(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Yah, when u are unwell better stay away from your boy since you are not breastfeeding cos he doesnt have the antibodies to fight the germs...

I hope Joy is better,.so heart pain to hear what she went thru..but did u chk if the medicine she taking can be mixed with milk? Cos there are some that cannt mix leh. SO far my boy only took Medi once and I fed it to him directly w syringe and he happily drink...when he finish his medi then he cry cos he wants more! crazy boy!
Im trying to tell my hubby to let Mathias go Infantcare but he like really objecting lor..now Im trying to see if maybe i can take Unpaid leave for the time being then at least my job still secure mah..but I still undecided. Now my hubby throw the decision to me...he say either resign or take unpaid..I also very fan2 nao3... I scared financially not feasible leh...
btw, I found the owner,,they live on teh 3rd flr of your blk. they say that their dog always leaves the house thru the gate but will always go home...but when I ask them when they lost theor dog...they didnt even know when! Gosh! Shows how much they bother!!
wiselyn, me kepo too.

[email protected]


my parent think only my brother's kid will be their grandchild, mine is consider lee's family not their's...but hor my brother got problem and not very active in seeing doc so after married 6 years still no kid yet, but my mum kept saying once my SIL pregnant she sure will look after her lovely grandchild..
if financially involved u shld discuss with ur hubby whether can cope or not lol.. cos ur hubby will bcom the main source or income leh..
chatty, the infantcare sounds very good and detailed..if only all infantcares are guranteed to be so good then maybe my hubby wont violently object to sending mathias there...
yah..I knw thats y I also stress dunno what to do..but I thk we can survive lah.just that need to really control my spending lor...
oh then tats great.. sad 2 say.. i like to buy tings.. coming 2 abt 6mths no work liaoz n savings omost dry up oledi.. now need to look 4 job liaoz..

Now i already get used to her pattern liao, just hack care lor, anyway its her house mah.
But whenever we go over to her place, i refuse to let Javier lie on the mattress, if really need to change diaper, i will place a changing mat on top of the mattress before i change! Aiyo, she oso never bother to wash bedsheet!

I even have to bring hot & cool water to her house to make milk for Javier cos many times when i want to drink water, either the cups are not wash clean or the when i pour out the water, can see alot of black dot ( substance )inside the water, wonder if she got wash the water jug regularly! Yucks!!

Frankly speaking, i dun really like to go her house cos she seldom sweep & mop the floor one, always very sandy! I cant imagine if Javier crawls on the floor & happen to suck his finger........ hiaz

Everytime before we go, i will get my hubby to hint his mum to clean up ther house first ( hope she really got clean lah which she claim have ) cos both Javier & i have sensitive nose & skin.
wow this thread is flying in mega warp speed!!

Lena Soon,
hopy joy will be well soon..

yeah hubby n I were quite surprise that ike behaved well in the flights.. of course he's a lil cassanova, he kept on staring to the good lookin SQ girls n smiled to them hahaha...

wiselyn & Sunbloom,
me totally lost.. what happened? a mommy fussing over postage for what? can pm mre the deleted link?
ur mil house realli jialet.. wonder ppl staying in the house didnt make noise? so u don hav a fix schedule going to IL place? for me usually i go back every sunday either lunch or dinner..

Think her hubby & children get used to it liao. Anyway my PIL got wear slippers at home, maybe that's the reason y they dun feel the house is sandy lor... hehehehe

Got, usually sat afternoon we will go over. My hubby is working on sat, he will fetch us to go his parents hse after he knock off lor.

emailed you liao,lets meet next week?


so which model of stroller are you getting at the end?share share leh...my hubby very tempted to buy too,we're thinking of buying those reversible types..
Muddypie: u r brave to go out w/o hb and with baby. I still cannot do it. Somemore dun know y sometimes I will feel dizzy de. Dun know y after delivery become like tat leh.

Mel: I dun wan shave my girl botak cos not pretty for girls leh.. my girl hair is messy and grow long liao but the bottom part behind still short after cutting it 3 mths ago.

Angeline: I think ur mil can fight mine. Last time before she got maid.. the house floor is so dirty I think the common corridor is cleaner den her house. I step in my feet back de!!
Tat time I still part-tor my hb.. The house was so dirty I cannot tahan I go n clean the kitchen n scrub the floor. Reli disgusting
Now the stress is our monthly payments cos my hubby and I pay 50% each for everything except groceries, SP bills, Internet and SCV bills (All this my hubby pay 100%) so I dun thk he can handle the installements etc alone...plus I dun thk my savings can tahan for long also cos since I had mathias I spend and spend...

at least ur mum wear slippers cos of coldness, mine is different lor........ hiaz


Hehe, everytime my feet oso black black one! So everytime when i reach home, i dashed to the toilet to wash my feet first!
Wonder how they tahan hor??!!
Re: Bringing BB out alone

I started bringing my son out alone since after confinement..not too bad lah..its just bad when he wants me to carry instead of lie in the stroller...cos after I carry him I cant push the stroller!
Angeline: Precisely.. Last time I always comment my hb aka now mil the house very dirty.. somemore oily de hor.. sticky sticky one.. Den I always say cannot sit on thr floor cos so dirty. The lines in btw the tiles i black de hor!! Now got maid ok liao.. My mil is very nua too..

Tat day go her house, gimme her other grand-daughter the things tat her mum dun wan to bring home one. Den when gg home time the maid ask my hb wana anot den my hb ask me wana anot. I so pissed off leh.. I dun wan lor cos machiam like unwanted things den give my girl somemore got 1 the soft-toy so dusty.. yucks. think my girl karang-guni. Den bring home liao my hb put 1 side I so angry ask him dun wan dun bring home la ask me for wat leh..
ya is normal lol.. wen hav bb, every $$ spent goes to bb and not us anymore hor.. n bb tings r not cheap either..

haha.. my mum wear slippers hor so she wont feel floor dirty sometimes oso leh.. but usually my bro will mop floor cos is consider heavy load, don 1 my mum exert and hurt anywhere..

ya lor, my parents came here got condition lah, I have to pay $$ and persuade my brother to see doc..anyway, as long as they help me I'm willing to pay $$, better than pay to others and worry, own parents take care ruoxi I more fangxin...


Me also wish to be a SAHM, but I know it's impossible at the moment as the finantial burden is too heavy..better plan well b4 make the decision..
Just returned from seafood lunch with colleagues. Seems like lots of people are taking advantage of these last few days before the crazy term begins to feast to their hearts content…there goes my non-existent waistline : 0

An_gal / Mel: So far so good lor…they told me they use nursing standards to care for baby, so that’s why charge more. They also do kindermusik for infants and Montessori for the toddlers. Not sure how good that is, but some stimulation is better than none at all, and at least I know I’m getting something for the hole in my pocket….They also told me that they have babies who live in Woodlands – Guess the parents must work in Jurong area to be able to detour so far off to Upp Bt Timah.

Muddypie: You’re welcome…I also didn’t think of foldability of stroller until last week when I had to fit stroller into car boot together with IL’s suitcases…

Xman: Guess your family is just more traditional…

Leeoh: After reading the reviews and talking to people here and elsewhere, I realized that most of the lightweight strollers are about the same. In the end I decided to just go ahead and order the Combi EnjoyMe AW-1 model from Cheong Choon (http://www.taising.com/Combi/Combi_EnjoymeAW1.jpg). Just realized there’s a Cocot model that’s also within my price range, so wondering if I should change to that: http://www.taising.com/images/Combi_NU500.jpg . Hopefully its good. They’re delivering on Sat morning.

good luck to your interview! ya, my SIL quite stress but since they chase them for so many year and no result they dare not mention anything in front of my SIL liao..
do take care and rest well.

am using this model NU500. This model is good except the handle is non-reversible unless you are not particular about that.
Me also wanna know the story? Can email me at [email protected]?

It is not easy to organise BP. I saw ur thread was being posted and i think the only problem is that u din stated very clearly on the postages fee... So, this part, is abit arguable. But i think her words are too strong...

Now, i guess most pple charge some amt of handling fees ranging from 30ct onwards, but it really must be stated clearly beforehand.

Actually, for me, as long as BP are cheaper than mkt rate, I feel fine with it. I know some organiser really markup the price and made quite some profits such as the amosco one. I really felt cheated when i know the actual price of those pdts and every BP organised, the price increased....
So recently i jus posted a qn to ask y the price increase and there was no reponse... sigh...

Wear slipper at home? Gosh, is it shooting a film? Cos i only see pple wear shoes at home in tv.
all the best to your interview!

where exactly is your infantcare ah?Coz i kept tinkin its at jurong west lehz..and usually wat time do you hv to fetch james latest by?
Gd luck for your interview.
I really hate interview cos they always ask some std qn such as y u leave the previous company, etc...

Me still on leave, n recently been buring mid nite oil... to watch DVD. Hahahaa...
Watching those taiwan drama... Oooo. how nice... but everyday panda eyes became worst...

not bad ah.. still hav time 2 watch DVD :p my bro pass me his Harry Potter DVD for at least more than a mth liaoz i still haven watch sia.. n i rem tat day hubby ask me 1 2 go watch Harry Potter in cinema is tat day my waterbag leak.. lucky we didnt go watch movie haha..
To the mummies who blog: Do you gals edit the pics smaller before loading it? Cos some of the blogs take very very long to load..

those who wants to know what i have type, it is actually in the other forum....if u dun have access to it and want to know more....then i will email to you...but please keep it within ourselves...
pooh_astro is right, CNY coming better dun botak her. last time when i cut chloe's hair short only, she alrealy look like boy boy... haiz.. dun understand why sometimes MILs always fuss at peanut things.

chloe also cry when my MIL carries her, is either she is uncomfortable with the way she is being carried or she is not so closed to my MIL. of cos naturally i'll carry her back then my MIL will comment "bad tempered girl". irritating right..

lucky the combi stroller was a gift from my sis, so no heart pain.

last time we gong gong becos we drank 'ang ji gu ni', now their formula comes with wat DHA, AA, SA, oh ya not forgetting immunofortis(!).. hahaa..

dumex hotline 1800-2653188 (Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm).

maybe i one-shot switch to the new formula that's why chloe's poo poo so watery. now i'm at a point of no return liao.

I oso dund are to sit on the floor one! Actually her sofa i oso scare cos she once in a blue moon, dunno how many mths lah den wash the seat cover one! Pengz...

Haha, we can High 5!
My MIL always duno go where take alot of bb clothings, stuffs & ask us to bring home! Guess wat, its old & dusty one lor, machiam wat u had mentioned like unwanted things! Everytime after we bring home, i will throw away lor!


Ya, thanks god, else my son will become "smelly boy" ah! Yucks!!
my MIL also take things from her friends etc...then pass to me and its like very old few years nvr use liao dusty dusty type....

Im ok with 2nd hand things lah..but so old and dusty type or the toy black black already still take...am I really that poor??? Maybe I will be if I quit lah! haha!!
dapheng: I just had time to sneak a peek at carene.. U know i had the same problem with tricia? pple always come up to me ask me if she's a boy when she's in floral frilly pink rompers... faints
mel: the things are from her given to my other niece den her mum dun wana bring home den if years later take out gimme.. pengz..
den so ugly one.. the clothes the shoes.. etc etc den the shoes so big when will my girl wear leh.. pissed
den she will say: this one i buy for xxxx one den never wear. it's still new u know? bring home lah. cny wear come let me see..
me: 'throws up' --> in my head.. I buy alot of nice clothes for her liao in US.. no need wear the old 'new' stuff
