(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

<font color="ff0088">mummies
this is getting urgent
I need recommendation for a good CL.
One whom u had used before and thinks she is very good cos I very imchim aka fussy one...
Pls pm me okie</font>
my next pap smear is another 6mths later wor

wa, 22 days! Last time Ivan poo few times a day, never missed a day.
It shd be menses, cos is red colour and last for 5days wif backache and a bit of menses cramps. May be my hormon is very unstable.
Heheh, u really save a lot of $$$ and troubles ya
I'll try to tk more fluids..

I thk u better check if its normal for mensus to come bk so soon leh..my lochia this time round lasted only about 2wks.from then till now only slight staining..hope menses don't come bk so soon. Last time around 6months kena menses liao then milk supply drop like mad..

I also thought of pumping more frequently but i tk 1hr to pump.if i pump every 2 hrs then i wont be able to do anythg else unless i pump for only a few minutes each time i guess..
Nining...very farnie hor...i also thot very farnie leh, he likes Emily! His pronouciation is improving..initially he pronounce Thomas as "dounce wan", i thot what issit that he don't wan, haahaaaa...finally figured out he is calling "Thomas"!!! It's improving day by day.

He likes to disturb me leh, when i turn on Thomas DVD, he said, "BOB"...then when i turn on "BOB", he said "Thomas"!!! So cheeky!
hi mummies,
i am back! I survived!

oh ya, i brought milk bottles,flask,water bottles on board plane without any questions ask! Infact,, they didn't even check my hand carrier!
Hi TinyVoice

Where do you get the mickey glove that you sell to me? My no 1 like that glove so much, he refused to let di di wear so now I have to get 1 more pair for di di
u got more "trust" from ppl at airport in asia when u carry a child :D US airports however are different matter..
If that is the case, then it should be the hormone. You just keep track for a period of time. Consult your gynae if necessary.
oh! Mikiko, didn't know u chat in this thread too, haahahaha! My friend got it in Shanghai for me leh. If you're keen, i can help you to source for it. What size you need?
the apt is call somerset gateway kuching. Ever been to Aranda apt at downtown east? Quite similar in terms of quality lo. If u used to hotel std then maybe a bit rundown, but if going with families of >4 consider quite ok. Comes with kitchen,living and dining area,2 bedrooms. only cons is only 1 washroom. My BIL book the room at abt 1256RM for 4days 3 nights

yap i had a great time. Didn't expect them to be guai guai when go gai gai! At first was worried abt the plane ride, but they actually zzzzzz even before take off! maybe they were tired out at the terminal's playground haha!

yap, got more privilege etc. Even malaysia custom also no need to queue!

haha! really eyeing for HongKong!

I feel so proud of myself for able to handle them alone on flight, refer to pic!
hi mummies,

wow, thumbs up for you!

u really gave up the perth trip ar?
we are going ahead but not bringing Liz along...

Liz also skinny, slightly over 10kg too. Last measured her in Aug was 88cm, and when we were at the mrt station, she has yet to reach the 90cm mark..
Wa, u survived alone wif 2 kids arh? So powerful
!!!! I tot u went onboard at least wif another adult!

Do u still remember how much is the 6-in-1 jab at polyclinic? Need to Q?

no not at LC, but at the UE.

i was walking up the slope back to UE whereas u r walking down the stairs towards the traffic light.

r u wearing a blue/purple dress?
i didnt sign up with polyclinic, the first dose was at the PD's then family clinic at Yew Tee then booster and mmr at polyclinic.. v messy hor keke
ic. Think may be not worth the trouble to do it at policlinic, Got to take a shuttle bus to reach there...
Thx anyway
yes shld be me. your lunch time is early ar? mine is usually 1230-130pm
Liz was at UE sq on monday as i was on half day leave and we took her to Central for lunch, she was happy to see the river and the boat before it rained keke but unfortunately i wasn't too well and have to take mc yesterday..
but i find the service at polyclinic is quite good, and the nurses are more experienced and their checkups are more thorough as compared to normal Gp clinics.. and cheaper too.
I feel I drink more water at work cos I have a jug on my desk kekeke.. now am at work..

wow!! super u!!! who took the picture?? congrats! sucessful trip hahahaah.. My boy also usually zzz when take off or landing, I think the loud white noise make them zzz..
when we return Spore, also the immigration asked us to go through their special door without having to queue! so nice ya!

any vaccine update huh for 2 yo +? I forgot oredi kekekeke.. so bad mommy..

No more.. all jabs must be finished by 18 mths.. subsequently is when they are in pri1.

Wah your girls are very good, can sit nicely..
My meg cant!
jus now lunch veri funi.. i ordering food at food court.. then the stall auntie walk out from the stall and put my food on the tray and ask me be careful.. i tink my tummy is expanding very fast.. my office auntie say i look like 4-5mths preggy hahaha

it just a 1 hr lunch..so hungry just go eat. no fix timing.

u r really good man, on leave still come to central for lunch..

if i am on leave, i will go anywhere else except here. i am already sick of the food ard this area :~(
i think twinkle went with her hubby, but just because the airplane seat is 3 by 3, so her hubby has to sit elsewhere.
hence she has to handle her twins herself during take off and landing.

twinkle, is my analyse correct?

ur boss know already?

i have not inform my boss yet.

will inform him next week, after this sat check up.
can't wait. i have been counting down since 2 weeks ago :p
i've already inform my boss when i'm 5wks pregnant cos i told him i'll be taking MC for my checkup... somemore i'm in training dept, need to setup classrooms for training so better say earlier to avoid doing those heavy duty work.
at home got many jugs, just cos I dont sit around next to the jug so most of the time forgot to drink kakakakaka...
BINGO !thumbs up for u. so detail,haha! U really remember my previous posts. Thought pregnant women r usually a bit blur? haha! yap the seats were 3 by 3. the pic taken by my hubby la! actually went with my hubby's family,but my gals not very close to them, so usually stick to me.

i put their pillow by the handle , just let them lie on it loh. cos they had already tie seat belts,so don't wanna moved them so much.in case refuse to tie the belts later on then i will be in trouble.
notice when they travel they can really eat alot. one big bowl of rice to share still not enough, took another half of mine!
ya lo i also quite sick of the food here, but then my gal was v hungry so we settled at Central lo since i seldom go there too..

sleepy... time is passing so slowly

u go for the normal check up also take MC ah.

maybe i should do that also..:p now my appmt is always sat

haha, i selective reading lei
kok ur head... hahaha :p

for my normal checkup on wkdays, the gynae will giv me MC.. tats y i inform my boss already after my 1st check up.. i try not to go check up on sat cos very crowded, long waiting time + there is additional charge on wkns now
my tummy is very obvious now and i started wearing maternity clothes.. ppl already asking i how many mths preggy..
I think thye're happy during the trip that's why eat a lot.. Ike is also like that, when in good mood eat a lot!!

I should wear cap with bottles huh kekekek..


I did that too but only 1/2 day MC each time cos last time I was v busy so got to rush back to work..
wear and take a photo n show us here :p hahaha

i rem when Melcolm was in Aus, he keep requesting porridge from us.. hahaha but down there is cold so maybe he gets hungry easily..
Then need to Q for the jab?

Anyone here opt out chickenpox vaccination? Still wondering wanted to let Ivan take or not

i also have not let ivan take the chicken pox jab lei

my friend 4yo ger had chicken pox. she did not take the jab and her pox are all BIG and RED and ALOT...
heard that if take the jab, the pox will be lesser and not so big

so i think take better
i didnt let Melcolm take chicken pox jab cos he already hav it b4 1mth old.. however the doc told me he may get it again.. i tink the vaccine is not lifetime 1 rite?


yes, for all branches

but i went to my office one, the slices one is sold out...only left the whole cake one

tmr after lunch then i will buy liao
