(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Wow! Thanks Eliz for the information.
Does anyone know if we need to buy tickets for the Care Bear musical show? Or do we have to go there early early to queue for the show?

Hi Ju
Wow, so fast your 2nd one already 15mths.
Can start to enjoy life already...

Hi ichigo07
Erm, that i not sure..

Just got news the childcare which i'm sending megan to next yr has been bought over by Cambridge Child development.
Anyone has any comments on Cambridge?
Hi mummies,
i am new here. well, my 2nd bb girl was born in july 09. eldest girl is already 4. i am pretty happy with this age gap. the elder one can help to care and entertain the young one. for those mummies trying to have a 2nd bb, go for it, don't be dishearted. it is a whole lot of joys though have to go through night feeding again.
Hi Eliz,
My girlfriend sends her 2 kids to Cambridge nr Yio Chu Kang (not kinderland). So far so good

I send mine to YMCA Bishan. Very satified with the teachers and enviroment. also reasonable fees too.
yeah Eliz ..
so fast hor..
It felt as if I juz got preggy yesterday..

so now can try number 3..lol..haha juz joking :p

Sort of enjoying my life already..my 1st boy has become more independant..

Feeding and entertaining himself <self-service>
Coz I never pamper him too much and I let him do evryting himself if he can lah..but of course lah I will keep an eye on wat he does..

can wear shoes on his own..sometimes wear correctly but at times wear shoes on the wrong foot..

Able to coax the lil bro by singing or tickling him to stop crying..
precious moments wen i see them becoming closer by the day..

Can help me to take diapers and wet wipes during diaper changing time.

No more nite feeding for me..whahahah..
tats the best thing abt motherhood..
tat is to enjoy full sleep everynite..

And the best thing of all, both my boys will not cry n look for me when I am not at home..
They can totally forgot abt their mother leh..

Coz I trained to leave them with others/caretaker since they are young n they seem to understand I need to go and work.

They can wave bye bye to me some more leh..lol
Eliz, thanks for the info on kids show!

Hi Ju! so cute lah yr boys can wave to you when you're going off.

My girls understd when its morning time for me to go to work and they will also wave to be.
But when its weekend its difficult for me to leave without them.. they seem to know that i'm not going to work le!

Nor ,
ur gerls smarter they know u not working..for me my boys dunt understand..they see me getting ready ..
the older one can come to me and say bye bye mama n kiss my hand sum more..

I tink they r used to not having me around them all the time..
Ju, i guess her clock settings is such that she knows its the weekend and mommy doesn't work on wkns! hahahah!

The only place they are not interested to tag along to is the market cos Lis says market smelly!
morning ladies, just found out that quite a number of mommies here are expecting.
Maybe you may not want to come out of lurking mode but anyway CONGRATS!!
wow!! So much talk about having no2 liao. It has been so long since I last posted anything here. Glad to see that this thread is still going strong. Have already given birth to my 2nd boy. But he was so premature that he has to be in hospital for 78 days. But am glad that its now over and he is one healthy little boy. Night feedings have been tough. Thought it would be easier but still the same.

Sprinkling baby dust to Jul mommies who are trying =)
oic.. eliz, i have visited two different cambridge centres before... they are quite nice, the teachers, management and the children there all seem very happy ;)

overall, i have a very good impression of cambridge ;)
Angel, nice bumping onto you last night.. sorry i didn't notice you cos engrossed looking for the water bottles
<font size="+2">hey everyone (lurkers too!)</font>

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Have a blessed Christmas and a great 2010!</font></font>
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to everyone

Megan's starting CC on the 4th which is next week!!
So excited.. just bought her new bag, new shoes..
MeRry XMas and Happy 2010 to all too!!

Jolovan is starting CC in Jan too.. but on the 18th.. after our BKK trip.. hope he'll enj himself in sch

Eliz.. Megan is attendin half day or full day??
Hi Dorami
Full day but will send from 9 - 5pm

Half day wld mean she's going back to my maid so rather she stays in school with frds and learn more too!
Happy 2010 to all!
Bel is also starting CC next Monday. She's going full day, but subject to my work schedule.
Wishing all the little ones an easy time adjusting to CC.
Cheers &amp; God Bless!
Eliz... icic.. i'm letting Jo attend half day to start him off... he'll oso b gg bac to my maid..

btw does tt mean ur maid is alone at hm while megan goes sch?

woah seems like most of u r willin to start full day.. haha.. i'm kinda reluctant cos i'm worried he'll nt b used to it
Merry xmas and happy new year too.

MIA for very very long hahaha. And saw the post of No 2. who is pregant now huh??

Congrats for those having no 2

oh anyone sending their kids to St anne kindergarten??? registeration will be next year.
Hi Dorami
My MIL will come stay with us during the wkdays. Help me keep an time on my helper

Hi 4ever
I wanna send megan to St Anne!
Know when to register?

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Happy 2010 to all!!! </font></font>
Hi Eliz, is around mar if i not wrong. Will let u know once they start. Are you catholic?

They have different phrase for different catergory. For me i will be the 1st phrase under siblings

Happy New Year. Hope more babies coming in yr 2010.Hee hee
hi mummies,

happy new year to all....havent been reading this thread or even lurking for a long while...on the topic of no.2, i must agree it is tough to have 2 children and working at the same time but it is a joy to watch them grow....my second one is a girl and she is almost 6 months, still doing night feeds,very tiring esp when u have to work the next day but very happy when u see her smile at you....
Just sent Megan to cc.

She went in very excited but as she realized
we are leaving, her lips started to quiver..

I left while she cried. Mainly becoz 1st day, many were

Went for breakfast then went back check on her, no more crying!!! Yeah!!
Good job, big gal Megan!

I had to work &amp; couldn't be with Bel for long. She was a little tensed when I left for work, but maybe as HB was still going to stay around, Bel was alright. However, HB sms that she cried when he went for lunch &amp; again when he went to the toilet.

Hope I dun have a difficult time sending her to childcare tomorrow.
I was told to just drop and go.. So gotta be very hard hearted..
I saw her cry also heartpain.. very tempted to go comfort her but hubby dragged me away!!
Eliz: Sayang... yeah, for 1st time parents sending 1st child to school for the first time can be quite emo too... kekeke... I teased my sis when she was sending my nephew for the first time when he was 3+.

Yup, we need to 'drop &amp; go', so that they will learn that there's no use whinning or crying.

We also need to keep to our promise to return to fetch them at a certain time. So though I should be able to reach her cc by 6.45pm on most days, I tell her 7pm, just to play safe....

Tomorrow onwards, I'll be the one 'dropping off' &amp; fetching as well. Wish me luck.

Will post pic after I get them from HB.
any one whose child is at Little Footies schoolhouse @ MeiHuan?

Just want to get some feedback on the school.
My boy started N1 just yesterday and he cried and wailed for 2 hours straight. Today as well. I had to leave for work. My mother continue to hang around the center. But my boy keeps wanting to be carried and refuses to come down. He literally clings to me like a koala bear.

Would like to hear from the parents here how is the first day of school for your child?
Hi Everyone..
Today 2nd day of school seems harder. Megan don't even want to get dressed and say she doesn't want to go to school.
Once we reached there, she cried and the teacher had to carry her in and we just go while she cried for me..
Really heartache...

Hi Tay Seow Bing
My gal's 1st day was better. She also cried but i was told just for a while and i took her home half day.
Today also on and off which i was told is normal.
the teachers told me it's the norm for kids to cry for 2 weeks...eeks..
and apparently, she told us that kids who wail and cry in the beginning tend to settle down better than those who came in and are quiet...

probably she has seen so many cases until they are used to the tantrums thrown by kids.

just pray that my boy will cry less with each passing day...
Eliz: Megan looked really happy! Dun worry, kids get accustomed to new environment fast la. Megan's bag seemed pretty big, what did u pack huh? K will only start pre-n this Fri and I'm expecting her to whine too but this phase should pass soon...I hope.

Thankfully despite Bel's crying, she told me at the end of Day 1 that she liked school &amp; wanted to go again.

This morning, she was a little cranky, at first wanted me to change her, then insisted HB change her. Then after she changed into her uniform, she started saying she wants daddy to stay with her. But after that short episode, she happily grabbed her bag &amp; pulled it out the door.

We stayed with her at the childcare for about an hour, fed her lunch &amp; bathed her before both HB &amp; I left. She cried when we were about to leave, but the principal says she stopped shortly after the P brought her to look at our family photo (from my #1's time) on their board. Bel started talking to the teacher &amp; stopped crying &amp; was ok the rest of the day.

When I went back to fetch Bel at the end of the day, she was watching the other kids. I expected her to cry, but she did not. Her face lit up when she saw me &amp; she just went "Mummy!"

In the car, Bel told us she cried. But in the same breath, she declared she was going to school tomorrow.

Both HB &amp; I need to get to work real early tomorrow &amp; I dread to think I have to put her in childcare for almost 11 hours tomorrow. Then again, HB &amp; I decided Bel has been making very good progress. We are worried that if we keep her at home tomorrow, we may have problem sending her to CC on Thu.

Till then... will come back to share how Bel fared...

All the best to our little ones who are adjusting to school/CC for the first time.
Inside the bag actually quite airy! hahaa.. Not heavy.
I packed: Milk Powder, Milk Bottle, A fresh change of clothes, Diapers (for just in case), Towel for showering and a small pillow for her when she naps in school.

Good to know Bel wants to go to school. This means she likes it! That's most impt..
Eliz: Yeah, that's comforting la. At least despite the crying, she's still ok with school.

Today, Day 3, we did not stay with her. I brought her to CC, put her things down &amp; prepare to hand her over to the P (her teacher wasn't in yet). I was told she cried for about 15mins &amp; was generally ok through the day.

Bel has her crying episodes, &amp; called out in her sleep last night, 'I want papa, I want papa carry'.. but other than that, she seems to be adjusting ok.

How's lil Megan today?
Emq: Megan's still the same. Crying on off but eats and sleeps well. Phew!

The 1st thing she said to me when I came home was: Mummy, I cried today. Will I still get my new toy?

Eliz: I think it's ok if she's still eating &amp; sleeping well. It's just an adjustment phase they go through ba. She's so cute lor.
