(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

hi cheok

my friend's daughter has this problem of refusing anything relating to rice and she's coming to 3 yr soon. My friend has no choice but to give her noodle only. And ensure that her daughter has her regular intake of milk. Till date she will just throw out the rice / porridge once reaches her mouth.

Hence my friend has stopped forcing her daughter to take rice

Hi all mummies, I am also new at the forum. My baby girl is borned on 31 July 2007. I would like my baby to meet the other babies of her age too. I understand you have meet up on 16 June 2008. If you don't mind I would like to join you all too.
Cheok, and all the mummies who has the same problem =)
Yeah, i kindda hopping that this is just a phase.. this kind of sharing is v important since i couldnt find it in all the text book i have or the theory i've got.. sigh.. relief lei knowing that loads of babies out there also has the similiar "new habit", like what cheok says : lets hang in there.. hahaha
Thanks for sharing!!!

Dear, is this brand special brand for baby? i mean if i couldnt find the same brand, how i suppose to know that this yogurt means for baby?
sory ah v blur.. coz keep read it back forward, none of this yogurt i find stated : "suitable for baby"

Hi! welcome! our baby born in a same day!

Chick mum
So, you're indonesian as well?! how long have u been stay in singapore?
porridge : ermmmmmmm.. i am the total opposite of u gals now... Kaelyn used to refuse porridge... keep spitting it out... but YESTERDAY!!! IT SNOWED in Singapore!!! she actually polished off 1 bowl of beef porridge!!!
Congrats irene! must be so happy to see her finish all.

possible to share how you cook your beef porridge? with what? my beef porridge turns out not nice ;(
Every baby hv different taste and preference. Like my girl hated sweet or sour taste in her porridge/cereal and hated porridge that are too hard, at times prefer more watery and other times prefer more solid porridge. And that taste bud will evolve by day or weeks, and they may prefer something else the next day/week.

So have to experiment and know their taste and preference. I know it's tough, but hv to keep experimenting. What works for one baby in this forum, may not work for your baby.

Key is to observe, observe and observe and tweak your porridge accordingly.

Some times, when my girl refused after few mouth, I'll stop and play barney DVD for her (work miracles most time). I know it's bad, but my girl is barely 7.6kg for an 11mth old, so whatever works for me, I'm happy. Though she's small, she can finished 80% of a porridge filled in chinese bowl.

Also, I only feed her when she's hungry (4 hrly or 3hr 45mins). Else anything earlier, she will only take few spoon and refused the rest. And all day her meals will be screwed up. So again, depend on yr baby behaviour. I was so paranoid at one stage that I weigh her everyday (nw i weigh her every week).
cheok, he used to dislike or look like he was about to vomit with potatoes and pumkin, but recent i mixed them two together and i add a little milk cos i think its too dry..he seemed ok though....actually sometimes i think the food i mix for him seemed gross....maybe thats why he hates them...as for animal protein, i havent really tried giving him....i hope i am not the only one....

nor, wairah so clever can eat all these things...when i give mine biscuit...he throws it on the floor but he chews on his stuff toys...how ah like that....and i tried giving him water in those sippy cups....once again he doesnt even want to hold it...he used to kinda hold his milk bottle..now even when i forced him to hold the bottle, he yanks his hand away....lazy or what....
actually its my MIL that cooks the porridge.. hahahaha was lazy to cook.... (no salt )

she just boil minced beef balls n cabbage ...and rice...hehe... amazingly My NEVER EAT PORRIDge koala... takes it all!!!
minced beef balls gd idea. i got beef slice & had to pound it to death to make it more tender to give elle. I swear my biceps & forearms were sore fr incessant pounding! :p

btw i saw yr letters u did for bb jake. waaah! yr skills getting beta & beta now .. really our july martha stewart

how do u give wairah soup? ie r e ingredients pureed into ang-mo style puree soup or is soup more like clear soup with bits of ingredients eg carrots, potato etc etc?

i gave animal protein abt 1 mth ago & elle took it well so i continued. only thing i wanted to start but duno where to start is i wanna give elle cheese but duno wat or which type / brand is best. any ideas?

i also weigh elle every other day. to make sure wt goin rt dirn

so u r not e only 1!

welcome OBH
banquez, i actually started giving my boy cheese abt 2 weeks back and he likes it...but i dare not give too much....i wanted to buy those krafts cheese stik kind but i ended up with the krafts singles...and i tear them into small pieces and let him bite...honestly i dunno if this cheese is suitable..but my son seemed ok with it....what about yoghurt? elle tried it yet? my pd suggested i could give petit miam's yoghurt and it was also successful with my boy...i think he very ang-mo when comes to eating..all these porridge thingy, he dislikes them....btw, how you cook beef for elle?
oh yah...i was pondering this question for a while and i guess to each his own...

just curious, anyone thinking of trying for another bb soon?? i know there are some july mummies due soon already...but just KPO...
mypreciouskeagan, how many kids u have already?

I already have two and hubby said stop at two. My gal will be 4 yr in Oct and boy will be 1 yr in Jul
we'll confirm on the meeting time again soon!

welcome! we'll meet up on 16 ok

yay for K! i think sometimes their appetite just surprise us la..

there isn't a note saying that suitable for baby etc. i just follow my gut feel la. anyone can suggest yogurt specially for babies?

wairah eats everything lah, anything we eat, she eats. like tonight i had bee hoon for dinner and feed her some and she continue to eat with me on top of her rice dinner.

i wil cook the clear soup with bite size pieces of potato/corn/chicken/fish etc in it and add rice into the soup when feeding her.
Date: Monday 16 June
Time : 1pm? <font color="ff0000">convenent to all?</font>
Venue : Fidgets Turf City (level 4)

1. Nor + Lis + Wairah
2. Cheok and her bugger
3. Jillian and her monkey (?)
4. kth &amp; her rascal
5. nana &amp; her loudspeaker
6. Claire + Matt
7. Pita &amp; Gayle
8. OBH &amp; baby
banquez : hehe where u saw my letters? u went to jake's birthday?? hehe.. thank you thank you...

just simple craft works.. hehe glad u like it.. not yet qualify as martha la hahaha WAYYY behind...

yeah!! minced meat RULLLLEEESSS!!! hehehe save us the trouble of pounding hahaha...

nor : yeah!!! i am so happy that she at last act like a asian baby!! hahahaha all along... so ang mo!!

i started K on salmon!! hehe.. she loves them... *thou i find it fishy!* hahaha

and and... K love MCD Hotcakes!! of course no syrup n butter.. just the plain pancake! hehehe she loves it !!!!!!!

cheese : erm so far i gave K Cottage Cheese, Parmesan, Mozarella, Cheddar... so far i find mozarella the least salty... and of course cottage cheese ...
you give K cheese by feeding her bite size? or how? wairah gave me a funny look when i feed her cheddar.. but continue to eat.. haha.. my piglet!
yolk...i'm just back!!!

will pm you tomoro or thursday k? got lots to unpack :p

where you heading to? weather's quite unbearable now...at least for us...rainy season begins in june and then it gets warmer and warmer! i'm so not gonna travel mid year again! so hot buay tahan!
just brought my luke luke to fidgets yesterday and he hit his head at the corner of the wood in the toddler playground leaving a lump with scar on the forehead.

Please be careful if some of you are going on Monday. Never let them crawl around alone. Accidents still happens.

Hi Cheok,
You can also get those organic baby bottle food. Quite handy during outings. I feed my Luke luke organic spinach,potato with cheese from this bottle food. He loves it.
bedebe; any good buys? I'm going this Fri. All excited. Oh no, the weather's very hot? My gosh. Hope it's better when I go there this Fri.
<font color="0077aa">GUGI</font>
You can find Yoplait in carrefour. Think 4 cups (2 vanilla, 2 bananas) for $5.50 which are meant for baby. There will be an indiciation printed wordings for 6mths + up and gentle on stomach.....

<font color="0077aa">mypreciouskeagan</font>
ha ha...no#02 ??? Me not so fast... me plan another 2/3 years bah, prefer to have no#02 in the year of rabbit (Yr 2011)
Nor: 1 pm is fine with me.

Cheok: Maybe you can feed shayne when he's really hungry. I did that to Kaizer cos he will just ate a few mouthful if he's not hungry. Waste my time &amp; effort in cooking the porridge...sign...

Oh, I have added 2 drops of maggie seasoning sauce in his porridge too (i know it's bad but i was desperate!!) &amp; he seems to eat more than before.

Just came back from Bangkok and glad that Kaizer had no problem on plane, phew....

Regarding #2, my hb &amp; I have decided to open this topic again when kaizer turns 2.
leetai, i have only 1 and will probably try for another...am thinking of next year...hahah

nor, wairah very "kuai"....i wish my boy eats anything then i won't be so stressed about it...and i am partly afraid to try new foods when i am working during week days...dunno whether my helper can manage should anything happens...i know i surely blur......are you sure no number 3?? hahaha

jenn, i was thinking of not having one so far away....scared i will really have no energy later...

kth, i think it is very tiring also as a SAHM, so have to be mentally prepared...
Hi All, lots to catch up...sorri m really slow..I hardly can eat a decent meal w my girl ard. My girl eats alot, i meant like 1 med size chinese bowl of brown rice porridge...until at 1 time, m scared how come she eats so much. Coz she very small size n super under-weight. She was only 6.2kg at 7-8 mths! she poo 3-4 x a day...tat explains where did all her food went to..but 2 wks ago, she eats little during dnr..sometimes only half of her usual ..so i let her be...n feed her milk b4 she sleeps...now pickg up again..back to her eating qty

Cheok, take it easy..its true BB wont starve themselves.
Nor, my little one is Lecia. As I hv described her she so so small..most of the time, mistaken as 4 mth BB. tooth-less, hair-less somemore..she really dont look like a 10m+

Hey, Amber n tek-koh..great to meet same bithday BBs...
oh dear! Hope Luke is better now.. i'll keep a close watch on wairah at Fidgets.

alamak your nick super long la.. hee..
i'm grateful that wairah is kuai in terms of feeding. she's a good eater and have great appetite even when she's sick. Wairah is really opposite of Lis at same stage. I emphatised with you gals on having difficult eaters. Lis refuse milk and only wants water.. food also very choosy, thats why Lis is skinny when she was little. Lis only began to improve on her appetite when i introduce Rose hip syrup to her.

its ok that our babies are on the smaller size as long as they are healthy. hope to let our bubs meet yah
bedebe: thanks gal! take your time, no rush. we are flying into tokyo and plan to spend most of the week there. any recommendations wld be much appreciated! yah, worried that it'll be very hot, but according to my guide book, average temp for the week i'm going is abt 22C so i think i can live with that lah - you think this may not be accurate?
thanks guys for your suggestions! I have decided to put off the meals for a few days. Give both shayne and i a break rather than forcing each other and making meal times so unhappy. It also dawned on me that shayne is a willing eater whenever i feed him off my fingers, be it gerber biscuits, mango, pear etc. BUt when it comes to proper feeding from bowl and spoon,....he refuses? so today, i cooked carrots in stick form and fed him from my fingers and lo &amp; behold, the bugger took it well!! wah liew.

claire great pictures! matt's looking more handsome eh?!
hello mummies

aargh...i'm so tired...even more so looking at the piles of dirty laundry and all the new clothes waiting to be washed :|

yolk, claire...we went to tokyo first then osaka...on june 2, there was typhoon level 5 warning in tokyo. on our second day in osaka it was super hot...28 degrees...so i think it may be better idea to check out the latest at weather.com or my fave japan resource www.-japan-guide.com

claire...we didn't do much shopping in tokyo cos we din wanna lug everything to osaka...imho osaka is more enjoyable than tokyo including shopping. abt aprica prams, we went to akachan honpo in osaka (din go to tokyo one cos a bit out of the way i think or at least there wasn't anything interesting to do in the vicinity but i did try to find the one at venus family but there wasn't any....argh!) there were lots of drool worthy prams! think most were 30k+ yen and up. very wide range. but dun think there were many lightweight ones if that's what you're looking for (my idea of light is <4kg). i didn't go agnes b or burb blue label cos i'm on a self-imposed bag ban :p uniqlo at osaka had lots of cheap clothes on offer...not sure abt the ones in tokyo...perhaps different campaigns- different stuff had different prices tho. what else...think most of the drugstores offer similar prices for their stuff...really can go broke buying the skincare and cosmetics there :p still trying to recall what else is good to get there...hmmm...let you know when i can remember k?

btw matt is looking so good! so fair and those pink lips...so cute!

yolk...according to japan-guide.com, it's like hot and humid in july with first half having a bit of the rainy season. towards end of july it's summer break...and i reckon it's quite madness- we went to the aquarium at osaka and they were expecting like 3000 students that day :eek: crowdedness aside, the kids were rowdy and it's honestly v annoying.

let me pm you both my recommendations k? oh if you have any other questions, pm me so that i can reply you directly (i tend to miss out stuff here) now i've gotta do the dishes...yes at 2+am and then shower then bed...

catch up with all later...

oh cheok...hang in there babe...i had the same problem before the trip. then veve's appetite seemed to have grown during the trip...she finished as much porridge in a day in japan as she would have had a few days in sg! today for lunch she had like 9 tablespoon full of porridge (one combi bowl full) and one cube of pear and snacked on teddy puffs immediately after...amazing! hmmmm...perhaps a trip to japan or anywhere is in order for stressed up mummy :p

aargh...i need to go but i can't help posting...haha missed this so much :p

jewel...veve's thereabouts ashley's size. actly when we brought veve to the allergy pd, she weighed 7.9kg. 10 days later we brought her to pd for her runny nose and the same weighing machine registered 7.4kg! shockers! 500g to as adults doesn't even register much but for my lil ger, that's like almost 10% weight loss :p the pd suggested i add butter to her porridge to up her calorie intake. i spoke to her allergy pd immediately after who preferred another healthier approach...about the multi-vit the other pd prescribed to up the appetite, she was like if it worked really well it would have been a bestseller :| she suggested giving veve more meals a day...and she believes that a more active child would have greater appetite than a less active child. anyway, i've not started her on the multi-vit cos we're afraid she'll become a starving babe in japan :p i'm gonna start her on 3 solid meals from now- have not been giving her solid breakfast cos she's too sleepy in the mornings. and veve's now really into teddy puffs so hope the snacking can up her appetite.
bedebe, actually ashley's appetite is very good. she has never fussed over food, eats anything and everything that I feed her and she has 3 solid meals a day! So I guess it might boil down to the fact she's hyper active, burns energy faster! :p

Any mummies heading to the baby fair at the Expo??
Wow Dorami! Another contest? Father and son look alike contest? hhhehehe. WIsh you the best!!

Jewel, i am thinking of going today lei in the afternoon to beat the crowd....but im still consdering..
nor, hahaah next time just call keagan..then u dun have to type so much...rose hip is supposed to be good for?

claire, matt's hair seemed really brown or issit the camera? he looks very cute...
oh Matt so handsome! must take pics with wairah when we meet.. heheh..

great! see you on 16 then!

my sis recommended Delrosa rose hip syrup to improve appetite. Rosehips are a good natural source of vitamins A, C and bioflavanoids.
Anyone in Sengkang/Punggol going for the motherhood fair? I would like to stock up on EQ diapers but I would be away for holiday this weekend.

Please PM me if you can help. Thanks! I wanna get 4 packs of L and 4 packs of XL...10bucks only
keagan, Matt has naturally brown hair. Not sure why too when his mummy has jet black hair.

Nor: sure no prob. He will be so flattered.

Hehe flying off tonight. Really excited about it. See you next Thurs then.
Me also let Jayden drink Delrosa rose hip syrup on every alternate days.... HOwever my boy is now on milk war with me... refuse to drink milk, so i am thinking shld i add the delrosa into his milk to encourage him to drink.....

Is EQ diapers good ???? I had never try before lei. $10 per pack is cheap !
The Delrosa Rose Hip Syrup always run out of stock fast in NTUC...so if you see the stocks,must grap at least 2 - 3 bottles home
livvie, you should have posted earlier. I just went to the fair last night to stock up on Huggies. Why don't you try the Sengkang/Punggol mummies thread. Maybe they can help you.


fyi - i read somewhere in the thread that the promotion in ntuc now for huggies ultra is cheaper than going to the fair..

eq diapers suit my children well. absorption is good for day use!
