(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs


oh my, i dare not eat too much as scare weight gain.haha, we should exchange.

yr Meg is not petite lah, ruoxi only 83cm and 10.5kg. shorter than Meg.

I have not been bringing meg for assessment for quite sometimes, so I dunno if this is average size or not..

I dunno how to refer to health booklet chart, it is too tiny to see haha

Oh just sharing on this, I have just received a pm from one lady *a bit ridiculous ler:-

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Mon, October 5, 2009 2:38:13 PM

Congratulations! You have received a private message from the following discussion board user: Enqi


Can you help to check anyone interested to purchase Heinz food hamper
consist of baby biscuit, teething rusks cereal & tomato sauce etc.
Whether is for own use or as a gift for other people.
Price is offer as $70

Thank you for the help and trouble to check around.


so I ask:-

Who are you?

Sent: Mon, October 5, 2009 2:54:10 PM

I am a human being just ask u u interested in the food hamper

So I reply:-

Sorry for being blunt. But I do not think u really understand English.
In the first email you are asking me to check around who wants to the food hamper - and by helping you to check I think I have the reason to know who you are before helping you to check around.

In the second email, you said you are asking me if i am interested in your food hamper.

I think you are being very contradictory in what you meant in your emails.

Pls sort out properly and think carefully before u write/answer any email. I know you are human being who can type but unfortunately cant make yourself sound pleasant and polite if you do need help from others.

Worse thing is she still replied me asking ON MY SIDE GOT ANY ONE INTERESTED OR NOT..

i dun bother to reply, super bo liao!!

so sleepy ler, is this happening to preggy mummies or everyone hahaha (i am not preg hor)

did i mention that the block opposite my mil is building my first skool(by NTUC) and i will be sending my boy there when its ready?

anyway, the point is, it is reported that another My first skool in simei, currently also under construction, is being complain by the residents.
the residents opposed to the construction of my skool house saying that it will be more noisy and bring down the flat price.
so they paste poster on the construction to stop the construction and also start collecting signatures to oppose it.

the construction is now stop pending for more discussions.

i wonder how they will resolve it??

ya lor

haha...ya..should be final conclusion liao...
cos its at the void deck mah, so my mil can go and peek anytime she wants...like that she more 'fan xin'...

then its super, very convenient lor

Then it is very convenient for you!
Why my bb no poo poo?
He is TBF baby, but didn't poo for these 2 days, previous few days also poo a bit only...how?

Forgot to tell you, I have recd the disc + photo on the bday party.
Thanks a lot. Btw, how much do I need to pay u for the postage and disc?
hello everyone! Miss me? I've been very bz moo moo-ing. I damn sian abt my supply. It takes me 1hr 2 get 80ml which is Mikayla's intake..n i can only get that if i pump every 4hrs.if 3hrs i can only get 60ml..want ä latch mikayla on but either she's too sleepy 2 open her mouth or even when she's cryg 2 b fed she knocks out once my nipple is in her mouth..like that how 2 increase my supply? Loh/snowwy,what u all eat to have so much milk? I dunno how i'm gonna pump 4 1hr after e CL leaves on Thurs cos i gotta take care of both kids myself since my hubby is at work most of e time even on sat n sun..

maybe u want to give him more 'dong nei'..

there is one my first school at compassvale link..
u might want to check it out.
i am so tired today.

dun know whats wrong with my boy last night.
he slept at 12am...then at 4+am, he woke up looking for ah ma..i told him ah ma sleeping but he continue crying...carry him to kitchen see stars, lorries,make milk...pat him..thought he sleeping liao

next moment, crying for milk again...carry him, make milk, apply ruyi oil, pat him...

next moment crying again...apply some more oil, massage him...

next moment cry again...make milk, massage, pat him...

finally he sleep liao, but its already 5+am...


haha, so funny the person's mindset, i wont send to strangers and even if send then must be very polite lor, else ppl sure wont help u what.


TBF bb can no poo for many days, i heard got 10 days no poo one. maybe bb absorb all so no waste to come out. though zhuoxi also TBF but she poo a lot everyday, that's why she can't grow bigger, she's only 4.7kg at 2 months old.


why not just let bb latch on?my first month can only get 30 to 40ml if use pump, but by second month bb fully latch on, and sometimes at midnight i feel engorgement after bb latch, can still pump out 100ml after that, so i guess slowly yr milk supply will increase as long as u kept let bb latch.


why not just put Melcolm to waiting list first, no need pay anything, just put, then see which one give u call first. last time when i search cc, all full leh, i search through forum and found the YMCA have a lot good comments, so put her in waiting list, after 6 months she only get one vacancy leh.
wat "dong nei"?? my frend stay near the compassvale link My First Skool but i tink she went to see b4 and told me not so good.. anyway i don intend to send to cc, looking at playgroup/pre-nursery tat type..

my case very complicated.. cos now mil n my mum take turns look after melcolm.. if i look for sch i dono how.. i don intend to send to cc oso..
I thk if ppl c me they will also thk i'm still pregnant.. Last nite mathias suddenly talk 2 my tummy like when i was pregnant then hubby laugh like hell.he ask Mathias is it cos my tummy still very big n look like still have baby inside..

dun worry lah. Next year not compulsary to go school yet..

my hanyupinying fail lah
i meant 'childhood' :p

today cannot leave early..this whole week is my busy period. i should be glad if i can go home at 8pm

thats so funny lei..if i see what mathias did, i think i will also laugh my head off (sorry)

have u thought of those playgroup during weekend?
like that u can bring mel there instead of thinking should find one near ur mum or mil place
not really looking at wkns but looking for wkday classes.. hope i can find 1 soon.. mayb find 1 in btw my mum n mil place lo, no choice.. next yr #2 com i got headache again.. dono who take care.. tat 1 next yr then i tink..
Hi cola

Oh your msn kanna blocked in ofc no wonder never see u online. They caught you msning with me too much during ofc hour huh?? keke

if u bring 1 to either place but like that u will be very tried, then the 2 also cannot bond.

if either ur mum or mil can look after 2, then its easier lor, can continue with the current routine...

last option, if ur mum/mil cannot cope, then can hire a maid to help out lor

still got last last option, be a SAHM
my mum sure cant cope alone with 2.. mil n fil mayb still can so mayb certain days i ask my mum take care 1 lol.. c how.. i don intend to get maid yet.. additional cost.. n i confirm don 1 2 b SAHM hahahaha.. i prefer to work n earn my own pocket $$ :p

I missed u so much hahaha!! Yeah, stupid msn i think it is blocked, coz once i logged in, it's auto logged out

U got skype? hahahaha!

Share share what other webby hahaha.. i am a computer idiot.

U are computer expert, can teach me hahaha..
after awhile u will be gone, then we will have time diff, cannot chat chat chat liao ler.. hahaha
an_gal: melcom so brave. My son carried the paper lantern, then dropped on the floor, the lantern caught fire. After that i replaced a new one for him, he dare not carry liao...once bitten twice shy...haahaaa! Hope he scare of fire and don't dare to go near it. He always like to run into the kitchen, dunno why those out of bound area always interest him more!!! I want to go sniff out 2nd hand safety gate liao.

Cola: My boy is abt 12.5kg, height around 88-89cm.

An_gal/Nining: guess what, other than Thomas, guess who else my son likes in "Thomas & Friends"?
Hello Mommies,
logn time no chat, now got MC can chat kekekeke...

my guess:
James / Percy / TOby / Gordon? kekekekeke
Ike now also likes bob the builder, they also come in take along series..We just found out buy at airport toy shop in changi much cheaper!!! <S$ 15 for take along toys included thomas &amp; friends as well as bob the builder
Nining, sala...he likes Emily!!! He can't pronounce properly...he will say, 'Emimi'...and will get so excited when he see Emily. Erhmm..Opposite attracts?

My boy also likes Bob! Where is the shop you mentioned at airport? T1, T2 or T3? I find Bob more ex. than Thomas leh...so i didn't buy any Bob tak along toys for him yet. Our boys can sit together play leh...same interest. hee hee!
hahahaha I was gonna guess emily but I thot so girly.. Ike also likes emily but he really loves percy as addition to THomas itself..

T1 and T2 have the same toy shops, same prices.. Ya in Toys R Us bob is more ex, but in changi airport departure hall after the immigration, price is good..
I also bought some used one via ebay USA, my MIL sent to me along with Ike's bday gifts hahaha..
Tiny Mel
So I guess meg is of average size except that she is very thin..

Hm… Kea was on total latch on til he is 6 wks old, think that is how supply is building up. After 6 wks, he latched on oneB only, and the other B I pumped out.. so whenever he latched (2 hourly), I would pumped out afterwards.. so far so good, not really a lot, but sufficient for him and Meg (last feed of the day)
xman, cola,
thx. I tot TBF bb will poo everyday....
Aft lochia finish, i hav mensus every 2 weeks...sian.

I just eat like normal. Must take in more water.
Thanks! I managed to log in using iloveim hehe

It’s very normal for TBF bb to either dun poo or poo many times ironically haha..
Poo many times = waste diapers!!

Yes drink more water! But eat more so that your milk is creamy hehe..

Just sharing, I had D24 durian as desert after lunch just now! Hehehe super nice

huh?mensus every 2 weeks, sounds scary, did u call yr gynae to check if it's normal?for my #1 menses only come after i reduced the pump to once per day when ruoxi's 1 years old, b4 that no menses. this time the lochia only finish after zhuoxi was 7 weeks, hope menses wont come too early, these past 3 years i either pregnant or breastfeeding, think at most got 3 times menses.

ya, agree, last time my gal poo 5 times or more everyday, she need more than 10 pc diapers per day, now she only poo 1 to 2 times, only 6 to 8 diapers enough liao.
During 1st pregnancy, memses also came once shortly aft lochia finished then no more for 6mths. Then came on 1 April (Apr Fool)
This time, 2x liao. Just did pap smear last week and results came back yesterday, everythuing normal.

i see, if normal and no pain then should be no worry.

i also just did my pap smear test last week,and result back this monday. next year need to check again, nurse said if conitues 3 years normal then can test every 2 years.
If your bb can't latch due to too sleepy, then you can pump more frequently. You can reduce the pumping time from 4 hourly to every 2 hourly. Even though the amount may be minimum but the extra pump will make up the ml. Even 10 or 20ml is good. In the long run, you will see your effort being paid off. Remember to drink more water. Jia you

I think it is pretty common for bf bb not to poo often though it has never happened to mine. Mine poo every day. (The highest record that I have heard from PD is 22 days w/o poo). But it was not a concern because BM consists of 70% water, which means that there is no reason for bb to be constipated.

I do agree with Xman that you may need to check wif your gynae if your returning menses is a concern. After I gave birth to Qweii, I did not had menses throughout and continued to conceived #2. After gave birth, was on TBM till menses 1st returned last month. My 1st menses after 2yrs. (save a lot $$$)

Could it be the left over of lochia that was not cleared? (I do understand from TCM if you consume black fungus, rice wine, DOM would cause lochia again - as it was formed as clots and previously not properly passed out. That why 1st 2 weeks after birth, women are adviced to take all the food mentioned every 3 meals to ensure it is completly passed out)
