(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

seen like there are many "anti in law" out there :p

haha me too really hope my boi will cry when they carry him. But too bad he don't

chloe also did the same thing as gracia. she even put her feet into her mouth when i'm changing her diaper... faintz...

poor joy.. hope she recovers soon.

hahaa.. same same. whenever i carry chloe, she always seem to go lower and lower. she's 7.5kg now, but i still need to baby bjorn her whenever i go out cos she refuses to stay in the stroller for long. it'll be my hb's job if he is around.
Jo: I love ur baby walker!! How much is it and what brand? I dun reli like the typical walker and thing is some of dem r so light tat it would flip!! so dangerous
mikiko: cos my mil is the type say for 'song' type and say whatever she wants. Den during pregnant time say wana buy this n tat or during confinement wana buy this tat for me to eat.. oso dun hv wor.. Depend on her die liao

I dun like pple say liao never do one.. den becos of my girl den come my place every weekend if not oso bochap one..
Hi chatty, wow, so fast decide alrdy. Did a comparison on the 2 model you mentioned, personally, I would prefer the enjoyme, cause it has reversible handle, so you can keep an eye on bb.
zhu zhu

sian de hor haha i oso hoping they dun come to our place every sun. Some time when they came and my boi was really tired and sleepy they just refuse to let us carry him to bed and cont disturbing him. BB mah shld sleep when they are tired isn't it.
i also dun like to bring chloe to my MIL's house cos it is extremely messy and dirty... clothes all over the floor/bed, unwashed pots/plates in the sink, things all over the floor, even my maid also complained how dirty that place is... gosh, i realy dun understand how can anyone stay in a place like that but luckily she is staying alone plus we need not visit her so often.

Re: bringing bb out alone
depending where i'm bringing her, sometimes i just baby bjorn her. if with stroller, i'll bring along the baby bjorn too. in case she doesn't want to lie down on the stroller, then i'll baby bjorn her and use the stroller for my heavy diaper bag.

ur SIL sure very stressed and pressured. My bro and SIL also tried many years, worst still had 3 miscarriage before my little nephew came out.

good luck for ur interview.

on tv they dun wear slippers at home, they wear high heels.. hehee.. u so good still can watch series. i've stopped watching my HK series 5mths ago.. aiyo, me used to be a latest HK series chaser now still have a few old ones not watched yet and are already showing on SCV liao.
mikiko: agree lor.. new year day my hb wana visit his grandma so brought my girl there.. den my girl was tired den fell aslp on the sofa. when my mil came back from the market did this:
aiyo.. sleep liao ah u?!!

den my girl woke up after a short 15mins nap.. piang
haha.. 'anti in law'. just hv a lot to grumble when involving my MIL. my PIL are divorced, i'm fine with my FIL and can even chit chatted alot with my step-MIL.
Hi 5, me HK series fans too....only got time to watch during weekend, i will leave my baby in the living room and let hb take care while i hide in the bedroom to enjoy the series wif a cup of coffee...heheheh
btw, thx for the mamex contact no

opss, ok, will apply moisturiser then. thx

just came back from shopping. Fox Baby having quite good sale, 30-40%. on top of that, if you buy more than 3 pieces, there is an additional 10% discount. i bought 2 tops and 1 denim pants, spent abt $30+..
My MIL lagi jialat lor! Knowing that im expecting a boy, she keeps passing me tons of gal gal clothings (hand downs) My hubby oso buay tahan & tell his mum that im expecting a boy not a gal, stop giving us gal gal clothings.. haha

Den hor, she bought some clothes for my son. Guess wat, she bought either pink colour ( still ok lah ) but alot of clothes got flowers, very gal one lor... pengz sia! My BIL saw those clothings & shake his head & asked his mum y u buy gal clothings for boy boy??!!


My MIL oso say want to cookt is & that for me to eat during pregnancy period & confinement but hor, NEVER lor!
Best is when my MIL hear my mum want to do rice wine for my confinement, my MIL insist she want to do too, so we just let her be lor cos she said she do many times before, everyone praise her skill for doing.
But hor, first time she failed lor! Then she said she want to try again but failed again! But before she do 2nd time, she request a bottle of hard liquor from us saying that the rice wine need to add some hard liquor! I never hear must add hard liquor so i check with my mum. But my mum said no need.

Guess wat! After she failed the 2nd time, she never do liao. So we expect her to return us the hard liquor cos during confinement period i want to "tun" mah. She never return us & she used it to APPLY ON HER HAIR!!!!!!

Wah biang, she lies to us lor, saying she need to add hard liquor to rice wine to make it taste better but instead she used it for her own hair!!! Gosh, never see such MIL before!!!!
Now we suspecting if she got try doing anot cos during the first time my hubby ask have she start making the wine & she said yes but DUN ALLOW US TO SEE! So i guess, she never do at all!
An_gal: Good luck for your interview!

Mic / Muddypie: NU500 sounds good…checked with Cheong Choon and they said they don’t carry this model. Apparently most people prefer EnjoyMe because its longer and wider…Had to order fast before my hubby changes his mind.

Ocean: I think the assumption is that BPs are always cheaper, though its not necessarily true…In fact I don’t think there’s any rule that says BPs are supposed to be cheaper right? I bought the long sleeve bib from Classybb for $7.20, only to discover that Toys R Us is selling a similar bib (different design) for $5.90…However, BPs are more convenient to do shopping.

Lena_soon: Its Rosyhearts Babies at Lorong Pisang Batu (Just off Chun Tin Road, opp Beauty World on Upp Bt Timah Road): www.rosyhearts.com/contact.php

Ytanhn: U’re lucky. Wish someone would give me a free combi stroller too! Dumex just called me and offered to send me FM and cereal samples in 10 to 14 days time. Needless to say, I accepted lor.

My mum laugh like mad too when i told her!

Bo lor, her hair never grow more, instead i think she lose more hair leh, getting thinner on her scalp!

Its not that i want to criticise her but the way she do thing, incorrect lor!
Angal/ ytanhn
Me only recently start watching... had not been watching for 2yrs liao... This week on leave, so burnt midnite oil to watch dvd. Those taiwanese idol drama like the "Hua yahng shao nang" by ella and wu zhung. Previously got telecast in channel u, but i had no time to watch. Wow... so nice, reminds me of my comics as the series is adapted from the comics.
But i really tired...

After i ganna "cheated", then i realised tat BP is not "Bulk Purchase" but "Business Profit". Hahahaa...
I guess it shld call BP loh as where purchase in bulk, first impression is economy of scale with savings.
Actually overseas spree is slightly better.

Chole still "dare" to eat her legs in front of u? +++Faint+++ at least mine din do tat... hahahaa... But it is gross to touch her when her figures and legs all wet with silvia...
haha! how come so many mummies here want baby to forget MILs hah?
wa, ur hubby is very imaginative. have to follow his daughter somemore, lucky urs is a boy boy.
my hubby only says he will make sure if got gal gal, her hubby must be very very worthy! haha!

Melcolm should be taller in future since u n hubby are very tall!

Salute to all SAHMs!
i dun think i can ever be a full-time SAHM. a few days okie but if dun work, i think i will go crazy. i know this is very bad but guess i'm not the type who can stay at home all the time. (unless i'm a tai tai with a maid, then it's a different story hehe...)
even come weekends, me n hubby must bring baby out to jalan jalan, drink coffee, shop a bit, have good meals...

last time we drink "ang ji gu ni" meh? that one like no nutrients but sugar right? i dun remember drinking that leh...
hehe, ur teochew seems to be very good!
Angeline_Poh: $1100 is for 6 days a week from 7am to 7pm, after $400 subsidy. For 4 or 5 days a week, its $1000, and $900 for 3 days a week. Very expensive but less stressful for me because only about 3 minutes walk away from my house and good program (including daily baby massage) for baby. Most importantly its a 1:2 Caretaker: Baby ratio.
Ocean: i guess if there's nothing to be gained from doing BP, then why bother to to it at all for a huge group of strangers... This is not charity, or a friend-friend thingee like what we do in our thread. On top of that, still have to pay $25 per week to run bp thread...as long as we still pay less overall, then its worth it...

Angeline Poh; Your MIL is really creative in finding ways to get what she wants
Never knew that hard liqour can help hair growth
*argh* just sit down to catch up with yesterday posts and typing with one hand with paige in the other hand and she starts to poop. bbl... hopefully.
*envy envy* leh, can throw ur bb to ur hb and watch series.

my MIL opposite re: doing rice wine. she gave me one bottle to take home before i gave birth but seeing her living condition PLUS she told me she made that 1-2years ago, i dare not touched it.

hehee.. chloe is a super 'drooler', used to her saliva liao.

hahaa.. 'ang ji ku ni' or 'gong gong ku ni hun' is wat i always heard pple say. i'm a teochew ah nia who speak teochew at home with my parents.

so touch when mummies at ur bp speak up for u

i think 'the sky' may have miss out that she actually ordered 4pcs, which is stated right in the beginning, postage is $2

actually if u had replied to her using this point, it will clear the misunderstanding
hopefully she get it.

come to think abt it, i have never check the actual postage cost against the BP published cost
wow, looks like alot of drama addicts mummies here hehe.. i oni got time for channel 8 or U.. these 2 alone oledi can keep bz with the bb..

u 2 can shake hands liaoz..

thks.. com back frm interview oledi but still need ur gd luck 2 get selected hehe :p

mayb gal clothings cheaper n more variety tats y mil buy all gals type.. so by rite ur confinement shld b 21 bottles of DOM instead of 20 cos mil cheated 1 bottle frm u hehe.. if i were u i tink i will go crazy with tis type of mil.. n all u can do is jus complain n complain 2 ur own mum n hubby nia..

thks.. need ur luck to get selected hehe

buai tahan leh.. i laugh wen i saw abt the hair got grow more or not haha..

u remind me of last time burn midnite oil watch those taiwan drama like Meteor Garden, Dolphin Bay etc etc.. haha

the "ang ji gu ni" is the milkmaid isit? tat 1 is add into our milo 1 rite hehe

yeah i wish Melcolm can be taller wen i saw alot of mummies having tall bb's here..
when i bottle feed paige, she'll put her thumb(s) into her mouth as well. I have to use one hand to sandwich one of her hands then use the other hand to hold on to her other hand to prevent her from putting her thumb(s) in.
haa saw our BP queen - Ivy go help speak up for sunbloom.. but she really can say her opinion cos she BP queen.. many experience liaoz..
the slings you link to i think is hotslings. pouch sling. mine is similar but is lucky baby brand. mums n babes now carries hotslings. last time i wanted to buy but too lazy to order from US.
when i bjorn paige, i feel pain in my hip, maybe i am not adjusting the bjorn right since i didn't adjust it after hubby used it. must readjust and use it a few more times then see how i feel about it. i tried to use the sling i have and it's hard to squeeze her in now that she's bigger.
the infantcare sounds fab. glad james likes it there. i told hubby about the daily report card and he said "if it says difficult child then you pay higher fees!" haahaa

we feel the same about carseat. from the day she came home in the hospital, she was in her carseat. at first my parents didn't like it, keep telling us it's safer to carry the baby. we insisted that she rides in the carseat. eventually they see the value and even admitted it was safer for paige to ride in the carseat.

sleeping wise we made the mistake of letting paige sleep on daddy cos she was screaming so much at night. only took us a MONTH to figure out she's cold right? no wonder she only wants to sleep on daddy, for body heat! *argh*

i see many people using peg perego piko p3? when we were shopping for a stroller at babies R us, that was one of the models available and i decided against it right away cos of the weight. i have the peg perego aria, paid US$189.
Decided to add in my 2 cents worth in Sunbloom's postage saga. I'm sure The Sky will no longer be blue! Ha! Ha!

an_gal: Congrats! Happy ROMineversary!

Jete: I don't think slings are good for the back...James continues to be happy at infantcare, so far so good : ) Just discovered today that the other 5 month old baby there belongs to my mum's neighbour! He was born on 31 Jul, and was supposed to be an August baby too! Mummy has never heard of this forum, and has been getting all her info from overseas sites, so I invited her to join our thread...wonder if she'll make an appearance here.
BP can really be frustrating. i will prob do another one soon but no meetup any more. i think you listed clearly 3-4 items is $2. whether the actual postage is less than $2 or $2, that's the postage she should expect to pay.

when i did my bp i charge $2 for the first bag, it cost me $2.30 to mail each package. so how? i go after each buyer for more postage money? give and take what. not so calculative lah.
Jete: Guess we all made mistakes. I did too. When I first got the Combi Highchair, I was so delighted that I used it to rock James to sleep the first few nights. Soon, he needed to be rocked to sleep and my hubby put a stop to it and we reinstated the "patting while in cot"...guess everything we do, we must be think of the long term consequences, otherwise sure have to pay for it.

I haven't actually seen the Peg Pergo though I've read good reviews...luckily I ordered the Combi today, coz hubby was on the verge of changing his mind again tonight, just before I told him that I had already ordered it! Phew!
interview 2day was great! i like the environment & scope. However, tat manager say she still hav 2 more candidates to interview b4 she can reach a conclusion. hopefully i got chance.. actually already got offer frm another agency but is contract position, headache man

no celebrate my rom anni lah as hubby was working.. but did req frm hubby 2mr nite go la kopi after dinner leaving Melcolm at hm hehe.. i got cravings for Tiramisu hehe..
my ob said to wait 6m then can try again, mine was c sec. any way, i have a fren who got pg soon after delivery, also c sec, her #2 was born early in the year and #3 (vbac) due first few days of the next year. she went into labor 31st dec, keep praying baby pls dont be born yet until 1 jan. she said so weird to have 2 babies in the same year but not twins. in the end she manage to tahan until 1st jan. hee
dont think you sign up for an account at the private forum yet. do so and i will approve it. have to guard the forum if not lots of wu liao people posting porn. :p
surviving but darn tiring. today hubby bought newspaper and i was so tempted to look at classified for job!!
my hubby wanted a girl. everyone wanted girl, every the grandparents. they said girl more guai. i think i will be the one that will be overly protective. paige better not date until she's 30! heehee

the BP is not up yet. will let everyone knows when the swimwear BP is up.

really? the dog lives in my blk? how terrible the owners didn't even know when their doggie went missing. i've never seen the dog before even though we usually park on the 3rd floor.

i bet they wouldnt know how to use the sling...

ya..some can be very adorable but some can really give u hell! really depends on ur luck
