(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

happy new year everyone

megan's second day start sounds a little like my gal's second day. at the beginning she was so sticky i was wondering what to do but abt 1,2 mins into it she warmed up. then like flicking a switch, everything was ok.

i was told most of the time after a few days our kids will adjust. no big drama on my side at the moment. nothing i was not expecting but next week carers are not meant to be around so we'll see then

Oh, u mean carers are allowed in school?
I'm not allowed in from day 1. Just drop and go

5th day
Megan is doing much better. Though still "singing" her "i don't want to go to school" in the mornings..
She looked for her form teacher once reached school.
banquez: Thanks... hopefully. It seems that her 1st 3 days were better than 4th & 5th. It was major melt down on Friday. & she was super clingy... even after school, would not let us out of sight. I had to keep assuring her that it is the weekends & we are not sending her anywhere! Sigh..

Eliz: That was what I was told. Bel cries when we leave, but soon after, she's into her routine already & participates in everything. Except that on Friday, the teacher noted that she was quieter.

Shymz: C looks really happy to go to school. I think it will be some time before I can see the same look in Bel.
Hello everyone,

Today begins the 2nd week of school. As usual my boy started to cry the minute i open the car door to bring him to school. Upon seeing the his teacher, he cry even louder but i notice he went willingly into her arms even as he cry...he even blew his nose into her...(so paiseh)

Shymz: your gal looks so joyful and happy...=)
Dunno when gab will stop crying. everyday is a challenge..
C really looks so happy! I see already also happy!! haha..

Same with megan.. teacher also say she is fine in school.
Guess just wanna manja with us but she chants her "i don't want to go to sch" once nightfall!! Is this normal??

Today we left for work as per normal timing and left megan to helper.
Surprisingly, helper say she was much more co-operative and didn't cry as much
Eliz: What do you mean by 'left megan to helper'? You mean you helper sent her to school instead?

I'm not sure what is normal.

Bel whines & is super sticky in the morning & evening. It is becoming very warison. So much so, last Fri I almost smacked her. Then today, it is HB's turn to snap.

I mean she'll whine & cry & stick to us. & the 'victim' (whoever she sticks to that day/moment), gets the full brunt of her crankiness.

I was telling HB it's so tiring to see her like this & the other 2 are so neglected at this point in time.

We are just so exhausted dealing with Bel right now & there is only peace when she sleeps. I want to ask the CC P to take videos of Bel in school. I mean it is kind of difficult to imagine what her teachers mean by 'she's fine in school' when all we see is a sticky cranky child.
Hi Emq
Yup, helper brought Megan to cc today.
Cc is just 5mins away

She sleeps really early lately. By 830pm, she will ask to sleep. Really wonders what she does in sch, so tired.

I see her like this really heartache
Eliz: I wonder if they whine big time cos we are there?

My friend told me she used to do that at her nanny's place - cry when her parents drop her off, then play the whole day & start crying again 30mins before her parents were due to fetch her - so they thought she had been crying all day!

Mean right? After she shared that, I wonder if my kids do that too? Kekeke..

Yes, Bel has been going to bed earlier too. She used to be a mid-night baby... well my other kids are too & they are still awake (even my 1yo)! Bel fell asleep at about 10pm, after whinning for the whole evening.

Yes, I know what you mean about the heartache part. I was asking HB if we should just pull Bel out of school & re-admit her when #3 goes to cc in 2011.

Or maybe we'll be dealing with 2 crying babies at that time???

Sigh.. I dun remember having so much difficulty getting #1 to CC at 17mths. I thought it is supposed to be easier when they are older?

just to check if there is any mum as kiasu as me.. i'm actually shortlisting primary sch for my girl.. because i'm not old girl to any relating sch, i'm thinking will parent volunteering helps?
Very very long time never drop by this thread. Suddenly I see some of my favourite spreeists here!

star_eliz : I never realised your girl is also JUL 07! N u sent her to CC = childcare? Previously who's looking after her?

shymz : pls share if your girl going CC or just play school..

shers : fortunately for me, I've got an elder gal in P2 this year, so my this 2nd gal will automatically be eligible. No need headache when she goes P1..From what I know through my friend who volunteered, her kid went in because she volunteered. You need to check with the school, on the dateline to register for volunteering. For example, consider our child's year of entering P1 = 2014. U will need to register with the school in 2012 for a place in volunteer. Then if u are selected, then u need to put in ??hours of volunteer before the P1 registration which will start sometime in Jul 2013.

Mummies : I'm also looking for school for my lit piglet...somewhere in Punggol. Any recommendation?
Hi mum2zm
I also didn't realised your gal is JUL 07! haha..
Yup, cc now but thinking to take her out as she had told me she would like to come home to nap instead of stay at cc.
So now i need to start looking for those 3 hours school instead.
My mom was looking after her before cc.

Actually Megan's whinning has decreased alot!! How's Bel coping??

You are really fast, already thinking of Pri 1!
I guess i have lesser headache as my gal can attend my old school but its really far!
We are at sengkang and the sch is at Marine Parade

Your bakes looks so yummy!!
she's going to Marymount Kindy (3hrs). maybe because of the short hours she's happy to go each morning

keke... u mixed me up with Shers liao... but same for me here, C will most likely be going to my alma mater, thankfully it's nearer at AMK.
Oops.. sorry, me blur blur

Here's so quiet nowadays...

I just tendered my resignation after working with the same company for almost 7years!

Shall try be a SAHM for awhile! hahaha..

Been lurking for a while...too lazy+tired+bz to contribute;)

K has started school for about 3 weeks now and I'm glad to say she has settled down well, in fact, she has no separation anxiety!! She only "cries"(read as: pretends) when she sees me at the door after class. How do I know she's pretending? Hehe...I had peeped and saw her happily dancing to the goodbye song but she cries the minute she sees me...without fail!! Yes, she is that drama! Overall, I'm pleased with the school and both her teachers. K's also happy for she will be singing(if I can somehow figure out her mutters) coupled with actions in the car and at home. And I was really happy when I heard her sing in Mandarin! Just now she even repeated after me when I flashed some chinese cards to her. Coincidentally I am contemplating on enrolling her with Berries as she don't speak and don't seem to understand Mandarin but now I can relax abitbit. I also saw for myself(again, from a distance) that she is more discipline now...hahha....at least in her school.

Eliz: So u intending to find another job soon? Market is picking up, should be easy la. Now u can get to spend more time wif Megan! U scouting for a school or continue with Megan's present cc?

Shymz & Eliz: Both of u so lucky, no need to headache abt primary school!!! I can only pray that K can get into Rosyth during balloting as we are within 1km.
shymz: Marymount Kindergarten! My alma mater! Haha
I love the pics of C - she's so grown up now. But hey, they seem to have changed the uniform - I thought mine was a darker blue. Heh heh. So cute lah. Which pri school in AMK is yours? Same as mine? St Nicks?

banquez: sorry just saw your post. Ems is still adjusting. She seems happy to be in class and these days, there aren't any more tears but occasionally, when we are chatting before bed, she'll tell me, "I don't like Nanyang. I want to go to a different school. I want to go to St James!" But I've explained to her that we gave up her spot at St James to another child and since then, she doesn't mention St James any more. But her Chinese is definitely improving! (thankfully, not like what I said in my Facebook post - haha). She can recite short poems now (but her intonation is still quite bad) and sing more Chinese songs. And they toilet trained her! Great for lazy mummies like me. But overall, I haven't been blown away by Nanyang. It's okay but I don't really know what the fuss is abt. For us, it's still the best option because of the 100% Chinese - that suits our (English-home-environment) needs to a tee, so we're sticking with that for now.
Hi everyone,

Tinsel Elf: Like you, have been lurking and busy to post. Glad that Krissa is doing well.

Yolksac: Matt does not speak Mandarin at home even though Grandma speaks the language to him at home. I do not know about other kindy but Chiltern's biligual system (The English and Chinese teachers run the class together) seems to work pretty well for him. He seems to be speaking a lot more Mandarin and we are surprised that he can count to 10 in Mandarin-not a feat but something which I believe he picks it up in school.Is the biligual system the same for all kindergarten?
Claire: St James oso adopts the same system i.e. both Eng & Chinese teachers run the class together. It works pretty well on K but I should still be enrolling her with Berries.

Yolk Sac: re toilet train - me oso lazy mummy, waiting for kindy to help toilet train K;) K now knows to tell the teachers she wants to go to the toilet, takes off her shorts & pullups on her own and wipes herself after finishing her biz but I think she is more interested in the flushing system(she likes to press the button)..hahhaa!!!
hi mummies, haf been lurking ard...

Want to check what enrichment class u send ur child to?

My gal is currently attending shichida. haf just sent her for a trial lesson at mandeville but maybe cos she joined mid-way n cant really follow thru the lesson.. she was quite lost and wanted to get out.. so daddy decide aginst it...
wanted to start ballet but the sch advise us to start her next year...
Ice.. my boy is currently attending Little Neuro Tree.. i find yr 3 syllabus more difficult than yr 2 so dun intend to let him attend other enrichment classes as i'm worried he'll b stressed out.. somemore he juz started CC
i'm always tinking am i providing enuff for my gal...

when shd we start sending our kids for phonics lesson?

my gal has been attending CC since 18mths, in fact she started her infant care since 5 mths.. so it's CC and shichida...
Happy New year everyone!!
it's been a loong time!!
Shymz! nice picture! oh my... yes how time flies!

hope everyone is good and having more babies!!
Nor.. apa khabar babe??!
you moved house! congrats! and youre not working?! so nice!

How's Lis and Wairah?

peck: Congrats!!
hi everybody... this is my few times posting over here.. just to need help from u guys...
regarding the school..
my daughter currently study in sengkang tots house i place her there since last year about to 1 year.. but i felt that she at there learn nothing but come home only learn how to sing abit song only even fruit colour also cant recognise .
wanna change her school..
any mummies stay at sengkang have any good school to recommend me ?

[email protected]
hi sorry to interrupt
I have a BNWT Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Stevie (Black) selling at S$288 only and Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Jillian (pink) selling at S$268 only. All items are BNWT, comes with original Kate Spade dustbag, care card and hanging tag. For fast deal, please email [email protected]. Prices nego. Thanks
Hi Mummies,

Cheap Huggies for Sale. Drop me a PM if interested,

Huggies ultra - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies pullups - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies comfort (red) - $15 per pkt
Huggies dry (blue) - $15 per pkt

Collection at Punggol/ Toa payoh (fri evenings & sun mornings) / Amk (prearranged) / Pasir Ris ( prearranged) / Science Centre (prearranged)
Selling 1 unopen GNC Childlife Essential Fatty Acids Natural Butterscotch flavor.
Expire date: 23 Oct 2010

For infants 6 month old up to 12yrs old kids.

Product detail: http://www.childlife.net/node/53/

Original price: $ 43.50
Selling cheap now: $ 35

Pls PM me if u keen. Collect at my blk (hougang). Thanks!
Hi Mommies,

Cheap Huggies for Sale

Huggies ultra - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies pullups - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies comfort (red) - $15 per pkt
Huggies dry (blue) - $15 per pkt

Collection at Punggol/ Toa payoh (fri evenings & sun mornings) / Amk (prearranged) / Pasir Ris ( prearranged) / Science Centre (prearranged)/ IMM (prearranged)
hi mummies, wow, i totally forgot about this thread!
you mummies still keep in touch? any gatherings?
my #1 boy, Jovan, was born 4th july 07. my #2 is now 5 months old, keke.
july_baby, where to get pull ups for $13.50? Can share?
jxmum, you staying in punggol? me too. your child in any cc here?

shannon, 3rd child? wow. i am already all hands full with two now. how old is your #2?
Mummies, how are your little ones doing in childcare?

I'm glad to share that Bel has finally adjusted to CC. For the longest time we have had to deal with super tantrums, at times violence & even self-hurt. We almost gave up - was contemplating keeping her at home. But am just so thankful we perserved & hung on. With the help & advices from counsellors, child psychatrists & the CC principal, we finally got Bel settled into CC.

She now changes into her uniform in the morning, skip out happily & even manages a 'good bye mummy'. Also, no more tantrums & wailing.

It was certainly no easy journey, but we've definitely learnt alot during this challenging period.

Hope everyone's little precious is just as happily settled by now.
myboyjovan : yup! Punggol. I met you once to pass you your item from amazon? Think at Meridien LRT station...really a long time ago already! No, my girl (11 Jul 07) not in school yet. I'm working full time, so hope NOT to expose her to 'germs' so early...ha ha...then I need to take leave to look after her if she's sick. So decides to enrol her next year for pre-nursery...just at those void deck PCF.
EmQ, glad to know Bel's adjusted. Don't worry, she'll soon be making friends and enjoying herself.

jxmum, wow, your memory is superb! i forgot liao. haha. so your in laws or own mother looking after her?
wow this thread has sorta gone quiet!I'm still sticking to my one child policy

Veralyn is happily attending Little Skoolhouse at OCC. I think I am the only "idiot" sending her to Yishun for just a 3hr playgroup when I live in Punggol but I am a firm believer in positive school experience for children so I rather send her to a school she truly likes than one which is near but she has to drag her feet to every morning

Updates, mums!
yey, finally someone has posted!!!
i like little skoolhouse too, and i live in punggol too. i'd want to send my kids to a good playhouse too but transport is an issue.
livvie how you send veralyn to school? which part punggol you stay, so many mummies stay punggol, maybe can arrange a playdate.

myboyjovan: Littleskoolhouse at OCC offers school bus services even for the 3hr playgroup. She started out with the school bus but my dad in law is now sending her instead. I must tell you that their waiting list is pretty long. I registered her one yr in advance.

I am at Punggol Central, the stretch where the SPC is. Its the row with the blue full length windows.

oh ya, I certainly dont mind playdates for the Punggol toddlers! It will be cool!
