(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

yolk : if u need a carrier... i can loan u mine
i got the synergy one.. since yr back has problem at times... its suppose to have more support
yolk...forgot to add that while both our gers are considered light for their age...it can be real hard on our backs to carry them that way for too long. i sometimes prefer to carry her in arms. if you dun mind, dept stores usually loan out strollers so if you dun intend to bring your own, there's still way out.
bedebe: you are a SAINT, woman! thank you thank you thank you for the treasure trove of info in your two emails. I definitely feel more confident abt the trip now (and now I know all the prep I have to do too). Eh, that was a travel guide in itself!! Hve printed a copy for my human travel planner (hb!).

irene: thank you for lending me your carrier - you are so sweet. lemme check with hb re good time to pick it up. how's kaelyn doing? BTW you were v smart to do your BD Direct order so early, now they don't accept intl orders, so i had to order from Celebrate Express. Rcvd my order this evening - so exciting!
You need to do a lot of walking in Tokyo - cos cabbing is expensive and I reckon you will be taking a lot of trains as well.

Perhaps you can get an umbrella lightweight stroller as temporary measures. I got mine from KidsMall at around $49.90 few mths back, very lightweight that it can fit into my 1.2 litre, almost bootless car.

If you are staying in Shinjuku area (basically shopping area), you can either take train or take direct airport transfer via coach (though there's jam, but good if you have few luggages to manage). I still have the Tokya Train map in softcopy, let me know if you need me to email to you. Near the Shinjuku train station, you can sign up for day tours or short trips in and out of Tokyo.

Fish market
Popular place for most tourists (sadly this is the only place that I manage to go in Tokyo, other than airport/hotel/office). It's open from 5.30am to 1.30pm and many people actually reach there earlier to catch a glimpse of fish auction, followed by a sumptuous raw sushi (yummy, I enjoyed sushi more than the auction)..

Popular Suzhi shop recommended by my colleague at Tsukiji (fish market), nearest train station is Tsukiji, exit A1. But be prepare for long queue, at 6am we have a long queue of 20pax ahead of me, but that's the best sushi I have ever tasted, it really melts in your mouth. You can also cab there from Shinjuku at early hours without jam (around 20mins). I have the softcopy of the directory to fish market, if you are keen.
yolk : hehe kaelyn's good... she finally recover from her flu n cough... np.. just let me know what time n day u coming over to loan it..

yeah!! i was told about the birthday direct.. sucks huh!!!... i just received my balloons!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO....1 mth to go!!
time flies by soooo fastttt
hi everyone!!

its been MONTHS since i last posted here! looks like everyone's doing okay... i feel so lost, can't catch up with the thread anymore...i dont even have time to lurk-- A keeps me busy busy busy the whole day!

by the way has anyone brought their babies to gym class?? well if anyone is interested, some of us (like A, R, Ems and Ally and maybe Jack) are doing a trial class THIS Friday at JWT Kids gym at the 2nd floor of UE Square, 2:05pm to 2:50pm... we had them put together a class for us so please come! it would be nice to see the other July mums there if you can make it!

irene, nice work on the names!!
parsniketty: Yay! Can't wait for Friday! Ems loves gym classes! So far, we have tried The Little Gym and Gymboree, but I have always heard good things about JWT, so it will be interesting to see how the trial goes.

Anyone else can join us? Do come! It'll be fun!
parsniketty: Love A's smile, what a sweetie. I've always wanted to check out JWT cos I've heard good things about it. Cheok, why don't you bring Shayne along for a trial with us?
Yolk Sac
Oh i see, Thanks. Just stroll up to see parsniketty's posting regards the trial is on friday, gotta to give a miss, cos me cant take leave to bring J for the trial..

Me usually would prefer a trial on weekend as is more suitable for working mothers like us.
Parsniketty : How is the trial class? If it weekend I will definitely join you all. Do let me know if you all are going for any weekend trial class.
jillian i am actually thinking of joining you gals.
But im not sure of my plans on fri...hmm, er, can i just suddenly appear? Must i give advance notice? am itching to go lei hehehehe
Hi there...

the trial is $39 but they have an in house promotion with this flyer that they can give when you drop by... and the trial will be 50% off!! (trial fee is waived if you sign up for the whole term)

anyway let me know by tonight how many want the flyer!! I can drop by JWT tomorrow and get the flyers and pass them to the mummies who come on friday so you can get the 50% discount

hope to see you on friday!!
<font size="+2">waaaaa</font> such a good deal!!! Im tempted. Can i be a typical KS singaporean and say YES now...and let you know if i have to pull out-(depends on Shayne's nap scheduel that day)? :p

so nice of you to pick up the flyers for us!!!

hope you can bring shayne on friday! really hope to see you there!!!! it will be fun
ive brought A to their open gym and baby class before and sometimes even if she's napping, the minute we enter and she sees she's at the gym, she'll get really excited and will be in a good mood
hey gals,
i need some recommendations for a light weight umbrella stroller and a portable high chair. am doin travelling in august with hubby &amp; gayle, thus need to get these stuff prepared. appreciate your advice girls.. thanks!
peck!!! ya so busy with A! my days run by so quickly -no time even to lurk hehe... how are you? can you come for the trial?

its on Friday at 2:05pm (45 minutes class)

cheok-- i know there are shuttle buses to UE square from city hall mrt but im not so sure at what time they run the shuttles! there's also another shuttle bus from city hall that goes to liang court-- which is right beside UE Square... errr and buses along Clemenceau Road that stop right at UE Square!

i use my maclaren even when we travel and we have the first years on-the-go portable booster seat that self inflates when you open it up! very handy! (or you can try the phil and ted's me too seat)
pita: For a portable high chair, I highly recommend the Phil and Ted MeToo chair. I have previously posted about this (please see my detailed feedback) and also posted a pic of Ems using it. Available at MothersWork for $90+ I think.
hi everyone,

sorry I havent been here for a while..work's been busy and can't really surf much from the office, and by the time I get home, I'm usually dead tired, trying to catch up on family time..

to refresh, my baby Max is a 170707 baby..

we just got back from a 2 weekplus trip to NZ, check out our blog for some pics..


happy to share my experience travelling with baby..

we had a lightweight stroller, and an Ergo carrier. Max ate mostly cereal mixed with baby jars. And sometimes he ate bread with butter (hubby was not happy I was giving him the salted butter), cheese - cheddar slices, and egg yolk from hard boiled eggs. I made porridge some days because we stayed at places with kitchenettes. But on one day when i put too much beef mince into the porridge, he protested and refused to eat, think the beef smell was too strong for him.

we carried his potty along, so he managed very well, except on the last few days, when we slacked and he had to poo into his diaper.
pars...would love to join you girls cos veve's really q the monkey but hubs lands at 1pm...dun think we can make it...do share how's it...i'm also another one of those heard good things and gian to try mums :p

pita...we fed veve in her aprica pram...it's super light 3.7kg but doesn't recline fully but good enough for veve to nap in.

btw the phil and ted chair can also be found at mothercare harbourfront...

jewel...can i check with you how baby friendly is europe? i'm planning to take veve there in spring (hopefully SIL weds in holland).
Hi Yolk,
I would love to have the me too chair. Its so flat &amp; portable. So far from your experience, does it fit on to most tables? I'm travelling to Paris then to London this August. I'm considering this one vs the one Par recommended.

Hi SM Tong,
Thanks for sharing your NZ trip with us. Food is one of my main concern now when we travel. My girl takes porridge for lunch and dinner. Its either we go for instant porridges or bringing along Tiger food jar to cook plain porridge &amp; then mix with food jar.

Any mommies tried Pigeon(Japan) instant porridges or those from Nestle? Can share your views? The pigeon ones are expensive, 2pckts in one box costs a hefty $8.50!

And any advice for milk feeding (FM in bottle) on a long airplane journey? Will Playtex disposable liners be of any help? Anyone tried on that before? Else I will have to handcarry so many milk bottles onboard!

Hi bedebe,
Will check out Aprica prams too, I really need a super light weight one. Thanks!
par, tomorrow i need to take leave leh!!! But tempt to bring him there and play la.... let me think think first...
bedebe, oh too bad! it would have been nice to have you and veve join us!

pita-- weve had the techno xt since birth and glad that that's what we invested in from the beginning! A has been on a total of 10 flights now and we've dragged the techno xt on all those flights and its survived all that banging. i know its not the lightest maclaren though and now that the babies are older, theyll be able to sit in the other maclaren models!

as for the seat, someone gave it to us as a present, but i love it, its very handy and fits any chair.

oh and we always bring some of those pigeon porridge packs just because its an easy alternative to cooking or buying the baby food in a jar!

bedebe, EU/London is actually quite baby friendly, since most familys over there do without maids and the mums are pretty much on their own with their kids in tow, prams and all..

However, make sure you bring a sturdy pram, since certain places are full of cobbled roads and it will be quite a challenge if yours has got small wheels.. :)
pita...i brought along a travel pot and prepared veve's porridge from scratch using ground rice for faster cooking. packed everything into the foogo for lunch and dinner at 10am. i got the veg and fish locally in japan. i always bring along a box of cereals and jarred fruit in case she feels like cereals instead.

jewel...thanks for the info...hmmm...seems like the quinny would be a better ride for veve...would it be tough with such a heavy pram considering public transport access?
Hi All,

Its been a long long long time since I last posted! So busy running around with Alicia and we just got back from our travels

Bedebe: I also brot my cooking stuff with me! My frend tot I was mad + overboard but I was worried little Alicia wldnt have much to eat! My Mum was nagging at me...saying I overly kiasu and should let my gurl eat anything at this stage...but I feel otherwise. I was in Europe for 1 week + and yes, like what Jewel said, its baby friendly so nothing much to worry abt!

Irene: wow, i love that thing you did- where do you get your stuff from? Spotlight??
mum06...haha...if veve din have so much food sensitivities i would gladly feed her whatever i eat too.

thanks for the info...now let's try to influence the location of the wedding...washington would be too boring :p btw my friend says the baby stuff in holland's cheap cheap cheap! a standard stokke costs just under 1k there....aiya but by the time we head there...veve no longer a babe le :p

oh and congrats to chic mummy and others who are preggers again! did you plan for it? we're carefully trying not to have another :p it's still one veve for us...but sometimes i do wonder if she'll be too lonely etc...some people say only child people grow up to be weirdos (sorry...hope i did not offend anyone :p)

btw...what's the HFMD scene like these days? is it safe to start classes again? i wanna bring veve for one of those brainy stuff :p
This sounds very weird I know but is there anyone here who knows a good Catholic church organist or pianist? I m helping my bro in law look for one for his church wedding...such a headache cos its a weekday wedding and no one is free to play or sing for him!
was supposed to be on leave tomorrow, and thought i could join the gym trial. but was requested to go back to work... sigh. plus C seems to be coming down with the flu...

interested, but u don't accept pm....
hey hot mommas,

i was able to get a few fliers today for tomorrow's gym trial... so whoever can come, ive got a few to give.

it would have been nice if you were on leave so you could have a loooong weekend! sigh... hope C doesnt get sick!

errr i think im the only one here who doesnt know how to cook porridge :p
hello gals

quick one cos busy!

pita: hmm, I'd say it fits about 2/3rds of the tables we've sat at. we get so grumpy when it can't be used because it really is a much better option than a standard high chair, as the bb gets to sit at the table with you. But yeah one disadvantage of the MeToo is that it may not fit on all tables.

bedebe: Just checked the MOH website for you. Was checking religiously every day when Ems' JG term was still ongoing, but haven't looked for a while. Gd news is that the numbers have definitely come down. Looks like around 500 cases a week and steadily decreasing. At the peak, we were talking abt 1400+ cases a week. What brain activities are you thinking abt? I think pita starts Shichida soon - we must wait for her update. I'm tentatively thinking abt starting Ems in the Oct term.
Hi ladies, I'm back from Japan.

It's a good getaway. Lots of good buying that i almost go bankrupt.

Yolksac, Jp's quite a baby friendly place. Love their toilets which are really very baby friendly. Don't forget to visit the Mikki House section. Lots of cute stuff for children but at exhorbitant prices too. I spent so much there. They have some lovely collection of books too. You might want to get some for Ems. By the way, children books are so beautiful and creative there. I bought some - English version. I bought a book called the "colour surprises" from Isetan shinjuku. Really beautiful.

hahaha, fortunately, Matt is a boy and there's not much variety but already I'm spending so much. I guess you will have a rolling good time shopping away.

yolk: are you into agnes b. It's definitely worth buying there?

pita: would you consider Maclaren volvo. I have this and it's really light and easy to use but the only thing is that it is non-reclinable. This model of stroller seems to be a hit in Japan cos' I see them everywhere.

amber: ash's such a sweet lovely baby. Beautiful eyes. hehehe, perhaps Matt and she can be friends. ; P Let's have a date one day.

JWT gym: wanted to join you guys but too tired to go downtown after all the packing. So, how's the class?

baby development: wow- the girls are doing very well. Matt is lagging far far behind in his language development but the good thing is he's able to walk a few steps unaided already. ; )

sorry i was unable to make it today. my doc appt at NUH dragged out from 10am till 2pm! tot no pt to go for class bec so late oredi. i will thou' be attending nxt Tues 315-4pm class
how did everyone find e class 2day? is it like Gymboree?

welcome bac. lks like it was shoppin galore in jap
is it easy moving ard if we dun speak jap?
