed!

ya ya..i noticed tat...it happended to carene too especially she is very tired and wants to slp....so i dun tink i wud drive alone wif her..haha..
talking abt her sleep...she really make me gancheong y'day nite..she wanted to slp so i pick her up and wanted to pat her to slp & for no reason, she juz wail very loudly and angrily...walk ard, gave her pacifier and den tried yaolan...still wailing..at tat pt of time, my hubby dunno angry wif me for wat and he juz sat there and cont. to watch his TV...den carene cry till vomitted..and i was so scared tat she choke, i quickly put her in an upright position. den shouted at my hubby and said tat she vomitted...he den lifted his butt up to see watz gng on...damn him! so angry wif him...
the moment really scares me....i m so afraid tat she would cry and kena choke and cant breathe...haiz, my carene is no easy to handle when she is throwing her tantrum..
regarding the booster seat, i think the box stated that it must be used together with a dining chair with a backing. i tried putting him in the seat on the bumper mat just now, nearly fall backwards.

so if u want to use it as a standalone, must have some1 to watch over.

hubby sms and told me got the books. thanks!!

for the rice cereal, how come add both bm and milk powder? is that according to the box?

doren very guai, what you prepare also he eats.
poor thing... how is carene now? is she better?
maybe this is a one-off kinda episode. dun worry too much.
sometimes when baby cries like that, he/she may just want mummy to sayang and walk around look look see see?
no, u can add either breast milk (no need milk powder) or formula milk (hot water plus milk powder) sorry to confuse u guys!!!
can also add just water.

hope that doren will be this guai as he grows up really cos i'm rather health conscious when it comes to food while hubby is totally opposite!!!
then next time it is 2 against 1 haha!
didn't buy health insurance. hubby's company covers health insurance for spouse and kids. although not 100% but think should be good enough.

other insurance haven't looked into yet.
it is amazing. since sept 06, my grandma already refused to talk. at times refused to eat even. this past few months, she's actually talking to paige and trying to make paige laugh. even with the adults she is making conversation that makes sense. previously at most she will just say a few words, which is always "eat". my grandma's definition of beauty is how meaty one is. hee

Aiyoh, almost miss seeing this gatherings..

Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. Gold..piggy(1pax and depend on date)
15. Pooh_Astro (2pax)(maid coming along but not eating)
16. Lyn_baby-Sherlyn (1 Pax)
17. Alsie (2 pax)
18. Ivy (2pax)
